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Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

The Pistil, Megasporangium and Embryo sac

Very short answer type questions
1. What represents the female gametophyte of ovule?
2. How many megaspore mother cell (s) become (s) differentiated in an ovule?
3. Of the eight nuclei formed in an embryo sac, six become organised into egg apparatus
and synergids
(a) What term is given to the other two nuclei?
(b) Name the cell in which they are present.
4. What is filiform apparatus? What is its role?
5. Name the part of flower which the tassels of corn cob represent.
6. How is fertilization by an incompatible pollen prevented?
Short answer type questions
1. Gynoecium of a flower may be apocarpous or syncarpous. Explain with the help of an
example each.
2. A mature embryo sac of an angiosperm has 7 cells but 8 nuclei. Explain with the help
of diagram.
3. Mention the ploidy of different cells in the embryo sac of an angiosperm.
4. In a flowering plant, a microspore mother cell produces four male gametophytes while
a megaspore mother cell forms only one female gametophyte. Explain.
5. Write about the cellular contents carried by pollen tube. How does a pollen tube get
entry into embryo sac?
6. Even though a pollen grain has two male gametes, why are at least 10 pollen grains not
5 are required to fertilize 10 ovules in a particular carpel?

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