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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS)

Department of Social Science
BAS- 1102: Basics in Social Science
Midterm Assessment Exam
(Marks: 30)

A. Answer any ONE following question (10x1=15)

1. What is Sociology? Discuss the relationship between sociology and other

social sciences with examples.
2. Why is Sociology a science? Discuss Functionalist and Conflict
perspective with examples.
Answer : “Sociology is a science because it accepts and utilizes the scientific method,”
according to Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim. Scientific approaches are used in the
research of sociology's subject matter. As a result, sociology is a science.

Sociology is a social science that focuses on society, human social behavior, patterns of
social relationships.
Like all other scientist sociologists follow five basic principles for establishing and
explaining facts.

Sociology relies on evidence it depends on proof.

Sociology minimize error and bias by following many techniques.
Sociology is a public venture. Open discussion and examination of research gives
sociology a self-correcting mechanism.
Sociology is concerned with generalizations.
Sociology seeks to relate facts to one another and to underlying principles in orders
to produce theory.

Elements of society as purposeful if they contribute to social stability and dysfunctional if

they disrupt social stability. Some aspects of society are often each purposeful and
dysfunctional. as an example, crime is dysfunctional in this it's related to physical
violence, loss of property, and fear.

Functionalism emphasizes the necessity of social institutions for social stability, and it
indicates that large-scale social change is damaging to society. Conflict theory highlights
social inequality and says that in order to attain a just society, far-reaching social reform is

B. Short Notes: (any three) (5x3=15)

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(1) Promise of sociology
(2) Social Darwinist:
Answer: Social Darwinists believe in “survival of the fittest”— Some people become
stronger in society because they are born with better ideas. In the past century and a
half, social Darwinism has been used on various occasions to justify imperialism,
racism, eugenics, and social inequality. promoter of the Darwinian concept of survival
of the fittest to the social world  depicted society as a system, a whole made up of
interrelated parts. Idea of "Social Darwinism," held that Society is like a living
organism, evolving over time and finally reaching a perfect state.
Spencer, the father of social Darwinism, argued that Society goes from lowest to
highest. The most capable survive, while the least adaptable die. (Survival of the fittest).

(3) Alienation Theory:

Answer: Major contribution: Class struggle, surplus value and alienation theory.
As a result of living in a society with stratified social classes, people become socially
alienated from components of their human nature, according to Karl Marx's thesis of
alienation. Alienation from one's own self is a result of being a mechanical member of
a social class, which separates a person from their humanity. When deprived of the
right to think (conceive) of themselves as the director of their own actions, to
determine the character of said actions, to define relationships with other people, and
to own those items of value from goods and services, the worker invariably loses the
ability to determine life and destiny within the capitalist mode of production, produced
by their own labor.

(4) Society and Group:

Answer: Society and groups are pretty close to each other but there are different

A. Society: Society refers to a group of people who live in a definable community

and share the same culture.
On a more extensive scale, society comprises of individuals and organizations around
us, our common convictions, and our social thoughts. Regularly, further developed
social orders likewise share a political position. Society get people closed to each other
by their interaction.

B. Group: Group is something that 2 or more people has the same taste, same
mentality, same character and same etc. things are common between them/group.
We have 2 types of group. One is Primary Group and another is secondary group.
Primary group: Primary groups has a small number of people in the group who share
close, personal, enduring relationships with each other and these groups are concern
for one another, shared activities and culture also they has it long lasting of bonding.

Secondary Group: Secondary group has a larger group. They don’t have the bond
of close, personal and enduring relationship with each other. They also don’t concern
about each other. They just gather a place for to do some work for any kind of
achievement. This secondary groups involves less emotion.

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(5) Association and Institution
-The End-

Name: Fardin Bin Omar Mobin

Id: 20-42396-1
Section: C

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