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Biên Soạn Bởi Đội ngũ 8.



The IELTS speaking test is considered to be the more difficult out of all
the four sections.

IELTS speaking test format:

IELTS speaking test duration: The test consists of 3 parts and involves
having a conversation of around 15 minutes with the examiner.

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Part 1 is a conversation that will be based on general topics like your

family, study, work and so on.

In Part 2, the examiner will give you a cue card or a task card based on
which you’ll have to talk. You will be given 1 minute to prepare for the

In Part 3 the examiner will ask you questions related to the topic given
in part 2 of the IELTS examination.

Given below are a few IELTS speaking tips and tricks that will help you
to speak with confidence in the actual test.

Misconceptions and clarification

The Speaking section is the same for the Academic and General
module. So the terms “IELTS Academic speaking” and “IELTS General
speaking” are meaningless.

Be fluent

Be fluent. Don’t be nervous, it’s okay even if you don’t have an excellent
vocabulary. Do not give pauses and take care of grammar and diction.
Do not speak too fast and be clear while speaking.

Practice Sample Questions

There are a lot of sample IELTS speaking materials which you can use
for practice. Pick a topic from the sample question paper and try to
speak on it. Record what you speak. Then identify your mistakes and
plan how to overcome those mistakes.

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Ask Questions to the Examiner

If you don’t understand the question, there is nothing wrong in asking the
examiner to repeat. If you have any confusion regarding the question
asked, you can clarify it by asking the examiner to repeat. You will not
lose marks for asking doubts.

Bring Emotions in your Speech

While taking the speaking test, choose the words carefully. Bring in
emotions, wherever necessary. Try to be like a native English speaker.

Extend your Speech

If the examiner asks you to speak about some topic, do not finish it in
one sentence. Try to talk about the topic completely.

Do not panic if a mistake happens

If you make a mistake while speaking, do not get scared. Instead, try to
correct the mistake. There will be no deduction of marks if your thought
process is good.

Keep a separate time to think for an answer

Listen to the question carefully. If you do not understand the question or

if you are unsure about the answer, admit frankly to the examiner so that
he gives another topic. Or ask for some extra time to think about the
answer. The examiner may not refuse to give you the extra time.

Do not learn the answers by heart

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Biên Soạn Bởi Đội ngũ 8.0 IELTS tại THOTH ENGLISH

When you are practicing for the speaking test, do not memorize the
answers. Try to make innovative and impressive content on your own.
From the way you talk, the examiner can easily find out if you are
spontaneous or not.

Focus on what is important

You can try to improve your vocabulary by practicing. Identify the

common mistakes you make and try to rectify them.

Stick on to the topic

It is very important to be explanatory but do not divert from the topic.

Stick to the topic and speak for it. Deviating from the topic will give a bad
impression to the examiner.

These IELTS speaking tips will surely help you to crack the exam with

Nguồn: THOTH English

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