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We humans have developed We can lose our privacy to hackers,
things for our own convenience, as we scammers, and other factors that can
evolve through time we have inflict harm. For example, if they can have
encountered difficulties that we have access to our basic information, they can
solved by making machines, possibly hack through our bank accounts
appliances, soft wares, and the and we might lose some important
internet that helps us in our daily lives, resources. Another example is in social
but do this things have a negative media, people neglect the fact that a lot
effect to the way we live? Are we of people can look to their post and their
really sure about the convenience of interests in social media. This post can
this things? also affect us in the future, if we post
some pictures of ourselves with our
Today, people rely to much on the family, we cannot avoid stalkers from
Internet. If we encounter things that finding it. It’s too risky to rely in the
are unfamiliar to us, we can look it up Internet, we can use it seldom times, but
in Google. If we want to create short- we should not sacrifice our privacy.
blogs, we can use Twitter. If we want
to update our friends, we can use In conclusion, the Internet is a platform
Facebook. And there are a lot of sites that we can use for our benefit, but it
to even mention. This can be should not be the cause for us to leave
beneficial to some people because the real world that we are moving in. We
you can communicate to others should think first before we post things in
without delay, but what consequences the Internet. We can use this platform,
will we face in exchange for this so but it should never use us. Controlling
called “Internet”? For some people that ourselves in using the internet cannot be
have personal issues, they might lose so hard. We should use proper ethics and
their sense of privacy. manners in using this platform. Use the
internet for our benefit, do not let the
internet use you for its benefit.

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