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San Marcelino Campus

Gender and Society

Second Semester, A. Y. 2021 - 2022

Name: MAURICIO, JHON MELVERT O. Student No.: 19-00029

Course/Year/Section: BSEd III- Social Studies

Final Project:

Male and Female Gender

 Sexual Motivation and Behaviour
- Sex is essential for the survival of a species, but it’s not essential to an individual’s survival. Sexual motivation is not
driven by deprivation to the extent that hunger is… you can live out a long life without sex, but without food, your
life will be very short. Like hunger, sexual desire is influenced by a complicated network of biological and social
- In the hormonal regulation, hormones secreted by the gonads….
Female gonad is Ovaries and Male gonads is Testes, and can influence sexual motivation. ESTROGENS are the
principal class of gonadal hormones among Female and ANDROGENS are the principal class of gonadal hormones in
Male. Actually, both classes of hormones are produced in both sexes, but the relative balance is much different. The
hypothalamus and the pituitary gland regulate these hormonal secretions. The correlations between hormone
levels and sexual activity in humans are interesting, but they do not prove that hormonal surges cause sexual desire
under normal circumstances.
- Attraction to Partner; most humans are selective in choosing a partner, and human selectivity is greatly influenced
by learning. Many number of studies argued and explains human selectivity with the reality (learning), why people
differ substantially in what they find physically attractive. Humans further complicate sexual attraction by
considering a host of factors besides physical beauty. Sexual interest may be influenced by a potential partner’s
personality, competence, values and affection.

At present society, enumerate factors that you can consider in physical/sexual attraction. (Support your answer)
1. Impression- The types of people we tend to be attracted to in terms of particular physical traits are determined
by a concept called impression, according to researchers who study such matters. According to the theory—
which is a formal theory—a process similar to imprinting occurs when we approach puberty and begin the
process of sexual awakening. Impression doesn't determine whether we are gay, straight, bisexual, or anything
else because our underlying sexual orientation is neurologically predetermined. Basic orientation appears to be
predetermined long before puberty, according to the evidence. Then something else occurs. As we develop a
sexual awareness and begin to experience sexual urges, we are somehow influenced by the individuals we are
around on a very unconscious level. We kind of imprint on a certain physical type that is ideal. Skin tone,
physique type, hair color, and so forth.
2. Physique (Body Parts) - Partialism is a sexual desire that centers on a certain body portion. Any bodily part, such
as the hair, the breasts, or the buttocks, might be the subject of this. Podophilia is the most prevalent type of
partialism, in which a person gets sexually attracted by feet. Any object or nongenital body part that triggers a
recurrent erotic response or fixation is referred to as a fetish.
3. Social Conditioning- A significant factor is social conditioning and what is "forbidden." For instance, today's
society views bared breasts as enticing and sexually desirable. However, several cultures have no requirement
for covering one's body, regardless of gender. This wouldn't be anything noteworthy or alluring to them.
- The Mystery of Sexual Orientation
Sexual Orientation refers to a person’s preference for emotional and sexual relationships with individuals of the
same sex, the other sex or either sex.
Describe …
Heterosexuality; - A heterosexual is attracted to someone of a different sex, but other endings can be attached, as
homogenous people have even skin tones and heterotypical people have different types of personalities. However,
everyone is fixated on sex, as hetero means different in Latin, as opposed to homo, which means even or the same.
Homosexuality; - Definitely put. The only difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality is that you find
yourself captivated, your heart racing, and you wonder practically constantly throughout the day what XXx, who is
the same sex as you (has the same genitalia), is doing. Much like heterosexuals, you worship them and fall in love
with them. Only that things are harder. They may be sexually appealing to you, but their feelings are not the same
as yours. There is nothing that can be done to change the undesirable and unchosen instinctive inclination of
homosexuality. Because the vast majority of individuals (about 90%) are naturally heterosexual, homosexuality is
largely despised.

- Reproduction, in the human sexual response, there are similarities and differences between men and women in
patterns of sexual arousal. Masters and Johnson (1970) divide the sexual response cycle into four stages.
Describe each……….
Excitement phase: The body tightens muscles, raises blood pressure, and increases heart rate as it prepares for
sexual activity during the excitement phase. The female's vaginal walls get wet, the inner section of the vagina
widens, and the clitoris enlarges while the male's penis becomes erect due to blood flow into it. In the plateau
stage, breathing quickens and muscles remain stiff. In males, the testicles and glans at the head of the penis grow,
while in females, the outer vagina contracts and the clitoris retracts.
Plateau phase: The glans at the head of the penis swells and the testicles enlarge in males during the plateau phase,
and the outer vagina contracts and the clitoris retracts in females. Breathing quickens and muscles remain stiff
during this period.
Orgasm phase: This stage is characterized by the beginning of involuntary muscular contractions. The heartbeat,
respiration, blood pressure, and oxygen intake are all at their greatest rates. Feet muscles tense up. Sexual tension
is released abruptly and strongly.
Resolution phase: The body gradually resumes its regular level of functioning throughout resolution, and swollen
and erect bodily components shrink back to their original size and color. An overall feeling of well-being, increased
intimacy, and frequently weariness characterize this phase. With more sexual stimulation, some women can return
quickly to the orgasm phase and perhaps have numerous orgasms. After orgasm, men require a recovery period
known as a refractory period, during which they are unable to experience orgasm once more. Men's refractory
periods last a variety of times, and they often grow longer as they get older.

- In search for belongingness; how would you like to spend the rest of your life? Alone or Affiliated……..?
Affiliation motive involves the need to associate with others and maintain social bonds.
Intimacy motive is the need to have warm, close exchanges with others, marked by open communication.

Question: In this time of society where virtual communication or presence is more prevalent, how can you identify
whether a person wants affiliation or intimacy?
Answer: The drive to connect with others has several main implications, but the first is that we are more inclined to
try to form intimate relationships with people we like or accept than with those we don't. This like factor can be
achieved in a variety of ways, such as by giving in to requests for assistance, appearing more similar to someone
else, and managing impressions through ingratiation. First of all, helping someone out builds a strong bond
between compliance and affection for that individual. Affiliation motivation can promote open communication and
close relationships among coworkers in a professional setting, which fosters a sense of community. If this kind of
motivation tends to be the focus of your major requirements, you could appreciate supporting the other members
of your team. Knowing which employees in a management position are strongly driven by affiliation might help you
select the most qualified individuals to take part in a collective endeavor. The following may be simpler for you to
do at work if you find motivation in the need for affiliation. Build trusting connections with others, value certainty,
cooperate well with others, support group decisions, and recognize the good traits in team members. You can also
spot some traits in your team members that might point to their motivation being rooted in affiliation. The ability to
establish an honest and open rapport, a predisposition for a cooperative work atmosphere, and improved
performance on modest projects involving a group are some of these traits.

 Marriage and Parenthood

Describe Marriage and Parenthood briefly.
Marriage- Marriage is a social compact in which a man and a woman pledge to take care of one another for the
rest of their lives. A man and a lady have come to an understanding. If there is some understanding, the
marriage will last. A successful marriage requires two things. Love and money go hand in hand. Despite having a
little less money, a couple can nevertheless support their union. However, if there is no chemistry, the social
arrangement or agreement known as marriage cannot continue. Consequently, that is the primary element in a
successful marriage. You must genuinely enjoy the individual in question. Then and only will a marriage succeed.
A person has parents, siblings, family members, friends, a career, a social standing, and other relationships than
just being a person. All of this will add up to being a person. You have to truly adore someone. You won't be
able to have a successful marriage or married life till then.
- In family studies, researchers assess hereditary influence by examining blood relatives and to see how much they
resemble one another on a specific traits, on the other hand, in sociological perspective, family relationship is a
combination of a filiation or conjugal relationships that join two people directly or through a third party.
Explain Conjugality:
Being in a state of marriage or the relationships between married people. It may have a more precise meaning
when used in a particular situation. Conjugal, sociologically speaking, refers to a union of two people. Although it is
more frequently used to describe a man and a woman, it can also sometimes be used to describe a gay couple.
When used in an anthropological context, which is the study of people, conjugal refers to a mother, a father, and
their dependent minor children. It also refers to families as a whole.
Give Ways of building healthy relationships with families….
1. Communicate with them
2. Show your affection
3. Spend quality time
4. Do or share your responsibility
5. Listen to each other
6. Consider their opinions
7. Share your feelings
8. be grateful for one another
9. Focus on positive things
10. Trust everyone

What is the importance of Family Relationship?

Keeping a close watch on each other while everyone is preoccupied with their "personal lives" is a sign of a
strong family bond. Respecting and celebrating each other's decisions, as long as they don't harm the other person,
is a sign of a happy family. Giving one other compliments and enjoying each other's company are signs of a happy
family. You should hug your family members whenever you can since you never know when it will be your last. A
strong family relationship consists of being your authentic self without fear of judgment or dislike. It's about having
a complete love for one another and being thankful that they are still around to create memories.
- Family structure has changed for the last 50 years. The following types of families exist today, with some families
naturally falling into multiple categories, for example, a single parent family who lives in a larger, extended family.
While these types of families are distinct in definition, in practice the lines are less clear, as laws, norms change, so
do family…. Identify the composition of each….
1. Nuclear family
2. Extended family
3. Single-parent family
4. Childless family
5. Step family
6. Grandparents family

Question: Can we consider a same-sex parent with adopted child a family? Support your answer.
The study discovered that the way a family handles disagreements has a greater impact on an adopted
child than whether or not they have same-sex or heterosexual parents. The functioning of families between
same-sex and heterosexual adoptive parents did not alter, according to a study. (The majority of studies
indicate that heterosexual parents do not significantly affect the outcomes of children with two mothers or two
fathers. In fact, a thorough study of children raised by lesbian mothers or gay fathers came to the conclusion
that the emotional functioning, sexual orientation, stigmatization, gender role behavior, behavioral adjustment,
gender identity, learning, and grade point averages of children raised by same-sex parents were all comparable
to those of other children. Where research has differed, it has occasionally benefited same-sex parenting.
Teenagers with same-sex parents, for instance, claimed to feel more a part of their school community.
According to another study, children who live with gay or lesbian parents are more inclined to discuss sensitive
subjects and are frequently stronger, kinder, and more accepting. The time, money, and parental duties that
many heterosexual parents worry about when determining whether to have children equally affect same-sex

Give the duties and responsibilities of the following: (consider the present/existing society)
Male Parent- The modern father is well-educated and has a clear vision. All societal barriers have been
dissolved by the image of the modern father. He has evolved into a hip parent nowadays. His fresh way of
thinking is timely. He may raise his children effectively, preparing them for a competitive life that is prevalent
today, by making the most of his knowledge and modernism. A father is a male parent of a child, to use
common language. He is the patriarch and head of the family. He makes the family's situation realistic. But in
reality, he raises his family by taking on all of the obligations and carrying out all of the tasks necessary to give it
the shape it needs. His children have always respected him for the amazing things he has done for them.

Female Parent- The job of a mother has numerous challenges in our modern world. Because so many mothers
are now raising their children alone and having to play an even bigger role in their child's life, conventional
wisdom is being put to the test. In addition to giving a child the care and assistance they require, they also need
to give the family enough money to survive on. Any person would be taking on a great responsibility. It is often
challenging for a mother to meet all of a child's demands, so it is beneficial if the child has another male role
model to look up to. In this way, the child still has a masculine role model even if a father is absent. In the past,
it was believed that a good mother would devote her entire life to her family. Because mothers are responsible
for giving children the nurturing care and support they need as they grow, they have traditionally been the glue
that ties families together. A mother's nurturing is unmatched and essential to a child's upbringing. In order to
become a competent mother, you must learn and practice. Mothers must learn as they go, therefore it is not an
easy job. If they were reared in a loving environment, it will be beneficial for them to carry that on to their
offspring. A good mother must take care of her children and prioritize them above all else.
- Transitions in Family Life, many of the important transitions in adulthood involve changes in the family
responsibilities. The family life cycle is a sequence of stages that families tend to progress through.
-Adjusting to Marriage, the newly married couple usually settle into their roles as husband and wife gradually,
difficulties with the transition are more likely when spouses come into a marriage with different expectations about
marital roles. The first few years of married life tend to be characterized by great happiness – “marital bliss”,
numerous studies have measured spouses’ overall satisfaction in different stages of the family life cycle.
-I. beginning families
-II. child-bearing families
-III. families with preschool children
-IV. families with school-aged children
-V. families with teenagers
-VI. families as launching centers
-VII. families in the middle years
-VIII. Aging families
The family life cycle broke by Rollins and Fieldman (1970, and still useful to different studies), found that a U-
shaped relationship in the marital satisfaction across the family life cycle reflects that satisfaction tends to be
greatest at the beginning and end of the family life cycle, with a noticeable decline in the middle. The conventional
explanation for this pattern is that the burdens of the child rearing undermine couples’ satisfaction, which gradually
climbs back up again as children grow up and these burdens ease.
-Adjusting to Parenthood, although an increasing number of people are choosing to remain childless, the vast
majority continue to plan on having children. Despite the challenges involved in rearing children, still most parents
report little regret about their choice and rate parenthood as a very positive experience. The arrival of the first child
represents a major transition.

Identify the major challenges that may encounter by a new mother

Because of their lack of experience, first-time mothers face numerous challenges. Everything seems new, and
adjusting to the new is difficult due to a lack of sleep and energy. To begin with, as a new mother, sleep becomes a
distant memory. Most new mothers only get an hour of sleep (without disturbance). Furthermore, newborns are awake
all night and cry frequently for no apparent reason. Crying can enter the nerves at times during sleepless nights.
Breastfeeding is the most popular trend. Every visitor who comes to see the new mother explains the importance of
breastfeeding to her. In fact, many visitors would receive mother's Horlicks, rusk, and other items that would increase
the quantity of milk. For the first three months, a new mother would breastfeed her child almost every hour.

Identify the major challenges that may encounter by a new father- Unexpected anxiety, guilt and isolation,
These new fathers recall their experiences and offer an insight into their first few years as fathers. Despite their
rocky start as fathers, they are all thrilled to be "Dad" to their infant. New dads – like new moms – can get postpartum
depression, others have little trouble accepting the mood fluctuations that new mothers experience. It's not far-fetched
to think that weariness and pregnant hormones are to blame, and to empathize with a "blue" mother. However, a
depressed new father is far more mysterious to both himself and other people. Dads would undoubtedly do better if
more people were aware that pregnant dads also go through hormonal changes similar to their wife. Overwhelmed,
withdrawn, irritable – but not admitting depression, Men have historically lacked many allies who could aid them in
identifying the symptoms of parental postpartum depression. Instead of admitting they are overwhelmed, men often
withdraw. Or they make an effort to "drown out" their fear with other actions. Psychologists are just now starting to
take notice.


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