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4 Lab: Periodic Properties Pre-lab

Chemistry Honors Sem 1 Name: Sidhant Mathur

Points Possible:50
Date: June 4, 2021

Answer these questions before beginning the lab. Be sure to turn them in when you submit

your lab report.

1. On the periodic table, what is a period? What characteristic is shared by elements in the
same period?

A period is a horizontal row on the periodic table. All elements in a period have the same
number of electron shells.

2. On the periodic table, what is a group? For the main groups, what characteristic do the
elements have in common?

A group is a vertical column on the periodic table. They have the same number of
valence electrons.

3. Look at the periodic table listing ionic radii trends. Why are the radii changing as you move

down the table within one column? Why are the radii changing as you move across the table

from left to right within one row?

The ionic radius increases as you move down the group. This is expected because

adding a new electron shell will make the radius larger. The ionic radius decreases the

further to the right it travels. This is because there are more protons with the same amount

of electron shells. This means the nucleus pulls the electrons in more tightly.

Lab 3.4.4 (Dry lab)

Sidhant Mathur

Table 3.1
Element Electronic Structure Brittle/Ductile/In between

Carbon 1s2 2s2 2p2 Brittle, but can be hard or

strong depending on atomic

Silicon 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2 Brittle

Germanium 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 Brittle

4s2 4p2

Tin 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 Ductile, but hardens rapidly
4s2 4p6 4d10 5s2 5p2

Lead 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 Very ductile

4s2 4p6 4d10 5s2 5p6 5p10

1. In what ways are the electronic structures of the group 14 (4A) elements similar? In what
ways are they different?

They all have the same amount of core electrons. They are different in the sense that
they have different numbers of orbitals, with carbon having as few as three while lead has

2. Compare the room temperate resistances for all the samples. Are they similar or different?
(Given) The room temperature resistance should be much less for tin and lead. They
behave like metals, and so have lower resistance.

3. How does resistance change with temperature? Is there more resistance or less resistance at
higher temperatures? Compare the change in resistance for all the samples.

As temperature increases, resistance decreases. This is because molecules expand

instead of become compact.

4. Are the samples soft and ductile or hard and brittle? Are some in between?

They are mostly brittle but a few are ductile. Carbon is in between.

5. What do you think causes the difference between the elements on the top of the periodic
table, like carbon, with those on the bottom of the periodic table, like tin or lead?

The difference is most likely caused by the number of orbitals between the elements at
the top and bottom.

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