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Construction Design
Contract Number: CTCE-ETH-JMCDHT-001
承包人(以下简称甲方):中铁四局埃塞俄比亚分公司 (TIN:0016148356)
Contractor: China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group CO.LTD Ethiopia Branch
(hereinafter referred to as the "Party A")
设计服务单位(以下简称乙方):SMART Consulting Engineers PLC,
Organization of construction design: SMART Consulting Engineers PLC, ( hereinafter referred
to as the "Party B")
签约地点:JIMMA City,Ethiopia,Place of Signing: JIMMA City, Ethiopia
签约时间: 2021 年 6 月 15 日,Date of Contract: 15/6/2021
将 季马至奇达道路升级改造项目施工设计服务给乙方, 双方就设计服务协商达成一致,订立本合同。
In accordance with Ethiopian relevant laws, Administrative laws and regulations,
Party A is willing to subcontract construction design of Jimma-Chida Road Upgrading
Project to Party B. Both of the parties agree to sign the subcontract on the basis of
equality, voluntariness, justice, sincerity and joint adventure。
本合同签订之前,乙方已熟悉施工的技术规范和要求,乙方不得以“不懂技术和规范” 等作为
乙方不得以“不熟悉地方条件” 等作为借口提出合同之外的任何要求。
Before signing the Contract, Party B has studied and been familiar with the
relevant technical standards and requirements of the construction. No any additional
requirements beyond the Contract should be raised with the excuses such as unfamiliar
with technical standards and requirements etc. Before signing the Contract, Party B
has studied and been familiar with the conditions and situations. No any additional
requirements beyond the Contract should be raised with the excuses such as unfamiliar
with the constructions conditions and situations etc..
The Contract shall take effect with the stamp and signature of both Parties.
第一条 工程概况
Clause 1 Project Profile
1、工程名称:埃塞俄比亚季马至奇达道路升级改造项目 ;
1、Project Name: Jimma-Chida Road Upgrading Project .
2、Content of Subcontract: Road drawing (flat and vertical design, retaning wall
drawing, intersection drawing ),Structure drawing (detailed drawings of pipe
culvert),Structure drawing( detailed box culvert),Structure drawing( detailed
drawing of bridges),drawings of ancillary works(all kinds of earth
ditchs,renovation of old bridges ,walkway,curb),Traffic construction
甲 共 7页 第 乙
方: 1 页 方:

drwaing(signs,marking,safe facilities),Roundabout drawing.

第二条 服务工作期限
Clause 2 Period of Subcontracting
1、总日历工作天数为: 183 天。Total calendar days of construction: 183 Days
2、开始工作日期: 年 月 日,结束工作日期: 年 月 日。
Date of the commencement: , Date of the completion:
3、乙方应按照合同约定进行施工图准备,交付时间应在开工日起六个月内。但如果在合同的 6 个月内
3 、Party B shall prepare the working drawings in accordance with the Contract
and to submit it within 6 months from the commencement of construction. If Party B
fails to complete the working drawings service within 6 months from the commencement
of construction, then any work afterwards will be regarded as alteration. If it is
caused by contractor, charge shall be paid according the proportion of the design to
Party B.
4、If Party B is under the situation where Party B cannot complete the project in
time obviously as agreed on the contract, the delay of Party B’s service will not be
compensated .And Party B should take the responsibility of compensation about it by
prolong working hours.
5、乙方在合同签订后 7 天内必须进入现场,开始设计服务工作。
5、Party B must enter the construction site to start design service within 7 days
after signing the contract.
第三条 合同价款
Clause 3 、 Contract Amount
1、合同总价:暂定为 1005675.00(含税) 比尔。
1、Total Amount of the Contract: (Tentatively) _1005675 Birr(including VAT)
2 、 Contract Unit Price: Project unit price does not include tax. For the details,
please refer to Appendix 1 "Bill of Quantities and Expenses"
3、 This contract is unit price contract of different working fruits. This contract
is fixed unit price contract. The unit price shall not be adjusted with the increasing or
decreasing of the bill of quantities. During the performance of the Contract, both of the
Parties shall not request the adjustment of the Contract price.

甲 共 7页 第 乙
方: 2页 方:
4 、 Total Amount of the Contract shall include all risks, such as the requirement of
temporary construction shutdown by Employer or Engineer. If there is some work not
mentioned in contract, it should be supposed to be included in the total amount of the
5、The unit price of this contract does not include tax, and the settlement must
provide a legal and valid VAT invoice. If Party B causes tax risks to Party A due to
invoice problems, Party B shall bear the losses caused thereby.
6、Payment currency: Ethiopian Birr.
第四条 计量、结算与支付
Clause 4 Measurement、Settlement and Payment
1、measurement and settlement
(1) work quantity: For the details, please refer to Appendix 1 "Bill of Quantities
and Expenses". The work quantity listed in the Appendix 1 is temporary, which is not used
for the reference of final settlement. The actual completed work quantity that is
qualified , which is approved and accepted by Party A will be used as a reference for
(2)按章节 series 中的设计服务比例进行计量。
(2)calculated by the rate of design service according to series
(3)本合同实行按 月 计量(每月 25 日),甲方组织有关人员进行核实, 经甲、乙双方签字确
(3)This contract is measured by month (every month on the 25th ). Party A arrange
relevant personnel to conduct on-site verification about the work, with the signature and
consent of both Parties, settlement procedure will carry on afterwards.
( 4 ) After the settlement is completed, both of the Parties should seal the
subcontract in time and sign the settlement clearing agreement.
( 2 ) Before Party A pays, Party B shall submit a legal invoice that meets the
requirements of Party A and consistent with the settlement fee. If Party A has a tax risk
due to Party B’s invoice problem, Party B shall bear the loss caused thereby. If Party B
fails to issue a special VAT invoice, Party A will not pay.
3、withhold payment
Payment shall be withheld by Party A under the situation listed as below:
(1)This work exists serious quality problem, which needs to be reworked.
(2)This work is not accepted and approved by the employer and supervisor.
(3)Party B evacuate the construction site without the permission of Party A before
completing the work during the period specified in the contract.
第五条 质量要求
Clouse 5 quality requirements
1 、 Party B shall elaborately arrange the construction in accordance with the
drawings, the technical specification and technical disclosure supplied by Party A,
第六条 相关规范
Clause 6 Relevant Specifications
Any technology, materials, plan, quality not mentioned in this contract shall refer to
the document order listed as below:
1、Relevant documents that Party A signed with Ethiopian Roads Authority(hereinafter
2 、 The standard technical specifications published by ERA stipulated in this
第七条 双方权利义务
Clause 7 Rights and Obligations of Both Parties
1. 承包商义务:
1.the obligation of Party A
a.向设计咨询服务单位付款。 pay Party B
b. 在项目现场提供这样的工作空间(办公室、办公家具和房屋)和服务所需的相关文件。
b. to provide working facilities(office,furniture, house,etc.)and documents needed
at service.
c. 向分包商提供与根据本协议提供服务相关的所有合理支持、信息、记录和其他材料,使其能够
履行本协议规定的义务。 provide subcontractor with all reasonable support,information,record and other
things in order to assist subcontractor to fulfill the obligations stipulated in this
d. 及时对设计公司提出的问题予以回答;
d. to make timely reply to the questions raised by Party B
e. Party A shall give prompt notice to Party B with regard to any program, scheme
,report, suggestions or decisions submitted by the latter lest delay or interruption of
Party B are caused.
2 设计公司有义务:
Party B is obligated to :
a) 履行设计公司本身应承担的责任和本协议中规定的义务;
To take the responsibility of its own and fulfill the obligation stipulated in
this contract;
b) 利用为本协议实施所必需的、充足的资源,并将施工设计图向甲方提供电子版及 3 份纸质版的
To make full use of resources necessary for fulfilling this agreement, and provide
Party A with working drawing both in soft copy version and 3 pieces of hard copy version
c) 指定一名合格的负责人,对承包商提出的问题予以答疑并参加与业主的设计评审会议直到获取
To assign someone qualified to take charge of making replies to questions
raised by contractors and to attend evaluation meeting of design with contractor until
the design is approved by the employer.
d) 提供这类服务中一般正常要求的所有咨询和技术服务,为适当履行服务而需要在现场和办公室
To offer service of consultancy and technique required in such kind of
service and offer service on site or at office with a view to fully fulfill obligation.
e) 对由于设计公司责任需要进行文件和图纸的变更的情况,设计公司不会要求额外费用。
To ask no extra expense at the event of documents and drawings are required to
change resulting from Party B
f) 保护承包商提交的文件和材料。
To keep an eye on the documents submitted by Contractor.
g) 设计公司在设计文件中描述的材料和设备,应当注明规格、型号、性能
Specification, type, performance of materials and equipment described in the
drawings by Party B shall be indicated.
h) 不得在未经承包商允许的情况下向任何第三方扩散或转让承包商提交的图纸等技术资料。如发
Party B shall not disseminate or transfer technical data submitted by contractor
to any third party without permission. If Party A’s dissemination and transfer give
rise to economic losses of contractors, the latter have the right to make a claim to
Party A.
i) 保证交付的设计资料及文件不侵犯任何第三方的知识产权或其它任何权利,否则应承担由此给
To guarantee that the design data and document violate no any third party’s
intelligence property or other rights, otherwise Party B shall bear the losses of
j) 在遵守本承包合同的范围内,尽可能优化相关的设计和细节。
To optimize the design and other details as possible as Party B can.
Party B shall not pledge contractor’s letter of credit and shall not represent
general contractor to bear the expenses except what has been agreed to undertake in
written form before.
第八条 合同解除
Clause 8 Termination of Contract
1 、 this contract can be terminated with the consent of both parties.
2、this contract can be terminated under the situation where the contract can not be
performed because of the force majeure.
3、 本合同其他条款约定的合同解除条款。
3、items of contract termination specified in other items of this contract
4、如果设计进度严重延迟,并且在发出书面警告后 7 天内没有采取改善措施, 甲方可以发出终
4、If construction progress is seriously delayed and there is not a turn to take for
the better within 7 days after issuing the written warning.Party A can issue a
termination letter.
第九条 争议解决
Clause 9 Dispute Resolution
执行本合同时的任何争议均应友好协商解决 ,当事各方未协商解决办法,可以将其争议提交具有
Any disputes arisen in the course of implementing this contract shall be resolved
by negotiation. If no agreement is reached eventually, the dispute shall be handle by
court with jurisdiction.
第十条 附则
Clause 10 Supplementary
1 、 Party B shall provide original documents such as business license, tax
registration certificate , qualification certificate 、 safe production certificate 、 power
of attorney issued by the legal representative for Party A to check before signing the
contract. Once passing the check, Party B shall submit the copies of these documents
with public stamp of his company mentioned above to Party A as one of the appendixes of
this contract.
2、 本合同一式 3 份,甲方执 2 份,乙方执 1 份。
2、this contract has 3 originals, two for Party A, one for Party B.

工程承包人:(公章) 设计服务单位:(公章)

Contractor: Organization of construction design:

住 所: 住 所:

Address: Address:

法定代表人: 法定代表人:

Legal Representative: Legal Representative:

委托代理人: 委托代理人:

Agent: Agent:

见 证 人: 见 证 人:
Witness : Witness :

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