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Teacher: García Tanta, Olga

Fernandez Julca, Sergio Williams U19206566
Saavedra Ramaycuna, Maryorith Iveth U20220367
Sánchez Rosas, Jhon U20222366

Course: English IV


M: Good afternoon guys, how are you?

S: Hello, I´m bad.

M: Why? What happened?

S: Because I started a unhealthy life.

M: Oh! And you John, how are you?

J: Hi, I´m fine.

M: It´s ok!

Well, can I ask you some questions?

J and S: Yes!

M: What are you doing in this quarentine?

S: In this quarentine, I learned to prepare desserts and I stopped doing exercises.

J: In this quarentine, I started doing exercises.

M: Oh! That´s interesting. What do you think about healthy life?

S: I think It´s a lost time.

J: I think It´s important for the people.

M: Why?

S: Because, I could do other things like study, read a book, get out with my friends or my family.

If I have a healthy life. I will not be able to do this all.

J: Because, I keep fit and healthy. Also, Its helps a prevent diseases.

And you Maryorith?

M: Good ideas guys. In my opinion I believe that we should have a healthy life because it is very

important to us. If we have a healthy life, we will feel very good both emotionally and physically.

Do you practice sports?

S: No, I don´t. But before the quarentine I played basketbal in the afternoon.
M: I would like to learn to play basketball.

S: No problem, when the quarantine is over I will teach you to play basketball.

M: Thank you, and you john,

Did you practice any sport?

J: Yes, before I was quarantine I played soccer, now I go running on weekends in the morning, but tell

me about yourself Maryorith.

Do you play sports?

M: Yes, I usually do aerobics at home or dance.

S: It's good that you practice dancing. This is good for your health.

John, would you like to practice dancing too?

J: It's not my thing, I'm very uncoordinated.

M: Really man? (Laughs)

M: Well, what is your favorite fruit and vegetable?

In my case, I love the blueberry and lettuce.

J: Lucuma and broccoli.

S: Strawberry and I don't have a favorite vegetable.

J: They knew that it is not good to combine some fruits and vegetables with each other.

M: Interesting, could you pass me the information?

J: Sure, I just sent it to the WhatsApp group.

M: Thank you, good bye guys.

S and J: Good bye, take care.

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