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Instructions: Answer the following questions.

1 Match the importance of biodiversity based on the given information.

Information Importance
(a) Attracts tourists Sources of food

(b) Places for relaxing Medical

(c) Food supply Ecotourism

(d) Conducts researches Biotechnology

(e) Creates a balanced ecosystem Recreation places

(f) Cross breeding of species Education

(g) Cure diseases Balance in nature

2 Human activities such as  ,  , and may

interrupt the balance of biodiversity.

3 Complete the classification of animals in the tree map below.


Invertebrates (b)
(Do not have backbone) (Have backbone)

(a) (c)

4 State the types of the vertebrates.

(a) Deer : (g) Frog :

(b) Eel : (h) Penguin :
(c) Snake : (i) Toad :
(d) Whale : (j) Crocodile :
(e) Turtle : (k) Bat :
(f) Lizard : (l) Shark :

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5 State the types of vertebrates (Fish, ‘F’, Amphibian, ‘A’, Reptile, ‘R’, Bird, ‘B’ or Mammal, ‘M’) which have the
following characteristics.
(a) Breathe through lungs :
(b) Breathe through gills :
(c) Breathe through moist skin :
(d) Homeothermic :
(e) Poikilothermic :
(f) Lay eggs :
(g) Give birth :
(h) Undergo internal fertilisation :
(i) Undergo external fertilisation :

6 State whether the given plants are monocotyledon, ‘M’ or dicotyledon, ‘D’.
(a) Maize plant :
(b) Coconut tree :
(c) Paddy :
(d) Durian tree :
(e) Oil palm tree :
(f) Rambutan tree :
(g) Grass :
(h) Balsam plant :
(i) Rubber tree :
(j) Rose plant :

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Instructions: Answer the following questions.

1 (a) Green plants that can make their own food through photosynthesis are called as a .
(b) are organisms that breaks down dead organisms into simple materials. Two examples of
decomposers are and .

2 (a) State the role of organisms in the food chain below.

Leaf Caterpillar Frog Snake

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

(b) If all the frogs in the food chain in 2(a) have been caught, predict what will happen to the number of the
organisms below.
(i) Leaf :
(ii) Caterpillar :
(iii) Snake :

3 Several food chains interlink to form a .

4 Human activities such as uncontrolled  , burning of and excessive use of

for agriculture and domestic uses disrupt the natural cycles such as carbon cycle, oxygen cycle
and water cycle.

5 (a) A is a natural living place for plants and animals.

(b) A is a group of organisms that live together in a habitat.
(c) A consists of several populations of animals and plants that live together and interact with
one another.
(d) An consists of several communities that interact with one another and with the physical

6 (a) is the organism that kills and eats other organisms.

(b) is the organism that is being eaten by a predator.

7 Based on the types of interactions between organisms, give the correct terms.

Terms Interaction between …

… different organisms that live together and interact with one another.

(b) … different organisms where one organism benefits from the other
whereas the other organism is not adversely affected.
(c) … different organisms where one organism benefits from the other
whereas the other organism is negatively affected.
(d) … two different organisms that live together in which both organism will
… organisms in a habitat that compete for the same basic needs.

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8 State the types of interactions between organisms.
(a) (b)
sea anemone tree barnacle (parasite)

hermit crab
ladybird (predator)

(c) (d)
plant owl


(e) (f)
bird’s nest fern leguminous plant

nodule contains
tree bacteria

9 Symbiosis can be classified into , and .

10 (a)  is the method in which a natural enemy is used to control the population of pest in an area.
(b) State two advantages of controlling pest using biological control.

11 (a) The population size of organisms is affected by , , and

change of weather such as  .
(b) of animals to other places can the population size or organism in an
(c) The animal population will the existing resources.

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Instructions: Answer the following questions.

1 Three elements that made up the carbohydrates and fats in different ratios are ,
and .

2 Complete the spaces about the classes of food based on their functions.
(a) supply energy.
(b) builds new cells to replace damaged tissues in the body.
(c) act as heat insulator, protect internal organs and supply energy.
(d) and maintain good health.
(e) stimulates peristalsis.
(f) transports dissolved food, acts as a medium for chemical reactions and transports excretory

3 Vitamin and dissolve in water while vitamin ,

, and dissolve in fat.

4 Identify the classes of food: carbohydrate (C), protein (P), fat (F), fibre (R), vitamin (V) or mineral (M).
(a) Rice : (j) Butter :
(b) Orange : (k) Starch :
(c) Fish : (l) Papaya :
(d) Egg white : (m) Vegetable :
(e) Egg yolk : (n) Meat :
(f) Honey : (o) Milk :
(g) Potato : (p) Sugar :
(h) Coconut oil : (q) Bread :
(i) Nut : (r) Margarine :

5 State the diseases caused by the deficiency of the following nutrients.

(a) Vitamin A : (f) Protein :
(b) Vitamin B : (g) Iodine :
(c) Vitamin C : (h) Iron :
(d) Vitamin E : (i) Vitamin D/
phosphorus/calcium :
(e) Vitamin K :

6 A diet consists of food that has all the nutrients in the right quantities.

7 Fill in the blanks with suitable letters based on the food pyramid given.

(a) Food that is required in P (b) Food that gives the highest risk
large amounts daily: of getting heart attack if taken


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8 State the observation for the following food tests.

Food test Name of test Observation

(a) Starch + iodine solution

(b) Glucose + Benedict’s solution

(c) Protein + Millon’s reagent

(d) Fat + alcohol + water

9 Based on the table below, calculate the calorific value taken by a student for his dinner if he took 200 g of rice,
50 g of fried egg and 50 g of papaya.

Calorific value Calorific value

(kJ/100 g) =

Rice 1500

Fried egg 950

Papaya 160

10 (a) Label the human digestive system and fill in the blanks with suitable words.

P: S:
• Digested food:

• Gastric juice contains
Q: acid
and .
R: • Digested food:

• Produces
• Digested food:
and • Function:
. To absorb
• Function: rectum
To anus produces
digested food. .

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small intestine

• Have a very
wall (one-cell thick) and functions to

(c) Based on the diagram label in 10(a), complete the pathway of food movement in the human digestive tract.

P Rectum Anus

11 (a) The pushing process of food along the digestive tract by contraction and relaxation of muscles is called
(b) The removal of undigested food (faeces) from the body is called .
(c) The difficulty to expel undigested food (faeces) from the body is called .

12 State the final products of digestion that absorbed into the small intestine.

Food Final product of digestion

(a) Carbohydrate

(b) Protein

(c) Fat

13 State the observation at the end of experiment and give explanation.

(a) Iodine test:

(b) Explanation:
in saliva breaks down to
starch solution
water bath + saliva (c) The temperature of 37°C is chosen because it is the
temperature of the action.

14 Study the experiment below regarding the absorption of digested food.

(a) State the parts represented by:

distilled water (i)
Visking tube:

starch solution
(ii) distilled water:
+ glucose solution
Visking tube

(b) Explain why glucose can be found in the distilled water but not the starch at the end of the experiment.
Starch molecules are too to through the wall of the Visking tube.

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Human Health
Instructions: Answer the following questions.

1 You are given diseases below.

Dengue SARS TB H1N1 Malaria Cholera

Tinea Zika Ringworm Leptospirosis Flu

Classify the diseases based on the types of pathogens.

Types of diseases

Virus Bacteria Protozoa Fungi

2 Identify the types of diseases based on the given symptoms.

(a) causes vomiting, diarrhoea and muscle cramp.
(b) causes weight loss and phlegm with blood.
(c) causes itchy white spots on skin.
(d) causes itchy red spots on skin.
(e) causes joint pain, red spots on skin and headache.
(f) causes sore throat and runny nose.
(g) causes high fever with intervals of coldness and profuse sweating.
(h) causes high fever, abdominal pain, swelling of the body and red eyes.
(i) causes high fever, cough, headache, muscle ache, shortness of breath and fatigue.
(j) causes fever, red eyes, rashes, muscle and joint pain, headache, pain behind the eyes and

3 State the ways of infection for the diseases below.

Water   Air   Vector   Contact

(a) Tinea :
(b) Flu :
(c) TB :
(d) Dengue :
(e) Cholera :
(f) Ringworm :
(g) H1N1 :

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(h) SARS :
(i) Leptospirosis :
(j) Malaria :
(k) Zika :

4 State three methods to control the population of mosquitoes (to control dengue fever, malaria and Zika) and three
methods to control the population of houseflies (to control cholera), in the table below.

(a)  Methods to control the population of (b)  Methods to control the population of
mosquitoes houseflies

5 Complete the sentences with the correct non-infectious diseases.

(a) Abnormally high blood pressure will cause .
(b) Diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels are called .
(c) is a disease in which the body is unable to produce hormone insulin, resulting in an abnormal
metabolism of carbohydrates and rise of glucose level in the blood.
(d) is a disease where cells grow abnormally and have the potential to invade or spread to other
parts of the body.

6 Fill in the blanks with the correct terms.

(a) are harmful microorganisms that cause diseases.
(b) are agents that carry diseases.
(c) is an action of injecting a vaccine.
(d) is a substance containing weakened or dead pathogens given to healthy people.
(e) are pathogens that are present in the blood.
(f) are substances containing animal’s antibodies that are normally given to the person suffering
from a disease such as .

7 (a) The immunity obtained when someone has been cured of chicken pox.
(b) The immunity obtained when the body produces antibodies after vaccination.
(c) The immunity obtained by a baby through the mother’s milk.
(d) The immunity obtained when someone receives antiserum containing antibodies.

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8 (a) Fill in the blanks below on vaccination.

Concentration of antibodies
in the blood

Level of immunity

Time (day)
10 20 30 40

The immunity is obtained on the day.

(b) Example of disease that requires booster dose:

(c) The immunisation response after someone receives the first injection is called .
(d) The immunisation response after someone receives the second injection is called .


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Water and Solution
Instructions: Answer the following questions.

1 The melting point of ice and the freezing point of water are °C and the boiling point of water is

2 Impurities will the boiling point but the melting point of ice or the freezing
point of water.

3 enables the dry leaf to float on the surface of water.

4 Fill in the blanks with the correct answers regarding the electrolytic cell.

(a) (b)

distilled water +
dilute sulphuric

(c) Positive electrode: (d) Negative electrode:

+ -

(e) Two elements that made up a water molecule are and .

(f) Water can be separated into hydrogen and oxygen through .
(g) The ratio of oxygen to hydrogen collected (O : H) = .
(h) Oxygen the glowing wooden splinter (a test for oxygen).
(i) Hydrogen produces a with a wooden splinter (a test for hydrogen).
(j) Distilled water is added with a little dilute sulphuric acid to the of
distilled water.

5 (a) The higher the surrounding temperature is, the is the rate of evaporation of water.
(b) The larger the exposed surface area of water is, the is the rate of evaporation of water.
(c) The lower the humidity is, the is the rate of evaporation of water.
(d) The faster the movement of air is, the is the rate of evaporation of water.

6 Label the following substances with ‘solution’, ‘solvent’ or ‘solute’.


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7 Fill in the blanks with ‘saturated’, ‘dilute’ or ‘concentrated’.
(a) (b) (c)

 solution solution solution

(has very little solute) (has a lot of solutes) (has the maximum amount of

8 is a universal solvent.

9 The liquid that has suspended substances in it is called a .

10 Cod liver oil and mayonnaise are examples of .

11 State four methods to increase the solubility of a big lump of table salt in water.

water (b)
big lump of 
table salt

12 State the organic solvents which can be used to dissolve the following substances.
(a) Iodine : (e) Blood :
(b) Shellac : (f) Grease :
(c) Nail varnish : (g) Rust :
(d) Fresh paint : (h) Chlorophyll :

13 State the organic solvents used in daily life.

Organic solvent Uses

(a) To dilute paint

(b) To prepare shellac solution

(c) To stick plastic substances

(d) To dissolve iodine in order to prepare antiseptic

(e) To stick rubber sheets


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14 Fill in the blanks with suitable words regarding the method of water purification.

(a) (b)

water out
Liebig condenser

porcelain water in

heat distilled water


• The water still contains and • Pure water is obtained.


(c) (d)



For (c) and (d):

• Microorganisms are .
• The water still contains and particles.

15 (a) Complete the flow map below to show the steps of water purification in water treatment plant.

P: Reservoir/ Q: Filtration R: S:
Dam tank tank tank

T: U: V: W:
tank tank tank tank

X: Storage tank


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(b) Based on the flow map in 15(a), underline the correct words of each part of the functions.

Part Function

P (The ultraviolet, infrared) rays in sunlight kills bacteria in the water.

Q Removes (small, large) solid impurities.

R (Oxygen, Nitrogen) is dissolved to remove unpleasant smell.

(Alum, Slaked lime) coagulates the suspended particles while (alum, slaked lime) reduces
the acidity of the water.

T Big and heavy dirt particles (float, sink) to the bottom of the tank.

U Sand filters remove (suspended particles, microorganisms).

V Chlorine (absorbs, kills) microorganisms in the water.

W Fluoride salt (sodium fluoride) reduces (tooth decay, food poisoning).

X (Stores, Purifies) the treated water.


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Acids and Alkalis
Instructions: Answer the following questions.

1 Acids and alkalis can only show their properties in the presence of .

2 (a) Acid changes the damp litmus paper into .

(b) Alkali changes the damp litmus paper into .

3 State three properties of acids:


4 State three properties of alkalis:


5 Acid reacts with metal to release  .

Example: Hydrochloric acid + magnesium +

(salt) (gas)

6 Based on the pH scale, fill in the blanks with ‘Acid’, ‘Alkali’ or ‘Neutral’.

pH scale
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Stronger Stronger

(a) (b) (c)

7  , indicator, and can be used to determine

acidic and alkaline substances in daily life.

8 Write down the colours of the indicator in different solutions.

Indicator Acidic Neutral Alkaline

(a) Phenolphtalein

(b) Methyl orange

(c) Universal indicator

9 is the reaction that occurs between an acid and an alkali to form salt and water.

Acid + alkali +

Example: Hydrochloric acid + Sodium hydroxide +

10 Slaked lime which is an alkali is used to reduce the acidity of and .


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Electricity and Magnetism
Instructions: Answer the following questions.

1 (a) is the electrical charge that is static or not moving.

(b) is the study of static electricity.
(c) and have positive and negative charges respectively.
(d) force is the repulsive force or attractive force that exists between electrical charges.

2 (a) Objects that receive electrons will become charged.

(b) Objects that lose electrons will become charged.

3 State the types of charges that exist in the polystyrene balls, X, Y and Z.


(a) Same charges will one another.

(b) Different charges will one another.
(c) charges can be produced by friction.
(d) An is used for detecting electrostatic charges.

4 A generator is a device that can produce electric charges of very high voltage.

5 Compare electric current with voltage.

Electric current Voltage

(a) Definition The of flow of energy needed

electrons through a conductor. to enable electrons to flow in a

(b) Measuring device

(c) Measurement unit

(d) Symbol of unit

(e) Arrangement of the device in
a circuit

6 (a) is the characteristic of a material that opposes the flow of electrons.

(b) The resistance of a conductor depends on the of the conductor, the
of the conductor and the of conductor.
(c) The longer the conductor is, the is its resistance.
(d) The thicker the conductor is, the is its resistance.
(e) A copper wire has a resistance than an iron wire.


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7 State Ohm’s Law and draw a graph of voltage against electric current.
Ohm’s Law =
Voltage (V)

Current (A)

8 (a) What is the resistance of a resistor in an electric circuit if the dry cell supplies 2.0 V and the ammeter gives
a reading of 0.5 A?

(b) If a 2 Ω resistor is used and a dry cell supplies a voltage of 4 V, what will be the reading recorded in the

9 Draw the symbols of the following electric circuit components.

(a) Dry cell (f) Switch
(b) Bulb (g) Fuse
(c) Resistor (h) Ammeter
(d) Variable resistor (i) Voltmeter
(e) Galvanometer (j) Earthed

10 (a) Complete the following, based on the diagram of a series circuit.



A V=
I1V1R1 I3V3R3 R=


(b) Complete the following, based on the diagram of a parallel circuit.

V1R1 I =
V =
V2R2 1
I2 R


11 (a) Calculate the voltage in the series circuit shown below.

V = ?V

A 2A

1Ω 2Ω


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(b) Calculate the ammeter reading in parallel circuit shown below.


12 State one advantage of the parallel circuit used at home.

13 Draw the deflection of the compass needle in the diagram below. Then, draw the magnetic field lines of a bar
(a) (b)


(c) A can be used for showing the direction of the magnetic field lines.

14 Draw the magnetic field lines for the following magnets.

(a) N S N S
(b) S N N S

(c) N N S N


15 Draw the shape and directions of the magnetic fields below based on the right-hand grip rule. (' → ') to show the
direction of the current flow through a straight conductor.
(a) (b)

+ -

16 (a) is the study of the relationship between electricity and magnetism.

(b) An is a conductor that has characteristics that are similar to those of a magnet when an
electric current flows through it.
(c) The and are two devices that use electromagnets.

17 Draw the directions of deflection of the needles of the compasses. Then, write the poles of the electromagnet
(North, N and South, S)


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Force and Motion
Instructions: Answer the following questions.

1 Match correctly the types of force based on their explanation.

Explanation Type of force

(a) Opposes motion. Elastic force

(b) Is produced by the stretching or compression onto an

Frictional force

(c) Pulls objects towards the Earth. Normal force

(d) Thrust force acting on an object which is floating in a fluid.

(e) Force produced when an object is in contact with a surface. Buoyant force

2 State the effects of forces.

Activities Force can change the…

(a) Bending a ruler of an object.

(b) Pushing a stationary table of an object.

(c) Pushing a moving toy car of an object.

(d) Pushing a moving ball at the right angle to the direction

of motion of an object.

3 Calculate the weight of water displaced.

Newton 5N
7N balance


wooden block

Weight of water displaced =


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4 Identify the classes of levers.

(a) (b) (c)

effort effort effort

fulcrum fulcrum fulcrum

load load load

class lever class lever class lever

5 Fill in the blanks with suitable words based on the given information.

Class of lever Information

The is located between the and the

(a) Second class lever

The is located between the and the

(b) Third class lever

The is located between the and the

(c) First class lever

6 The force and the load act in opposite directions for the and class of levers.

7 Identify the classes of levers for the tools below. (First class lever: ‘1’, second class lever: ‘2’, third class lever:
(a) Crowbar :
(b) Paper cutter :
(c) Wheelbarrow :
(d) Fishing rod :
(e) Scissors :
(f) Ice tongs :
(g) Bottle opener :
(h) Pliers :

8 What is the weight of the load if the effort exerted is 60 N?

[Load × Distance of load from fulcrum = Force × Distance of force from fulcrum]


15 cm

fulcrum load
20 cm


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9 Calculate the moment of force.

Moment of force

60 N
0.2 m

10 and affect the magnitude of pressure exerted on a surface.

11 The collision between air particles and the objects on the Earth produces .

12 Draw an arrow ( → ) to show the direction of the air pressure that acts on the cardboard.




13 Draw the observation and fill in the blank with the correct word when the air is sucked out from the plastic bottle.

to filter pump

plastic bottle

The air pressure inside the bottle is than that outside the bottle.

14 (a) Air pressure is influenced by the and of the gas.

(b) The smaller the volume of air is, the the air pressure.
(c) The higher the temperature is, the the air pressure.

15 The air pressure in a closed container will increase if the

(a) number of gas molecules .
(b) volume of the container .
(c) gas is .


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16 Mark ‘H’ to show high pressure area and ‘L’ to show low pressure area.

(a) Syringe (b) Siphon

(c) Drinking straw (d) Plunger


17 Gas will change to liquid if it is or placed under .

18 The higher the altitude is, the the atmospheric pressure.


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Instructions: Answer the following questions.

1 is a form of energy while is a measurement of the degree of hotness or

coldness of an object.

2 Fill in the blanks to describe about the activity performed in the laboratory as shown below.

copper rod

Method of heat flow:

thumbtacks wax

3 Draw the arrows ( ) to show the flow of heat in the diagram below.

(a) (b) (c) burning


purple potassium purple potassium

manganate(VII) manganate(VII)
crystal crystal
heat heat cardboard

(d) Method of heat flow:

4 Draw the direction of heat flow in the diagram below by using arrows ( ) to show the occurrence of natural
phenomena. Then, state the phenomema involved.
(a) (b)

sea sea

land land

(c) Method of heat flow:

5 is the substances that are good conductor of heat while is the substances that
are prevent the heat flow.

6 State the medium that is required for heat transfers.

(a) Conduction :
(b) Convection :
(c) Radiation :


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7 The water on top inside the boiling tube boils but the ice cube at the bottom does not melt. Draw a conclusion.

Water is a
ice cube

8 State the type of heat flow that involved in the following tools and natural phenomena:
(a) Electric kettle :
(b) Air ventilation in building :
(c) Heat flow from the Sun to the Earth :
(d) Thermometer :
(e) Refrigerator :

9 The heated metal ball cannot pass through the ring. Draw a conclusion.

heated metal ball


ring The metal ball

when heated.

10 A bimetallic strip expands when heated. Draw an observation in the box provided and state the conclusion.

Aluminium Brass Copper Iron Invar

Expansion rate decreases


brass heat

(a) Conclusion: Brass more than iron when heated.

(b) Two examples of electrical appliances that use a thermostat (bimetallic strips) to control the temperature are
and .


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11 Give a conclusion based on the activity shown in the diagram below.

flame ice Gas when
heated and when


12 Give a reason for the following statements.

(a) Small gaps between railway tracks provide it to .
(b) Telephone cables are hung loosely so that it can .
(c) Mercury rises and lowers in the capillary of a thermometer because it when heated and
when cooled.
(d) In a fire alarm device, that is heated will bend and touches the screw.
flows and make the bell rings.

13 Complete the table below with ‘Good’ or ‘Poor’.


Black, dull White, shiny

(a) Heat radiator

(b) Heat absorber

(c) Heat reflector


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Sound Waves
Instructions: Answer the following questions.

1 State the characteristics of sound waves.


2 Sound is produced by objects.

3 Sound travels the fastest through while the slowest through  .

4 (a) Soft and porous surfaces are sound absorbers but sound reflector.
(b) Hard and smooth surfaces are sound absorbers but sound reflector.

5 Match the correct terms with their explanation about sound waves.

Explanation Term
(a) The maximum displacement of the wave from its
equilibrium position

(b) The distance between two successive crests of waves Amplitude

(c) The number of complete waves generated in 1 second Wavelength

6 is the unit of sound frequencies. Its symbol is  .

7 The of sound is determined by the amplitude of sound waves while the of

sound is determined the frequency of sound waves.

8 (a) The larger the amplitude of the wave is, the is the sound.
(b) The higher the frequency is, the is the pitch of the sound.

9 The occurrence of echoes in caves and tunnels is caused by the of sound.

10 When a source moves towards an observer, the observed frequency of sound will increase. When a source moves
away from an observer, the observed frequency of sound will decrease. Name this effect.


01 SPS SAINS Tg2 2020-BI-Bahan CD-PT-FL(Emie)(OS)1P.indd 26 7/23/19 10:28 AM

Stars and Galaxies in the Universe
Instructions: Answer the following questions.

1 (a) A galaxy is made up of millions of  .

(b) Galaxies are scattered in the .
(c) Galaxies are classified based on their shapes, i.e.  , and

2 (a) Our solar system is located in a galaxy called  .

(b) The Milky Way is in shape.
(c) The is the closest star to the Earth.

3 A star is born from a  . A star will die when all the gas in its core is used up
in nuclear reactions.

4 Fill in the blanks with suitable words about the death of a moderate size star such as the Sun.

(a) The core of the star of hydrogen (fuel), contracts and becomes .

(b) Hydrogen within the outermost layer and the star .

(c) At this stage, the star is red and is called a .A will be formed if the
red giant is not masive.

5 Fill in the blanks with suitable words about the death of a giant star.

(a) Explosion called

Red giant (a) (b) (rotates
and gives out radio
(c) (very
dense and has very strong
gravitational force)

6 (a) Stars can be classified based on their  ,  ,  ,

and  .
(b) The hottest star is in colour while the coldest star is in colour.


01 SPS SAINS Tg2 2020-BI-Bahan CD-PT-FL(Emie)(OS)1P.indd 27 7/23/19 10:28 AM

Solar System
Instructions: Answer the following questions.

1 Two units used to measure the distance of planets in the solar system are and  .

2 Write the sequence of the planets in the solar system starting from the one nearest to the Sun in the flow map

Jupiter   Earth   Saturn   Mars   Venus   Neptune   Uranus   Mercury

3 State the planets based on the given information in the table below.

Information Planet

(a) The biggest planet

(b) The farthest planet

(c) The hottest planet

(d) The brightest planet

(e) The planet with the strongest force of gravitational pull

(f) The planet with the shortest revolution period around the Sun

(g) The planet with the most number of moons (natural satellite)

(h) The planet which rotates from the direction of east to west

4 (a) The larger the size of the planet is the its force of gravitational pull.
(b) The farther the planet from the Sun is, the the revolution period of the planet around
the Sun.
(c) The further the distance of planet from the Sun is, the the temperature of planets.

5 The is the planet which is the most suitable for living things.


01 SPS SAINS Tg2 2020-BI-Bahan CD-PT-FL(Emie)(OS)1P.indd 28 7/23/19 10:28 AM

Meteoroid, Asteroid, Comet
Instructions: Answer the following questions.

1 Label the objects in outer space below.

Comet   Meteor   Meteorite   Asteroid   Meteoroid

(a) (b)

X Sun

Sun Jupiter

X: Y:



P Q:


2 Based on the given information, state the types of outer space objects.

Information Objects

(a) Outer space rocks which enter Earth’s atmosphere.

(b) Outer space rocks which reach the surface of the Earth

(c) Outer space rocks which orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter.

(d) A mixture of ice, gas, dust and small rocks revolving the Sun in its own orbit
and have a tail which extends a few hundred million kilometers.

(e) Rocks which float in outer space.

3 The collision of large meteorite on the Earth will cause huge and forms huge .


01 SPS SAINS Tg2 2020-BI-Bahan CD-PT-FL(Emie)(OS)1P.indd 29 7/23/19 10:28 AM

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