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Beyond Enlightenment

Enlightenment Published and printed by Destiny Books

National Library of Canada Cataloguing in


C, 1953-
BE : Beyond Enlightenment / by C.

ISBN 0-9730043-0-4

1. God. 2. Meditation. I. Title. II. Title: Beyond


BL205.C12 2002 291.2’11 C2002-901282-1

Part one of this book consists of various edited
excerpts, from different talks, retreats and
Claudio is adamant about not copyrighting these presentations that C. gave recently. Most of these
works, for reasons that he hopes will become took place on the West Coast of Canada, where he
self-evident to the reader, once the “message” is resides.
understood. The talks might seem a bit repetitive at first,
but that is the particular style of his teaching.
The main thrust, or “bottom line” as he likes
He can be reached through Destiny Books, at the to call it, is what is important to grasp and he tries
following addresses : to stay very focused on that, throughout his talks.

Claudio, P.O. Box 2509, Sidney, B.C., Canada.

V8L 3Z4 Part two is really a separate little book unto
itself. It was his first published work (1981), under
Or the title of “No-Colour Mind” and has been
slightly revised over the years. In it, C. tries to convey a sense of the state of mind and
understanding that is necessary, in order to sit and
practice meditation.

Spring 2001

( Reviewed and Up-dated Spring 2004 )

Dear Reader,
There is no “new message” in this PART ONE
teaching. The concepts of Harmony, Peace,
Enlightenment, God, etc., have been with mankind
since the beginning; and they have been presented,
explained, pointed to… in countless different ways,
using innumerable teaching methods, throughout
the ages.
The message though - or rather the “GOD IS EVERYTHING”
“bottom line” of the message – is always the
same. It’s only the words, the concepts, the
understanding that changes, from age to age and Questions and Answers
teacher to teacher.
So this message is not “my”
message; it is the same, ageless, one message: It is
about God, Life, Creation.

The only thing that you might find

different is the method or flavour that is used to
present It.
It is my sincerest hope that this
little book will shed some Light, Understanding
and Peace in your Life.

With great affection,

CHAPTER ONE With huge openness. With a big, un-opinionated
mind. Because the implications of this…once the
whole meaning, or understanding of “God is
Location: An evening public talk, held at a Everything” truly sinks in… are life- changing.
library in Victoria, Canada.
I should start by saying that, obviously, we are
limited to using words; and words are poor
interpreters of thoughts; and thoughts are hopelessly
C. Hello everybody. Thanks for coming and inadequate at trying to express what “IT IS” that is
welcome. We’re going to get right down to the aware of thoughts themselves. i.e. this “I”.
“essence” right away and we’ll try to stay as
focused as possible on that and not wander off too So we are using these limited, inadequate words
much. tonight, to try to present a concept , that is used to
describe - and hopefully - point directly towards -
The “essence”, the very “bottom line” in this this ever-present “thing” that we keep calling “I ”.
teaching is this:

Or, in other words, this thing that we call “God” Okay…So God is everything. Everything living
is… EVERYTHING. and non-living. Everything created and not yet
conceived. Everything visible and invisible. In the
Absolutely…Totally…Without exceptions… past, in the present, in the future, etc., etc…In this
dimension and all other dimensions. On this level
EVERY - THING. and all other levels. In this Universe and all other
Galaxies and Universes. Before, during and after
That is to say… they all become manifest…
God is ALL…
There is nothing BUT God.
SOMEONE : I don’t like the word “God”.
ONLY God exists.
C. Pardon me ? Sorry ?
( pause )
GENT: The word “God”…It’s so “religiousy”…Its
We have to look at this very, very deeply. so…
Carefully. With great honesty. With great humility.
C. ( laughing ) …Yes, yes…Of course. It doesn’t Each blade of grass, each grain of sand, etc., etc…
matter. It doesn’t matter what you call “It”. These
are just words. Words that are trying to convey an What else ? Well, this must mean that “God” is also
idea. The idea being… your body. Right ? Your skin, your heart, liver,
stomach, blood cells…
Please try and follow all this. Again, I
Please feel free to use ANY word you like… repeat…these are just words ; please try to
understand the meaning behind them...
Energy… Tao... Life…. Consciousness….
Kingdom of Heaven…. Buddha Nature…. So…What else is included in this concept of “God
Allah…. God…. The Source…. Nirvana… etc., is Everything” ?

Or make up your own word for IT! It doesn’t ( Lady raises her hand )
matter. These are all simply words!!!… that have
been used to TRY to describe the…SAME C. Yes…Please.
LADY: Your mind ?
Let’s cut through all of the different “languages”
and focus on the message that these words are C. Sure!!! Of course! Good. If God is everything,
trying to convey. All right ? then He/She/It is also your mind. Your very
thoughts. The source of all your thoughts. The
GENT: Okay. thoughts themselves…

C. Okay. IT’S ALL GOD.

( Pause ) SOMEONE: ( Inaudible )…

So the word “God” points one towards this “ALL”. GENT: What about so called “bad” thoughts then?
“It”, He, She, The Energy, Consciousness, Etc., is Negative thoughts…
everything that surrounds you and I…RIGHT
NOW ! C. …Those too! No exceptions! So if God is ALL
THERE IS. Including “you” and “I”…and
The stars, the planets, the billions of galaxies. The everyone/everything else in existence. And He is
air you breath; the trees, plants, wildlife, insects… also the very essence of all thoughts, emotions,
Get it ? desires, plans and actions of EVERY-“THING”
and EVERY-“BODY”…Where does this leave Look…What are you “doing” in order to be here
“You” and “I” ? …right this very moment ?

LADY: ( somewhat irritated )…NOWHERE! GENT: What do you mean ?

C. ( laughing )…Good! Or maybe…Everywhere! C. I mean…Are YOU…yourself…actually

needing to make any kind of effort at all, in order to
LADY: So I can have any thought I like and it’s “be”…right here and now ?
okay? Is that what you’re saying?
GENT: I’m breathing…I’m sitting…I’m
C. Who? What? Is having the thought? If it is thinking...
God having the thought…because God is
everything…then what IS this “I” that thinks IT C. You see; Breathing is actually totally
has a good thought or bad thought? automatic, isn’t it ? Can you really say you’re
“doing” it ? It even carries on during dreamless
GENT: The Ego? sleep! No input from “you” at all ! Also… if you
care to notice… the oxygen that is being breathed is
C. Whose ego? The ego is ALSO God. ALSO automatically present! Neither the breathing
nor the oxygen is… in any way at all… an
GENT: Well…I know that “I” am in this room!!! “accomplishment” of “yours”.

C. Yes. Of course. The “I” IS in this room. “I am” Now…Sitting ?… Thinking ?… BEING ? …
in this room…no problem. However… “I am
“Stevie”, or “Bobby”, or “Mary”… in this Again…NO EFFORT… of any kind at all…
room”…BIG problem!
is needed, for all of this to “happen”. Thoughts just
GENT: But I am in this room!!! come and go and there’s simply an “awareness” of
C. The “I AM”, which is Consciousness Itself, is
aware of being in this “room”…which is also GENT: But they are my thoughts…
Consciousness Itself.
C. They are under your control ?
( Consciousness being another name for God. Ed. )
GENT: ( laughing )…Sometimes!
( pause )
C. But not always!!! Why ?
GENT: Sometimes there are too many of LADY: I don’t exist then ??!!
them…or I’m too hyper and…
C: “I” is a manifestation of GOD, under the
C: But they are your thoughts, right ? If they are illusion that it is a separate entity, expressing
“yours”, you should be able to turn them on and off itself.
at will !
And this is where things become supremely
The reality, though, is this…In the exact same way pertinent…
that “you” have absolutely ZERO input and NO
control over the shape or colour of even one single It is the ILLUSION of being SEPARATE…that
strand of hair on your head …in that very same is the source of all suffering.
way…thoughts simply come and go.
When that ILLUSION of separateness finally
Thoughts, like everything else in existence, are evaporates…Peace, Harmony, Compassion,
placed there by God. And the “I AM”, which is Love… are seen everywhere.
forever present, is simply aware of them. That’s
all. GENT : I think I understand what your main thrust
LADY: So I am this “I AM” ?
C. Good !…
C: GOD is the “I AM”, madam. THAT is the
understanding. GENT : …but the obvious question is : How can I
stop the illusion and realize that I am God…???
God ALONE exists.
C. ( Laughing ) No! No! It isn’t that you are God.
God alone is the “I AM”. It is that… Only God Is.

Which we could also refer to as “Consciousness”. God ALONE exists.

“You” is simply just another shape and form of the

LADY: So what is “I” ? Cosmic Itself ( God). Just like a tree is none other
than another shape and form of God. Just like a
C: “I” is…an illusion of separateness…that God fish…a flower.
creates…moment for moment…in order for Life as
we know it, to carry on. All shapes and forms are GOD’S shape and
In other words…God, which is EVERYTHING , We create all this incredible suffering, every
manifests ITSELF in countless billions of different single day of our lives, by simply imagining that
forms…one of which is “you”; “your” thoughts; it is OUR doing.
“your” mind; “your” happiness; “your” suffering.
Understand ? GENT : I’m losing it a little here…I was following
before…but how does this tie into…
GENT : Yes. I’m beginning to have a feeling of
what you’re saying. But that still leaves me with LADY : ( interrupting )…I need to work. I need to
how do I get rid of this illusion of “I” ? get a job. I need to…

C. Yes! Exactly. How does this “I”…that is C. But all these events, if you watch carefully, just
actually just another manifestation of God “happen” ! It’s not that “you” get a job. A job
Itself…realize that it is an illusion and…so to appears. That “job situation” simply appears. It’s all
speak… “wake up” ? Right ? very effortless; very automatic; very…

How does “I” get rid of this illusion of LADY : Why do I get that job then and not
separateness? someone else ?

( pause…laughing… ) C. If you don’t get the job, it is because somebody

else is supposed to have it. No problem. Another
“You” can’t !!! “You” can’t because “you” don’t situation…another job… is in store for you.
really exist.
GENT : You are saying that it is all pre-destined ?
( pause ) That it is destiny who gets the job ?

Look… “You” didn’t do anything to manifest C. Precisely. But much more importantly…I’m
yourself in this Life. You appeared here, in this saying this…
Universe…from God knows where…through your
mother…who also had nothing to do with … That the “you” that applies for the job; and the
it…and… after a few, short years in this Magical, “other” that applies for the job; and the job itself;
Mind-Blowing Cosmos you will…again…without and everybody else at that job; and the building
any input or even a say in the matter !!… “you” within which all these jobs happen…are ALL…
will be off again…God knows where!!! none other than different shapes and forms of…
Your arriving on this planet…your being here…and GOD Expressing ITSELF.
your inevitable departure…Simply “happens”.
In other words…it’s ALL God’s role.
( Pause…Silence…) All along…it was GOD that was looking for God.

God alone exists. He writes the script. He is all the LADY : So I don’t need to do anything…
actors. He acts out the play. He is the audience…the
stage…the props…and…HE ALONE… enjoys C : There never was an “I” !!! Do you see ? This
the show! feeling…This illusion…of a separate “me”…was
simply that…an illusion.
( Pause…Silence…)
An illusion can’t act because it doesn’t exist !
GENT : There remains the question of the illusion
of “I”. All along it was only Consciousness.

C. Quite right. Thank you. Let’s go back to that LADY : Which is God ?
right now.
C. Yes. You can call God “Consciousness” if you
So…all of this is understood. I understand like. No difference. It’s just a word…just a name.
intellectually; deeply; clearly; this concept . This
idea that “God Is Everything”. I understand that So all along…right this very moment…There is
the “I”, the “me”, the “ego”…or whatever you ONLY CONSCIOUSNESS that exists.
want to call it…never actually existed. It was just
another manifestation of God. That the separate “I” And our illusion of being a separate “I”, a
was an illusion all along. separate “me”, is actually just another
manifestation / expression of Consciousness Itself.
So…How do “I” get rid of this illusion ?…and get
to relax ! To let go ! To go home…to the “Source”. GENT : So there never was a “seeker” !
That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it ?
C. Correct ! The path was not “other” than the goal
LADY : That’s the Spiritual Search, right ? all along.
Wanting to re-unite with God…To find Peace.
LADY : I still get the feeling …the desire or
C. Yes ! Exactly ! And the big joke is on us, drive…that “I” need to work towards It somehow.
C. That’s not a problem. IF you understand that the
THERE WAS NOTHING BUT GOD desire or drive is not “your” desire or drive. That it
ALL ALONG! is God’s “desire”. That HE places that drive in
another shape and form of HIS. That the “you” is LADY : I am just a puppet !!!
C. ( laughing ) You could put it that way.
Then there is no problem at all.
LADY : A puppet that thinks it actually exists.

C. Yes.
Let the desire come…you have no choice anyway !.
and let the desire go…again , you have no choice. It LADY : When will the illusion end?
comes and goes by the Grace of God’s Will Alone.
C. Exactly when God wills it ! The illusion of
And All is Well. separateness ; of suffering; of not being “home”..
Will end exactly the same way it began…
LADY : I don’t need to meditate then ? To pray ?
To be good ? When GOD wills it.

C. If “you” meditate, it is actually just meditation LADY : I will be enlightened when God wills it?
that “happens”. Prayer happens in “you” if that is
“your” destiny. Being good will also simply, C. No ! When God wills it, the illusion of a
effortlessly take place, if it is meant to be. And all separate “I” will totally disappear and only God
of this, will or will not happen…absolutely will remain.
automatically. With NO EFFORT on “your” part,
because…again… “You” is an illusion. ( pause…)

LADY : So I don’t have my own will? You see… “Enlightenment” is simply this…

C. You don’t have your own will because a The awareness that ONLY GOD has ever
separate, individual “You” never existed. existed.

That is the message here. The concept here is That is enlightenment. The question of
that only God exists…He is EVERYTHING. enlightenment itself is finally dropped completely!

There is only God’s will…That He places in this Enlightenment…which can only happen by the
manifestation of Himself…that “you” mistakenly Grace of God…is when the illusion of a separate
call “you”. “I” completely dissolves…and there remains
ONLY the…
ORIGINAL COSMIC ESSENCE suffering. THAT is the understanding. It’s God’s
GENT : When I am here, I can feel all of this. I
understand it. I see it clearly. My illusion of The CLEAR realization of this, is referred to as
separateness does dissolve. But later on…outside… Enlightenment…Liberation…Peace.

C. Yes. No problem. You see… “you” are here May we please be quiet and still for a few minutes?
because it is God’s will. “I” am speaking because Let us Let Go and Let God for a few moments.
“I” can’t help it. It is ALL God’s will. God’s
actions. No problem. In the next moment, no one ( silence for 20 minutes )
can know what will happen. Again…No problem.
C. Thank you all for coming.
Whatever happens will be God…The
Totality…The Tao…The Universe… simply
carrying on…with IT’S role.

There is NO OPTION but to watch it happen.

Maybe a meteor will come through the library’s

roof ! Right now ! It could happen…and everything
changes. No problem. God constantly changes and
re-arranges the billions of different shapes, forms
and manifestations of Himself. One minute as a
seeker listening to a concept of God…The next
moment as a cosmic explosion !

GENT : So all I have to do is to completely “let

go” ?

C. Yes. But you have to clearly see that even the

letting go is not in your control. Do you understand?
If “letting go”, or “surrendering”, or “accepting”, or
“just being”…is to happen to “you”, then God will
make it so. If God won’t “let go” in “you”, then
suffering will continue. But it’s not YOUR
CHAPTER TWO So it’s only natural to assume that they are all
talking about different subjects. After all…each
religion, each philosophy, each school of thought
Location : Wednesday evening, in a “Spiritual has it’s’ own terminology. It’s own vocabulary. It’s
Bookstore”. Vancouver Island, Canada. own way of expressing things. It could get
confusing !

C. Thank you all for coming out this evening. It’s ( laughter…)
not the best of weathers and I appreciate your effort.
But it’s so terribly important to understand that
I’ve got some good news and some bad news… even though the message might be presented in
totally different ways…the fundamental Core,
( laughter… ) Subject, or Truth, is exactly the same in all of
Actually…it’s good news, bad news and then some
great news. So please don’t worry ! They are all pointing towards the same
Fundamental Source. And this Source or Truth is
( more laughter… ) IMPOSSIBLE to express in words, because of It’s
very Nature.
Okay. The good news is this…
So one is reduced to presenting the Truth in the
AT ALL TIMES there is nothing other than form of different Metaphors, Similies…Concepts.
One-ness, Harmony, Perfection and Peace. And there are so many different concepts that are
used to TRY to convey, or “point one towards”, this
The bad news… is that most people don’t see It. Ever-Present, Boundless, Universal Presence for
which one stumbles for words in an effort to try to
The GREAT news…is that…IT DOESN’T express.
Which is the “right” word ? God ? Reality ?
LADY : ( a long, drawn out “Ohhhh”!!! ) Heaven ? Nirvana… Buddha Nature...Allah…
Peace…Tao…Consciousness…Brahman ???
C. This is a “Spiritual” bookstore. There are so
many books here that, at first, it might seem that But no matter which words are used, they all boil
they are presenting different messages. There is the down to this…
Christian section. The Hindu section. The Buddhist,
Taoist, Muslim section, etc., etc.. That this “Thing” called God is...
EVERYTHING. ( pause )

( pause ) Okay. So the word “God” refers to…

Please listen carefully… EVERYTHING.

The whole thrust, the whole concept or message, The Universes, the Galaxies, the stars, the Whole
from all the Teachers in the past is simply this… Cosmos. All that is beyond the Cosmos as well.
“THAT” within which the Cosmos exists. All that
THAT GOD IS EVERYTHING. that was before the Cosmos. Everything that will
come after…
ALL OF “LIFE”…The oceans…the billions of
THAT GOD ALONE EXISTS. fish species…the jungles…the mountains and
desserts. In this world and in all other worlds…
GOD. God is ALL this.

That everything is surrounded by…immersed Right NOW ! Right THIS MOMENT !

in…covered in…totally saturated with…is made
up off…and consists off…ONLY GOD. All the good. All the bad.
All the saints and all the Hitlers.
All the joy and all the suffering.
Absolutely everything – within you…without All the “you”s and all the “I”s.
you…and everything in-between…is none other All the visible and all the invisible.
than God Alone.
ALL OF IT…is simply a manifestation of …GOD.
Again, I repeat ; we use the word “God” because it
conveys a good enough sense of understanding in ( pause )
our English speaking, Western way of thinking. We
could just as easily substitute words such as “Tao”, Are there any questions, please ?
“Buddha”, “Brahman”, etc., but that would
necessitate us having to learn a whole different ( Silence. Some murmuring…)
“language”, “religion” or “philosophy”, in order to
resonate with essentially the same thing. So please C. Yes, madam. Please go ahead.
let’s keep it as simple and as direct as possible.
LADY : I am also God then ? LADY : Religion. Spirituality. Truth.

C. “You” are just another shape and form of the C. Yes.

One. Of the Source. “You” is simply another one
of un-countable zillions of unique expressions of LADY : So I try to attend different
the Lord Itself. lectures…talks…workshops…in order to
understand more clearly.
LADY : So I am not God ?
C. When did the interest in such things first arise?
C. It’s not that you are, or that you are not God. How long has this search been going on?
The understanding is that…ONLY God IS. God
ALONE exists. LADY : ( laughing…) It seems like forever!!!

LADY : But my mind…my brain…my ego…they C. Yes ! Precisely. Most people say the same
all tell me that I exist ! I am in this bookstore. thing. This desire, this yearning, this passion seems
Right? to have always been there. Right?

C. God …in the form of different people…one of LADY : Yes.

which is “you”…is in this “bookstore”…which is
also only another shape and form of God Itself. C. So it’s not something that you could say “you”
LADY : I can understand that God is Everything.
But I am having trouble seeing where the “I” or LADY : ( pause…) No.
“Me” fits into all of this.
C. So “something” , let’s say “within” you,
C. Okay…Let’s go slowly. Maybe we could talk initiated it. The original desire, the thought, the
specifically about you ? Would that be okay ? willpower to seek, to search…all that came from
deep within…Right?
LADY : Sure.
LADY : Yes.
C. Why are you here tonight? What brings you
here? C. My message here tonight…and all other
nights…is this…
LADY : I’m interested in these things.
That because absolutely everything is God…
C. What things ? Including “you”…including “your” thoughts…
“your” desires, “your” will. Because the whole of it C. Didn’t Shakespear say that ?
ALL is ACTUALLY none other than God. Then
that which you thought was doing the seeking, was ( laughter…)
never you at all! It was God alone.
Yes ! In fact…You are such a gifted and talented
GOD was / is looking for God. actor ( because God is doing all the acting ! ) that
you’ve even convinced yourself that you are real !!
( pause )
( laughter )
LADY : Not me ?
You see. It is God who manifests Himself as “you”.
C. God alone exists. He programs in all your DNA, all your thoughts, all
your desires, wants, needs, preferences, illusions.
LADY : So this “I” within… One of them being this illusion of an “I” existing
separately from God.
C. Is a mirage. Which is also created by God !
Which is witnessed only by God. Which goes on GENT : Okay. I think I understand what you are
doing whatever it is destined to do…think, feel, saying. But frankly I don’t see the point in any of
act…by the Grace of God alone. this ?

It’s like this : God alone exists. He writes the play C. The point is this :
called Life. He manifests HIMSELF into all the
different props, locations and… of course… THE END OF SUFFERING.
ACTORS… ( like “you” and “me” ) .
He manifests HIMSELF into an audience. HE then When you truly understand this concept clearly.
acts out each and every part . HE then watches When you truly see that ALL things spring up
HIMSELF doing it all…and then wraps it all up FROM and are an expression OF this…
when it’s all over. And then…maybe…starts up
another whole new play again. Who knows ? ONE SOURCE ONE ENERGY
GENT : ( Inaudible )
When you really understand that it is all ONE
C. Sorry, Sir. Could you speak up, please ?
An Infinite…Boundless…Seamless…
GENT : So I am just an actor in a play ?
That “THAT” is all that is going on…moment for Let us “Let Go and Let God” right now.
moment… Let us relax and expand into His Vast Immensity.

THEN there is a Total, Complete, “Coming No more questions…No more answers

Home”. An Un-shakeable Peace. A feeling of
Harmony and Connectedness…that cannot be Just God.
explained in words.
( Silence for 20 minutes )
GENT : Enlightenment !
C. Thank you, everyone.
C. Yes ! But you have to be very careful here…
It’s not “YOUR” enlightenment. LADY : Sometimes I become very quiet inside. I
become very…very big…
Realizing that a separate “I” never existed. That it
was all C. Yes.

NOTHING BUT GOD LADY : Bigger than “big”, really…

Moment for Moment, all along… C. Boundless…

LADY : Yes. Yes. Just like that. Boundless…

When the illusion of a “you” is finally, completely
and totally dropped…THEN enlightenment is there C. No boundaries. Beautiful ! That is the way it is !
by simple default. Isn’t it ? How can it be otherwise ? If God is
everything, then there can be no boundaries! No
LADY : I don’t need to search anymore ! divisions. No borders…frontiers…limitations.
Things that appeared to be separate when the
C. When God wills the search to end, it will end. illusion of “I” was there, are now perceived as a…
No problem. It’s not “you” searching. You have no
say or choice in any of it. So you might as well… ONE HARMONIOUS SEAMLESS INFINITE
TOTALLY let go…relax and surrender.
When there is the clear Realization that God alone
But remember ; you will be able to “let go” and exists, the illusionary boundaries separating “you”
“relax” only if God wills it. from God, simply don’t exist anymore.
LADY : I feel so peaceful now. So lucky…So This whole understanding brings one to the stage
grateful… ( starts to weep softly ). of letting go…COMPLETELY .

C. If the feeling of Oneness is there…Beautiful. No When the illusion of “I” is dropped completely.
problem. God makes it so. When there is no more “I” and “other”…and there
remains only this Infinite, Eternal, Boundless,
If the feeling is replaced by suffering, angst, feeling Seamless…WHOLE…this GOD.
of separateness…Beautiful. No problem. God
makes it so. Then THAT is enlightenment.

IT’S ALL GOD THAT is freedom.

That is the realization here. THAT is Peace.

LADY : ( Still crying )…Yes… GOD returning to GOD…is Enlightenment.

C. I am very happy for you. The assumption of an “I” being enlightened would
simply never arise.
GENT : So enlightenment does exist then ?
( Silence…Long pause…)
C. In the absolute sense…No ! Bummer , eh ?
GENT : Thank you very much.
( laughter )
C. Thank you. Thank you all for coming.
You see…When we talk about enlightenment, it
immediately re-enforces the illusion of some “me”
or “I”, that is going to attain or experience this
enlightenment. Right ? But when we realize clearly,
deeply, that all there is …is GOD…Then where is
this “I” that can be enlightened ?

The Understanding ( which is arrived at only by the

Grace of God ) that only God exists. The
realization that even the “I” was an illusion. That
this illusion of a separate “I” was also the will of
CHAPTER THREE coming back.

You don’t know why, simply because it’s not your

Location : A group get-together, at a Friend’s doing ! Because neither the old ways, nor the new
home. Victoria, B.C. ways, are your ways ! They are all God’s ways.

( pause )
C. Good morning everyone. May we start with ten
minutes of silence, please ? Let’s go slowly, here. Let’s stay very focused on the
main message…i.e. That God alone, is absolutely
( ten minutes pass…) Everything , at all times. Okay ?

C. Hello. Are there any questions, please ? GENT : Okay.

GENT : When I am here…in this setting…I find C. Part of that “everything”, is this physical
myself being unusually calm and peaceful. I can see manifestation called “you”. God manifests Himself
and understand the message you present, quite in billions of different forms. “You” being merely
clearly… “one” of them. This unique, one-of-a-kind
“you”…thinks, behaves and acts…according to the
C. Yes. way it has been programmed , to think, behave and
GENT : And this might last for a while, but then
the old ways… Or…in other words…GOD thinks, behaves and
acts, in a certain way, as HE expresses HIMSELF
C. The old ways keep coming back. Right ? in this form, that you call “I”.

GENT : Yes. It’s frustrating…Because I don’t even Now…Sometimes… He introduces a thought, an

know why… awareness, a Realization… of Stillness…
Understanding…PEACE. The “new ways”, in
C. Exactly ! You don’t know why ! And this “not other words. Which is fine. Great.
knowing”…if you can understand the reason for
it…can set you free ! And sometimes He re- introduces thoughts of
confusion, separateness, suffering…The “old
( pause ) ways”... WHICH IS ALSO FINE…IF you truly
understand the concept that it is GOD that is
Okay…So you don’t know why the old ways keep
thinking, doing and experiencing EVERYTHING, Do you see ? Both the suffering and the
moment for moment. enlightenment, are God’s business ALONE.

GENT : Sometimes I understand all this…right The Realization of this… sets this “you” free.
now for example. I can see it clearly. But I just
know that it… LADY : Or not !

C. Yes, yes…that it will go away. The clarity goes C. EXACTLY ! Free or not ! No difference. No
away. And you want to know how “you” can hold problem.
on to this Understanding , this Peace ? Right ?
( pause )
GENT : Yes. Of course. How can I…
We have to understand this point very, very,
C. You can’t ! You can’t. Because this “you” is clearly , because it’s crucial.
a mirage!
( pause )
In this concept…and I repeat again and again , that
all this is just a concept… A way of pointing Again. I repeat. “You” will understand all of this IF
towards …a certain Realization… GOD wills it. Only God can will it, because HE is
In this concept… “you” don’t exist. The ONLY
reality that actually exists…is God. When God decides to bring Illumination or
Enlightenment…to a particular form of His…then
Which means that sometimes God appears as an it will be so.
idea in “your” head, that “you” are separate; that
“you” are a seeker; a sufferer; etc., etc…And you “ Enlightenment ” being …
have no control over that input.
The spontaneous Realization that ONLY GOD
OR… is.

…Sometimes…God totally clears the mind; That only God ever existed and that all
eliminates all illusion of “I”, “other”… and all other concepts, ideas and beliefs of a separate “I” or
imaginings of separation…and all that remains “me” were simply illusions…that God Himself
behind is pure, limitless Cosmic Essence. created…

In other words ; Only God can make you feel lost ; ( After a long Silence…)
and only God can take away the illusion of a “you”,
that believes in this or that. LADY : Is it good to attend talks such as these ?

( Pause. Long Silence…) C. There is no choice ! So sure ! Why not ?

GENT : So there’s no point in “seeking” ? I don’t LADY : Do you have any choice in giving these
need to try ? talks or not ?

C. There’s absolutely no choice. That is the C. Thank you for asking! ( Laughing…) NO ! Of
Realization. course not! That’s the whole Message ! The
whole point ! It’s God’s will. Tomorrow
What is It ??… that is seeking ? Not “you” ! So everything could change !
GENT : You don’t know what’s going to happen
“You”, have no control over any of it ; at any time. tomorrow ?

If God wills it, enlightenment is sought. We can C. Of course not ! But I do know that
call this “Destiny”. If it is your destiny to be a tomorrow…just like today and yesterday…the only
seeker, you will seek. If it is your destiny to actions that will occur will be God’s actions.
meditate, then you must meditate. If you have been
programmed to chase money, fame, drugs…then If it is God’s will that tomorrow His presence will
that is exactly what will “happen”… effortlessly, be pronounced…or not…in this form of His ( C.
naturally, automatically. There is no choice other points to his own body )…that is completely up to
than to proceed with that. Him.

IT’S NOT YOU !! Tomorrow, this ( pointing to his own body again )
could turn into a raving madman ; or could get hit
If you let go of the illusion of a separate you. If by a car ; or could commit suicide. It is all God’s
you Realize that God is…absolutely… will. His actions. Do you see ? It’s God’s play. His
LADY : Does it help to have a Teacher ? A Guru ?
Then suffering comes to an end.
C. It could mean that things are “progressing”…
Let’s sit quietly for a few minutes. and these are just words now…in a positive
fashion. But not always ! Only God knows the C. Please go slowly here…
ending of every script.
We have to be very careful when trying to
LADY : But what I mean is…Even though we understand the Guru concept.
really have no choice…Is it a good thing to have a
Teacher or Guru ? ULTIMATELY…the Guru IS God. JUST LIKE
the student is ALSO God. Just like each and every
C. You see…the Guru thing is mostly an Eastern blade of grass…is none other than God Alone.
concept. To have a spiritual Master…or Guru…is
mostly an Indian thing. And like all concepts, it can One hundred percent…completely…Totally.
work very well…or not…depending on the
understanding of it all…by both the Guru and the NOTHING BUT GOD EVER EXISTS.
( pause )
GENT : Could you talk about that a little, please ?
What makes the Guru “different”, is that the
C. Sure… Realization of One-Ness is more present in the
“Guru” manifestation of God…And not quite there,
First of all, we have to CLEARLY ESTABLISH in the “student” manifestation of God.
But please remember ; that ultimately…there is
The Guru…just like the student…doesn’t absolutely NO DIFFERENCE between the two.
actually exist.
LADY : Does the Guru think of himself as God ?
Remember…God ALONE exists.
C. The thought would never arise…simply because
The only difference between the two (the Guru and the Guru is living the reality that ONLY God
the Student), is that in the Guru, there is…to a lesser exists.
or greater degree…an Understanding or
Realization of that Fact. From the Guru “point of view”…there IS no Guru
In other words ; The Guru lives the Reality that
ONLY God exists. There is no “Guru” point of view.

GENT : Are you saying that the Guru is God ? The Guru realizes that any thoughts, desires,
actions…that come and go within his/her “form” or
“body”…are just different shapes and forms of God So the Guru is in a position to talk about, to point
morphing into and out of Himself Alone. towards… this Reality…this Very Essence of All
GENT : So the Guru is not “ God Himself ” ?
GENT : Are the images on the screen real ?
C. Only GOD is God !!!
And the Guru…by the Grace Of God…is a C. They are real images. Only images. The solid,
manifestation of that Truth. never changing Reality…is the Screen. The
Now… “Screen” being GOD.
( pause…)
GENT : So where do the images come from ?
That “Truth”… carries with it a certain kind
of…Perhaps we could call it… “Presence” or C. Oh no!! ( laughing ) We’re getting lost in
“Resonance”. Which certain seekers will confusing metaphors. It’s my fault. Sorry.
harmonize with…and others will not . Depending
on the Guru and depending on the seeker. Okay…Let’s say it’s like this …

( pause ) All the images emanate from the projector…which

is God. Which is showing a movie that is
You see; from the “Guru’s” perspective…it’s all a conceived, written, produced and acted out, by
movie. All the numberless scripts, actors, God.
props…that make up this incredible movie called
“Life” are, to the Guru, only images on a screen. All the props…all the actors…
The “screen” being the only real, unchanging
Reality that is actually present. The screen being ALL OF THE ABOVE
…the projector, the images, the screen, the
And the Guru…by the Grace of God alone… audience ( “you” and “I” )…Are ALL just
knows that he himself, is just another image on the different shapes and forms of GOD.
screen. He sees the movie going on. He’s aware of
all the images as being just images ; and…by the Look…( laughing ) Let’s drop the “movie” thing…
Grace of God…is aware of “ THAT ” which It’s too Hollywoody…
underlies all these images of Life. “ THAT ”, of
course, being God. But please don’t forget…Only GOD can receive an
Oscar !
( laughter ) LADY : But how do I know if the Guru is…is not
LADY : To get back to the Guru issue…
C. Fake ! ( laughing )
C. Yes.
LADY : Yes. I mean…anybody can give a talk…a
LADY : You are saying that it’s good to have a workshop…
Guru ?
C. You can tell by your level of quietness, serenity.
C. I am saying…firstly… that whether you have a By the peace of mind, that is experienced in his/her
Guru or not…that’s perfectly okay. If you are to presence. That’s all. If Peace, clarity, insight happen
have a Guru, it will effortlessly, simply happen. If in the Guru’s presence…that’s a positive indication.
it is not in your destiny to have a Guru, it simply
and effortlessly will not occur. If and when it If, on the other hand, you are just sitting there…,
happens, you will know it. getting more and more confused, hyper and
irritated…then it’s time for you to move on. He or
Secondly…and this is very, very important…This she is not the Teacher for you.
is the whole point…
But even these are not hard and fast rules !
…There is NO DIFFERENCE between “you” Sometimes a total shake-up is exactly what is
and the “Guru”. needed ! ( laughing )

Both of you are simply manifestations of God. ( long pause… )

Once this is understood…All seeking ends. Just a few more words on all this and then we’ll
wrap it up…
Because this insight dissolves the seeker. Both the
illusion of a “Guru” and the illusion of a “Seeker”, Here in the Western world, words like Guru and
simply evaporate into the reality of Oneness. Disciple are so very, very heavily loaded with
preconceptions and misconceptions. It’s almost
Now…IF the Guru understands and lives this impossible for a Westerner to really grasp and use
reality…then it might be beneficial to hang around the Guru concept without getting lost in it. It’s far
him/her for a while…in order for this Realization to more freeing here to use words such as “Teacher”
become ever more deeper and clearer. and “Student”.
The bottom line is this : If you are interested in C. No problem ! You want another Mathematics
Mathematics, you could study it in a variety of lesson ! ( laughter ) It would be my great pleasure
ways: You could buy a bunch of books and go it to give it.
alone. You could ask a neighbour or friend, who
studied Maths, once upon a time, for pointers. And Thank you all very much for coming.
any of these ways might be enough to satisfy your
appetite for the subject. But if…because of God’s
programming in you…you want to get a clear
insight into E=Mc2 …then it would be best to seek
out a University Mathematics professor .
Somebody who lives and breathes Mathematics !
Maths is literally his/her make-up.

Now…IF that professor and you “hit it off”. IF

there is an understanding… a resonance… a
communion … between the two of you…then
he/she is the “ONE”…

THE Maths master for you.

And all of this will happen only strictly according

to God’s will ! Because…again…You, the Maths
teacher, the Guru, the whole Cosmos…are nothing
other than God expressing Himself in some of HIS
infinite forms.
God creates Himself into a Teacher, and creates
Himself into a Student. And in that way…
Life goes on.

GENT : One last question, please ?

C . Sure.

GENT : I feel very strongly that I want to come

back and hear you talk again, that…
CHAPTER FOUR C. It’s an important question and… fortunately…
the answer is very simple :

Location : Evening get-together, at a Friend’s You think and act the way you do, because God
home in Victoria, B.C. creates it so. You have absolutely no choice at all
in acting in any other fashion !

C. Hello everyone. Could we have ten minutes of The thought that you have any say in the matter, is
silence together, please ? misguided. The idea that you have a “will”, is an
illusion. How so? Because God is EVERYTHING.
Thank you very much. Any questions ? God is “your” body. God is “your” mind. God is
“your” thoughts. And God alone carries out all of
LADY : This morning you were emphasizing the “your” actions. There never was a separate “you”
idea that God is everything, including our will and in the first place.
our thoughts themselves.
So…if you think that you have an option to think
C. Yes. or act in a particular manner…Please TRY and do
so !
LADY : What bothers me, of course, is that that
implies that I can go ahead and act absolutely any You’ll find that if you haven’t been programmed by
which way I want and it’s all okay ! Because it isn’t God to be a thief, a killer, a lunatic…you simply
really me, right ? I can steal…and lie…and… WILL NOT BE ABLE to think or act in that
particular way !
C. Okay. You are asking…What about morals ?
What about personal responsibility ? What about If God hasn’t programmed in you the ability to hurt
personal responsible actions ? How should one act? another living being ; If those “genes” aren’t part of
the make-up HE created “you” with ; If that isn’t
LADY : Yes. Obviously. I mean…if it’s not “me” part of your Destiny…then “you” will be
doing anything. If they are not “my” thoughts ; INCAPABLE of carrying out those types of
why bother working for a living ? Why not… actions.

C. Sure ! Why not just rob banks ? Why not rape GENT : So Hitler was innocent !!!
and pillage on Friday nights ? ( laughing )
C. There was no Hitler ! THAT is the
LADY : Yes. understanding here. “Hitler” was just another
manifestation of Life …of Creation…of God.
God took the form of “Hitler” and inflicted an …was/is simply a manifestation of the Infinite or
enormous amount of pain and suffering on millions God.
of other different shapes/forms/manifestations of…
HIMSELF. Understanding this clearly…brings an end to
GENT : ( Disgusted ) It sounds so heartless…so
cruel…So stupid ! What’s the point ? LADY : But wars are still happening ! People will
still suffer !
C : The problem is this…
C. Suffering itself , will still be there. But people
We don’t see the WHOLE picture ! themselves , if the understanding is there, would
not suffer PERSONALLY.
There is absolutely no way of knowing how or
why this Boundless, Infinite Universe is playing Suffering would still be there, but it wouldn’t be
Itself out. We are just the teeniest, tiniest specs of THEIR suffering.
illusion, floating around this…literally…Infinite
Mind of God. Let’s put it this way : From an average person’s
point of view… “He” lives… “He” suffers… “He”
We do not have the capacity to judge. dies.
Me ! Me ! Me !
LADY : But why all the suffering ?
From a sages point of view…
C. For Life, as we know it, to carry on ! There is
“Good” because there is “Bad”. There is “Pleasure” Only GOD lives…only GOD suffers…only GOD
because there is “Pain”. There is “I” because there dies.
is “Other”. There is “Joy” because there is
“Sorrow”…i.e. There is Life. GENT : There is no suffering for a sage?

The Sum Total of it ALL…is GOD. C. There is no SAGE for a sage ! There is ONLY
LADY : So Hitler then…?
To a sage, suffering is something that happens
C. So Hitler…just like Jesus…just like within God’s OWN Essence.
Stalin…just Buddha…just like YOU and I…just
In other words…The Realization is there that only And if God has not programmed “you” to behave in
God exists. There IS no “sage” to experience a gentle fashion, you’ll carry on driving like a
suffering…or anything else for that matter. maniac in traffic…giving everybody the
finger…Because “you” can’t help it. Because ALL
ALL events are created by…and experienced by… actions are God’s actions…And sometimes HE
likes to drive really irresponsibly !
( Laughter )
If only God exists…What is this “you” that is
suffering? LADY : So reading inspiring books…reading
about spiritual things…
LADY : I think I see what you’re pointing at. So
my original question, of whether I should act C. Is great ! No problem ! All that will happen, if
responsibly or not…is irrelevant ? God wills it. “You” can take no credit for any of it.
The thought, “I want to do good”, is placed there by
C. Yes. You can simply go on acting exactly the God. It just appears. And that might lead to
same way that “you” have always acted. Why ? studying books that inspire. And that might lead to
Because you have never had the choice to act in good deeds…IF that is what GOD has in mind. Not
any other way ! Because that is the way God has you. “You” cannot create a thought. “You” can
programmed Himself to act, in this form of HIS , only receive them. They simply come and go. And
which you mistakenly think of as “yours”. the body/mind effortlessly and spontaneously reacts
to them.
In other words ; You can carry on living AS IF you
have a choice. AS IF you exist. But actually We cannot create a thought in the very same way
knowing that it is ALL nothing but God. that we can’t “create” our next breath. Our next
heart-beat. One single hair on the body.
God’s Being. God’s Will. God’s Actions.
If you watch closely, you’ll notice that
GENT : I just want to make sure that I’m getting
this concept exactly right. So if I can’t help acting EVERYTHING…INCLUDING “I”
“bad”…because it’s actually God that is the
“Doer”…then I also can’t force myself to be …is ALREADY effortlessly here.
This ties in very simply with the main concept…
C. Right ! Exactly right. If it is God’s will, God
will perform “good” deeds through “your” body. That only ONE THING exists.
One…Universal…All-Encompassing… CHAPTER FIVE

Location : Morning get-together, at a Friend’s
WHOLE home, Victoria.

And ANY feeling of separateness…

C. Good morning everyone. Could we have twenty
“I”… “Me”… “It”… “Other”… etc.. minutes of silence, please ?

Is simply an illusion… Thank you.

Which is ALSO a facet of the Whole. I’d like to go over the main theme that we discussed
last night. The main theme being…

The absolute, very bottom line… ? ONENESS and all that it implies.

GOD ALONE EXISTS Please do try and stay on this concept, because it’s
so easy to get side-tracked into other issues and
So don’t worry…Be Happy ! concepts ; and that will only confuse the
( Laughter )
( pause )
Thank you all for coming.
Okay…So the main theme is simply this :
That only God actually exists.

Absolutely Everything in creation is none other

than a different expression of the One, Indivisible,
Seamless WHOLE .

This includes not only your physical body, but also

your innermost desires, feelings, emotions, etc.,
etc.. All your fears and joys. All your
thoughts…good or bad. They are ALL constantly
emerging from and being lived by, this Cosmic
Essence, that we are using the word “God”, to C. So… What exactly is it ?…Right at this
describe. moment…That is realizing this ?

GENT : I just spent the better part of twenty years, ( a long pause…silence )
looking for some kind of “Truth”.
C. Yes! You see! That’s the correct understanding!
C. Yes.
When one really understands ; Clearly. Deeply.
GENT : I’ve practiced just about every type of Totally…This concept of Oneness. That ALL there
spiritual discipline that exists… is, is God. That God is All in All. Then the “ego” or
“I”, completely loses it’s “reality”. There is no
C. Yes. more ; “I am Johnny”, or “I am Suzie”. There
remains only an un-spoken sense of “I AM”. And
GENT : And now I feel that it has all just this “I AM” is realized to be impersonal. It is
vanished…I mean…Totally !…Completely ! I absolutely BOUNDLESS. INFINITE . Totally and
don’t have the slightest interest in any of it right completely un-graspable by anything other than It’s
now. I just feel… own Self. This “I AM” is pure Consciousness or
God. This “I AM” Consciousness is exactly the
C. Peaceful. same in… every “body”… and… every “thing”.

GENT : Yes…Even “peaceful” doesn’t really Because it IS everybody

describe it. I feel completely…Empty ! As if…
And everything
C. As if “you” doesn’t exist anymore…
GENT : ( very softly ) Yes…just like that…
All at the same time…
C. Like there is Infinity in all directions.
GENT : Yes.
LADY : So I am this Consciousness then ?
C. And no actual centre.
C. Only the “I AM” is this Consciousness. There
GENT : Yes ! Like that ! No centre at all. IS no separate , individual , personal , “you” at
“I AM” is spontaneously present everywhere…at ONLY God has ever existed…EVER …
the same time…in all of Existence.
THAT…is “Enlightenment”.
“I AM” is that Conscious Awareness that we use
the word “God” to describe. LADY : Does this take practice ? Should I
continue meditating or…
When the “you”, the “ego” is present…then the “I
AM”, the WHOLE , the UNIVERSAL…seems C. “You” have no choice in any of it. That is the
hidden. understanding. It is all just GOD happening. If He
wants “you” to meditate…if that’s the role that He
When there is a complete and total letting go . is going to act out in “you”…then you will
When the illusion of a separate, personal meditate.
individual “I”, is dropped …
People that meditate, do so because they have to!
THE WHOLE COSMIC ESSENCE They can claim no credit.
It is GOD that is meditating.
And it is seen everywhere because it IS
“everywhere”…It IS… “EVERY THING”. A banana has absolutely no choice , other than to be
a banana.
LADY : So enlightenment is when I can see or
feel… LADY : But you say that it is good to meditate ?

C. NO ! Enlightenment is the Realization that C. All actions are “good” ! It is God that performs
there IS… NO “YOU” ! all deeds…So all deeds are good !

No separate “you”, to experience…or I repeat…

THAT… is “Enlightenment” !
When this is clearly realized…There is no more
When the personal, illusory, separate “you”… “I” to ask such questions.
Completely and utterly dissolves into the Whole,
Cosmic, Seamless, Omni-Present Reality called GENT : I have never felt the need to meditate.
GOD. When there is the final, clear, spontaneous There has never been any interest in that…
understanding that…
C. That’s perfectly okay ! Perfectly okay. Any then it’s all a waste of time. It’s simply just re-
“personal” need or desire is actually God’s need or enforcing the illusion of this separate “I”.
desire. If you can understand that , then you will
immediately and spontaneously express the reality LADY : But the “I” is searching for enlightenment?
of meditation…Which is to say…ONENESS .
C. GOD is searching for enlightenment ! THAT
LADY : What about the spiritual powers…the Is the understanding.
psychic powers…that you develop through
meditation…? God is EVERY-THING . If enlightenment is to
happen in this particular manifestation, or “form” of
C. WHAT “YOU” ? WHICH “YOU” ? GOD…then ALL illusions of separateness, of
WHOSE powers ? personal “I”-ness, of “Me”-ness…absolutely and
You see ? It’s so easy to lose track of the big
picture ! There is only God. There IS no…”you”. GENT : It’s so simple ! ( laughing ) I realize now
God is ALL there is. The idea of a separate “me” that “I” never spent twenty years seeking anything !
that is…or is not…meditating…Is simply an It’s a big joke ! ( laughing out loud ) I’m so…
illusion… relieved !!!

GENT : An illusion created by God ! The illusion C. ( laughing ) Yes ! And if it’s God’s will that
itself is ALSO God …! “you” spends another twenty years, under the
illusion of an “I” seeking…No problem ! Because
C. EXACTLY ! OF COURSE ! it would simply be His doing…Not yours .
I hope that I’m explaining it in a clear fashion ?
The idea of a separate “I”, that thinks “IT” is
meditating, is an illusion…created by God. GENT : Yes, yes. It’s very, very clear right now.
Now I can…
Therefore we say…If you wish to meditate…or
not…that is perfectly okay …IF you have a clear C. Now…”you” can carry on doing whatever “it”
understanding that it is ALL happening according wants to…KNOWING that it is ALWAYS…
to…GOD’S will. It is God who decides to meditate
or not, within this body of HIS , that “you” ONLY GOD THAT IS THE DOER .
mistakenly identify as … “yours”.
GENT : Thank you so very much.
If you practice meditation…or anything else for
that matter … thinking that “you” are the doer ; C. Thank you, everyone.
CHAPTER SIX What does this mean ? It means that, all of a
sudden, in that particular person, there is a desire of
wanting to “relax” or “let go”.
Location : Evening get-together. Same home.
Now… “Let Go” of what, exactly ?

C. Good evening everyone. Before we have a few LADY : One’s problems…

minutes of silence, I’d like to say a few words about
“Meditation”. We are going to be looking at the GENT : One’s suffering…One’s delusions…
whole concept of meditation a little more closely in
the next three days, because it’s very important to GENT : One’s “seeking”…
have a clear understanding of what it’s all about.
C. Yes. It’s all of these things. But what the person
( pause ) really wants to let go off are his CONCEPTS of
himself…and subsequently to realize the
First and foremost, the “meditation” concept can REALITY of his SELF.
only be really understood within the “God is
everything’ context. That is to say ; We already In other words, the seeker has a burning desire to
understand that Only God Exists. That every thing cut through all of the illusions of what he imagines
is an expression, or manifestation of God . himself to be…and to re-recognize his actual True
Including our thoughts and our desires…One of Nature.
which might be the desire to meditate…or not.
The natural desire…sooner or later…is for one to
In other words… drop one’s illusion of a “me” that is apart and
separate from God. From Totality. From the

So if we start our investigation into the subject of The natural yearning, sooner or later, is for ONLY
meditation with that understanding, things will be a the very SOURCE of this thing called “I”.
lot easier to grasp.
So meditation is simply this :
( pause )
The practice of “Letting Go” of ALL illusions
Okay. So God , for some reason, has brought about and concepts… ESPECIALLY INCLUDING
the desire to meditate, in a particular shape/form of the concept or CONVICTION of what / where
His…Joey, Suzie, Stevie. this “I” actually is.
( pause ) To put it another way ; “You” don’t have to do
anything in order to meditate…Just Be Here.
Please understand this part very clearly : It
doesn’t matter if the “I” has “negative” thoughts or GOD IS ALREADY DOING EVERYTHING .
“positive” thoughts. Spiritual thoughts or worldly
thoughts. It doesn’t matter if the “I” is under the So let’s relax and let go for thirty minutes.
illusion that it is seeking enlightenment or a brand
new Cadillac. All of this isn’t the issue. ( Silence )

What matters , is that the “I” comes to the C. Thank You. Any questions, please ?
understanding, the direct, immediate experience
of it’s own True Nature. True Nature being… LADY : I find it so easy to completely let go when
I’m here. And I love it ! It feels that that is what
That Cosmic Essence that is “illuminating”… I’ve always been searching for. I feel so peaceful…
“generating”… that is the very SOURCE …of
the “I”. C. Peace comes from letting go of our
imaginings of what “I” is. From letting go of
So the realization, sooner or later, is that it was the ALL concepts of separateness.
Source all along.
When one isn’t concerned anymore with whether
It was the Source / God that felt separated ; that felt the “I” is meditating or seeking “enlightenment”…
it was suffering. It was God / The Source that then peace prevails.
decided to seek wisdom or Truth. And it was God
that found Itself in the form of “Enlightenment”. You see ; the desire for God, the desire for Peace,
the desire for Enlightenment…Is no different from
This revelation allows one to “Let go”. Either bit any other type of desire . Money, fame, power.
by bit. Or… Instantly…Totally.
All desires simply re-enforce the illusion of a
( Pause ) separate “ego” or “I”.

So meditation is God letting go. Not “you”. So With the final understanding that ALL IS GOD , all
relax ! Let go. striving naturally and effortlessly drops away.

God is coming to the surface, so to speak, and all The illusion of a separate “ego” is annihilated. It
“you” have to do is surrender . Expand yourself vanishes. There is this tremendous sense of release.
into the ever-present Infinity. Let go.
Of expansion . There can be no more suffering, GOD ALONE .
because there is no more “you” to suffer.
Only God remains . And this realization brings on
this incredible sense of
AT ALL TIMES… It is ONLY God , experiencing
Peace…Harmony…Connectedness. God.

GENT : What is it then, that experiences this The understanding of that…is “Enlightenment”.
Peace, if it’s not the “I” ?

C. That is the time we introduce the thinking mind Letting go of “trying to figure out” enlightenment,
to the BIGGEST possible “concept”. is also crucial . Because only God can figure God
out. Anything else is just the play of the thinking
That is when the mystics… the Buddhas, the mind again.
Christs, the Zen and Sufi Masters, etc.,…all
scramble around, looking for impossible words to LADY : So one could say that a sociopath is
describe … actually already as God-saturated as a saint !

The In-Describable. The Un-Knowable. C. Has always been ! Will always be ! Can you tell
us why, please ?
The Un-Manifest. The Limitless.
LADY : Because neither of them ever existed ,
The NON-DUAL . except as illusions of their “own” egos…Which
God also created !
C. YES ! YES ! ( laughing ) EXACTLY !!!
God ISN’T the right word, of course. It doesn’t WONDERFUL !
describe It. There IS no word to describe It.
I think YOU should come and sit in this chair and
But we use the word God anyway. It’s as good as give the rest of the talk ! Very, very good.
any other word that could be used.
( Laughter )
So…The question is… “What IS “It” that
experiences this Peace”? LADY : So ultimately, it is totally irrelevant
whether “we” suffer in delusion or attain
enlightenment. It has always been nothing but God We go from the personal to the impersonal. From
all along. the fragmented illusion of separateness , to the…

C. Yes ! Correct! Exactly correct ! Boundless, Seamless, Reality of ONE-NESS .

LADY : Thank you so very much. It’s such a GENT : I’ve never really thought of myself as
liberating revelation. being a “seeker”. Never felt to be religious. But the
understanding of what you’ve been presenting
C. For whom ? here…Makes me feel so…

LADY : NOT ME !!! C. Humble…

( Everybody laughing ) GENT : Yes. I feel so blessed … In awe…

Thankful .
C. Okay. So when we meditate, we meditate with
the above understanding. If we understand what has C. It makes one want to drop to one’s knees in
been said here this evening, we can practice reverence…
meditation properly…
GENT : I want to bow towards Life in every
Effortlessly. Naturally. Spontaneously. direction…

Not with the usual, small, petty, illusory mind. Not C. I’m SO glad you mentioned this. Because that
with the little, limited, self-engrossed, “me”, “me”, IS the final feeling…or outcome…of meditation.
“me” mind. All that has been dropped . It’s a feeling of Reverence…Humility…Worship.

But with a … Towards that Infinity that is Omnipresent .

VAST… BOUNDLESS ... INFINITE MIND. Please try to remember this, when you face another
person. Remember that that other person is also the
A COSMIC MIND… Infinite in the flesh.

that is totally unconcerned with…and liberated You are Infinity , greeting another manifestation of
from…any concept of a personal experience or Infinity.
gain whatsoever.
We should bow down before All of Creation .

Thank you all very much for coming.

Location : During breakfast at a Friend’s home.

LADY : What about the whole “Karma” thing ?

Birth…Death…Heaven and Hell ? Reincarnation ?

C : All these exist for the “normal” person. For the

Sage, all concepts of separation or fragmentation ,
simply don’t exist anymore. If only God exists…
who is there that is actually born…or actually dies ?
Do you see ? It’s always JUST GOD manifesting,
re-manifesting and dissolving HIMSELF , within
his OWN Infinity.

At NO TIME was there ever a separate entity,

that experienced Birth, Death, Karma, etc., etc..

Is there Karma ? Is there Reincarnation ?… WHO ?

cares ? Do you see ? Within the understanding that
ONLY God is present…there exists no separate
“you” or “I” to experience, or care about, any of

The understanding that Only GOD Is Present ,

spontaneously dissolves all such theories and
concepts. They become a non-issue.

Please don’t spend too much time on these sort of

things. Try to stay focused on the BIG PICTURE .
Don’t limit your mind. Harmonize with the
SOURCE as much as possible.

It’s ALL the Cosmic Essence…at ALL TIMES .

CHAPTER EIGHT GENT : ( laughing ) Yes.

C. Please tell us.

Location : Morning get-together, same day.
GENT : The answer is that the “I” can’t do
anything at all to retain this feeling.
C . Good morning everyone. This is the last
gathering of the week. May we please start with C. Yes. Good. Why is that ?
thirty minutes of silence ?
GENT : Because it is all the will of God. It’s the
( time lapse ) will of God alone, that is the only operating
principle. It’s the Grace of God that brings on this
C. Thank you all. feeling.

( room is very still and quiet ) C. To whom ? Who is feeling this feeling ?

Not much left to say, is there ? GENT : God Himself.

( laughter ) C. How is that ?

Any questions ? Please feel free. GENT : Because only God has ever existed. It’s
all just God in different shapes and forms of
GENT : I’m feeling so good right now. So Himself.
expanded and liberated. But I have this fear that this
will all vanish tomorrow. As soon as I get back at C. Yes ! Very good . You’ve got a very clear
work…It’s so hyper out there… understanding of it all. So please don’t worry
about anything .
C. And you want to know what you can do to
retain this wonderful feeling of Peace and Harmony, You now know that tomorrow might arrive…or it
right ? might not. Tomorrow might be full of suffering, or
full of Enlightenment. It might be business as usual,
GENT : Yes. or it could be the end of the world. You don’t
know. And you don’t know, because only GOD
C. But you now know exactly what the answer to knows.
your question is. You know what the answer is.
And only God knows, because ONLY HE EXISTS
And the deep ,clear, un-shakeable understanding ONE ONENESS
of this…
SETS YOU FREE . God is all there is. THAT is your Legacy.

If there is suffering, you now know that it’s not God’s Play is proceeding perfectly.
“YOU” suffering. It’s not YOUR suffering.
Because there IS no SEPARATE “you”. All Things are a perfect expression of…

Then “Letting Go and Letting God” can happen HIS OWN SELF .
in the truest sense of the phrase.
Absolutely… Everything…Everywhere…
So…If it is GOD’S Will… Is Sacred.


Please try to take time off, during the day, to Please focus on all of this. Don’t lose your Self in
meditate on your Original Essence . illusions.

Remind yourself of It, if you can. Understand the meaning behind the words…

You can’t , of course ! Only God can do that ! “TRUE ONENESS”

But now you know what I mean. and all illusions of Suffering or Enlightenment, will
equally cease to be.
Please PRACTICE this Understanding.
Everything will blend into that Magical Essence,
Leave a note for yourself on your fridge. ( laughter) that Unspeakable Wholeness that we call God.
It can simply say… “Let Go and Let God”. That’s
Thank you all very much.
Please take heart in the fact that All Things are in
Harmony. In Balance.

Every part of God is interwoven with all other parts

of God. They all form ONE GOD .
Within the concept of “God Is Everything”, we
can understand the concept of “Meditation”.

Meditation is simply…The Practice of “Letting

Go and Letting God”.

There should be no effort in one’s meditation.

Because for effort to exist, there needs to be an “I”
to make that effort. And the whole purpose of
meditation, is to bring in the deep, clear, final
realization that the personal , separate “I” never
MEDITATION actually existed at all. That God ALONE was the
ONLY thing that was EVER …

Refining Your Technique ACTUALLY PRESENT .

So in Meditation, we emphasize the practice of

“non-effort”. Of course, even this “non-effort” is
not “yours”. It is Gods’ Alone. At all times it is
Gods’ Will alone that is in Operation. Knowing
this , one can be totally relaxed about the whole

If it is understood that it is God that is the

“meditator”. That God is the thoughts, the effort,
the non-effort and the understanding itself. If God
is the Enlightenment… THEN one can …



to the Cosmic Moment .

Through the practice of Meditation, all of this
becomes effortlessly apparent.

So Meditation is simply the act of sitting very

quietly…with the above understanding…and letting
go of absolutely EVERYTHING .

Meditation is the act of simply BEING .

NOT being like “this” or being like “that”.

Please keep the above in mind, as you read on…


The Wondrous Whole To meditate
is ALL that exists . is to Let Go.

No need to attain It.

Above all in your meditation
strive for and practice
Letting Go .

No effort of any kind

Is required.

When one lets go

There is no distance involved. there is Peace .

Just Be Still.

In Peace

the Cosmic Essence

Just sit quietly
And allow all things to Be So . Naturally and Effortlessly

becomes apparent .

Be Still.
The practice of Letting Go There is absolutely
is called Meditating. nothing more to Meditating…

In meditation
nothing needs to be “done” .

This is very , very , important

to remember.

than simply sitting .

There is no need to “do”

( and there is no need to “not do” ).

It is ALL happening automatically .

Simply sit…and “Be” . It is this “simply sitting”

that takes practice .

Remember the above.

It is the KEY to good practice .
On a comfortably firm chair This is how we sit…
( or cross-legged, if you are so accustomed )

with eyes closed or open, Silently .

this is how we sit… Naturally .

Effortlessly .
Quietly .
Absolutely Un-Contrived .
Calmly .

Patiently . Without interfering.

Without trying to achieve.
Without tampering or changing.
Without any expectations.
With no goals or preconceptions.
Anticipating and demanding nothing. With the greatest humility.

With full acceptance. Just being .

Just sitting .
Utterly still inside.
Innocently. Openly. Receptively.

With a great Serenity and Peace . Allowing the Universe

To flow freely

Sitting with utter simplicity. in Its’ own

Simply Sitting … and nothing else. Unrestricted Way .

That is how we meditate. That is how we practice.

When you meditate Remember…
have faith in the way
All Things
Already are .

When you sit

cultivate “letting go” .

Don’t disturb the Moment.

Don’t try to control. Don’t let thoughts bother you.

They will come and go.

Don’t analyze or ponder. Let them be .

Don’t evaluate or criticize. Don’t chase them.

Don’t touch or manipulate.

Pay them no mind.

Don’t interfere . Relax.

Slow down .

Allowing the Original Essence

Let go .
to simply “be”.

You don’t need to think

That is the correct way. In order to “be”.
Above all… Learning to let go completely
takes time and practice .

Strive for Don’t worry if at first

You are fidgety or bored.

Absolute effortlessness .
That’s okay too.

Don’t fight it .
When the mind has let go…

Be patient.

All Things Have faith in each perfect moment.

fall into their

All is as it should be.
Natural Place .

Sit quietly.
Strive to keep Be diligent.
your meditation pure.

Pay attention when you sit.

Don’t wander off

Don’t add to it.
in your meditation.

Don’t complicate it.

Don’t get lost

Don’t pollute it. in day-dreams and fantasies.

If any appear…

Let them be .

Don’t colour it with “your” opinions .

Whether your thoughts are pleasant

or upsetting,

pay them no heed.

Keep it spotless.

Gently bring the awareness

back to
Crystal Clear.
Effortless Being .
Every day… Don’t be concerned with
wanting to “experience” your meditation.

During your practice,

cleanse “your” busy mind “Wanting to experience”

of opinions and prejudices, is just another noisy thought

preferences and commentaries. that will limit you

and tie you down.

Strive for…
Have faith .

It will all appear

on It’s own accord.

A clearer Meditation.

A quieter Peace. Just sit quietly .

and the Wondrous Moment

A deeper Stillness .
will unfold Itself

exactly as It should.
Please remember…
while meditating,

there is nothing that needs to be “done”.

There is no destination. For just a moment

There is no distance.

There is no separation.

Nothing needs to be accomplished.

without the slightest effort…


The very act of sitting

is meditation itself .

There is only That which has always been…

Let go completely .
The Eternal Present.

The Infinite, Boundless, Seamless Moment.


Let go. Have Faith. Sit quietly.

Let go .

No questions…
When one lets go completely

there arises a Great Immensity .

No answers…

In this

Greatest of Immensities…
Pure Being.

Love pours in .

I urge you…please…

Don’t think of “yourself” as a “meditator”.

Don’t carry mental “stuff” around.

Keep your mind open and un-cluttered.

No illusions. No enlightenments.

No here. No there.

No this . No that.

No “I” . No “other”.


THAT is the Original , Ever-Present Essence.

Please don’t limit your Self.

Please allow your Self to be…

Natural…Effortless…Un-Contrived .

INFINITY is all there is.

THAT is the Legacy.

Practice Daily. Walk Lightly. Love All .

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