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J: Good morning!

H: Good morning, Ms Berlant.

J: Today I am meeting you because your CV and your cover letter, what you have describe in them, is
interesting for this job.

H: That’s good, please can you describe me this job?

J: Everyday, you must stay attentive to what is happening around and in the pool. If someone is in
danger you must help him and save him in this dangerous circumstance. For this post, you must
watch one pool because the others are already supervised by other lifeguards. It is OK for you?

H: Yes, it’s OK for me.

J: Nice, now please, tell me about yourself.

H: I was born on the 29th of April 2001 in Portos (Portugal). I’m 21 years old and I live in London with
my family. I have one brother and one sister. I think I’m a hard-working, funny, trustworthy and
truthful person. I like swimming, tennis, running and many sports competitions. I love corgis, a
special breed of dogs and I have one, his name is Tommy. I’m a good swimmer, I like maths and I’m
pretty good at it; and I’m also good at manual labour.

J: Do you know how to help person when they are in danger?

H: Yes, last year I did a training course on this. I learn how to help people when they are in danger,
how to reassure people when they are in stress, how to explain to children about the danger of the
water. I also have the BP JEPS AAN (in French: Brevet Professionnel de la Jeunesse, de l’Education
Populaire et du Sport Activités Aquatiques et Natation) because I passed in France during the last
holidays. Later, I would like to be a swimming teacher because I like to work with people and I love
swimming. And how large is the team?

J: The team is composing with very many people because there are five pools in our etablishement,
bigs and littles, there are also three pools with slides. In total there are ten lifeguards who watch the
pools and five lifeguards who watch the slides. There are four people who clean the pool, the
showers, and the cloakroom.

J: This is very well, for me it’s OK. Do you have any questions?

H: Yes, I have just two questions for you. What are the typical work hours?

J: I think, you will work on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. You will on the
watch from 9:00am to 7:00pm

H: Thank you, and my last question is: What is the most important skill you are looking for?

J: What I’m looking is having experiences and being motivated But I also look for the qualities, the
character of the person, the attitude, and the behaviour.

H: What are the next steps?

J: We will call you in a few days to give an answer.

H: Thank you for your time.

J: Thank you for coming.

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