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Volume 20, Nomor 3, 392 - 406 ISSN 1412-565 X

Desember 2020 e-ISSN 2541-4135

Teachers’ Perception of Online Learning during Pandemic Covid-19

Retno Puji Rahayu* & Yanty Wirza

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia*

Naskah diterima tanggal 03/11/2020, direvisi akhir tanggal 25/12/2020, disetujui tanggal 31/12/2020

Since March 2020, the case of coronavirus disease or known as Covid-19, has become a global
pandemic. According to UNESCO, schools are closed in about 100 countries due to a public health
emergency, including Indonesia. The condition forces teachers to make the transition of the way they
teach from face to face learning to online learning. This study investigated EFL teachers’ perception of
online English language learning. Their perceptions were analyzed in three aspects: perceived
usefulness, perceived ease of use, and their attitude toward online English language learning. This study
employed a descriptive design with a qualitative approach. A survey questionnaire and interview were
used in this study to elicit the responses of 102 Junior High School English teachers in Bandung. This
study's findings revealed that the participants showed a positive perception of the usefulness and ease of
online learning systems during pandemic Covid-19. Still, more than half of teachers didn’t agree on its
effectiveness. Even though the teachers face many online teaching process problems, they could show
the right attitude toward using technology to teach online.
Keywords: Pandemic; Online learning; Perception.

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan 392

Volume 20, Nomor 3, 392 – 406 ISSN 1412-565 X
Desember 2020 e-ISSN 2541-4135

I. INTRODUCTION learning strategies, mentioned some

Since March 2020, the case of advantages of online learning: flexible in time
coronavirus disease or known as Covid-19, and place, provide opportunities for relations
has become a global pandemic. The massive between learners by the use of discussion
spread of coronavirus forces social distancing forums, helps eliminate barriers that have the
policy or was introduced as physical potential of hindering participation, including
distancing to minimize the space of Covid-19. the fear of talking to other learners, motivates
So, this policy is strived to slow down the students to interact with other, cost-effective,
spread of the Coronavirus in the community. takes into consideration the individual learners
It has a big impact on various sectors of life, differences, permits each student to study at his
especially education. According to UNESCO or her own pace and speed whether slow or
(2020a), schools are closed in many countries quick.
due to a public health emergency. Until the Meanwhile, Westberry (2009) lists some
first April 2020, UNESCO recorded at least benefits from online learning, namely,
1.5 billion school-age children who couldn’t supporting higher student cognition levels,
attend school due to the impact of Covid-19 fostering learner reflection and information
in 188 countries, including 60 million of them processing, and leveling the playing field
is in Indonesia. This condition makes every between participants. Besides, Aithal &
country work hard to find students' solutions Shubhrajyotsna (2016) mention some of the
to keep learning and fulfill their educational online learning advantages from the learner
rights. point of view are convenience, time savings,
The Ministry of Education and Culture of reduced cost are hailed as significant positive
Indonesia responds with educational policies aspects that push them towards adoption and
mentioned in the Circular Letter of Ministry continued use of e-learning.
of Education and Indonesia Number 4, 2020. Furthermore, Anderson (2008) mentions
One of the guidelines is that during the spread some advantages of online learning for
of coronavirus disease (Covid-19), teaching learners: no time zones, location, and distance,
and learning in all levels of education will be in asynchronous online learning, students can
done at home by online learning. This policy access the online materials anytime, while
forces all of the teachers in Indonesia to make synchronous online learning provides real-time
the transition of the way they teach from face interaction between students and teacher, the
to face learning to online learning. students can use the internet to access up-to-
According to Carliner (2003), online date and relevant learning materials, and can
learning is access to learning experiences via communicate with experts in the field which
some technology. Meanwhile, Anderson they are studying. Also, the advantage of
(2008) defines online learning as a subset of online learning for instructors: tutoring can be
distance education that has always been done anytime, anywhere, online materials can
concerned with providing access to an be updated, and learners can see the changes
educational experience that is, at least, more immediately; when learners can access
flexible in time and space than campus-based materials on the internet, it is easier for
education. The definition of online learning instructors to direct them to appropriate
during the pandemic is that teachers and information based on their needs, online
students do not go to school, but they teach learning systems can be used to determine
and study from home using technology. The learners’ needs and to assign suitable materials
technology can be used like smartphone, for learners to select from, to achieve their
laptop, i-pad, and tablets. Many platforms are learning goal.
offered for online learning that can be According to Almosa (2002), there are
integrated with the technology, such as some disadvantages of teaching online: the
Whatsapp, Google Classroom, Ruang Guru, learners become undergo contemplation,
Quipper, Zoom meeting, etc. remoteness, as well as lack of interaction or
Marc (2007), in his book review on e- relation, less effective than the traditional
method of learning because the offer of
393 Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan
Volume 20, Nomor 3, 392 - 406 ISSN 1412-565 X
Desember 2020 e-ISSN 2541-4135

explanations, as well as interpretations, the Meanwhile, they also found some obstacles
learners though might have excellent during e-learning, such as the lack of technical
knowledge in academics, they may not skills, infrastructure and facilities, teachers'
possess the needed skills to deliver their teaching strategy, and economic problems. The
acquired knowledge to others, it is difficult to lack of technology infrastructure, the
control or regulate sinful activities like expensive internet cost, and the family
cheating in the test for assessment, misled to financial crisis also became the teachers'
piracy and plagiarism, deteriorate the role of obstacles during online learning in a pandemic
instructor, purely scientific fields that include era in Bangladesh, as reported by Ramij &
practical cannot be properly studied through Sultana (2020).
e-learning, the heavy use of some websites Nambiar (2020) and Orhan & Beyhan
bring about unanticipated costs both in time (2020) focused that one of the critical areas for
and money. teacher and student satisfaction with online
Aras Bozkur et al. (2020) in Journal of categories is the interaction between them. The
Distance Education entitle A global outlook engagement of scholars had a crucial role in
to the interruption of education due to Covid- teachers’ satisfaction. For teachers, formal
19 Pandemic: Navigating in a time of education was more successful than online
uncertainty and crisis Asian mentioned that education because of full communication and
online learning with the time of pandemic is interaction.
quite emergency remote education and this Giovannella (2020) conducted a study on
practice is completely different from planned the Italian school system to capture how the
practices like distance education, online teachers perceive and experience online
learning or different derivations. education two months after the beginning of
Furthermore, this study provided a global the Covid-19 pandemic. It was found that
outlook and picture; however, other countries teachers had a positive perception of using
survived to stay teaching and to learn technologies. The professional development of
throughout the Covid-19 pandemic—the teachers in digital skills is needed to prepare for
readiness of technology determined the future teaching activities. Klapproth also
success of online learning virtually altogether supports this, Klapproth (2020), who suggests
of nations. that teachers develop their digital skills.
Rasmitadila et al. (2020) explained in Therefore, schools should equip them with the
detail concerning the readiness of technology necessary computer hard- and software
in Indonesia during the Covid-19. It ought to contributing to a willingness to use online
be in line with the national humanist syllabus, teaching technologies.
support, and collaboration from all For junior high school teachers in
stakeholders and government, schools, Bandung, Indonesia, online learning is still a
teachers, parents, and the community. The new system for teaching. Therefore, teachers'
readiness of technology also needed a proper early perceptions of online learning are crucial
teaching strategy. to facilitate an effective online learning
Lestiyanawati & Widyantoro (2020) environment; the benefits and barriers to
found three teaching methods applied by implementation must be understood. So, this
Indonesian teachers: applying only online study aims to investigate the teachers'
chat, using video conference, and combining perception of online English language
both online chat and video conference in learning.
online teaching and learning process.

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan 394

Volume 20, Nomor 3, 392 – 406 ISSN 1412-565 X
Desember 2020 e-ISSN 2541-4135

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

Variable Attitude Behavioural Actual
s toward Intention to System
Using Use Use
of Use
Figure 1. Modified Technology Acceptance Model (Davis et al., 1989)
TAM or Technology Acceptance Model The population to be investigated in this
(Figure 1) was developed by Davis et al. study is English Junior High School teachers in
(1989). TAM postulates two main variables Bandung city. To select a representative
as antecedents to individual technology sample out of this population, the researcher
acceptance; perceived usefulness and invited 102 English teachers from 51 schools
perceived ease of use. According to Davis et in Bandung city. The study was conducted for
al. (1989), the definition of perceived one week to answer questions in the form of
usefulness is the level of someone's believes close questionnaires. To get the depth
that using a particular system would increase explanation, the researcher interviewed five
their achievement. It means whether or not a persons selected from the survey participants.
person perceives that technology to be useful All of the participants have implemented
for their needs. Meanwhile, according to teaching online using one or more platforms.
Davis, perceived ease-of-use is the degree to The teacher has used online teaching from
which a person believes that using a particular March to July 2020, and its possibilities will
system would be free from effort (Davis et al., continue. These are the participants'
1989). Perceived usefulness and ease of use demographics, including age, gender,
are the independent variables, whereas education level, teaching experience, and
system use is the dependent variable. It can platform used.
say that we can conquer the barriers when the From table 1. we can see the number of
technology is easy to use. But, when females is higher than males. There are 68%
technology is complicated and not easy to use, females and 32% males. The participants
people would not have a positive attitude. dominated by the age of 35-42, 34.3%. Then,
Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of 30.4% in the age of 43-50 years old.
use determine the attitude toward using the Meanwhile, about 20.6% in the age of 51-59
system. years old. The age of 22-28 and 29-34 are 6.9%
According to the above explanation, the and 7.8%. There are no participants in the age
researcher used the TAM model as the of 60+.
framework related to this study's title, Mostly the level of participant’s education
'Teachers' perception of online learning level is S1, there are 92.2%. Meanwhile, only
during the pandemic of Covid-19. If the 2.4% in the level of D3 and 5.9% graduated as
participants perceive online learning master degrees.
usefulness and easy to use, they have a About 43.1% have been teaching for more
positive perception of online learning. than 16 years, 35.3% have been teaching about
11-15 years. Meanwhile, 13.7% has been
II. METHODS teaching 6-10 years and only 7.8% who has
been teaching about 0-5 years.
This research investigated the perception The table also shows that Whatsapp group
of 102 teachers in using an online learning is the most favorite platform used to teach
system to teach English. This study was online. It reaches 93%. Meanwhile, Google
qualitative by survey method with classroom is used by 46%, Sakoja is used by
questionnaire techniques. The use of these 25.5%, Zoom cloud meeting is used by 21.6%,
methodologies aims to gain perceptions of the Edmodo is used by 16.7%, Quipper and
teachers who participated in the study.
395 Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan
Volume 20, Nomor 3, 392 - 406 ISSN 1412-565 X
Desember 2020 e-ISSN 2541-4135

Quizizz are used by 13.7%, Kahoot is used by They came from different school in Bandung.
6.9%, School website is used by 6.5.9%, FB All of them have been teaching for more than
group is used only by 1% and 6.9% persons 5 years. They have different age: participant 1
used other platform. (38), participant 2 (42), participant 3 (46),
Furthermore, 5 English teachers were participant 4 (45) and participant 5 (56).
chosen from the participants of questionnaire.
Table 1. Variable Labels and Descriptive Statistics
Variable Label Percentage Total Participant s

Gender 32 %Male 102

68% Female
Age Range 6.9% 22-28 years 102
7.8% 29-34 years
34.3% 35-42 years
30.4% 43-50 years
20.6% 51-59 years
Level of Education 2.4% D3 102
92.2% S1
5.9% S2
Teaching Experience 7.8% 0-5 years 102
13.7% 6-10 years
35.3% 11-15 years
43.1% 16+ years
Platform Used 25.5% Sakoja (Puber, Edubox online) 2% Ruang Guru 102
46% Google Classroom
16.7% Edmodo
13.7% Quipper
13.7% Quizizz
6.9% Kahoot
21.6% Zoom cloud meeting 5.9% School Website
93% Whatsapp Group 1% Face book Group
6.9% Others

2.1. Procedures 2.2. Data analysis

A close-ended questionnaire was The data was analyzed through several
administered to the teacher by Google form. steps: scoring questionnaire, finding the
The questionnaire consists of 20 questions: percentage, calculating the central tendency
usefulness, ease of use, and teachers' attitude (CT), interpreting data analysis and stating the
toward online learning. The questionnaire conclusion. Meanwhile, the data from
was adapted from Anderson (2008) and interview recorded were transcribed. Then, the
Ramírez et al. (2015). The questions were Indonesian transcriptions were translated into
designed by using a Likert Scale of five items: English. Next, the important data from the
Strongly disagree (SD), Disagree (D), Neutral interview were used to support the data from
(N), Agree (A), and Strongly agree (SA). The questionnaire result.
data were collected about four months after
online learning was implemented across the III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
nation. Teacher perceptions were investigated in
The second technique in collecting data terms of three aspects: Perceived usefulness,
related to the problem investigated in this Perceived ease of use, and Attitude toward online
research is interview. In this study, the semi learning.
structure interviews will be used to support Perceived usefulness is defined as the
the data gained from the questionnaire. degree to which a person believes that using a
particular system would enhance their job
performance. It means whether or not someone
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan 396
Volume 20, Nomor 3, 392 – 406 ISSN 1412-565 X
Desember 2020 e-ISSN 2541-4135

perceives that online system to be useful for agree that an online learning system is useful
what they want to do (Davis et al., 1989). for teaching. Fry (2001) mentioned that
Table 2 shows the average central tendency of technology-based e-learning enhances the use
perceived usefulness is 59.4% and of the internet and other necessary technologies
categorized as positive enough perception. to create learning materials, teach learners, and
The highest percentage falls to statement 4 regulate the organization's lesson program.
(75%). Forty-two teachers agree and strongly
Table 2. The Calculation of Central Tendency of Perceived Usefulness Items

N Perceived S D N A S Total CT
o Usefulnes D A Partici Interpret
s N % N % N % N % N % pant ation
1 system 3 37 2 20 4 42 102 61 Strong
makes 8 .3 1 .6 3 .2 %
2 system 1 16 5 49 1 15 1 18 102 47 Enoug
makes 7 .7 0 6 .7 9 .6 % h
3 system 8 7. 4 39 1 13 3 34 5 4 102 58 Enoug
makes 8 0 .2 4 .7 5 .3 . % h
teachin 9
4 1 9. 1 9. 7 76. 4 3. 102 75 Strong
learning 0 8 0 8 8 5 9 %
system is

5 online 5 4. 4 45 1 18. 2 27. 4 3. 102 56 Enoug

learning 9 6 .1 9 6 8 5 9 % h



Average 59. Enoug
4% h
397 Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan
Volume 20, Nomor 3, 392 - 406 ISSN 1412-565 X
Desember 2020 e-ISSN 2541-4135

The first item, the Online learning system participant 3 in the following excerpt.
that makes my performance improve, is also I think online learning is not effective.
a strong perception. During the During online learning the students seems
implementation of online learning, the passive and some of them are not
teachers could not separate from ICT. That motivated in online learning. During
condition forces them to learn ICT more. online by Google Classroom, the students
Besides, they also got more chances to learn only take the material and task and there
all about online learning, as mentioned by are no discussion. Actually I always give
participant 4 in the following. them time to ask me about the material or
Yes, I think so, online learning system anything but… the forum is always
makes my performance improves. When passive….
responding to a pandemic, teachers like
me suddenly have to be smart, dig up a The first participant mentioned that online
lot of media, in a short time we have to learning was not effective because the teachers
do online learning, at first we only use the are not ready yet. The pandemic came suddenly
closest application, that is Whatsapp. and changed the education system in
Using Whatsapp is already a daily Indonesia. It made the teachers confuse about
routine, so students are also easy to use, how to teach. They have to face lots of
you don't have to study anymore. problems. They faced difficulties designing an
Alhamdulillah, after that there were exciting material, explaining the material,
many webinars about online learning, so assessing, giving feedback, and making the
we learned much about online learning students enjoy the lesson. They also mentioned
like platforms use, how to create an some obstacles of students during online
interesting material, how to make the learning, such as lack of infrastructure and lack
students engage in our online of quota for the internet, as noted by participant
learning….But even after implementing 1 in the following excerpt.
those efforts, the students still less Actually it depends on the teacher and
motivation. Some of them are not excited student ... if the teacher is competent to
in learning online. provide interesting material, explaining
the material clearly, designing proper
Meanwhile, the items number 2, 3 and 5 assessment, available a meaning feedback
categorized as enough perception. Half of the and the students have no problems, the
participants didn't agree that online learning cellphone or laptop is adequate, they
is effective; teaching becomes more always have quota everytime, I think it can
comfortable and convenient. One factor that be effective. But in reality those are
causes online knowledge is not practical difficult, and it makes online learning is
because it lacks communication and not effective.
interaction quality. Thomson (2010) states
that communication is mainly one of a She also mentioned some suggestions for
suitable online course's essential elements. the better online learning as mentioned below.
Savenye (2005) also says that interaction and I think to make the online learning
communication are critical factors in creating effective, it needs support from educational
online learning success, enhanced student stakeholders, including government, schools,
satisfaction, and motivation. Business can teachers and environment. The support from
occur in three central areas, the interaction the parents is also determine the success of
between the learner and the instructor, the online learning. The role of parents actually is
learner, and other learners, and the learner not only facilitate the online technology but
and the content. If the communication and also should be a learning guide and monitoring
interaction between students and teachers their children at home. I think during online
couldn't run well, so online learning would be learning in pandemic Covid-19, the students
far from a success, as mentioned by are less parents’ support because the parents
themselves do not know their role.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan 398
Volume 20, Nomor 3, 392 – 406 ISSN 1412-565 X
Desember 2020 e-ISSN 2541-4135

According to Davis et al. (1989), perceived used, such as cellphone, laptops, i-pad, etc. At the
ease-of-use is the degree to which a person same time, the software has a learning application
believes that using a particular system would be and learning platform. Improvements in ease of use
free from effort. The design here means the may be beneficial to influence intentions and lead
technology used in online learning. Technology to positive perception and attitude.
includes hardware and software. The hardware

Table 3. The Calculation of Central Tendency to Perceive Ease of Use Items

N Perceive S D N A S Total CT
o d Easy to D A Particip Interpreta
Use ant tion
N % N % N % N % N %
1 It is easy to 2 28 2 21 4 49 1 1 99 65 Stro
operate an 8 .3 1 .2 9 .5 % ng
2 interaction 3 3 4 44 1 18 3 33 101 57 Eno
with the 5 .6 9 .8 4 .7 % ugh
system is
clear and
3 The online 4 4 3 36 1 11 4 42 5 5 101 62 Stro
learning 7 .6 2 .9 3 .6 % ng
is flexible
to interact
It would be
4 easy to be 1 1 2 29 2 24 4 46 1 1 100 63 Stro
competent 9 4 6 % ng
in the use
of the
5 conside 3 3 2 28. 2 24. 4 40. 3 3 101 62 Stro
r that 9 7 5 8 1 6 % ng
system is
easy to use.
Average 61.8 Stro
% ng

Based on table 3, Perceive Ease of Use for online learning. In this item questionnaire,
items' central tendency is 61.8% and the participant could choose more than one
categorized as strong positive perception. The application or platform. Many participants
highest percentage falls to the first statement used more than one medium from the data, but
that it is easy to operate an online learning the main application is Whatsapp.
system. Based on the data of the participant's
demography, 93% of teachers use Whatsapp

399 Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan

Volume 20, Nomor 3, 392 - 406 ISSN 1412-565 X
Desember 2020 e-ISSN 2541-4135

The interview result reported that All of the participants are agree that using
participant 1 used Whatsapp, Google Whatsapp is easy and straightforward. It could
Classroom, Edmodo, Quizziz, Kahoot, and be an alternative tool for a teacher who
Zoom Meeting to teach English. She said that incapability using another online platform. The
she wants to try various platforms to avoid the function of technology in teaching online is
students getting boring. She also said that she teaching, communicating, sharing material,
didn't face any difficulty using many kinds of checking students' presence, giving
media. Here is her explanation in the assignments, doing examinations, giving
following excerpt. feedback, etc. Participant 3 illustrated the use
Actually it’s not difficult to learn and use of technology in online learning in the
a new learning platform, but of course we following excerpt.
have to learn first…I myself, I learn like For daily communication, I use Whatsapp
how to use Google classroom, Edmodo because it is simple and familiar around
or Zoom meeting. Yaa.. I learn by myself the students. But for teaching, sharing
and it is not hard. And, actually I want to material and task I use Google Classroom
learn many other platforms. because it is more organize in class
Meanwhile, participant 5, categorized management….
into older participants, said it's hard for him to
learn ICT and use learning platforms. So, he Behavioral Intention is part of attitude
only uses Whatsapp to teach online. It is toward using the system. It is determined by
found that the younger teacher viewed online perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.
learning systems like Whatsapp, Google Behavioral Intention means teachers' attitude
Classroom, Zoom, etc., are easy to operate; and Intention to use the technology in teaching
they can interact with the online learning online Table 4 describes the central tendency
system, understandably and flexibly. They of behavioral intention item. There are five
thought they didn't need a long time to learn items, and the average central tendency is
the new platform, so it would be easy to be 71.4% and indicated a strong positive
competent in using an online learning system. perception. Article 4 is identified as the highest
Half of them consider that the online learning percentage. It stated that the participants would
system is easy to use. encourage the students in the online system.
According to the data of interview, there
On the contrary, the older teacher viewed
are some challenges related to the students in
that the online learning system is not easy to
doing online learning: the students are lack
operate; they thought the approach was not
motivation, some students couldn't provide
straightforward, challenging to understand,
quota every day, and some of them didn't have
and flexible. They need a long time to learn
their phone or laptop, they must share the
the new platform, so it would not be easy to
phonecall with their sister, brother or parents.
be competent in using an online learning
To cope with this challenge, most participants
system. Some older teachers felt that their
decided to encourage the students in online
skill in using ICT is not as well as the younger
learning. This is part of the role of the teacher.
ones, so it's hard for them to learn the new
online learning system.
Table 4. The Calculation of Central Tendency of Behavioral Intention Items

N Behavi S D N A S Total CT
o oral D A Particip Interpreta
Intenti N % N % N % N % N % ant tion
I will use
1 online 2 2 2 2 2 25 4 4 3 3 100 64 Strong
learning 5 5 5 5 5 %
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan 400
Volume 20, Nomor 3, 392 – 406 ISSN 1412-565 X
Desember 2020 e-ISSN 2541-4135

in my
of Covid-
It is
2 importan 2 19. 2 27 5 49 3 3 101 67 Strong
t to use 0 8 8 .7 0 .5 %
I would
nd its use.
I will
3 the 9 8. 1 13 7 71 6 5. 101 75 Strong
teaching 9 4 .9 2 .3 9 %
of my
to take
e of the
ies of the
I will
4 encoura 5 5 1 12 7 75 7 6. 101 77 Strong
ge 3 .9 6 .2 9 %
I would
like to
5 use the 1 9. 1 17 6 66 6 5. 101 74 Strong
online 0 9 8 .8 7 .3 9 %
in the
future if
I had the
Average 71.4 Strong

401 Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan

Volume 20, Nomor 3, 392 - 406 ISSN 1412-565 X
Desember 2020 e-ISSN 2541-4135

Savenye (2005) stated that maintain the the pandemic. Based on the data from the
students' motivation to keep active in online interview, the participants get involved with
learning is one of the challenges. You and the online learning system. Some of them said
Kang (2014) add that students who are not they spend more time than school time. As
enthusiastic about learning online have poor online learning can be done everywhere and
quality work or late assignments. Meanwhile, every time, teachers should be ready to online.
"successful students tend to have stronger This is illustrated by participants 1 and 2 in the
beliefs; they will succeed, higher self- following except.
responsibility, higher self-organization skills, Actually, at my school online lesson
and better technical skills and access" schedules are the same as regular lesson
(Savenye, 2005). Therefore, according to schedules, so I have to stand by every day
Chaney (2001), students should monitor their from 7 am to 3 pm in front of my laptop.
motivating factors because that will Moreover, I often use teleconferences
contribute to the continuance of learning using zoom meetings, well… it's almost
duration. The students who lose their the same as a normal school if it is seen
motivation, whether intrinsic or extrinsic, can from the time spent, even the students
quickly lose their goal and achievement. sometimes ask questions about
The data from the interview found that all of assignments at night, hmmn… even
the participants will follow the regulation of the though outside of working hours but they
government. If the government asked the teacher should be served. Whenever the student
to continue online learning, they would do it. They asks me, we have to answer, it has no
stated that they need more training to develop limited time.
their digital skills to create effective online
System use is considered the degree and I think online learning spend my time, I
have to be ready in 7 days and 24 hours.
manner in which users utilize the information
For examples begin from 7 am I have to
system's capabilities. System use is also part
open my class in Whatsapp group, then
of attitude toward using the system. It is
share the material and task from about
determined by perceived usefulness and
three teachers to my class. It will offer
perceived ease of use. System use means the
until 1 pm. During the beginning until late
involvement of teachers in the use of
night the sudents randomly submit their
technology to teach online. Table 5. shows the
task or they ask me anything about the
average of central tendency is 69% and
identified as strong perception.
During the pandemic of Covid-19, the teachers
Furthermore, it is found that item 2 has didn’t have the other way of teaching except online.
the highest percentage among others. The Every day they spent a long time with online
statement is ‘I get involved with the online learning. They greet the students, share the
learning system.’ Eighty-nine persons or material, give assignments, share the
about 78% of participants agree and strongly announcement, and so on. In work time, online
agree with the statement. As mentioned learning makes teachers stand by all-time because
before, online systems like Whatsapp, Google every time there were announcements from school,
Classroom, Kahoot, etc., provide new they have to share with the students, every time
methods and ways of teaching online. These they ask the teacher about the task or assignment or
systems are used to strengthen online submit the task. It made teachers get involved in the
online learning system all time. The teachers
learning. Most teachers used Whatsapp as the
frequently check the students' online presence; it is
leading platform during online education in essential to know the students' degree and progress.
Table 5. The Calculation of Central Tendency of System Use Items

N System Use S D N A S Total CT

o D A Interpretatio
N % N % N % N % N % n

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan 402

Volume 20, Nomor 3, 392 – 406 ISSN 1412-565 X
Desember 2020 e-ISSN 2541-4135

I spend a 2 2 4 65%
1 long time 7 2 2 22 9 49 2 2 100 Strong
interacting 7

2 I get 5 5 7 6. 8 79 9 8. 101 78% Strong
involved 9 0 . 9
with the 2
I Join the
online 2 22 2 19 5 56 67%
3 learning 3 . 0 . 7 . 1 1 10 Strong
system to 8 8 4 1
with the
subject I
teach at
once a day.
4 connect to 2 22 2 26 4 47 4 3. 10 66% Strong
participate 3 . 7 . 8 . 9 2
in 5 5 1
(forums) I
in the
5 I 1 10 3 33 5 54 1 1 10 69% Strong
frequently 1 . 4 . 6 . 2
connect to 8 3 9
systems to
display the
degree of
n and
progress of
Average 6 Strong

IV. CONCLUSION more than half of teachers didn't agree on

online learning's effectiveness during
The data analysis indicated that teachers
pandemic Covid-19. They thought that the
showed a positive perception of the
online learning system was less effective
usefulness and ease of use of the online
because of the lack of communication and
system during pandemic Covid-19. Still,
403 Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan
Volume 20, Nomor 3, 392 - 406 ISSN 1412-565 X
Desember 2020 e-ISSN 2541-4135

interaction quality between teachers and

students. Some students lacked technological
infrastructure, lack of quota for the internet,
fewer motivated students, and fewer parents'
support. Meanwhile, some teachers faced
difficulties using ICT, designing an exciting
material, explaining the material, assessing,
and feedback. These problems make teachers
though that teaching online was not more
comfortable nor convenient for education.
Furthermore, the teachers showed a good
attitude toward the use of technology in
teaching online during pandemic Covid-19.
Teachers' intention to use the technology in
teaching online and their involvement in it is
quite high. They also thought that they should
develop their digital skill. This proved that
teachers had recognized the importance of
technology in their teaching activities.
Teachers' ability to innovate in designing
and gathering materials, learning methods,
and choosing the best applications in line with
the material and techniques will examine their
success in conducting online learning in the
Covid-19 pandemic situation. Creativity is
the key to a teacher's success to be able to
motivate students to keep their enthusiasm in
learning online (online) and not become a
psychological burden. Teachers must be able
to create models and learning strategies
appropriate to students' character in their
schools. The use of several applications in
online learning is beneficial for teachers in
this learning process. Teachers must be
accustomed to their teaching by utilizing
complex online media packaged effectively,
easily accessed, and understood by students.
For an instant, teachers should have the
capability not only ICT but also the
management of online learning. Therefore,
teachers need more professionals to increase
their skills in creating the effectiveness of
online learning. Support from all
stakeholders, including government, schools,
teachers, parents, and the community, were
also determined the point of online learning.

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Volume 20, Nomor 3, 392 – 406 ISSN 1412-565 X
Desember 2020 e-ISSN 2541-4135

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