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The vitamins are organic compounds that must be supplied in the diet or injected
into the body to maintain health.

Types of vitamins:

1. Water soluble vitamins

2. Fat soluble vitamins

1. Water soluble vitamin:

The vitamin that soluble in water is known as water soluble vitamin.

 It is an antioxidant
 This is a white crystalline solid related to the hexoses.
 It is called L-ascorbic acid because it is related to other sugars that are L-
 Vitamin-C is a strong reducing agent.
Deficiency disease:
Scurvy, Delayed wound healing Vitamin B complex: Ruminant can easily
synthesis Vitamin B complex by microflora. Deficiency of that is not usually
Thiamin (Vitamin B1)
 Thiamin: Thiamin pyrophosphate (cofactor of oxidative decarboxylation
reaction and aldehyde exchange in CHO metabolism).
Daily requirement: 1.6 mg for man
Deficiency symptoms:
In poultry anorexia, polyneuritis and death. In man beriberi, sleeplessness.
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2):
 It is cofactor of many enzyme system in the body, some of which are
responsible for oxidation-reduction reactions involved kin cell respiration.
 Daily requirement: 1.8 mg for man.

Deficiency symptoms:
In poultry stunted growth, weak, emaciated, Diarrhea, leg paralysis, Atrophy
of leg muscle, Dry and harsh skin Curled-toe paralysis. In man angular
stomatitis , Glossitis.
Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5):
 It is a component of coenzyme-A
 Daily requirement: 10 mg for man.
Deficiency symptoms:

In poultry retarded and rough feather growth, emaciation, scab formation on

eyelid and corner of mouth. In man dermatitis, fatty liver.

Pyrodoxine (Vitamin B6):

It is required in several enzymes those involved particularly those involved

in transmission and decarboxylation of amino acid.
Daily requirement: 1.5 mg for man.
Deficiency Symptoms :
In poultry depressed growth, reduced appetite, perosis and characteristics of
nervous symptom jerky nervous movement of the leg when walking and often
undergo extreme convulsions that usually terminate in death. In man insomnia,
Folic acid Vitamin (Bc):
 It consists of glutamic acids, para- aminobenzoic acid and apteridine nucleus. It is
a part of enzyme system involved single carbon metablism.
 It required for the metabolism of nucleic acid and formation of the nucleoprotein
responsible for cell multiplication.
 Essential for erythropoisis .

Deficiency symptoms:

In depressed growth reduced appetite, perosis, poor feathering beak deformities

and macrocytic anemia. In man anemia.

Biotin (Vitamin H):

It acts as a coenzyme for several enzyme-catalyzed carboxylation reactions, and

therefore plays an important role in CO2 fication. It is important in the control of
scleroteins (Hard protein such as keratin)

Deficiency symptoms:

In man loss of weight and hair exfoliation dermatitis, hyperkeratosis and


I poultry exudative dermatitis Chondrodysfrophy, defects in bone remodeling.

Cobalamin (Vitamin B12):

 The vitamin B12 molecule contains carbon hydrogen, oxygens, nitrogen,

phosphorus and cobalt.

Deficiency symptoms:

In Poultry depress growth, reduced appetite, decreased feed utilization, myelin

degeneration in chicks, perosis, edema, fatty liver syndrome. In man pernicious
anemia. In man pernicious anemia.

Choline :

 It functions as constituents of acetylcholine.

Deficiency syndrome:
In Poultry depressed growth reduced appetite, fatty
Liver, Chondrodystrophy, perosis .
2. Fat soluble Vitamin:
Vitamin A:
It occurs in tow forms, A1 (retinol) or A2 (dehydroretinol). Carotenes converted by
the body to vitamin A.

 Maintenance of mucosal membranes- It is needed for maintaining integrity of the
epithelium lining of all mucous membranes of Gastrointestinal tract, Genito-urinary
tract, Respiratory tract, corneal epithelium and soft tissue of eye.
 Function in dim light vision- The chemical with dim light vision is rodopsin Cis
vitamin A Cis retinene that combine with opsin Rhodopsin (by the help of dim light)
Trans retinene (dissociate) Opsin + nerve impulse.
 Essential for maintenance of normal growth and shape of bone Its deficiency decline
bone resrption and increase deposition of bone resulting thickning of bone. The
thicken bone compress nervous tissue
 Nervous tissues- maintain nutrition and function of nervous tissue.
 Resistance to infection
 Fcrtility and hatchability-helps in keeping normal fertility.

Deficiency syndrome:
In poultry drowsiness weakness incordination emaciation ruffled plumage, mild
ataxia nasal and ocular discharge and xerophthalmia.
In man-Night blindness, xerophthalmia, toad skin, degeneration of nervous
system and infertility.
In cattle sheep and goat- Night blindness to total blindness, abortion and birth
of weak calves.
I dox- xerophthalmia, defective bone growth and nervous disturbances.
Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol):
 It is required for the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the formation of
normal skeleton.
 After absorption vitamin D (Calciferol) converted into 25-
hydroxycholecalciferol in liver, then 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol in kidney by
two enzymatic hydroxylations.

Deficiency syndrome:
In man- Rickets
In Poultry- The bone beak and claw become soft and pliable retarded growth thin and
soft shelled egg.
In cattle- Milkfever
Vitamin E (Tocoferol)
 It is act as intracellular anitoxidant and has an protective effect on cellmembrane
hence deficiency results in damage to blood vessels and changes in capillary
 It involves in nucleic acid metabolism involvement in fertility and prevention of
degenerative change in liver and muscle.
 It prevention accumulation of lipid peroxide that results tissue damage.
 Deficiency in breeders may give rise to early embryonic Mortality deficiency
syndrome: (In poultry) Encephalomalacia Exudative diathesis muscular dystrophy.

Vitamin K:

 It is essential for the synthesis of prothombin and several factors concerned with
the clotting of blood.

Deficiency Syndrome:

 In poultry - Markedly prolonged bleeding time an affected chick or poult may

bleed to death from a slight injury . Large hemorrhages appear on breast, legs and
wing and/ or abdominal cavity.

The mineral, inorganic or ash contents of the body are those materials which left after the
body is incinerated. The mineral elements are necessary for the normal processes and
nutrition through they apparently yield no energy to the body.

Classification of minerals (According to quantity of requirement)

Macro element Micro or trace element

Calcium Iron
Phosphorus Iodine
Sodium Manganese
Potassium Copper
Chlorine Cobalt
Magnesium Zinc
Beyond these, there are some trace elements such as Arsenic, Silicon, Bromine,
Aluminum, Selenium, Nickel, Flurine, Molybdenum etc.


 Essentials for formation of bone and teeth

 Essential for the functioning of cells
 Essential for the coagulation of blood
 Essentials for contractility of muscle, neuromuscular transmission, nerve cell
excitation and rhythmic action of the heart.
 Calcium carbonate is the major component of eggshell.


Milk, meat and bone meal

Deficiency symptoms:

In cattle-Milk fever, lactation tetany.

In man-Rickets, Osteomalacia.

In poultry- Reduced growth rate, lowering of appetite, elevated basal metabolic rate,
Osteoporosis or low calcium rickets, leg weakness leading to abnormal posture and gait,
longer clotting time, thin eggshells and reduced egg production.


 It is a component of nucleic acids, phospholipids, certain proteins and coenzymes

as well as part of acid base balance and other biochemical processes such as
metabolic energy transfer, protein synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism.
 Essential for formation of bone and teeth.
 Play an important role in carbohydrate metabolism and transfer of energy in
cellular activity.


Sunflower Seeds, bone meal, beans

Deficiency symptoms:

In cattle- Milk fever, lactation tetany, Pica.

In man- Rickets, Osteomalacia.

In poultry- Reduced growth rate, rapid lowering of appetite, weakness, mild rickets
osteoporosis (case layer fatigue), thin eggshells and reduced egg production.


 It is essential for the neuromuscular irriability

 It is essential for the activation of several enzymes of intermediary metabolism.
e.g. carboxylase.
 It is also essential for the formation of bone and teeth.
 It is antagonistic to calcium ion.


Sunflower and lean meats, Limestone

Deficiency symptoms:

In man- Vasodilatations, cardiacarrhythmia, hyperirritability, convulsion (Mg- tetany),

formation of renal calculi.

In cattle- Grass tetany

In poultry- Reduced growth rate, lethargic, gasping, convulsion, decreased egg

production, decrease weight of egg, amount shell.

Sodium and chlorine:

 Sodium and chlorine are essential for maintaining osmotic pressure, acid base
balance and distribution of water in the body.
 Sodium is connected intimately with maintenance of membrane potentials, cellular
transport process and the regulation of hydrogen ion concentration of bllod.
 Chloride the mineral anion in extracellular fluid plays a role fluid and ionic
Table salt, milks, meat, seafood

Deficiency symptoms
 In man- retarded growth, reduced appetite, decrease ability to utilize digested
carbohydrate and protein
 In cattle- Decreased milk production and body weight, hypothermia,
cadiacarrhythmia, neuromuscular disturbances and death
 In poultry- retarded growth, reduced appetite, decrease ability to utilize digested
food, abrupt decrease egg production and size, loss of weight and canabolism.


 It is essential for the maintenance of membrane potential and cellular fluid

 It participates directly in numerous biochemical reactions and is necessary for
normal heart activity, reducing contractility of the heart muscle and favoring
 It is essential for transmission of nerve impulse.

Deficiency symptoms:

In man- Tachycardia, Ventricular fibrillation, arrhythmin, Comma and death

In cattle- uncommon

In poultry- Decreased egg production, eggshell thinning, cardiac weakness, weakness of

respiratory muscles, tetanic seizures followed by death.


 It is essential part of some vitamins such as thiamine, biotin, essential amino acid such
as methionine and protein.

Deficiency symptoms

Not occur unless vitamins such as thiamine, biotin, essential amino acid such as
methaionine and protein deficiency occur.

It is essential Part of Hb.
It is essential Content of certain such as catalane. peroxidase, which are used in the
oxidation of nutrients in the body.
Deficiency Symptoms:
In man Anemia, Digestive disturbances.
In poultry- Anemia in growing chicks embryo and reduced hatchability.


Legume plants, liver meal, meat meal

It is essential for hemoglobin synthesis and bone formation.
It act ad a catalyst in Hb formation and erythropeisis.
It is required in some enzyme activity such as tyrosinase.
Deficiency Symptoms:
In ruminant Liking disease of sheep, goat and cattle sway back disease in lamb in
poultry: Anemia impaired pigmentation of feather pigmentation, decreased egg
production and egg size and abnormal eggshell (Shell-less egg, reduced eggshell

It is essential for erythropoeisis
It is component of Vitamin B12

Deficiency symptoms:

In animal-wasting disease , anemia
It is concerned with the regulation of metabolic rate.
It is necessary for the synthesis of thyroxin
Deficiency symptoms:
In man-goiter, cretinism
In ruminant-Stillbirth in ewe and pig
In poultry- Enlarged thyroid gland.

It is activator of several enzymes and is required for normal growth and reproduction
and prevention of perosis.
It is an essential component of pyruvate carboxylase.
Deficiency symptoms:
In poultry- In newly hatched chicks ataxia tetanic spasm and head retraction. In laying
hen thin, porous and soft eggshell, porosis, (slipped tendon due to subluxatcd
gastrocnemius fendon and awakward arthritic gait) and chondrodystrophy.

It is the cofactor of several enzymes.
It is Constituent of carbonic anhydrasc.
It is essential for bone and feather development.

Seed Fish meal, whole grain

Deficiency symptoms:

In animal- Hypeekeratosis rough and thickened skin poor hair and slipping of wool in
poultry-poor feather development, retarded growth, enlarged hock, thickened long bone,
scaling of the skin and dermatitis reduced egg production.
It is present in the cell enzyme glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) involved in the active
removal of peroxides for cell and correlation with vitamin E

Deficiency symptoms :
In animal and poultry- myopathy, microangiopathy and capillary fragility
In poultry- Nutritional muscular dystrophy, Exudative diathesis and cncephlomalacia
Differences Between fat and water soluble VIT:

Points Fat soluble Vitamin water soluble Vitamin

Along with C.H.O it also
This group contains only
Chemical Composition contains either N.S or
can occur in plants tissue in On Pro vitamin are known
the form of proletarian for on water soluble vitamin
are not universally
water soluble B Vitamins
Distribution distributed in every living
are Universally distributed
Can be stored where every
Storage are not stored in same way
fat are stored
Example Vit.A.D.E.K Vit.B.C

Dr. Md. Mahmudul Hasan

Assistant Professor,
Department of Physiology & Pharmacology
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University


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