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Discussin one

1-Transportation problem reducing cost of transportation merchandise but Assignment problem

assigning finite sources to finite destinations where only one destination is allotted for one source with
minimum cost

2- in Transportation problem Number of sources and the number of destinations must be equal but in
Assignment problem Number of sources and number of demand need not be equal

3- at Transportation problem If total demand and total supply are not equal then the problem is said
to be unbalanced but at Assignment problem If the number of rows are not equal to the number of
columns then problems are unbalanced

4- Transportation problem requires 2 stages to solve Getting initial basic feasible solution, by NWC,
LCM, VAM and optimal solution by MODI method but Assignment problem has only one stage.
Hungarian method is sufficient for obtaining an optimal solution –

Discussion two

1-game theory help in various things similar to social science and also economy not only in
theatrical path but also in practical decision making process.

2-Game theory implementing that conflict analysis or interactive decision theory. The foundation
of game theory enables through its position in the mathematical narration of social science.

3- Now days one of the advantage in the most fundamental and theoretical branches of various
sciences have created a nuclear dilemma that intimidates the survival of our civilization. Due to
this scope which motivated to work lot of mathematicians and social scientists in last half

4-economist can able to understand conflict and cooperation by understanding quantitative

models and real life situations (Myerson-1997).

5-Game theory is A key step in a game theoretic analysis is to discover which strategy is a
person’s best response to the strategies chosen by the others.

6-Game theory is an idea that not only considers as game but also consider as economic
competition, war and elections, can be treat and analyze as we would analysis games.

7-the main benefit of game theory is to remake the alternative strategy to compete with one
another and in the same sense it is an essential tool for decision making process according to
fluctuations in relevant contents. 
8-game theory is inspiring because the terms and ideology are comparatively trouble-free than
other theories in this segment.

 Discussion 3

This diagram uses decision tree strategies to reach at a possible outcome

A decision tree is a mathematical model used to help managers make decisions.

Or A decision tree uses estimates and probabilities  to calculate likely outcomes.

decision tree helps to decide whether the net gain from a decision is worthwhile or not.

In addition decision tree starts with a decision for a business to be made and the options that can be

-The first task is to add possible outcomes to the tree

1-New plant
2-Upgrade plan
- then associated costs, outcome probabilities and financial results for each outcome.

These probabilities are particularly important to the outcome of a decision tree.

-Finally we complete the maths in the model by calculating:

-Expected value:

The financial value of an outcome calculated by multiplying the estimated financial effect by their

-Net gain

The value to be gained from taking a decision

Net gain is calculated by adding together the expected value of each outcome and deducting the costs
associated with the decision.

New plant 80-30=50

Upgrade plant 70-10=60

-So in this diagram upgrade an income is more profitable than new one

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