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Ester Joy Belicano 10-Earth TLE

Activity 1
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. D
7. D
8. D
9. B
10. D
Activity 2
1. D
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. E
6. G
7. H
8. F
9. K
10. J
Activity 3
Fresh Frozen Cured Processed
1. Fresh Chicken Sausages
meat of
a chicken
2. Fresh Pork Bacon Hotdogs
3. Fresh Beef Meat loft
1. The animals which are the cow, pigs, goat, chicken,
the pork.
2. Because meat has different types of flavor.
I think not because meats have an important Plays in
our health in our life. Some people can live without
meat they say cause sometimes in a Person’s life we
never know if the meats are only his/her reason to live.
Ester Joy Belicano 10-Earth
English M-5
Activity 1
1. C
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. A
Activity 2
1. C
2. B
3. E
4. A
5. G
6. F
7. D
8. J
9. I
10. H
Activity 3

The Better Way To Fight Depression


One out of five people dies from depression. it is a

wildly disease that kills most of us. How are we going to
fight this? There are healthy ways to overcome this and
fight it.


Treatment and vacation are some of these remedies to

combat depression. Eating right and doing exercise
boost immune system to fight the loss of interest on
food when depression strikes. Having someone to talk
to is also a way to prepare yourself for help when


In order to beat depression, we need to be ready also. It

is the only way to combat depression. Never let
depression feels your soul so that these things will make
you stay healthy.
Ester Joy Belicano 10-Earth
English M-4
Activity 1
1) Lyric is poem that the poet expresses his feelings or
A poem that the poet expresses his feelings or
emotion is lyric.
2) Matter is anything that occupies space and has
Anything that occupies space and has weight is a
3) Botany is a science that deals with the study of
A science that deals with the study of plants is
called botany.
4) Ballad is a narrative poem that intended to be sung.
A narrative poem that intended to be sang is called
5) Sonnet is a verse form that of 14 lines.
A verse form that of 14 lines is sonnet.
Activity 2
1. refer
2. are
3. allows
5. speaks of
6. represents
7. refer
8. is
9. is
10. are
I learned that when I’m writing contains a term that
may be key to audience understanding and let them
could likely be unfamiliar to them.
I realized that there is a Perfect time to write a
I will apply the things I’ve learn in the future or Present
if needed.
Ester Joy Belicano 10-Earth
Science M-2 W-3-4
1. Carbohydrates
2. Carbohydrates
3. Protein
4. Lipids
5. Lipids
6. Carbohydrates
7. Lipids
8. Carbohydrates
9.Nucleic Acid
10. Protein
11. 6
12. 8
13. 7
14. 9
15. 10
1. +She will be healthy and the fats and carbohydrates
in her body will be lessen at it may not cause such
severe effects.
2. Congestive heart failure because of lack of proper
3. because siblings inherit different combinations of
genes from their Parents that why they look different.
4. the receive the same combination of genes from their
parents that why the all look alike.

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