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Hello nana welcome back to the course.

Our material today is talking about present perfect tense

Halo nana selamat datang kembali di kursus. Materi Kita Hari ini adalah membahas tentang present
perfect tense

What have you done lately

(Present Perfect Tense)

Is used to tell about an activity that we have done,focus on the result without seeing the exact time
expression. It's formed with (has/have + V3). Has (she,he,it/ a name). Meanwhile Have (you, they, we, 2

Digunakan untuk menjelaskan suatu kegiatan yang sudah atau pernah dilakukan, berfokus panda hasil
tanpa melihat kapan waktu terjadi/berlangsungnya. Di susun dengan (has/have + V3). Has (she,he,it/ a
name). Meanwhile Have (you, they, we, 2 people)

Example :

She *has finished* her homework today

Marvel and Marlon *have eaten* 2 boxes of pizza tonight

*Reviewing V3*

Now please match between the correct verb 1 and verb 3. Write your answer and send to mr

Sekarang pasangkan antara been 1 dan verb 3 yang benar. Tulis jawabanmu dan kirimkan ke Mr.

1. Bake : ....

2. See : ....

3. Fly : ....

4. Drive : ....

5. Sleep: ....

6. Speak : ....
7. Buy : ....

8. Build : ....

9. Forget : ....

10. Break : ....


Now, please say each words. Record your voice and send to mr

Sebutkan setiap kata dan rekam suaramu kirimkan ke Mr.

*Have you ever?*

(Pernahkan kamu?)

Now please make statements for some picture that I'll send to you. Weather you have ever been/done
or you have never been/ done that

Sekarang buatlah pernyataan-pernyataan untuk beberapa gambar- yang ajan Mr kirimkan. Apakah nana
pernah melakukannya atau nana belum pernah melakukannya.

For example

*I have ever seen a penguin but I have never seen a kangaroo*

*I have ever seen both of them*

*I have never seen both of them*

Please complete the missing lyrics. Write your answer and send to mr

Have you ever broken your elbow?

Have you ever broken your 1.....?

Have you ever 2..... a snail?

Have you ever 3..... a rhino

Or stepped on a 4..... tail?

No, I've never 5..... my elbow

I've never eaten a snail

I've never ridden a rhino

Or stepped on a Lion's 6......

Have you ever 7..... a taxi?

Have you ever flown your own plane?

Have you ever 8..... your book bag

On a bus in the 9..... of Spain?

No, I've never driven a taxi

I've never 10..... my own plane

But one day I 11...... my beautiful book bag

On a bus in the middle of 12.....


Next, please read the text below and we are going to have Q & A later.

Has Meissa ever been to France? Yes, she has. She has been there once. She has tried some things but
she has missed others too. She has ever seen Eiffel tower. She has ever used french money but she has
never spoken to a french person. She has never eaten in french restaurant but she has ever eaten french
bread and cake.

Have Mr. And Mrs Borris been on airplane before? Yes they have. They have been on airplane for many
times. They have travelled everywhere. They have ever been to Australia and seen kangaroos. They have
ever been to Japan and eaten sushi. They have ever been to Bali and danced Kecak dance. But they have
never been to Mexico and they have never tried burritos

Jose is a rich man. What has he ever done? He has ever flown in a private jet to Los Angeles. He has ever
flown in a balloon when he was in Turkey. He has ever been in submarine when when he was in vacation
in Dubai. But Jose has never been to Indonesia. He has never been on padicab or carriage. He has never
tried fried rice or gado-gado.

Next, please tell about where have you been and what have you done there (talk about previous

Selanjutnya, ceritakan tentang kamu pernah kemana ( liburan sebelumnya) Dan apa yang sudah kamu
lakukan disana

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