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Revitalizing Sustainability: A Program Focused on Emphasizing, Creating, and

Designing with Recycled Materials for Sustainable improvement


In the face of global environmental challenges, the imperative to adopt

sustainable practices has never been more pressing. Recycling stands out as a pivotal

solution, offering a tangible way to mitigate the adverse impacts of rampant resource

consumption. As underscored by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),

recycling is a crucial component of a circular economy, wherein resources are

conserved, waste minimized, and the ecological footprint reduced. This introduction

delves into the multifaceted benefits of recycling, exploring its significance in

emphasizing the importance of preserving recycled materials, assisting individuals in

crafting new items from these materials, and fostering innovative designs for a more

sustainable future.

The importance of recycling extends beyond waste reduction, playing a pivotal

role in addressing climate change and resource depletion. In the words of Ellen

MacArthur Foundation, a prominent advocate for the circular economy, recycling helps

close the loop in the material life cycle, creating a more regenerative and restorative

approach to resource management. This program aligns with the call for action voiced

by numerous scholars and environmentalists who stress the urgency of adopting

sustainable practices to preserve our planet for future generations.

By examining the objectives of this program, namely, emphasizing the

significance of keeping recycled materials, assisting people in creating new items from

these materials, and promoting innovative designs, we embark on a journey toward a

more sustainable and circular future. Through a synthesis of existing literature and the

practical implementation of these objectives, this program aims to contribute

meaningfully to the global effort to reduce waste, conserve resources, and ultimately

build a more environmentally resilient world.

Objectives of this program

The main objective of this program is to introduce sustainable development in the

College of Business, Development Economics and Management, this includes the


1) Emphasize the importance of keeping recycled materials.

2) Help people to make new thing from recycled materials.

3) Make new design of materials from recycled materials.


Importance of Recycling

The complexity and confusion of recycling information might lead to a decrease

in the number of people participating in garbage recycling programmes. Therefore,

utilising 15 expert-based (in-depth) interviews, this study examined the functions of a

holistic approach as well as the significance of recycling information design. The idea

was to provide a clearer knowledge of trash, recycling, and the best ways to structure

and display recycling information to increase its appeal and convenience. This study

divided recycling information into three categories, or the "WWW" (what, when, and

where) of recycling information components, based on research participants'

perspectives and evidence from previous studies. Because of this, these elements (or

attributes) were thoroughly described (based on the results of semi-structured

interviews) in order to provide practitioners, decision-makers, and other stakeholders

with useful advice for creating informational or structured communication strategies that

might make waste recycling practices simpler and ultimately more widespread. We go

on to address the policy implications of comprehensive information in improving

recycling (Oke A & Kruijsen J. 2016)

Good Effects of Recycling

Recycling helps to preserve the environment and save resources. Reducing the

quantity of trash transported to landfills and combustion facilities, preserving natural

resources like water, minerals, and lumber, and avoiding pollution by lowering the
demand for fresh raw material collection are only a few of the environmental

advantages. Economic and community benefits include boosting economic stability by

tapping a domestic supply of resources, promoting American manufacturing and

creating jobs in the recycling and manufacturing industries (Recycling Economic

Information (REI) Report | US EPA, 2023).

Importance of Education on Recycling

Every year, almost 300 million tonnes of plastic trash are produced. While some

of this plastic trash gets into the environment, the majority of it is landfilled. Plastic

garbage may harm ecosystems, people's health, and animals when it gets into the land

or aquatic environment. According to Bennett & Alexandridis (2021), The quantity of

plastic trash that enters the environment will decrease in proportion to the amount of

plastic garbage that is recycled. It is possible to increase the effectiveness of the

present recycling programmes and develop new ones by educating the public and

business community about plastic recycling. Resources for education on recycling

plastic may be obtained at professional and industrial groups, environmental

foundations, university courses, and short courses provided by commercial businesses.


Steps for implementation

Implementing a school-based sustainability program focused on emphasizing, creating,

and designing with recycled materials involves a tailored approach to address the unique needs

and context of educational institutions. Here are steps you can consider for implementing such a


1. Formation of a Green Team:

 Establish a dedicated team of teachers, students, administrators, and

possibly parents to lead the sustainability program.

 Ensure diverse representation to bring in different perspectives and skills.

2. Conduct a Sustainability Assessment:

 Evaluate the current environmental practices and waste management in

the school.

 Identify areas for improvement and potential opportunities for integrating

recycled materials.

3. Define Program Objectives:

 Clearly articulate the goals and objectives of the sustainability program for

the school.

 Align objectives with the school's mission and values.

4. Curriculum Integration:

 Work with educators to integrate sustainability concepts into the

curriculum across various subjects.

 Develop lesson plans and activities that emphasize the use of recycled

materials and sustainable design principles.

5. Student Engagement and Education:

 Organize awareness campaigns, workshops, and events to educate

students about the importance of sustainability.

 Encourage student-led initiatives and projects that promote the use of

recycled materials.

6. Create a Recycling System:

 Establish a comprehensive recycling system within the school premises.

 Provide clearly labelled bins for different types of recyclables, including

paper, plastic, glass, and metal.

7. Art and Design Projects:

 Integrate sustainability into art and design classes.

 Encourage students to create projects using recycled materials, fostering

creativity and environmental awareness.

8. Sustainable Procurement:

 Encourage the students to prioritize purchasing products made from

recycled materials.

 Collaborate with suppliers and local businesses that support sustainable


9. Incorporate Recycled Materials in Construction and Renovation:

 If feasible, incorporate recycled materials into school construction or

renovation projects.

 Showcase these projects as examples of sustainable design.

10. Community Outreach:

 Extend the program's reach to involve parents, neighboring communities,

and local businesses.

 Organize community events and workshops to share knowledge about

sustainable practices.

11. Student-Led Recycling Programs:

 Empower students to take leadership roles in managing recycling


 Establish a student-run recycling club or committee.

12. Track and Monitor Progress:

 Implement a system for tracking the school's progress in reducing waste

and increasing the use of recycled materials.

 Celebrate achievements and milestones to maintain motivation.

13. Collaborate with Environmental Organizations:

 Partner with local environmental organizations or NGOs to provide

expertise, resources, and support for the program.

14. Annual Sustainability Events:

 Organize annual sustainability events or fairs where students can

showcase their projects and initiatives.

 Involve the broader community to create a sense of shared responsibility.

15. Continuous Improvement and Evaluation:

 Regularly assess the program's effectiveness and seek feedback from


 Adjust strategies based on evaluations to continuously improve the

sustainability program.

Oke Adekunle, and Joanneke Kruijsen. 2016. "The Importance of Specific Recycling

Information in Designing a Waste Management Scheme" Recycling 1, no. 2: 271-


Recycling Economic Information (REI) Report | US EPA. (2023, August 4). US EPA.



Bennett, E.M.; Alexandridis, P. (2021) Informing the Public and Educating Students

on Plastic Recycling. Recycling, 6, 69.

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