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Cultivate Masked Mask in the Pandemic Era

which I respect, ladies and gentlemen, teachers

solawat and salutations remain tecurah to the prophet muhammad saw you get
intercession at the end of the future aminn

Dear students, when we wear a mask it means that we are at peace with life. Why? Because
in the era of the Corona pandemic, humans are not only required to change the way of life but
also the essence of life.
Metophorically, the essence of life is walking, stepping and reaching not only with energy,
but also with tawakal and prayer. In a time when everyone worries about many things, the
plague, broken hopes, isn't life all about walking,
avoid all obstacles or defeat them with all might.

While living, what we need is wise to accept worry as a normal thing, because from birth, the
main enemy of humans is actually fear, and the worst thing is when we are subject to it.
Friends of students, since the beginning of 2020 when the Corona virus broke out, humankind
all over the earth was again attacked by the mask civilization. This pandemic forces everyone
to adopt a new lifestyle, namely the masked lifestyle. There are no more beautiful faces who
are free. Beauty and good looks are now hidden behind masks.
Masks have become a kind of "basic necessity". Masks are needed by anyone, anywhere.
Masks are not only used by those who do outdoor activities, but are also used by those who
do indoor activities.
Masks are now not just a game, but an irresistible reality. And, forcing everyone in the 21st
century to come up with a new lifestyle, namely the lifestyle on earth with masks.
If you have ever seen a painting by Michel Serre of a face wrapped in cloth, that is the
historical evidence from the European Renaissance era of the 16th century. The painting
shows the city of Marseille, France, which was the epicenter of the bubonic bubonic plague
in 1720. People were forced to wear cloths around their mouths and noses like masks, as a
way to avoid catching the bubonic plague.
Since the Spanish flu outbreak in 1918 hit the United States, masks have been worn by
scientists and the public. Companies around the world are increasing production of masks to
help reduce the spread of flu.
When SARS broke out in 2002-2004, many Chinese people wore masks. These filter objects
are becoming increasingly popular in the community as air quality deteriorates in big cities.

Friends of students, before the Covid-19 pandemic occurred, it might have looked strange if
people were carrying out various activities using masks. But now it's the opposite. In fact, it
will look strange if there are people who do not use masks in carrying out activities.
In offices, shopping places, on the streets, and anywhere else doing activities, now everyone
is obliged to wear a mask. Regardless of whether they use masks with their own awareness or
"forced" because there are regulations that require people to wear masks.
The Covid-19 pandemic has indeed changed many things from normal human life. Starting
from the habit of communicating, the habit of interacting, the habit of maintaining health,
including the habit of wearing masks.
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed normal life to abnormal and changed life that is not
normal to normal life. This will continue as long as the Covid-19 pandemic is not over.
In a new normal life, let's make it a habit to wear masks as the norm of life that we must do at
this time.
When undergoing activities outside the home, make masks an inseparable part of people's
lives during the corona virus pandemic. Whether at work, to the market, or to a place of
worship; Masks must be worn to protect yourself from droplets or saliva splashes which are
the main cause of Covid-19 transmission.
Dear students, when we wear a mask it means that we are at peace with life. Because life is a
choice: surrender or defeat! That is all and thank you. (*)

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