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Name : Asma ul Husna (403180040)

Class : VIB English Literature

Subject : Literal Reading

Lecturer : Yenti, SS., M. Pd


1. what is the title of the reading task?

Answer: A memory for al seasonings

2. what does it tells about?

Answer: tells about john conrad is a waiter in one of the fashionable restaurants in
boulder peter poison pays attention to his performance which is initially considered
normal but he realizes that unlike the usual waiter who writes notes about customer
orders who handles 19 tables without ever making a mistake, has a strong memory
because what attracted the researchers was Alexander R. Luria, the leading Soviet
psychologist who wrote about him for years.

3. what is the main idea of this text?

Answer: One night two years ago, Peter Pois, a member of the psychology
department at the University of Colorado, took his son and daughter out to dinner at a
fashionable restaurant in Boulder. When the waiter took their order, Poison noticed
that the young man had not written anything down. He only casually told them his
name. John Conrad, and left, Poison didn't think this was extraordinary: after all there
were only 3 of them at the table… but he found himself watching Conrad closely as
he returned to take orders at the nearest table of eight.

4. what is the kind of this text?

Answer: Recaount text.
5. Answer the questions of comprehension quiz p.139.(make the questions and answers)
Comprehension Quiz
Choose the best way of finishing each statement, based on what you have just read.
1. The psychology professor discovered John Conrad's incredible ability to memorize:
a. in school
b. on a test
c. in a restaurant
2. Conrad agreed to let the professor study his memory because:
a. Conrad was interested in psychology
b. Conrad wanted to increase his income
c. Conrad needed to improve his memory

3. The famous Russian mnemonist Shereshevskii used a memory trick called loci remember
objects by:
a. associating them with events in Russian history
b. imagining them placed along a street in Moscow
c. picturing each one in his mind in a different color

4. The memory trick used by Steve Faloon was the association of certain numbers with:
a. running times
b. important dates
c. both of the above
d. none of the above
5. Conrad had been:
a. a gifted student
b. a below-average student average student

6. Part of Conrad's motivation for developing memory tricks to c. an average student aid him
as a waiter was:
a. his desire to get his boss's job
b. his great admiration for the headwaiter
c. his fear of not finding any work

7. Imagine that four customers have requested that their steaks be cooked in the following
way: well-done, medium, medium-rare, rare. According to John Conrad's "mental graph"
technology, this order would be remembered as:
a steadily ascending line
b. a steadily descending line
c. mountain range
8. From this article a careful reader should infer that:
a. everyone has about the same memory capacity and can develop a superior memory
through practice and motivation
b. a good or bad memory is an ability that a person is born with and cannot change to any
great degree
c. there is still no conclusive evidence as to whether outstanding inborn developed

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