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Tutorial 2 Assignment

Tutorial 2: (7-11 September 2020)

1. Peringkat-peringkat pertumbuhan dan perkembangan manusia:

i. Germinal v. Childhood
ii. Embryonic vi. Adolescence
iii. Fetal vii. Adulthood
iv. Infancy

2. Dua faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan individu, iaitu:

i. Endogen factor – Traits carried from conception to birth
ii. Exogen factor – factors that come from the individual’s environment

3. Enam faktor persekitaran yang mempengaruhi perkembangan individu adalah:

i. Food iv. Peers

ii. Residence v. Religion
iii. Family vi. Electronic media

Haliza Hamzah, Joy N. Samuel and Rafidah Kastawi (2008)

4. Empat teori perkembangan kognitif-jasmani menurut Jean Piaget (1896-1980)

i. Sensorimotor (0-2 years old) – coordination of senses with motor responses, sensory
curiosity about the world. Language used for demands and cataloguing. Object
permanence is developed.

ii. Preoperational (2-7 years old) – symbolic thinking, use of proper syntax and
grammar to express concepts. Imagination and intuition are strong, but complex
abstract thoughts are still difficult. Conservation is developed.

iii. Concrete operational (7-11 years old) – concepts attached to concrete situations.
Time, space and quantity are understood and can be applied but not as independent

iv. Formal operational (11 years old and beyond) – theoretical, hypothetical and
counterfactual thinking. Abstract logic and reasoning. Strategy and planning become
possible. Concepts learned in one context can be applied to another.

“The Piaget Stages of Cognitive Development” by Psychology Notes HQ, 2018

5. Arnold Gesel (1880-1961) mengenal pasti lima peringkat dan ciri perkembangan kanak-kanak
dalam tempoh 5 tahun yang pertama sejak lahir:
i. 0-1 year (First stage) – At the age of one month, a baby can produce different cries
to show that they are hungry or need their mother’s care. At four months, the baby
goes through early stages of emotional development such as laughing when they are
happy. Meanwhile, at eight months, the psychomotor development of the baby
increases whereby the baby can hold objects. As for babies at 1-year-old, they are
able to stand up.

ii. 1-2 years (Second stage) – Children learn to walk, mumble and run as well as start a
little bit of speech.

iii. 2-3 years (Third stage) – Children start to eat without help and talk with simple

iv. 3-4 years (Fourth stage) – Children can ride a tri-cycle and understand simple
instructions from their parents.

v. 4-6 years (Fifth stage) – Children start to socialise and are able to ask questions in
stages. Children are already able to differentiate between right and wrong as well as
ready to listen others’ advice.

6. Menurut Erikson, empat ciri-ciri perkembangan emosi pada peringkat konflik bayi yang
berusia 0 hingga setahun setengah (kepercayaan lawan ketidakkepercayaan) adalah:
i. Infants are uncertain about the world in which they live, and looks towards their
primary caregiver for stability and consistency of care.
ii. If the infant receives consistent, predictable and reliable care, they will develop a
sense of trust which will carry with them to other relationships, and they will be able
to feel secure even when threatened.
iii. If their need to be cared for are not consistently met, mistrust, suspicion and anxiety
may develop.
iv. If the care has been inconsistent, unpredictable and unreliable, the infant may develop
a sense of mistrust, suspicion and anxiety. They will not have confidence in the world
around them or in their abilities to influence events.
“Childhood and Society” by Erik H. Erikson

7. Keberkesanan pengajaran guru berkait rapat dengan teori perkembangan iaitu:

i. Teachers will be able to prepare lesson content and objectives suitable with the
student’s ability, mental, physical and emotional.
ii. Teachers can provide teaching-learning resources that can attract students while also
be meaningful and fun.
iii. Teachers will be able to provide lessons ranging from easy to difficult, general to
specific and concrete to abstract.
iv. Teachers will be able to use teaching-learning strategies appropriate to students’
mental, physical and emotional development.
v. Teachers can motivate and guide students to make the transfer of learning as a result
of understanding learned concepts.
8. Empat peringkat perkembangan kognitif yang dapat meningkatkan keupayaan murid melalui
pengajaran dan pembelajaran adalah:
i. Physical – skills involving the body parts such as walking, running and so on
ii. Mental – skills involving use of language, words, numbers, thinking and reasoning
iii. Emotion – able to master and control feelings
iv. Social – awareness of gender differences, groups, discipline, roles and adaptation
with peers

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