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what rainbows are made of

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin
Character: Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Namjoon | RM
Additional Tags: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Alternate Universe - Soulmates
Stats: Published: 2018-02-24 Words: 594

what rainbows are made of

by praiseme


“Oh.” Seokjin said quietly. They kept looking at each other, the hand gentle around Seokjin’s
wrist. “This is a convenient place to meet you.” The words escaped his lips before he could
stop them, and he blushed.

His soulmate laughed. Seokjin decided he liked the sound as much as the color of his hair.


See the end of the work for notes

Seokjin liked museums mostly because he liked art. In his twenty three years of life he had yet to see
the colors of said art. It didn’t bother him much; he was still young and had a lot of time ahead to
meet his soulmate. Besides, in greyscale he could see glorious detail without being distracted by
vivid splashes of color. But he couldn’t help but feel a little impatient.

The entire world was painted black and white. It was all he had ever known. He often went to
museums, being an art teacher and all, and he always wondered how many colors he was missing
out on. It wasn’t rare that he’d get one student gushing about colors, and he’d feel a pang of jealously
for them meeting their soulmate at such a young age.

He was deep in thought as he wondered about the museum, not really paying attention to the artwork
he couldn’t yet fully appreciate. Seokjin sighed. He’d better go home grade his students’ tests and
find some caffeine on the way. He turned towards the exit and collided with someone taller than him.
As he looked up, the world exploded in color.

The sudden change was disorientating, and he stumbled – too many colors for him to name,
everything looking much brighter. A gentle hand steadied him, and Seokjin finally had the chance to
see his soulmate for the first time. He was smiling a cute dimpled smile, looking a little confused, and
his eyes were warm. But Seokjin’s eyes were drawn to his hair, a soft looking color he couldn’t
name – and yet Seokjin already decided that was his favorite color.

“Oh.” Seokjin said quietly. They kept looking at each other, the hand gentle around Seokjin’s wrist.
“This is a convenient place to meet you.” The words escaped his lips before he could stop them, and
he blushed.

His soulmate laughed. Seokjin decided he liked the sound as much as the color of his hair.


His name was Namjoon, he was 21 years old and his hair was pink. They kept an awkward
conversation going as they walked around the museum, and it was painfully obvious through the
artwork which artists could see color and which couldn’t. Seokjin kept asking him the names of the
colors, completely forgetting it was Namjoon’s first time seeing them as well. They’d have the time
to work on names later.

They ended up spending the whole day together.

Once out of the museum, Seokjin dragged Namjoon to the nearest bakery and bought a pair of
vanilla cupcakes with pink frosting. Namjoon blushed as Seokjin handed him the sweet. They went
to a park and Namjoon got them ice cream, despite the early November cold and the cupcakes from
earlier, and by the end of the afternoon they were a lot more comfortable with each other.

They stopped to watch the sunset and Seokjin tried his best to remember all the colors, pulling his
brand new pink scarf tighter around his neck. As the night fell, he felt uncertain, not wanting to let
Namjoon go yet. Or ever.

“So…” Namjoon started, sounding hesitant. Seokjin bit his lip, waiting, hoping they’d get a little
more time together. But what if Namjoon didn’t like him? What if he was too old, not enough– “Do
you want to go get some dinner?”

Seokjin smiled, shoulders slumping in relief. “I’d very much like that.”

As they headed to the restaurant Namjoon told him about, Seokjin walked a little closer to him, and
quietly slipped his hand into Namjoon’s.

End Notes

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