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24 marzo - Día de la memoria por la verdad y la justicia

- Listen to the song Mothers of the Disappeared, de U2
Escucha la canción Mothers of the Disappeared, de U2
(link: )

- Complete the lyrics with the word from the box

Completa la letra de la canción con las palabras del cuadro

tears – walls – prisoner – daughters – heartbeat – wind – sons – midnight

Mothers of the Disappeared

______, our sons and _______
Cut down, taken from us
Hear their heartbeat
We hear their heartbeat
In the _____ we hear their
In the rain we see their _____
Hear their heartbeat
We hear their heartbeat
Night hangs like a _____
Stretched over black and blue
Hear their _______
We hear their heartbeat
In the trees our _____ stand
- Look for the meaning of each word from the box.
You can use an online dictionary.

Busca el significado de las palabras del recuadro (ejercicio previo). Puedes usar un diccionario online.

Tears: Heartbeat:
Walls: Wind:
Prisoner: Sons:
Daughters: Midnight:
- Match the paragraphs with the pictures
Une con flechas los párrafos a las imágenes correspondientes

Midnight, our sons In the wind we hear

and daughters their laughter
Cut down, taken In the rain we see their
from us tears
Hear their heartbeat Hear their heartbeat

Night hangs like a In the trees our sons stand

prisoner naked
Stretched over black Through the walls our
and blue daughters cry
Hear their heartbeat
- Make a collage about the topic.
Haz un collage relativo a esta fecha.

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