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What is Sustainable Development?


Life Science


High School

Difficulty of Project



Less than $50

Safety Issues


Material Availability

Most materials can be purchased at any local office supply retailer.

Approximate Time Required to Complete the Project

One week to one month

The student will investigate a type of sustainable development project to further develop their understanding of the concept of

Materials and Equipment / Ingredients

Sustainable development-related organization’s information
Display board
Items related to a sustainable project (for example: tools used in sustainable farming or an example of an alternative energy


Sustainability and sustainable development seem to be the new buzz terms used to discuss solving environmental issues. However,
creating a sustainable world is actually a complex idea that involves much more than just saving trees and wildlife. Sustainable
development involves improving how humans live without permanently damaging the Earth, a task that brings with it unique challenges.

Research Questions

What is sustainable development?

Is sustainable development just about saving the environment, or other are there other factors involved such as human welfare,
construction, politics or economics?
What are different types of activities or projects that fall under sustainable development?
What are some national sustainable development projects?
Are there any local sustainable development projects?
What are some international sustainable development projects?
What are the benefits of sustainable development?
What are problems and challenges associated with sustainable development?
What are some organizations that are involved in sustainable development?

Terms, Concepts and Questions to Start Background Research

Sustainable agriculture – using organic and innovative farming methods that keeps the farm land and surrounding environment
healthy and productive indefinitely
Alternative or renewable energy – using a non-petroleum or coal derived energy source that will never run out
Green building – using renewable resources and recycled materials in construction projects
Greenhouse gasses – gasses that trap heat on the Earth’s surface
Urban farming – the trend of growing your own food or eating only locally grown food

Experimental (Research) Procedure

Learn what sustainable development is and create your own definition for the term.
Find several examples of sustainable development.
Choose one sustainable development project that most interests you to research more in depth. Use the library and websites to
do your research. If the project is local, visit the location and interview staff and/volunteers. Learn about the goals and methods
use in the project.
Create a display of the information you learned along with photographs depicting key points. If you visited a location and have
tools, or other items from the local project display those as well. Give information that people can relate to – examples of how
they can participate or make sustainable choices.

UDSA: Sustainable Development

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: Sustainable Development,3373,en_2649_37425_1_1_1_1_37425,00.html

United Nations: Division for Sustainable Development

International Institute for Sustainable Development

Learning for Sustainability

Author: Jennifer L. Tuso

Copyright © 2021 LLC All Rights Reserved

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