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Healthy Foods and the Body Parts they Resemble

The earth provides us with an immense variety of food, which include different species of
fruits, vegetables, seeds, tubers, and legumes. Each of these foods nourish and provide us
with the vitamins and minerals that we need, and some of them also have specific
functions such as:

 To Sleep
 To fight diseases
 for anti-inflammatory use
 To lose weight
 And to have more energy
What I am going to be talking about is that there are foods that work in specific organs of
our body, and not only that, in fact, these foods look similar to those organs that they
We have all heard that carrots help our eyes, but this is not the only food that increases
the functionality of an organ, there are others that we should know:
- A sliced carrot resembles an eye, it has patterns of radiating lines that look like the
iris and pupil. Beta-carotene, which is a precursor of vitamin A, helps us to have a
healthy sight because it protects against macular degeneration and the
development of cataracts.

- A walnut resembles a little brain, according to Elaine Wilkes, naturopath and

author of "The Secret Messages of Nature", it has two equal halves that looks like a
left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the
wrinkles or folds on the nut are just like the neo-cortex. To increase the similarity,
both are composed of 68% fat. The Omega-3 fatty acids from walnuts help develop
more than three dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function and improves the
memory, eating nuts literally makes you smarter.

- A stalk of celery resembles a bone, and they are good for bones too, because it
contains silicon, which is part of what gives bones their strength. Researchers say
that both celery and bones are composed of 23% sodium.

- A sweet potato has a striking resemblance to the pancreas, and has been shown to
help the pancreas do its job by helping to stabilize blood sugar levels. Sweet
potatoes are also naturally high in Vitamin B6, which studies have shown inhibits
the growth of pancreatic cancer.
- The tomato and the heart are red and have four chambers. According to the book
''make change for quality of life'' written by the nutritionist Shira Rister, Tomatoes
help reduce the risk of heart disease because they are composed of lycopene,
which is known as foods for the proper functioning of the heart and blood,.
Vitamin C in tomatoes is also crucial for heart health.

- Grapefruit, oranges, and other citrus fruits resemble female mammary glands and
help the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts. According to Dr. Moulavi,
‘‘Grapefruit contains substances called limoids, which have been shown to inhibit
the development of cancer in human breast cells.’’

- A sliced mushroom and a human ear look alike. The great source of vitamin D they
have is vital to prevent hearing loss.

- It has been shown that fresh grapes reduce the risk of lung cancer. Grape seeds
also help reduce asthma caused by allergy, thanks to a chemical called

- Red wine, which is rich in powerful antioxidants, looks like blood. ‘‘When you drink
it, you are really loading up on the healthy stuff that protects against destructive
things in the blood, like cholesterol, which can cause heart desease,’’ Says
Elizabeth Somer, a nutritionist and author of "eat to reach happiness". ‘‘There’s
also a blood-thinning compound in red wine, so it reduces blood clots, which are
associated with stroke and heart disease.’’

The health of the entire body depends a lot on what we eat, most people don’t know the
real benefits of a healthy eating and they only choose what they eat depending on its
It is not a coincidence that these foods resemble parts of our body because they have
been scientifically proven to help those parts.
There is no better food than what God provides us in this beautiful Earth. That’s why
Albert Einstein once said: ‘‘Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for
survival of life on earth as much as the vegetarian diet’’.

- Rister, S. (2012). Gotta Wanta: Make Changes for Quality of Life; Inspirational
Quotes and Remedies. Xlibris Corporation.

- Wilkes, E (2010). Nature’s Secrets Messages: hidden in plain sight. California: Hay
house INC.

- Foods that looks like body parts. URL:



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