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Introduction of


Because humans have

Why do we study the necessity to create
Sintax? and understand complex

Syntax has to do with The syntax of language People learn sintaxis during Many differences
Astandard variety and
how words are put has been ‘designed’ or all live, in the school, and among speakers come
non-standard varieties.
university, even after all from the distinction
together to build ‘developed’ to suit the learning academic process, between standar and
Syntax clarifies in a
phrases conditions of speech can continue much longer theoric way.
non standars varieties

Determiners Article Noun

Definite article  Artículo determinado Modificador directo del There are two articles in
Palabras que d
Indefinite articles  Artículos indefinidos sustantivo, (el, la los English, definitives (the A word wich names
nombre o identif
las) (Un, una, unos, toilet) indefiniteves (a something,
Demonstratives Demostrativos algo.
unas) car, an orange)
Pronouns and possessive Pronombres y determinantes
determiners  posesivos
Quantifiers, Numbers Cuantificadores, Números
Distributives Distributivos
Difference words  Palabras de diferencia
Cualquier lugar, persona, cosa que
realiza la acción
Any person, animal, thing.

Son palabras que indican acciones.


Syn tacti c Stru ctu re A word used for describe an action.

Palabras que caracterizan al verbo y

modifican al adjetivo.
Qualify the meaning of a verb and
modifier an adverb.

Is a set of words or Expresa cualidades del sustantivo.

phrase in a language.
Depends of the order Parts of Speech Adjective
in which words occur A word that give more
in a sentence. information of a noun.

Palabras que pueden tomar el lugar de un sustantivo

para designar a las personas, animales o cosa.
Is a word which is used in the place of a

Palabra que acompaña a un sustantivo y da más

información sobre el.
Words that are used with nouns to clarify the noun.

Son enlaces que unen dos palabras de modo que la

segunda explica, complementa o especifica la
A word that shows the relationship
between a noun or pronoun.
Noam Chomsky

Is a linguist, philosopher,
He was born on December,
cognitive scientist and
1982 in Philadelphia.
logician politician.


Syntax is the study of the

principles and processes by
which sentences are
Generative Grammar (TGG)
constructed in particular

Determine rules that can

generate the infinite
numbers og grammatical
sentences possivle in a


1. Competemce 2. Performance 3. Grammar

A) Syntactic component
Knowledge of the language. Use of the language. B) Semantic component
C) Phonological component

[ CITATION You16 \l 2058 ][ CITATION Aca08 \l 2058 ]

Academia. (02 de Mayo de 2008). Noam Chomsky Syntactic Structure. Obtenido de

Youtube. (29 de Abril de 2016). The Virtual Linguistics Campus. Obtenido de SYN_1957 - Syntactic
Structures (N. Chomsky):

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