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"Shell Collection"

UK terms pattern by Shelley Husband 2013

Materials :
I used a 4 mm hook and 8 ply yarn to make the pictured square.

Size :
15 cm (6") block

I do tend to crochet tighter than most, so you may need to go down a hook
size or 2 if size is important, or adjust the type of stitch in Round 9 as

I made a 4 round standard Granny Square with this hook and yarn combo. My
granny measured
4 mm hook (G / 6) = 9.5 cm

Notes :
Round 6 - this round ends with "ch 3, join with tr to 3rd ch of st ch" - ending
the round this way will place you in the middle of what is a ch 6 space for the
other corners. I think this gives a neater finish as you start and end each round
in a corner. You will work your first stitches of the next round over this joining

Colour Changes
Of course you can change colours at any stage you like or hook in all one
colour. For the pictured squares, I changed colours at Rounds 3, 6, 8 and10.

Stitches :
ch = chain tr = treble crochet

ss = slip stitch st ch = starting chain

dc = double crochet

Stitch Instructions
Ch 4, ss to first ch to form a ring, or start with a magic circle

Round 1

ch 1, 16 dc into ring, ss to first dc.

{16 dc}

Round 2

ch 1, dc in same stitch, *skip one dc, 7 tr in next dc**, sk one dc, dc in next dc*
repeat from * to * twice, repeat from * to ** once, join with ss into first dc

{4 x 7 tr shells, 4 x dc}

Round 3

ch 3 (st ch), *ch 3, dc in middle tr of shell from previous round, ch 3**, tr in dc

between shells* repeat from * to * twice, repeat from * to ** once, ss into 3rd
ch of st ch

{4 x tr, 4 x dc, 8 x 3 ch spaces}

{it will be a bit curled up at this point - the next round straightens it out}

Round 4

ch 1, dc in same space, 5 dc in each 3 ch space, 1 dc in each dc and tr of

previous round, join with ss to first dc

{48 dc}

Round 5

ch 1, dc in same space, *skip 2 dc, 5 tr in next dc, skip 2 dc**, dc into next dc*,
repeat from * to * 6 times, repeat from * to ** once, ss to first dc.

{8 x 5 tr shells, 8 x dc}

Round 6

ch 3 (st ch), *ch 5, dc in dc between shells, ch 5**, (tr, ch 6, tr) in dc between

shells*, repeat from * to * twice, repeat from * to ** once, tr in same space as
st ch, ch 3, join with tr to 3rd ch of st ch.
{see note above}

{8x 5 ch spaces, 4 x (tr, ch 6, tr) corners}

Round 7

ch 1, (dc, 5 tr, dc) over joining tr, *dc in tr, (dc, 5 tr, dc) into 5 ch sp, dc in dc,
(dc, 5 tr, dc) into 5 ch space, dc into tr** (dc, 5 tr, dc, 5 tr, dc) in 6 ch sp*,
repeat from * to * twice, repeat from * to ** once, (dc, 5 tr) in first corner
space, join with ss to first dc

{8 x (dc, 5tr, dc) shells, 4 x (dc, 5tr, dc, 5tr, dc) corners}

Round 8

ch 3 (st ch), *(5 ch, tr into dc between shells) x 3, 5 ch**, tr into dc in middle of
corner shells*, repeat from * to * twice, repeat from * to ** once, ss into 3rd
ch of st ch

{16 x 5 ch spaces, 16 tr}

Round 9

ch 3 (st ch), tr in same space as ss, 5 tr in each 5 ch sp, 3 tr in each corner tr, 1
tr in first corner, ss into 3rd ch of st ch

(My squares measure approx 11 cm (4.5") at this point. If yours is larger than
that, stitch htr or dc instead of tr. You can also omit the last round if

{20 sts along each side, 4 x 3 st corners}

Round 10

ch 1, dc in same space, dc in each tr, 3 dc in each corner tr, end with 2 dc in

same space as first dc, join with ss to first dc. Fasten off yarn and weave in

{22 sts along each side, 4 x 3 sts corner}

Pattern not to be reproduced or resold. You may sell items made from this pattern as long as you
link back to the pattern source - just a note to say Pattern by Spincushions is fine :)

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