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ur physical- self are affected by others from appraisals, as demonstrated culture life experience

education and relationship with other people

The self-concept and self-esteem are also often strongly influenced by social comparison. For example,
we use social comparison to determine the accuracy and appropriateness of our thoughts, feelings, and
behavior. Social identity refers to the positive emotions that we experience as a member of an
important social group.
Normally, our group memberships result in positive feelings, which occur because we perceive our own
groups, and thus ourselves, in a positive light.In the face of others’ behaviors, we may enhance our self-
esteem by “basking in the reflected glory” of our ingroups or of other people we know.
The tendency to present a positive self-image to others.
We often use self-presentation in the longer term, seeking to build and sustain particular reputations
with specific social audiences.
The individual-difference variable of self-monitoring relates to the ability and desire to self-present
I would pick human anatomy and physiology. For it teaches the stages of human development. How to
the gender is form in each embryo . it also says that gender depends on the presence of testosterone.
For once the testosterone is establish, the system follows and the genitalia. It tells that if there is
interventions in the normal pattern it would create an abnormality. This just made me caught my
attention for its really delicate and crucial to determine the sex or gender of any individual. we cannot
deng the presence of gender discrimination this just tells us that one could possibly the reason why they
changes their gender is because of hormonal imbalanace and abnormalities in cells. Its more than just a
a feelig it with your system its within you. One must understand be open about it. For finding your real
gender is not just about wants its about finding your self despite the oddsnof being judge and criticize
by society.

The human sexual response refer to physical and emotional changes that occur at a person. A person
becomes sexually aroused and participates in sexually stimulating activities, including intercourse and
masturbation. It has 4 stages; arousal, plateau, orgasm and resolution. The arousal phase is the
subjective sense of sexual pleasure while the plateau is the period of time before orgasm. The orgasm
phase is the intense and highly pleasurable experience and the last is resolution where the decrease of
arousal happens

Homosexual is a romantic and or sexual attraction between members of the same sex or if simply says
that a person who attracts to the same gender preference to him/her while the heterosexual is a sexual
attraction and behaviour directed to the other sex or that simply explains a relationship that most of the
society accepted; as men to women and vice versa.

I would definitely choose the natural contraception because it is much way safe than artificial
contraception that can cause a latter effect on your body. Specifically I choose abstinence for once you
didnt do such things no parties both you and your partner can have a problem especially that as in our
age our priority is just going to school and learn, which premarital sex is not in the game. One should
understand if you are not yet ready to face the consequences one must engage in sexual intercourse for
you can't really know that the contraception you use will not cause any harm on your health in the
future. One must think possible product of the doing such things. We should always think that there is a
time for everything, so don't push your self to engage in premarital sex, abstinence is the key.

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