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CASE 1-1

Aurore Cosmetics
Question: Suggest a strategy for Mayank as he is about to call on Jabby to try to recover its
business. You may use different steps of the selling process. Start with the quantifiable sales call
objective along with any special proposal to get Jabby on board.
Answer: Jabby was a prime customer and major retailer of Aurore Cosmetics. But due to some
problems he left Aurore Cosmetics and tied up with Soleil Cosmetics. Maynak may use the SPIN
selling process so that jabby can come back to Aurore Cosmetics.
Situation Questions: The answers to Situation questions form the foundation of a sales cycle. The
purpose of these questions is to develop an understanding of the prospect and their precise
situation as regards an offering such as yours.
Problem Questions: The idea behind Problem questions is to bring the prospect into an
awareness that there is a problem or problems that need to be solved. These questions help to
uncover the implied needs of the customers. These problems and issues are what you will gently
but firmly use to drive the sale forward. Problem questions are also effective at causing a
prospect to identify issues that might have been otherwise overlooked.
Implication Questions: Implication questions are designed to shine a light on the potential impact
of the problems and issues named in the Problem questions are not addressed. Correctly phrased
and asked, Implication questions clearly demonstrate to the prospect in their own mind that the
problems really need to be solved, sooner rather than later.
Need-payoff Questions: The questions help to focus the buyer’s attention on the solution. Now
that you’ve brought your prospect to the realization of how the situation will only deteriorate if it
isn’t solved, you then want to get them considering how valuable a real solution to the problem
or problems would be. That is the point of the Need-payoff questions.

Mayank should also follow the qualitative personal-selling objectives. Personal selling is the act
of convincing prospects to buy a given product or service. It is the most effective and costly
promotional method. It is effective because there is face-to-face conversation between the buyer
and seller and the seller can change its promotional techniques according to the needs of the
situation. It is basically the science and art of understanding human desires and showing the
ways through which these desires could be fulfilled.

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