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204 Journal of Wildlife Diseases Vol.

9, July, 1973



F. H. WHITE and C. F. SIMPSON, Department of Veterinary Science, University of Florida,

Gainesville, Florida 32601, U.S.A.

1. E. WILLIAMS, JR., Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Gainesville, Florida
32601, U.S.A.

Abstract: Edwardsiella tarda was isolated from lakes and streams in Northcentral
Florida. This emerging enteric bacterial pathogen also was isolated from alligators
(Alligator mississippiensis) and brown pelicans (Pelecannus occidenialis carolinensis)
on several occasions, and from other species including the ring-billed gull (Larus
delewarensis), bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocep/zalus), great blue heron (A rdea hero-
dias), sandhill crane (Grus canadensis), common loon (Gavia immer), and largemouth
bass (Micropterus salmoides). Hemorrhagic enteritis was found in association with
E. tarda in some of the species presented.

INTRODUCTION 3 of 1000 apparently healthy pigs at

slaughter, but not in the bile of 500 ap-
Ewing Ct al,5 described a new genus parently normal cattle.
and species, Edwardsiella tarda, to be in-
In 1966, the isolation of E. tarda from
cluded in the family Enterobacteriaceae.
a sea lion (Zalop/zus californianus) and
Their description was based on 37 cul-
an alligator, both dead after illness, was
tures sent to them between 1959 and
reported from Florida.1’ The recovery of
1965, derived primarily from man.
E. tarda from the small intestine of an
Sakazaki’ isolated the same organisms, ostrich (Strut/do ca,nelus), which died
primarily from snakes in Japan, but re- from an acute intestinal infection, was
ferred to these isolants as the “Asakusa reported in 1969.” Also, in 1969, Jack-
group.” son ci al.,7 found many turtles (nine spe-
Edwardsiella tarda has been associated cies) carrying E. tarda.
with a number of infections in man, in- The present report records the isola-
cluding wound infections,8 abscesses,#{176}” tion of E. tarda from surface waters, a
meningitis,10”2 and Salmonella-like in- sick largemouth bass (Micropterus salm-
testinal infections.2’3’8’9 oides), six species of wild birds, and five
D’empaire’ investigated the growth re- alligators (Alligator ?nississippiensis).
quirements of E. larda isolants from
France, Tahiti, Tchad, and Vietnam,
using two cultures from cattle, three cul- MATERIALS AND METHODS
tures from man, and one culture each
from a pig and a panther, in addition to Water specimens
numerous isolants from snakes. Aram- Water specimens were collected from
bulo c/ al.,1 found E. tarda in the bile of August 1970 through December 1971

This paper was presented at the Annual Conference of the Wildlife Disease Association,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A., June 13-15, 1972.
Supported in part by Research Grants No. 977-0 and 1270 from the Florida Game and
Fresh Water Fish Commission. This is a contribution of the Federal Aid to Wildlife Restoration
Program, Florida Pittman Robertson Project W-41.
Published as Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations Journal Series No. 4534.
Journal of Wildlife Diseases Vol. 9, July, 1973 205

from numerous lakes and streams with- except for those badly decomposed be-
in a 40 km radius of Gainesville, in fore freezing, which
in case only intesti-
northcentral Florida. A total of 108 nal contents were examined. Several
specimens was collected on an irregular weak, live pelicans were necropsied and
schedule, two or more from each of 20 examined bacteriologically and histo-
locations. Water varied in temperature logically. One similarly affected pelican
from 12 to 28C, and in pH from 6.5 to was examined for evidence of enterotox-
8.5. Specimens of 10 ml were collected ensia by mouse inoculation. In the latter
from 15 to 25 cm below the water sur- tests, different pairs of mice were inocu-
face and added directly to 10 ml of lated intravenously with 0.2 ml and intra-
double strength selenite F or tetrathio- peritoneally with 0.3 ml of intestinal
nate enrichment broth. The cultures were contents, both heated and unheated, after
held in an ice chest until returned to the filtration through 0.22 cm Millipore fil-
laboratory, usually within 2 to 3 hours, tem’s (Millipore Filter Corp.).
and then were incubated at 37 C. After
incubation for 18 to 24 hours, the cul- Common loons (Gavia i,nmer)
tures were plated onto EMB and SS
agars. After approximately 24 hours of Beginning in December 1971, numer-
incubation, colorless colonies appearing ous common loons were found dead on
similar to Salmonella colonies were Florida beaches, under circumstances
transferred to TSI agar slants, and were resembling the brown pelican die-off.
subsequently identified by biochemical Eleven loons were examined bacterio-
tests described as adequate to identify E. logically, most of them received frozen
tarda.’ in January 1972. Several typically af-
fected live loons were necropsied. Two
were examined for evidence of entero-
Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis)
In May 1971, a die-off of fish, turtles,
alligators and some water birds occurred Sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis)
in Lake Apopka, near Orlando, Florida.
During an investigation of the die-off, During 1970-71, 32 apparently normal
five apparently normal alligators, 1 to sandhill cranes became available for ex-
1.2 meters in length, were presented for amination in connection with other man-
necropsy. Internal organs and intestinal agement and biological studies. The
contents were examined for bacteria, and cranes were on wintering grounds in
sections were prepared for histopatho- northcentral or southern Florida.
logic examination.
In addition, 22 apparently normal al- Bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
ligators were captured in Alachua Coun-
ty, near Gainesville, Florida in order to Two bald eagles were found unable to
collect blood for another study. Cloacal fly and apparently sick, one in 1970 in
specimens also were obtained for enteric Levy County, Florida, and the other near
bacterial studies. Lake Apopka during the previously men-
tioned wildlife die-off in 1971. Since
attempts were to be made by the U.S.
Brown pelicans (Pelecannus occidentalis
Fish and Wildlife Service to save the
lives of the eagles, only cloacal swab
During 1971-72, many brown pelicans enteric cultures could be made.
were found dead on Florida beaches.
Others were unable to fly, and apparently Great blue herons (Ardea herodias)
sick. Some died shortly after capture.
Forty-eight pelicans, most of them re- Two herons, both frozen, were ex-
ceived frozen, were examined bacterio- amined. One had been weak and unable
logically. Internal organs and intestinal to fly when it was found, the other was
contents were examined for pathogens found freshly dead.
206 Journal of Wildlife Diseases Vol. 9, July, 1973

Ring-billed gull (Larus delesvarensis) three. Mice inoculated either intraven-

ously or intraperitoneally with Millipore
One ring-billed gull was found unable filtered intestinal contents remained alive
to fly at the Lake Apopka die-off, and and unaffected. Histopathologic exami-
was examined at necropsy. nations of the small intestine of several
birds with hemorrhagic enteritis revealed
Largemouth bass ova and segments of flukes firmly em-
(Micropterus salmoides) bedded in the lamina propria and a
heavy infiltration with lymphocytes.
A bass (34 cm long) was found float- Heavy deposits of hemosiderin were
ing in obvious distress in Lake Santa Fe found in the sinusoids of the liver and
in Alachua County, Florida in July 1971. lmphocytic infiltration was noted in the
It was necropsied immediately after portal triads.
death, bacteriologic cultures were made,
and tissues were taken for histopatho- Hemorrhagic enteritis was also found
in common loons examined at necropsy.
logic examination. A number of other
Dark and tarry intestinal contents were
bass in the lake were reported ill and
present, resembling those seen in brown
dying at the same time.
pelicans. Edwardsiella tarda was isolated
from the intestinal tract of one loon re-
ceived frozen and in poor condition.
From one loon presented alive, a Vibrio
Edwardsiella tarda was isolated from species was isolated from the mucosa of
13 of 108 water specimens (12%). It the small intestine. Enterotoxins were
was isolated two different times at one not demonstrated by mouse inoculations.
of the 20 sites. Salmonella liar/ford was Histopathologic lesions in the small in-
isolated from one water specimen during testine of four loons with hemorrhagic
the study. enteritis consisted of hemorrhage, con-
Except for an old wound lesion in the gestion, and ulceration of the mucosa. In
tail of one alligator, no gross or histo- another similarly affected loon, large
pathologic evidence of disease was found cystic areas in the kidney contained
in the alligators from Lake Apopka. No numerous fluke ova, and there was inter-
bacteria were isolated from the tissues stitial lymphocytic infiltration. The liver
of the internal organs, however E. tarda contained heavy deposits of hemosiderin
was isolated from the contents of the in the sinusoids and lymphocytic infiltra-
large intestine of three of the five rep- tion in the area of the portal triad.
tiles. Edwardsiella tarda also was re- No significant lesions were observed
covered from cloacal swabs of two of the in the apparently normal sandhill cranes.
22 examined in the Alachua County sur- Bacteriologic cultures of internal organs
vey. In addition, three different Sal,non- revealed no pathogens. Edsvardsiella
ella serotypes were isolated in the latter tarda was isolated from the large intes-
survey. They were S. ,niami, S. java, and tinal contents of one crane from southern
S. liar/ford. Florida. Two cranes were carrying Sal-
The lesion found regularly in brown inonella in their intestinal tracts, one S.
pelicans received alive or frozen was hartford, and the other S. java.
hemorrhagic enteritis. The intestinal con- Edwardsiella tarda was isolated from a
tents in these birds were dark and tarry.
cloacal swab culture of one bald eagle
Edwardsiella tarda was isolated from the
found sick at Lake Apopka.
lungs and liver of one pelican received
frozen and in poor condition for exami- No significant lesions were noted in
nation. Edwardsiella tarda was isolated the two frozengreat blue herons. Ed-
from the intestinal contents of three of wardsiella tarda was recovered from the
the pelicans with hemorrhagic enteritis. large intestine of one.
Salmonella liichfield was isolated from Although unable to fly, no lesions
the intestinal contents of one of the were found at necropsy in the otherwise
Journal of Wildlife Diseases Vol. 9, July, 1973 207

normal ring-billed gull. Edwardsiella It is possible that the relatively recent

tarda was recovered from the large in- appearance of E. tarda in the environ-
testine. The gull’s inability to fly may ment may be related to increased water
have been due to badly worn plumage pollution, thus providing metabolites
which had not been replaced on schedule. needed for growth of the organism.
Internal organs and gills of the large- There must be some reason other than
mouth bass were pale and anemic at ne- increased awareness for the increasing
cropsy, and the blood was watery. isolations of E. tarda from aquatic sour-
Hemorrhagic nodules were observed on ces.
the stomach wall. There were hemor-
At the same time, E. tarda has been
rhages in the serosa of the intestine. His-
increasingly isolated and described as the
tologic examination showed bile stasis in
causative agent of infections of man,
the liver, and unidentified parasite lar-
vae, hemorrhage, and hemosiderin in the from both intestinal and extraintestinal
submucosa of the stomach. The spleen sources, as previously mentioned.”#{176}’8’9’
contained hemosiderin-like pigment, with
Edwardsiella tarda may be compared
no discrete splenic corpuscles. Edward-
siella tarda was isolated from the liver to Salmonella in regard to its affinity for
and spleen. the intestinal tract, its ability to produce
extraintestinal infections in man, and its
pathologic characteristics. However,
DISCUSSION there are striking differences in host re-
lationships, since E. tarda has been isola-
There are but few reports of the isola-
ted only on rare occasions from either
tion of E. tarda from domestic animals,
wild or domestic mammals.
only several instances from cattle”5 and
pigs.” There are no previous reports of In the present study, E. tarda was
F. tarda from birds other than from an found in association with enteric disease
ostrich in a zoological park,” and no in aquatic species of birds in several in-
reports from wild mammals, except for stances, and in one case of a hemor-
the isolant from a panther.’ rhagic disease in a fish. Further obser-
Although it might be expected that E. vations are needed in order to determine
tarda would be present in water as con- the significance of E. tarda in the aquatic
tamination from reptiles, it has not been environment.
previously reported in surface waters.


The authors express thanks to D. J. Forrester and C. H. Courtney for sharing some of the
specimens examined in this study, and for other assistance, and to J. H. Bogue and Carolyn Beal
for technical assistance.



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208 Journal of Wildlife Diseases Vol. 9, July, 1973


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Received for publication 9 August 1972

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