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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Quarter : 1 Week : 1 Day : 1 Activity No. : 1

Competency: : Describes various contemporary art forms and their practices from
the various regions.
Objective : Display critical thinking in interpreting the meaning of art
Topic : Definition of Art
Materials : Graphic Organizer
Reference : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region Textbook
(Dedal, 2017) pp. -2-5 (Non- DepEd)
Copyrights : For classroom use only
Pending for permission


The meaning of arts was divided into six parts:

• Art as a skill or mastery

• Art as process or a product of a creative skill
• Art as a universal language
• Art as a representation of reality
• Art reflects the characteristics of a period
• Art shows the manner of existence of the people of long ago


Write your own idea about the word ART using the diagram below.


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol
Quarter : 1 Week : 1 Day : 2 Activity No. : 2

Competency: : Describes various contemporary art forms and their practices from
the various regions.
Objective : Identify the compositions of art
Topic : Composition of Art
Materials :
Reference : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region Textbook (Dedal,
2017) pp. -5-6 ( Non DepEd)

Copyrights : For classroom use only

Pending for permission

Concept Notes:

The following are the Composition of Art.

1. Subject Matter. Every art has a subject or topic. It could be anything that can make the
artist’s wants to create.
Types of Subject Matter:
1.1 Representational Art or Objective Art – we can easily see identifiable
figures or objects. However, in abstract art, the appearance of object is
not realistically presented. Below are the possible subjects of
representational art:
• Interesting Person/s or Animal/s
• The Human Form
• Human Activities
• Commemorative Events
• Common Objects
• Nature
• Deity

1.2 Non-representational art or non- objective art does not depict

recognizable objects. It has no stories nor description. Art’s power to
communicate rests on the language of art itself.
2. Form – It is the specific quality of an artistic expression which includes all the visual
aspects of the work that can be isolated and described. It is the surface feature of an
artwork that has nothing to do with the art’s in-depth meaning. As the saying goes,
“what you see is what you get.” It is just what it is and nothing else.
3. Content – It is what the artwork is about. It contains the message that the artist is
trying to express or communicate. The artistic value of an artwork can be measured
by its originality, imaginative quality, its sincerity, and its truth.
4. Medium – It is the instrument of the artist in translating his feelings and thoughts into
form. It could be the substance artwork is made from.
5. Technique – It is how well an artist knows and uses his medium in achieving what he
wants in his creation. It is how he select and arranges his material to achieve a
specific effect.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Create a self-portrait that shows all composition of art.
5 point for every composition of art that is shown.
Draw in the space provided.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Quarter : 1 Week : 1 Day : 3 Activity No. : 3

Competency: : Describes various contemporary art forms and their practices from
the various regions.
Objective : Identify what are the elements of art
Topic : Elements of Art
Materials :
Reference : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region Textbook (Dedal,
2017) pp. -6-7
Google image of Elements of Art Non Deped
Copyrights : For classroom use only

Concept Notes:

Line - the path left by a moving point, It can take many forms e.g. horizontal, diagonal or

Tone- the lightness or darkness of something, this could be a shape or how dark or light a color

Texture- the surface quality of something, the way it feels or looks like it feels

Two types of texture: Actual and Visual

Shape - an area enclosed by a line, it could be just an outline or it could be shaded in

Pattern - a design that is created by repeating lines, shapes, tones, or colors

- can be manmade, like a design on fabric, or natural, such as the markings on animal fur

Color - there are two types of color Primary and Secondary

- by mixing any two primary colors, together we get a secondary color

Space - refers to the distance between, around, above, below, and within things.


Draw a part of your house that shows all the elements of art.
Draw in the space provided.
Rubrics: 1 point for every elements of art found in the drawing

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol
Concept Notes:
Quarter : 1 Week : 1 Day : 4 Activity No. : 4
Competency: : Describes various contemporary art forms and their practices from
the various regions.
Objective : Display appreciation for the Traditional Art in the Philippines
Topic : Traditional Art
Materials : pictures
Reference : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region Textbook (Dedal,
2017) pp. -12-13
Google images Non Deped
Copyrights : For classroom use only

Traditional” and “Folk” may be used interchangeably to refer those aspects of learned
behavior (culture) that are transferred through words of mouth
and or/by following an example set within a cultural group.
Traditional Art is learned from family or community members and is passed along through
generations, with each artist remaining true to time-honored
methods of techniques, yet free to add personal creativity to the
Folk or traditional artists are highly trained, and it is the manner of their training that earns
them the designation of “folk.”
Animism is the usual theme of traditional arts. To depict something of the people’s gods and
goddesses is the main intention, thus, resulting in the creation of
abstract symbols of animistic figures like the sun, the moon, and the
other human images. One best example of this is the Bulul of Ifugaos.
Other examples are the women basketry of the Mangyans, the t’halak
tapestry woven by the T’bolis in South Cotabato, the pissiyabit (head
cloth) of Mindanao, and the embroidered jusi and pina cloth of
Lumban, Laguna.

Activity: Look for one traditional art that your community is known for.
Answer the following question:

1.What traditional art is known in your community/locality

2.What do you call the people who make that art?
3.What materials are used in making the art?
4.How important is art in preserving the culture and heritage in your community/locality?
5.Why do people give importance in preserving their traditional art?

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

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