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Sheiling House School

Revision Paper 2021-22
Class: IX
Subject : Biology
Tune: 1hr. M.M.:40
Section-I (20 marks)
(Attempt all questions from this section)

Q1 . (a) Copy and complete the following by filling in the brackets

(i) to (v) with appropriate words/terms: (2½)

Bile is a yellowish green fluid secreted by the (i) ........ . It is

· stored in the (ii) ......... . . It is (iii) ......... in nature due to the
presence of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate. It
contains two pigments (iv) ......... and(v).......... These are
produced due to the breakdown of haemoglobin of worn out

(b) Name the following: (2½)

(i) The shallow cavity present at the outer end of scapula of
pectoral girdle in which the head ofhumerus articulates
(ii) A knot ofblood capillaries in the cup ofhair bulb
(m) Air breathed in and out in a nonnal quiet breathing
(1v) A scar on the seed which demarcates the point of
attachment of seed with the stalk
(v) A ripened ovmy after fertilization

(c) Give one example ofeach of the following: (2½)

(i) A denitrifying bacteria
(ti) A proteolytic enzyme
(m) Ananemophilous flower
(iv) A vascular tissue in humans
(v) Aneuterflower
(IX/ Biology/ Page 1/6)
(d) Complete the following pairs oftenns by taking help from the
example given below: (2½.)
Centrosome: animal cell: : Chloroplast : plantcell
(i) Cartilage : chondrin : :Bone : ........ .
(ti) Sebum : sebaceous glands : : Ear wax: ....... .
(rii) Cytoskeleton : endoplasmic reticulum : : Vitellogenesis:

(iv) i~~~·;
~ ~ ~taminA: night blindness
(v) Humerus : upper arm : : .. f(;..
rMJ.P.1 ... :thigh bone
(e) Write the exact location ofthe following: (2 ½)
(i) Pancreas (ii) Meibomian glands
(m) Hypocotyl (iv)Foramenmagnum
(v) Collenchyma
(f) Complete the following pairs to represent the relationship
between the structure and its functional activity. One example
has been given for you. (2 ½)
Phloem and conduction offood materials in plants
(i) Epiglottis and.... .. (ii) Villi and ......... .
(m) Roughage and!....... (iv) Micropyle and ....... .
(v) Apical meristem and ........ .

(g) Choose the odd one out and write the category to which the
remaining~ belong: (2 ½)
Example: Calyx, Corolla,Androeciwn, Midrib
Odd one: midrib
Category: whorls of flower
(i) vitaminA, vitaminC, vitaminD ,vitaminK
(u) pneumonia ,typhoi~ tuberculosis, ringworm
(m) colon,jejunwn, caecwn, rectum
(iv) tracheids,vessels, sieve tubes,wood parenchyma
(v) marasmus, beriberi, pellagra, scurvy
(IX/ Biology/ Page 2/6)
(h) Choose the correct option : (2½)
(i) ···· ·· ·• is a polysaccharide :
(a) Starch (b)Glucose
(c)Maltose . (d)Fructose
(ii) The enzyme pepsin is present in
(a) Pancreatic juice (b) Gastric juice
(c) Saliva (d) Bile
(Iii) Involuntary muscles are present in
(a) Legs (b) Hands
(c) Tongue (a)'Walls of alimentary canal
(iv) A protective sheath present on the tip ofradicle ofmaize
(a) Coleorhiz.a (b) Coleoptile
(c) Scutellum (d) Endosperm

(v) The tissue which fonns the inner lining ofour mouth is
(a) Squamous epithelium
(b) Cuboidal epithelium
(c) Colwnnarepithelium
(d) Ciliated epithelium

Section II (20mar~)
(Attempt any four questions from this section)

Q2. (a) Definethefollowing: (3)

(i) Incineration (ii) Toxoids (iii) Triple fusion

(b) Givereasonsforthefollowing: (2)

(i) It is better to breathe through nose than the mouth.
(ii) Mitochondria are called as powerhouse ofthe cell.

Q 3. (a) Differentiate between the following pairs on the basis ofwhat

is given in the bracket: (2)
(i) GlycolysisandKreb'scycle(siteof occurrence)
(n) Antiseptics and Disinfectants (e,q,lain the term)
(IX/ Biology/ Page 3/6)
(b) (i) Write a. brief note on a e-waste.
(n) Write two characteristics ofbryophyta.
(m) Write om fimction of chlorenchyma

Q4. (a) An experimental set up is indicated by the figure given below.

Study the diagram and answer the following questions: (3)


(i) What is the aim ofthe experiment?

(n) What is the function of soda lime in the glass tube?
(m) What happens to lime water kept in the bottle Band D?
(iv) Write a balanced chemical reaction to show anaerobic
. . .
respuation m plants.

(b) Draw a neat and well labelled diagram of any one of the
following: (2)
(i) Respiratory system of man
(1i) Nerve cell

QS. (a) (i) Expand ATPand BCG (2)

(n) Write any two functions of WHO.

\: (IX/Biology/Page4/6)
1 .

(b) The given figure refers to the stn1cture ofhuman skin- {3)

7/a-~~~...,_a,i~....- s
'V-'1~~- 3

(i) Name the parts numbered 1, 3, 4 and 5.

(ii) State one function ofpart 2.
(Iii) Which layer of epidermis is very thick in the palms and
Q6. (a) Tue figure given below shows a kind oftooth:

(i) Name the kind oftooth and mention its funCuOll.


(ri) label parts 1, 2 and 3.

(th) What is the dental fonnulaof man?

(IX I Biology/ Page 5/6)


(b) Given below is the diagram showing the alimentary canal and
' ''
its associated glands. Study the same and answer the following

(i) label partsA,C,Dand F.

(n) Name any two enzymes present in the juice secreted


(IX/ Biology/ Page 6/6)

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