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Carcinogenesis and Skin


It was estimated that in 2017, there would be 87,110 new cases of invasive melanoma
and 74,680 new cases of melanoma in situ.1 Precise incidence data are not available for basal
cell carcinoma (BCC) and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) because these tumors
are not typically reported to cancer registries, but based on Medicare datasets, the total
number of nonmelanoma skin cancers in 2006 was estimated at 4,013,890 cases (2,463,567
individuals) and in 2012 at 5,434,193 cases (affecting 3,315,554 individuals).2 Another
study, using data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, estimated the number of
individuals treated annually for nonmelanoma skin cancers at 3,090,442 (based on data from
2002 to 2006) and 4,301,338 (based on 2007 to 2011 data), with annual treatment costs up
from $2.7 to $4.8 billion, respectively.3 The combined incidence of BCC and SCC is thus
likely to be at least twofold higher than that of all other cancers combined, which is estimated
at 1,688,780 for 2017.1 Only a small fraction of patients with BCC or SCC will die because
of their cancer, but the high frequency of these malignancies nonetheless results in an
estimated 2000 deaths per year, according to the American Cancer Society, and most cases
are SCC. Although much less common than nonmelanoma skin cancer, melanoma has a
continually rising death rate now estimated at 9730 per year.1

Although they are rarely lethal, nonmelanoma skin cancers cause considerable
cosmetic morbidity because they frequently arise on sun-exposed sites such as the face.
Understanding the etiology and pathogenesis of these malignancies is thus a significant
public health goal, and development of mechanism-based, nondeforming therapies is urgently
needed. The high prevalence of skin tumors, their external location, and well-defined
preneoplastic lesions (for SCC and melanoma) all provide an excellent opportunities for
studying the factors regulating cutaneous cancer induction in humans. Qualities that facilitate
the study of human skin cancers have also been useful in establishing relevant animal models.
Advances in molecular genetics, keratinocyte cell culture, and development of genetically
altered mice and reconstructed human skin models have greatly facilitated the analysis of
basic mechanisms of cutaneous carcinogenesis. The main focus in this chapter is on general
aspects of cutaneous carcinogenesis using nonmelanoma skin cancers as illustrative
examples, with more detailed discussion of specific cutaneous malignancies presented in
other chapters.



The majority of malignant tumors arise through a stepwise process marked by characteristic
phenotypic changes that reflect the acquisition of multiple genetic and epigenetic alterations
needed to drive tumorigenesis from its inception through to invasion and metastasis. This
basic tenet of cancer biology holds true for SCC (Fig. 19-1), but the pathogenesis of BCC
provides a notable exception to this rule: precursor lesions have not been identified,
metastases are extremely rare, and uncontrolled activation of a single oncogenic pathway
may be sufficient for BCC tumorigenesis.4 Established cancers exhibit fundamental
alterations in behavior that distinguish them from the normal tissues in which they arise.
These differences include a reduced requirement for growth stimuli, impaired responses to
growth inhibitory and differentiation signals, alterations in apoptosis, delayed or blocked
senescence, angiogenesis, the capacity for invasion and metastasis, metabolic
reprogramming, and the ability to evade elimination by the immune system5 (Fig. 19-2).
Although one or more of these abnormalities can be detected at different stages of tumor
progression and may thus be seen in premalignant lesions, all are typically present in
advanced cancers.

A driving force underlying neoplastic progression is defective DNA repair,6 which

enables the accumulation of mutations involving oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes that
contribute to the observed aberrations in tumor cell function. In the past, uncovering the
molecular basis of cancers relied on genetic linkage studies to identify the chromosomal
locus which segregates with tumor phenotypes in cancer susceptibility syndromes or the use
functional screens to identify genes from tumor cells that can drive neoplastic transformation
in culture. However, the recent development of rapid and affordable next-generation
sequencing technology, which can be used to screen for mutations in the coding portions of
genes (exome sequencing) or the entire genome, has revolutionized the approach to
identifying mutations that may drive cancer and serve as targets for therapeutic intervention
through “personalized oncology.”7 Although some changes in cell function are cell-
autonomous and can be studied in purified populations of tumor cells, others depend on
various additional cell types in the tumor microenvironment that participate in the
development and progression of cancer in intact organisms, including inflammatory cells,
cancer-associated fibroblasts, nerves, blood vessels and lymphatics, and other components of
tumor stroma.8 Many tumors exhibit intratumor heterogeneity,9 which may be apparent at
multiple levels. Molecular heterogeneity provides a driving force for neoplastic progression,
selecting for outgrowth of cells that have acquired mutations conferring a proliferative or
survival advantage and the ability to invade and metastasize. Biochemical heterogeneity
occurs when subsets of tumor cells exhibit distinct oncogenic signaling properties and
behavior, driven by regional differences in secreted growth factors or other
microenvironmental factors. Perhaps the most striking example of heterogeneity is the
presence of a small subset of stem cell–like tumor cells, called cancer stem cells, in at least
some tumor types. According to the cancer stem cell hypothesis, tumors contain a small
number of self-renewing stem cells that produce transient-amplifying and differentiating
progeny that constitute the overwhelming majority of cells in a tumor (reviewed by Nassar
and coworkers10) (Fig. 19-3), reflecting the hierarchical organization of cell lineages in
normal tissues. Cancer stem cells are also called tumor-initiating cells because they are
functionally defined by their ability, when purifiedfor mutations in the coding portions of
genes (exome sequencing) or the entire genome, has revolutionized the approach to
identifying mutations that may drive cancer and serve as targets for therapeutic intervention
through “personalized oncology.”7 Although some changes in cell function are cell-
autonomous and can be studied in purified populations of tumor cells, others depend on
various additional cell types in the tumor microenvironment that participate in the
development and progression of cancer in intact organisms, including inflammatory cells,
cancer-associated fibroblasts, nerves, blood vessels and lymphatics, and other components of
tumor stroma.8 Many tumors exhibit intratumor heterogeneity,9 which may be apparent at
multiple levels. Molecular heterogeneity provides a driving force for neoplastic progression,
selecting for outgrowth of cells that have acquired mutations conferring a proliferative or
survival advantage and the ability to invade and metastasize. Biochemical heterogeneity
occurs when subsets of tumor cells exhibit distinct oncogenic signaling properties and
behavior, driven by regional differences in secreted growth factors or other
microenvironmental factors. Perhaps the most striking example of heterogeneity is the
presence of a small subset of stem cell–like tumor cells, called cancer stem cells, in at least
some tumor types. According to the cancer stem cell hypothesis, tumors contain a small
number of self-renewing stem cells that produce transient-amplifying and differentiating
progeny that constitute the overwhelming majority of cells in a tumor (reviewed by Nassar
and coworkers10) (Fig. 19-3), reflecting the hierarchical organization of cell lineages in
normal tissues. Cancer stem cells are also called tumor-initiating cells because they are
functionally defined by their ability, when purified and tested in small numbers or even as
single cells, to reform a tumor in cell transplantation experiments. Tumor cells that are not
cancer stem cells, in contrast, fail to produce tumors even when tested in relatively large
numbers.10 This functional characterization generally requires that cancer stem cells possess
a unique marker profile that enables them to be isolated from a heterogeneous population of
tumor cells. Although the cancer stem cell concept was initially established in work centered
on acute myeloid leukemia,11 results of many subsequent studies support the existence of a
hierarchical organization of tumor-initiating cells and progeny in many, but not all, solid
tumors. Cancer stem cell populations have been described in SCC (reviewed by Nassar and
coworkers10) and BCC.12

The cancer stem cell concept has important clinical implications because therapies
that effectively kill cancer stem cells may lead to cures by eliminating the key cell population
from which all remaining cells in a tumor arise. In contrast, treatments that target non– stem
cells representing most of a tumor’s mass may lead to striking tumor regression, but this is
eventually followed by tumor recurrence because of outgrowth from remaining cancer stem
cells (see Fig. 19-3). Although there are technical limitations to some of the assays used to
ascertain “stemness” of isolated cancer cells, the cancer stem cell concept has been validated
in multiple mouse models, and selective targeting of cancer stem cells is being pursued in an
attempt to treat cancer more effectively.13 The success of this approach will depend in part
on whether transient-amplifying or differentiating tumor cells possess sufficient plasticity to
revert back to a stem cell–like population after effective depletion of the original cancer stem
cell pool.

An additional general property of cancers is intertumor heterogeneity. This includes

phenotypic differences between tumors of the same type that are not necessarily related to
malignant progression but are sufficient to justify classification into distinct morphologic
categories, for example, superficial, nodular, and morpheaform subtypes of BCC. One
explanation for intertumor heterogeneity is based on the notion that transformation of
different cell populations produces different tumor subtypes, so a tumor’s cell of origin is a
key determinant of its ultimate phenotype. For example, mouse modeling suggests that
oncogenic activation of the Hedgehog pathway in an epidermal basal cell may produce
superficial BCC, but nodular BCCs may arise from responsive cell populations within hair
follicle epithelium.14 Experimental evidence from other tumor types supports the concept
that different cells of origin give rise to distinct tumor subtypes.15 Another example of
intertumor heterogeneity is the disparate growth rates of histologically similar tumor types.
This can be strikingly apparent in BCC patients, for example, in whom some nodular tumors
are indolent but others grow at a much faster rate. Intertumor heterogeneity in this setting
could be explained by intrinsic (genetic, epigenetic, or signaling) or extrinsic
(microenvironmental) alterations that provide a growth or survival advantage to some tumors
but not others.



Studies on the molecular basis of cancer development have revealed two main classes
of genes, oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, that play a key role in the pathogenesis of
cancer. An oncogene is any gene that can transform normal cells in culture and induce cancer
in animals. Most oncogenes are derived from proto-oncogenes, which generally encode
proteins that function as critical positive regulators of cell proliferation or inhibitors of
apoptosis. Conversion to an oncogene can occur through point mutations resulting in a
constitutively active protein, through DNA amplification, or through chromosomal
translocations that link a highly active promoter with the proto-oncogene. The latter two
mechanisms cause increased or inappropriate expression of a proto-oncogene and may alter
growth regulation of a responsive normal cell. Less common mechanisms implicated in
cancer entail fusion of the coding domains of two genes, producing a novel, chimeric
molecule with oncogenic properties16 or mutations in non-coding DNA that control the
expression of oncogenes.17

Tumor suppressor genes normally function to negatively regulate cell proliferation,

cause apoptosis, repair damaged DNA, or induce cellular differentiation. In contrast to
oncogenes, which typically require that only one allele undergo activation via mutation, both
alleles of a tumor suppressor gene must be inactivated to promote tumor development.
Frequently, inactivating point mutations occur in one copy of a tumor suppressor gene, and
the remaining normal copy is lost through a process of chromosomal missegregation during
mitosis that leads to loss of heterozygosity. However, mutations in noncoding DNA17 could
also lead to functionally significant reductions in expression of tumor suppressor genes. In
addition, altered expression of long noncoding RNAs could influence tumorigenesis by
affecting signaling pathways at multiple levels.18

Which oncogenes and tumor suppressors contribute to development of cutaneous

neoplasms? Considerable insight into the genetic basis of sporadic skin cancers has come
from the identification of specific genes that underlie hereditary skin tumor syndromes.19
The importance of DNA as a target for carcinogenesis was strongly supported by the
discovery of defects in DNA repair genes in skin cancer–prone patients with xeroderma
pigmentosum (see later) and several other dermatoses characterized by photosensitivity.20
Moreover, a detailed genomic analysis of 500 metastatic tumors from various primary
cancers has uncovered unanticipated germline mutations in 12.2% of cases, with 75% of
them affecting DNA repair genes.21 Taken together, these findings underscore the
importance of robust DNA repair mechanisms for preventing accumulation of mutations that
drive cancer development and progression.


Patients with nevoid BCC syndrome (NBCCS) are at a markedly increased risk for
developing BCCs, which arise at a younger age and appear in greater numbers than in the
general population. Patients with NBCCS are also predisposed to the development of a
pediatric brain tumor arising in the cerebellum, medulloblastoma, as well as a variety of other
defects throughout the body, including bifid ribs, calcified falx cerebri, odontogenic
keratocysts, frontal bossing, palmar pits, and bifid ribs.22 Some of these structural
abnormalities must have taken place during fetal development, suggesting that the genetic
alteration in NBCCS influences tissue or organ formation during embryogenesis, as well as
cancer development after birth. The discovery that NBCCS is caused by germline mutations
disrupting the PTCH1 gene,23,24 which encodes a key component of the Hedgehog signaling
pathway, is in keeping with this idea. Physiologic Hedgehog signaling plays an important
role in patterning and morphogenesis of various organs and tissues during development and
contributes to tissue homeostasis and regeneration postnatally; in contrast, uncontrolled
activation of the Hedgehog pathway (Fig. 114-1), caused by mutations affecting PTCH1 or
other Hedgehog pathway components (Table 114-1), is tightly associated with BCC
development both in NBCCS patients and the general population25-27 (see Chap. 111).
Because deregulated activation of the Hedgehog pathway is detected in essentially all BCCs
and pathway activation has been shown to be sufficient for BCC development and required
for tumor maintenance, it was believed that pharmacologic inhibitors of this pathway may be
useful in the medical management of BCC. This has proven to be the case in a significant
proportion of patients with advanced or metastatic BCC treated with Hedgehog pathway
inhibitors, as discussed later and in Chap. 111.

Despite the pivotal role of deregulated Hedgehog signaling in BCC development,

next-generation sequencing studies have uncovered additional potential driver mutations in
genes encoding MYCN, PPP6C, STK19, LATS1, PIK3CA, RAS proteins, with loss-of-
function mutations and missense mutations in PTPN14, RB1, and FBXW7.28 Additional
studies will be needed to determine the functional significance of these genetic alterations
and others27 on BCC biology and treatment response.


In contrast to BCC, the identification of pivotal genetic events that drive the
development of cutaneous SCC has been somewhat complicated by the fact that no inherited
cancer syndromes exclusively predispose to cutaneous SCC, and there is no high-frequency
oncogenic driver analogous to mutant BRAF in melanoma. As a result, the key evidence
implicating specific genetic alterations in SCC development has been pieced together through
characterization of highrisk clinical scenarios, molecular analysis of animal models,
genomics, and proteomics.

Three rare inherited syndromes have highlighted the importance of environmental

influences, specific clinical scenarios, and pathways that drive SCC development. Xeroderma
pigmentosum, characterized by extreme photosensitivity and stark acceleration in the onset of
skin cancer, is associated with a nearly 10,000- fold increased risk of skin cancer before the
age of 20 years.29 The key unifying defect, caused by recessive inactivation of genes
distributed across eight complementation groups, results in the lack of nucleotide excision
repair, which is required for removing mutagenic DNA photoproducts caused by ultraviolet
(UV) radiation. Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa is a skin fragility disorder caused
by loss-of-function mutations in COL7A1, which results in subepidermal blistering,
nonhealing wounds, and a high predisposition to SCC. The chronic scarring that results
predisposes to SCC, which are clinically difficult to manage and frequently fatal.30 Finally,
heterozygous germline inactivation of transforming growth factor (TGF)-βR1 results in a
susceptibility to keratoacanthomas as part of Smith-Ferguson syndrome31 and indeed,
inactivation of TGF-βR signaling more globally is associated with typical SCC
development.32 Additional genodermatoses and genes linked to SCC development are listed
in Table 112-1

By using the two-stage chemical carcinogenesis approach in mice (see later), Balmain
and colleagues pioneered the molecular genetic analysis of tumor development in this
classical skin cancer model and identified mutated Hras as the primary oncogenic driver of
tumors in this model33 1 year after its isolation as the first human oncogene.34 By 1991,
recurrent TP53 mutations had been identified in human SCC corresponding to hotspot sites in
the DNA-binding domain and bearing characteristic C → T transitions attributed to UV

Next-generation DNA sequencing has now provided extensive insight into the genetic
lesions that may drive cutaneous SCC development. Although many of these reports are from
primary tumors, some series of metastatic lesions has been reported now as well.37-41 The
mutational spectrum across the exome is, as expected, strongly dominated by C → T
transitions and UV signature mutations and is overwhelmingly represented by the
inactivation of tumor suppressor genes, with very few highly recurrent mutations. Taken
across published exome and targeted sequencing efforts, the most frequently mutated tumor
suppressor genes are TP53, CDKN2A, NOTCH family members, atypical cadherin FAT
family members, the histone methyltransferases KMT2C and KMT2D, and KNSTRN. 37-42
The panoply of sample sources, sequencing methodologies and analysis pipelines makes
direct comparisons difficult, but additional potential tumor suppressors include CASP8,
CREBBP, and CARD11. 43 Mutant HRAS is observed in up to 20% of SCC in one series.38
Amplifications in MYC and EGFR as well as loss of CKS1B and INPP5A have also been
reported in cutaneous SCC.44-47
Importantly, these data also show striking similarities to SCC arising in other sites.
Because stratified squamous epithelia form interfaces with the environment, these tissues are
frequent sites of interaction with carcinogens. TP53 mutations occur at more than 70%
frequency across all SCCs; NOTCH family genes are mutated in more than 70% of cutaneous
SCC (cuSCC), 20% of oral head and neck SCC (HNSCC), 13% of lung SCC, and 10% of
esophageal SCC, and SOX2 amplification is a common lineage-specific driver of SCC.48
Coupled with previous results, this shows that SCCs from diverse sites share deep molecular
commonalities, including alterations in global gene expression and in TP53, TP63, NOTCH
family, and SOX2 signaling. There is less published transcriptomic and proteomic data,
although the correspondence to carcinogeninduced SCC holds prominently for HNSCC and
lung SCC. Transcriptional profiling implicates transcription factors downstream of wingless-
related integration site (WNT), β-catenin, and ERK (extracellular signalregulated kinase)
signaling.37,48 Emerging literature also implicates multiple microRNAs in the development
of SCC (reviewed by Konicke and coworkers49). Several have been implicated in multiple
contexts with tumor-promoting and tumor-suppressive functions in proliferation, apoptosis,
and migration.

Reverse-phase protein array-based interrogation of canonical cancer pathways showed

upregulation of ERK and mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) pathway signaling across
the progression sequence of SCC development.50 The importance of ERK pathway signaling
has also been reflected in two clinical scenarios involving drug-induced SCC: BRAF (v-raf
murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B) inhibition used for melanoma and smoothened
(SMO) inhibition used for BCC. It was observed in the initial clinical trials with the first
Food and Drug Administration–approved BRAF inhibitor, vemurafenib, that approximately
22% of treated melanoma patients developed SCC or keratoacanthoma-like lesions; this
adverse effect is less frequently observed with the more potent BRAF inhibitors dabrafenib
and encorafenib.51 Mechanistically, this has been attributed to both paradoxical ERK
signaling resulting from the aberrant drug-induced hyperactivation of MEK (mitogen
activated protein/ extracellular signal-related kinase kinase)/ERK signaling in the context of
wild-type BRAF, 52,53 often in the context of oncogenic mutant HRAS, 54 and to the
suppression of apoptosis that occurs as a result of offtarget suppression of c-Jun-N-terminal
kinase (JNK) signaling.55 Accordingly, the concomitant use of MEK with BRAF inhibitors
almost completely suppresses the emergence of these SCCs.51 Interestingly, the longterm
treatment of BCCs with the SMO inhibitor vismodegib has occasionally been associated with
the evolution of treated tumors to a SCC morphology that is associated with drug resistance
and activation of ERK signaling.56,57 Collectively, these data strongly implicate ERK
signaling as an important pathway in SCC. This has also been validated in a UV-driven
preclinical model in which MEK inhibition has potent therapeutic and chemopreventative


Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in sunlight is the primary etiologic agent for all skin
cancers, and thus UVR is the major carcinogen in the human environment. The powerful
carcinogenic activity of UVR is attributable to its ability to damage DNA and cause
mutations, its capacity to clonally expand incipient neoplastic cells whose altered signaling
pathways provide a survival advantage in the face of UV-induced cytotoxicity, its ability to
induce reactive oxygen species (ROS), and its activity as an immune suppressant. The
association of UVR with skin cancer is so strongly supported by clinical, epidemiologic, and
experimental data that it represents perhaps the most clear-cut etiologic factor in human

UV light is a complete carcinogen and chronic exposure alone is sufficient to induce

skin cancers. The process begins with carcinogen exposure, DNA damage, and the
progressive acquisition of mutations. Clonal expansion occurs at least partially because of
selection for these mutations, increasing the target size for further damage. The combination
of these changes with key microenvironmental and immunologic consequences of UV
exposure collectively drive tumor development.59 In addition to environmental or
occupational exposures, patients with various dermatoses are treated with UVR. The vast
majority of experience in assessing the resulting risk for skin cancer has been in the context
of psoriasis phototherapy. This risk was best established for psoralen and ultraviolet A light
(PUVA) therapy in a prospective study with 20 years of follow-up initiated by Stern and
colleagues, in which the risk of SCC was more than 100-fold higher and the risk of BCC was
more than 11-fold higher.60 The data on narrowband UVB has been largely confined to
retrospective analyses, which suggest that there is no elevated risk of skin cancer; however,
these studies are additionally limited by shorter follow-up.


DNA Photoproducts: The first molecular step in sunlight-induced carcinogenesis occurs

when UVB photons induce DNA photoproducts (see Fig. 19-4). UVB and UVC tend to be
absorbed at the 5–6 double bond of pyrimidines (thymine and cytosine). If two adjacent
pyrimidines are activated, the resulting open bonds cross-react, creating a cyclobutane
pyrimidine dimer (CPD). The most frequent is TT, but TC, CT, and CC cyclobutane dimers
are also made. A single bond between the 6 position of one pyrimidine and the exocyclic
group of the other instead creates a pyrimidine (6–4) pyrimidone photoproduct [(6–4)PP]61
most frequently TC. Both photoproducts distort the DNA helix and are recognized by DNA
repair enzymes. Although there is 20-fold more UVA than UVB in sunlight, UVA requires
up to 1000-fold greater doses for some of its biological effects such as DNA damage and
minimal erythemal doses at 300 nm (UVB) and at 360 nm (UVA) for skin type II are 25
mJ/cm2 and 32,000 mJ/cm2 , respectively.62 UVB induces 500 photolesions per 106 normal
bases per J/cm2 in human skin.63

Ultraviolet Radiation—Induced Mutations: A CPD can lead to a mutation in two ways

(Fig. 19-5). When the lesion is copied during DNA replication, the DNA polymerase may
read a damaged cytosine as a thymine and insert an adenine opposite it. At the next round of
replication, the polymerase correctly inserts thymine across from adenine, resulting in a C →
T substitution. Alternatively, CPDs accelerate spontaneous deamination of their cytosines to
uracil, resulting in the same change. Although the TT CPD is the most common
photoproduct, the addition of A across damaged T bases by DNA polymerase eta causes no
mutations. If two adjacent cytosines mutate, the result is CC → TT. This distinctive pattern of
mutation, C → T in which the C lies next to another pyrimidine, including CC → TT, is
unique to UVR and is called the UV signature mutation.

Signature mutations provide a tool for deducing the original carcinogen from
mutations found in tumors.64,65 Nearly all experimentally created UVB or UVC mutations
are located at adjacent pyrimidines, and about two thirds are signature mutations. The
remaining third, typically G → T and T → C substitutions or small insertions or deletions, are
caused by UV but probably arise indirectly by ROS. G → T transversion can be caused by
incorporation of adenine opposite 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (see Fig. 19-5), a common
oxidative DNA lesion. Because this oxidative class of damage can be caused by many
carcinogens, these mutations do not reveal whether their source was UVB, UVA, tobacco
smoke, or intracellular oxidative phosphorylation. However, tumors carrying classic UV
signature mutations must also contain UV-induced oxidative mutations. UVA weakly induces
UVB signature mutations by photosensitization but generates oxidation-like mutations and T
→ G changes, which have been proposed to be a UVA fingerprint.61

Recently, a chemically distinct pathway of UVinduced CPD generation was

discovered.66 In this mechanism, UV-induced generation of the ROS peroxynitrite was
found to interact with melanin, resulting in chemiexcitation of electrons in melanin to
extremely high-energy states, analogous to reactions that culminate in bioluminescence.
However, instead of generating light, these excited electrons can directly interact with DNA,
resulting in continuous CPD formation hours after UVA or UVB exposure has ceased, so-
called “dark CPDs.” Importantly, these dark CPDs account for more than half of CPDs in
melanocytes after UV exposure. This discovery suggests that any source of ROS can
potentially generate CPDs and that the kinetics of CPD generation by this mechanism may
offer an opportunity for novel chemoprevention strategies beyond blocking UV exposure.66


The repeated exposure of skin to UVR over a lifetime represents an enormous

collective DNA damage burden. Indeed, initial reports dating back to 1996 showed that
clones of keratinocytes aberrantly expressing stable (and therefore likely mutated) p53 could
be detected in whole-mounted skin.67,68 These TP53-mutant clones have also been
identified in UVexposed mouse skin.

Recently, targeted and whole-exome sequencing have shown that chronically UV-
exposed clinically and histologically normal-appearing epidermis harbors about five
mutations per megabase of DNA37,69 (Fig. 19-6), a remarkably high mutational load that
exceeds that of many human cancers. Indeed, skin cancers have the highest mutational loads
of any human cancer reported with the possible exception of mismatch repair-deficient colon
carcinomas. To be identified at all by existing DNA sequencing methodologies, there must be
clones of cells bearing identical mutations of sufficient quantity to be reliably detectable at a
given sequencing depth. Therefore, the extent of UV-induced mosaicism in epidermis is
likely to be even greater than reported.

Although the presence of clones is interpreted as evidence of positive selection for

specific mutations,69 the frequency distribution of clone sizes suggests that clones can also
spontaneously arise without the need for such selection.70 In the case of TP53, it is clear that
although TP53 mutations compromise apoptosis, continued UV exposure is necessary for a
selective advantage for these mutations to manifest themselves in the form of expanding
clones, presumably through the inhibition or killing of surrounding normal keratinocytes.
Deep sequencing of TP53-mutant clones in archival samples of UV-exposed human skin
showed that many subclonal mutations in genes associated with SCCs are present, suggesting
the widespread existence of keratinocyte patches highly predisposed to transformation.71


Estimates of the rate of progression of AK to SCC range from 0.6% at 1 year to 2.6%
in 4 years.72 At the genomic level, many of the key mutated genes observed in SCC and
irradiated skin are also found in AK.37,71 There have been no consistently identified
transcriptional differences between AK and SCC. Instead, the molecular profiles of most AKs
are largely indistinguishable from those of well-differentiated invasive SCC, suggesting that
chemoprevention targeted to heavily mutagenized UV-exposed skin may be more effective.


Virus-associated cancers comprise up to 10% of all human malignancies, including

several that arise in skin: Kaposi sarcoma; SCC (arising in epidermodysplasia verruciformis
patients and a small fraction of immunosuppressed individuals); and Merkel cell carcinoma73
(see Table 19-1). DNA viruses have evolved highly effective mechanisms, in permissive host
cells, for replicating their genomes, synthesizing capsid proteins, and assembling infectious
viral particles during their normal, vegetative life cycles. Because of their small size, viruses
cannot produce the full complement of proteins needed for DNA replication; instead, viral
“early proteins” needed during early stages of the viral life cycle hijack the host cell cycle
machinery to replicate the viral genome. After primary infection, most viruses are kept in
check by the host immune system with minimal evidence of productive infection.
Immunosuppression can lead to viral reactivation and disease, which may reflect lysis of host
cells that accumulate large numbers of viral particles.

Viral infection typically precedes cancer development by many years, and only a
small subset of infected individuals develop cancer, frequently in the setting of systemic
immunosuppression or impaired immune surveillance. Viral transformation is a dead end for
viruses because it is usually associated with integration of viral DNA into the host cell
genome in a manner that precludes viral genome replication and completion of the viral life
cycle but allows for persistent expression of early viral proteins that drive cellular
transformation by targeting key host cell signaling proteins.74 Thus, viral oncoproteins
contribute to cancer by dysregulating many of the same proteins and pathways that are altered
by exposure to UV light or other mutagens in sporadic cancers.

More than 200 types of human papillomaviruses (HPVs) have been identified and
grouped into five genera, with the alpha and beta HPV types most closely linked to cancer.75
Some alpha HPVs infect skin and cause warts, but others infect mucosal surfaces, with low-
risk HPVs producing benign lesions (condylomata) and high-risk HPVs, typically HPV16 or
18, associated with malignancy (cervical cancer, most anorectal cancers, and a sizeable
fraction of genital and oropharyngeal cancers). Infection by high-risk alpha HPVs is
relatively common in young, sexually active individuals, but the infection is cleared via the
immune system in most individuals. Beta HPVs have been linked to development of
cutaneous warts and SCC in individuals with epidermodysplasia verruciformis and may play
a role in the pathogenesis of cutaneous SCC in some chronically immunosuppressed
individuals.76 Nevertheless, unlike the alpha HPVs, there has been no evidence for viral
transcripts in skin cancers,37,77 indicating that beta HPVs are not required for tumor
maintenance. A hit-and-run mechanism that posits a temporally and functionally restricted
requirement for HPV gene transcription is still compatible with a causal role but is difficult to
demonstrate definitively. The early genes E6 and E7 from high-risk alpha HPVs drive
tumorigenesis by binding and degrading the tumor suppressors TP53 and RB1, respectively.
In contrast, beta HPVs influence other oncogenic effectors and processes to drive cancer,
leading to deficient double-strand DNA repair, impaired apoptosis, disrupted epithelial
differentiation, and altered NOTCH and TGF-β signaling.78


Human polyomavirus (PyV) infections are ubiquitous. The great majority of adults
harbor serologic evidence of infection by multiple human PyVs occurring at an early age
followed by establishment of subclinical, persistent infection because of the presence of
episomal viral DNA in the nucleus of the host cell.79 Viral reactivation and productive
infection, which requires viral genome replication and packaging into infectious virions, can
occur in immunosuppressed individuals and cause clinically evident disease.79 For example,
BKPyV is associated with development of posttransplant nephropathy and hemorrhagic
cystitis, and JCPyV causes progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy.

Several PyVs have been isolated from human skin, and some are associated with
distinctive skin disorders, including pruritic and dyskeratotic dermatoses (HPyV6 and
HPyV7) and the hair follicle disorder trichodysplasia spinulosa (TSPyV).80 In nearly all
cases, these conditions arise in immunosuppressed hosts and are associated with productive
infection, leading to accumulation of a large numbers of virions in affected cells. Merkel cell
PyV (MCPyV) is also present in normal human skin but is not associated with any known
skin disorders linked to productive viral infection. MCPyV is, however, detected in about
80% of Merkel cell carcinomas, which are rare but aggressive neuroendocrine malignancies
that arise in skin (see Chap. 113). MCPyV viral DNA was found to be clonally integrated in
MCCs,81 strongly suggesting that this virus plays an important role at early stages of MCC
development in virus-positive tumors.
Given the strong evidence pointing to a causal role for MCPyV in MCC, much effort
has gone into investigating the transforming potential of the MCPyV early gene products
large T and small T antigens (LTAg, sTAg). Historically, LTAg from a simian polyomavirus,
SV40, has been used extensively to study fundamental aspects of cancer because of its potent
ability to transform cells in cell culture and produce tumors in experimental animals.82 The
transforming properties of SV40 LTAg have been attributed largely to its ability to disrupt
the functions of both TP53 and RB1, identifying these two tumor suppressors as key targets
for viral oncogenesis. In contrast to LTAg, SV40 sTAg alone is not a potent oncogene,
although it may contribute to LTAg-driven transformation. Intriguingly, the contribution of
MCPyV TAgs to transformation appears reversed relative to that of SV40 in that sTAg
appears to be the main oncogenic driver both in vitro and in vivo.83,84 Current studies in this
area include work aimed at better defining the contributions of sTAg and LTAg to MCC
development, identifying key TAg-driven changes in host cells and interacting proteins and
pathways that contribute to tumorigenesis, and uncovering the MCC cell of origin


Also implicated in the development of a relatively small proportion of human skin

cancers are various chemicals, as a result of environmental, occupational, or medicinal
exposures (Table 19-2). In 1775, Sir Percivall Pott85 attributed the increased incidence of
scrotal cancer in chimney sweeps to repeated exposure to soot. This report provided the first
link between an occupational exposure and the development of cancer as well as the first
example of chemical carcinogenesis. The National Toxicology Program’s 14th Report on
Carcinogens ( roc14), released in 2016, lists 248 substances as
either known (62 substances) or reasonably anticipated (186 substances) to be human
carcinogens. Although most of these are chemicals, the list also includes physical agents (eg,
ionizing and UVR) and infectious agents (eg, Kaposi sarcoma–associated herpesvirus and
MCPyV), discussed earlier. Although not yet listed, the antifungal voriconazole has been
linked to an increased incidence of SCCs in immunosuppressed patients.86 Mechanisms by
which chemicals cause cancer reveal striking similarities to those uncovered for UVR-
induced cancer, including DNA damage, selective cytotoxicity, and immunosuppression.


Ionizing radiation (IR) had been used to treat a variety of skin disorders, including
acne and tinea capitus as well as malignant tumors. Interestingly the excess risk of skin
cancer associated with IR exposure is almost exclusively confined to BCC and has been
documented in atomic bomb survivors, radiologists, miners, and children treated for tinea
capitis.87 Childhood exposure has been associated with a significantly increased risk of BCC
with a latency of over 20 years, particularly in fair-complected individuals, suggesting a
strong interactions between UV and IR exposures.88 Epidemiologically, pilots are highly
exposed to cosmic IR, which is associated with a 3-fold elevated risk of BCC and 3.5- fold
elevated risk of melanoma.89

Chronic wounds have long been recognized clinically as a risk factor for skin cancer,
particularly SCC. Marjolin ulcers refer to skin cancers that arise in sites of chronic ulcers or
scars, most often caused by burns and most often occurring on the lower extremities and
scalp. Several series detailing long-term followup conclude that more than 77% of these
cancers are associated with burns, almost 90% of tumors are SCC, and the average interval
from initial injury to tumor development was 37 years.91,92 These SCCs are highly
aggressive, resulting in nodal involvement in more than 30% of cases and distant metastases
in more than 11%.9




Genetically engineered mouse models have enabled close focus on specific genetic
events now known to be critical for SCC. Given the identification of activating Hras
mutations in nearly all squamous papillomas and carcinomas arising during chemical
carcinogenesis in mouse skin (see later), early transgenic mouse studies used oncogenic
forms of Hras to establish the central role of sustained Hras-driven signaling in initiation and
progression of squamous neoplasia. Expression of the Hras oncogene in skin led to
development of either benign squamous papillomas or invasive SCC, depending on which
cell populations were engineered to express the transgene. Only benign papillomas developed
in mice with Hras expression targeted to interfollicular epidermis, and these required either
wounding or treatment with a tumor promoter, but expression of the same oncogene in hair
follicle epithelia that included stem cells led to spontaneous SCC development.94,95 These
types of studies established the utility of genetically engineered mouse models for studying
the genetic and cellular basis of skin tumors.

With these initial models serving as a foundation, numerous subsequent studies

explored the contribution of various other genes and pathways to squamous tumor
development.96-99 Skin-targeted expression of TGF-α or other growth factors or receptors
that activate the Ras pathway also lead to squamous tumors. Expression of components of the
cell cycle machinery, including E2F1, cyclin D1, and Cdk4, could also contribute to SCC
development, progression, or both. Transgenic overexpression of protein kinase C (PKC)
isozymes, which are key regulators of epidermal differentiation and other cellular processes,
leads to development of squamous papillomas and carcinomas (PKC-α) or less differentiated
SCCs that rapidly metastasized to regional lymph nodes (PKC-ε). Spontaneous or
carcinogen-induced tumor formation in genetically modified mice has revealed genes and
pathways that appear to be important in skin cancer induction but would not have been
apparent from hereditary cancer syndromes or analysis of human skin cancers. Targeting of
Myc to differentiating cells in transgenic mice permits proliferation in this normally
postmitotic compartment and produces an actinic keratosis–like phenotype, and basal cell
targeting of Myc using a Keratin 5 promoter yields spontaneous tumors. Mice carrying a
deletion in c-fos developed v-rasHa–driven papillomas, but malignant progression to SCC
was blocked. Multiple additional molecules and pathways have been implicated in SCC
development through transgenic mouse modeling or recombinant human skin studies,
including Smad2, Smad4, Stat3, PKC delta, PKC eta, Rac1, Pak1, Atf3, Sos, mTOR, TGF-β,
Akt, Src, Fyn, and NF-κB (nuclear factor kappa B).96-100

The simultaneous inactivation of Rb1 and Trp53 in epidermis is sufficient to induce

SCC in mice,101 consistent with the ability of high-risk HPV E6 and E7 expression to cause
SCC in skin.102 Experiments using genetic ablation of the two most frequently mutated
genes in SCC, Notch1 and Trp53, have implicated important pathways in tumor suppression,
differentiation, proliferation, and stromal interactions. Removal of Trp53 in mice
dramatically accelerates tumor induction in both chemical and UV carcinogenesis models.96
Epidermis-specific removal of Notch1 dramatically enhances carcinogenesis in the DMBA
(7,12-dimethylbenz[a]-anthracene)/TPA (12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate) model
resulting in both BCC and SCC induction.103 When removed in mosaic fashion, it was
subsequently shown that Notch1 inactivation in skin resulted in non–cell-autonomous effects,
resulting in an inflammatory woundlike phenotype, specifically acting in tumor
promotion.104 The most dramatic example of this was seen in mice lacking the CSL gene, a
vital component of Notch signaling, solely in mesenchymal cells, including dermal
fibroblasts. Remarkably, these mice spontaneously developed multifocal SCC without the
need for any initiating or promoting agent,105 demonstrating how simply disrupting Notch
signaling between the mesenchyme and overlying epithelia is sufficient for tumorigenesis.


The discovery of PTCH1 mutations in NBCCS patients and either PTCH1 or SMO
mutations in sporadic BCCs set the stage for studies directly testing the involvement of the
Hedgehog pathway in BCC tumorigenesis. Skin-targeted mouse models developed to either
express Hedgehog signaling activators (SHH, SMO, GLI1, GLI2), or delete Hedgehog
signaling repressors (PTCH1, SUFU) reliably produce BCCs or BCC-like tumors in
genetically engineered mice (reviewed in 4,106) (see Chap. 111). In addition to providing in
vivo evidence strongly supporting a central role for deregulated Hedgehog signaling in BCC
development, these models have yielded valuable insights into the requirement for sustained
Hedgehog signaling in tumor maintenance; established the importance of tissue and cellular
context, as well as Hedgehog signaling levels, during BCC tumorigenesis; uncovered
functionally significant interactions with other signaling pathways; and have provided
powerful models for preclinical studies.

Cellular Origins of Skin Cancer: Historically, the cell of origin of human skin tumors was
inferred from histopathology and the phenotypic characteristics of tumor cells. The
undifferentiated appearance of BCC tumor cells pointed to a potential origin from the
epidermal basal layer or hair follicle outer root sheath. In addition, the resemblance of early-
stage BCCs to embryonic hair germs and consistent expression of the outer root sheath
marker keratin 17, coupled with the absence of typical BCCs on palmar and plantar skin that
is devoid of pilosebaceous units, were taken as evidence supporting a hair follicle origin for
BCC. SCCs, on the other hand, harbor cells that undergo terminal differentiation to form
squames resembling cells in the cornified layer of epidermis, leading to the assertion that
SCCs are more likely to be derived from epidermis than hair follicles. Although these
observations provide a useful starting point, they assume that the phenotype of a tumor cell
faithfully reflects the cell type from which it originated.

Experimental studies in mice have yielded insight into cell populations within skin
that can give rise to nonmelanoma skin cancers. These studies are frequently performed by
activating expression of a putative oncogene or deleting a tumor suppressor gene in specific
cell populations and assessing tumor development over time. This approach typically requires
breeding at least two different genetically engineered mouse models to generate bitransgenic
mice carrying (1) a Cre recombinase–inducible oncogene or Cre-excisable tumor suppressor
gene and (2) a hormone-activatable form of Cre recombinase expressed in specific cell
types.107 Treating these bitransgenic mouse models with hormone activates Cre recombinase
in defined cell types at a specific time, leading to activation of the dormant oncogene or
excision of the tumor suppressor gene. For modeling SCC, inducible expression of oncogenic
Hras or Kras is frequently combined with deletion of the Trp53 tumor suppressor gene; for
modeling BCC, Hedgehog pathway oncogenes are activated or tumor suppressor genes are
deleted. By combining different mouse models to target specific cell types, investigators have
examined the tumorigenic potential of oncogenic drivers in hair follicle stem cells,
transientamplifying hair follicle and other progenitor cells, or interfollicular epidermal basal

From these types of experiments, several general conclusions can be drawn regarding
the potential cells of origin of SCC and BCC and the importance of cellular and tissue context
in tumorigenesis. Hair follicle stem cells appear to be uniquely sensitive to invasive SCC
development driven by oncogenic Kras combined with Trp53 deletion, with tumors
progressing to advanced stages of development with a spindle cell morphology. Using the
same set of oncogenic drivers, transiently amplifying hair matrix cells are completely
resistant to tumor development, and interfollicular epidermal cells form either benign
squamous papillomas or SCC, depending on the targeting strategy.107,108 These studies also
showed that although SCCs readily develop from follicle stem cells during the transition from
the resting phase of the hair cycle (telogen) to active growth (anagen), they are largely
resistant to SCC development when quiescent, in telogen.

Genetic-based models have also provided insight into the potential cell of origin of
BCC but have yielded some conflicting results. 106,107,109 Initial studies showed that BCCs
preferentially arose from interfollicular epidermis or from hair follicle stem cells that
migrated into epidermis after wounding, but subsequent studies using a different oncogenic
driver showed that BCCs could arise from follicle stem cells as well as several progenitor
populations, with superficial BCCs arising from interfollicular epidermis and nodular tumors
from hair follicle epithelia. Similar to Kras+/Trp53-deficient SCC, development of nodular
BCCs was potentiated by activation of the hair cycle, establishing the importance of tissue
context in driving tumorigenesis. Moreover, the magnitude of Hedgehog signaling activity
was a critical determinant of tumor phenotype, with low-level signaling producing basaloid
hamartomas and high-level signaling yielding nodular tumors. Taken together, these studies
underscore the importance of a tumor’s cell of origin in defining whether or not a tumor will
develop, and if it does, its specific phenotype.

The classical model of chemical carcinogenesis in skin has been studied for over 70
years and has proven to be a profoundly useful model for studying separable steps of tumor
initiation, progression, and metastasis.97 In the most commonly used incarnation of the
model, the carcinogen DMBA is applied initially, metabolized into a potent mutagen, and
causes activating Hras mutations, most often at Q61 with over 90% frequency. Subsequent
repeated application of tumor promoters, most commonly the phorbol ester TPA, results in
highly reproducible tumor induction in terms of latency, multiplicity, incidence, and
progression. Other tumor promoters can be used, including UVR, okadaic acid, and physical
wounding.97 The dominant driver of these tumors is mutant Hras, which can undergo
subsequent amplification. In this regard, one important contrast with human SCC is the early
requirement for ras mutation as enforced by DMBA exposure, with the emergence of Trp53
mutations later.110 In humans, TP53 mutations occur very early and RAS mutations are
detected less commonly.37-41 Nevertheless, the literature associated with this model mirrors
the rise of the genetic paradigm of cancer because nearly every major cancer-related pathway
has been investigated using this platform, particularly in conjunction with genetically
engineered mouse models. These include the TP53, INK4A-RB1-E2F, TGF-β, PI3K/AKT,
STAT3, mTOR, and COX2 pathways, as well as multiple receptor tyrosine kinases, including
EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) family members.96,97 In addition, the model has
been critically important in elucidating important downstream effectors of RAS in cancer.


The most frequently used rodent model for UVinduced skin cancers has been the
immunocompetent Hairless mouse, an outbred strain that lacks a functional Hairless (Hr)
gene. These mice undergo one round of anagen soon after birth, after which point follicles
degenerate into cystic structures.111 The lack of hair obviates the need to shave the mice
repeatedly and allows for consistent UV exposure over time. Although Hr gene function is
implicated in NF-κB signaling112 and adipogenesis,113 the function of Hr in cancer is not
completely understood. In terms of acquired mutations in the tumors, this model is
significantly more faithful to the human condition than the DMBA/TPA model.114 UV
irradiation has also been used in more common strains such as C57BL/6 with varying degrees
of susceptibility to carcinoma, the SENCAR strain being among the most sensitive. Although
highly informative, UV-driven mouse models have suffered somewhat from a lack of
uniformity in the spectra, dose, and irradiances used across groups and strains. Some of this is
unavoidable and caused by technical limitations in reproducing spectra across different light

Nevertheless, many important conclusions have been drawn from experiments with
UV-driven models. Trp53 mutations occur early, and as in chronically irradiated human skin,
Trp53 mutant clones are observed.115 Tumors exhibit very high mutational burdens with a
median of 155 mutations per megabase in a series of 18 SCCs.114 Other mutations observed
in tumors include Notch family members, Ink4a, and relatively rare mutations in ras and
recurrent chromosomal alterations are seen that map to corresponding syntenic regions on
human 3p, 11p, and 9q.114,116-121

As with the chemical carcinogenesis approach, many studies have focused on

specific pathways, combining UV exposure with transgenic mouse models. Bypassing UV-
induced apoptosis, as regulated by Trp53, Survivin, Bcl2, and E2f-1, has been shown to be
necessary for full tumor susceptibility.122-126 Some of the same regulators implicated in
chemical carcinogenesis are also known to be important in UV-driven models, including the
COX-2, mTOR, AKT, and ERK pathways.127-131 Cross-species analysis with human SCC
has also been performed using UV-driven models implicating WNT, β-catenin, and ERK
pathways, as well as several microRNAs, including miR-21 and miR-31.3


The most effective approach to reducing cancer-associated morbidity and mortality is

prevention, and given the central role of UV-driven mutagenesis in skin cancer development,
efforts aimed at effectively limiting exposure to sunlight and other UV sources, such as
tanning beds, are likely to have a major impact on overall skin tumor development. Federal
legislation restricting use of tanning beds by minors in nearly all US states is thus predicted to
have a major beneficial effect at reducing skin cancer incidence in the future.132 Various
approaches to chemoprevention may also play an important role in reducing the number of
SCCs,133,134 with encouraging results presented for nicotinamide in a randomized phase 3
trial in high-risk patients, which showed a 20% and 30% reduction of BCC and SCC,
respectively, at 3 months, and 11% fewer actinic keratoses.135

Although most skin cancers can be effectively treated with surgery, a deeper
understanding of the molecular basis of these cancers may provide unique opportunities for
targeting key oncogenic drivers for prevention or nonsurgical treatment. For example,
because nearly all BCCs appear to be caused by unrestrained Hedgehog signaling, systemic
Hedgehog pathway inhibition can be effective in treating patients with locally advanced or
metastatic BCC, although side effects are common, drug resistance can develop, and tumors
may recur after stopping therapy.136 In addition to causing regression of preexisting tumors,
systemic Hedgehog pathway inhibitors effectively block development of new BCCs in
patients with Gorlin syndrome.137 These findings suggest that regular use of a topical
inhibitor, if effective at blocking oncogenic Hedgehog signaling, may be useful for BCC
prevention in high-risk patients. Although this is an exciting possibility for patients with
BCC, it seems unlikely that a single targeted therapeutic could be similarly useful for
prevention of SCC tumors because multiple oncogenic alterations are engaged to variable
degrees in SCC development.


Extensive clinical and experimental study of skin cancers has yielded important
insights into the molecular and cellular basis of both BCC and SCC; led to the development
of mechanism-based, targeted therapy for BCC; uncovered key molecular similarities
between SCCs arising in skin and several other organs; provided powerful platforms for
studying multistep cancer development using highly tractable mouse models of chemical and
UV-driven carcinogenesis, as well as genetically engineered models; and shed light on
fundamental aspects of tumor genetics and cancer biology that are relevant to understanding
tumorigenesis in other organs. Continued progress in understanding the pathogenesis of BCC
and SCC is likely to lead to new approaches to preventing and treating these extremely
common malignancies.


We regret not being able to include citations to all relevant articles, given the space
restrictions. We appreciate previous authors’ contributions to some of the material included
in the current chapter, including Drs. Masaoki Kawasumi, Paul Nghiem, Timothy Heffernan,
Douglas Brash, Adam Glick, and Stuart Yuspa

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