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Lessons learned from the simulation attempt

1. Within the constraints of the simulation, it may seem counterintuitive

to set even more ambitious goals for our team than those already
established by management, however this was one of the most
successful strategies we observed from our initial attempt.
2. Delivering above and beyond management specifications we can not
only increase the overall scores for the project, but also the areas of
budget and morale .
3.  Pay close attention to team morale and communication processes -
while understanding that certain levels of stress are a natural part of
the project cycle. If team morale suffers, then productivity, accuracy,
and ultimately the entire project will suffer as well. Consequently, it is
essential to ensure that the team maintains healthy levels of morale,
part of which is tied to our communication, as their manager . 
4.  The key here is in the meetings: not only the type of meetings we
hold, but also the frequency with which we hold them. Meeting types
and frequency should be adjusted according to the skill level of our
team members as well as their feedbacks throughout the project.
5. As the project deadline draws near, stress levels naturally increase
even under optimal conditions with ample support in place. Similarly,
uncontrollable outside factors such as shortened deadlines from
management may also heighten the team’s stress levels, despite the
strong communication and support structures we have in place. 
Under these circumstances, the amount of time dedicated to
meetings and communication may have to be balanced with the
amount of time required to move the project schedule forward, and
accepting the trade-off of slightly heightened stress levels will
inevitably be necessary. 


● Adjust variables gradually and systematically. There is a strong temptation
within each of the Harvard Business Simulation scenarios to change multiple
components simultaneously, especially when faced with sudden challenges like
shortened project deadlines or unexpected staffing shortages. Our experience
while doing practice shows it is better to stick to resources and give them
coaching and time, they will improve and achieve target set. Also we have seen
instead of increasing manpower, it is better to increase skill level , which works in
most situation, else increase manpower and skill by just one step ahead like from
3 to 4 nos and from Medium to medium high.

Adjusting multiple variables at once, however, reduces your ability to analyze the
impact of each individual variable and understand how those variables interact
with each other. 

 Recording data for analysis in excel sheet will help to analyze impact of changes made
and will help to take better decision and score. Like when team is frustrated, we gave
coaching, and when behind schedule, we encouraged overtime, or when everything
going well, we reduced coaching and some occasion left team to proceed on their own.

 In the scenario, like E where it is not possible to set ambitious targets, as already being
asked to produce highest end product, it us better to focus on other areas like keeping
team morale high and keeping budget under control.

 Towards end it is important to carefully analyze coaching vs. free time, overtime vs no
overtime, manpower reduction vs. keeping same team, as we found in many small
change is leading to increasing time period by one week with very few activity, affecting
overall marks.

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