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Human Resource Management


1) Which is not method of performance evaluation?

a. Forced choice method c. Critical incidents method
b. Market scales method d. Field Review method
ans- ( b)
2) Which is not theory of compensation?
a. Equity theory c. Agency theory
b. Turnover theory d. Expectancy theory

ans- (d)
3) Which is not considered as a challenge in Compensation Administration?
a. Education Qualification c. Automation and outsourcing
b. Offering competitive pay d. Controlling labour cost
ans- (a)
4) Which matter is considered as a form of fringe benefits?
a. Health protection c. Retirement benefits
b. Employment security d. Suggested all
ans- (d)
5) Which stage is not included in the process of job evaluation?
a. Planning stage c. Grading stage
b. Design stage d. External evaluation stage
ans- (d)
6) Which measure is not used to enhance the effectiveness of job evaluation?
a. Providing training c. Rules and regulation
b. Adjust salary structure d. Clarity of job contents
ans- (c)
7) Which is not an external factor affecting wage or Salary administration?
a. Cost of living c. Technological development
b. Social factors d. Job requirements.
ans- (d)
8) Which is not an internal factors influencing wage or Salary administration?
a. Ability to pay c. Job requirements
b. Trade union bargaining d. Management strategy
ans- (b)
9) Which step is not included in the procedure of compensation administration?
a. Analysis of the job c. Collection of finance
b. Developing the pay structure d. Pricing of the job
ans- (c)
10) Which is an objective of wage incentive?
a. Increase the productivity c. Better utilisation of resources
b. Raise standard of living d. Suggested all
ans- (d)
11) Which is not a stage of incentive planning process?
a. Setting the objectives c. Training and development
b. Sharing the goals d. Evaluating the performance
ans- (c)
12) Which is not a prerequisite for good incentive scheme?
a. Maximum financial benefit c. Simple to operate
b. Assured minimum wage d. Trust and confidence
ans- (a)
13) Which is not an objective of fringe benefit?
a. Improving employee morale c. Attracting the best talents
b. Decrease training and transfer d. Reducing H.R cost
ans- (b)
14) Which matter is not considered as a form of fringe benefits
a. Tools for work c. Retrenchment compensation
b. Lay-off compensation d. Safety care
ans- (a)
15) Which is considered as a challenge in compensation administration?
a. Controlling labour cost c. Forms of pay
b. Presentation of compensation d. Suggested all
ans- (d)
16) Who is the performance evaluator of an employees?
a. Peer groups c. Committees
b. Immediate supervisor d. Suggested all
ans- (d)
17) Which is not an aim of providing employee safety?
a. Cost Prevention c. Decrease wastage- spoilage
b. Accident avoidance d. Better industrial relation
ans- (c)
18) Point out the feature of effective safety programmes.
a. Safety awareness campaigns c. Clarity of safety goals
b. Proper Strategies for safety d. Suggested all
ans- (d)
19) Which is not a statutory provision regarding employee safety and health?
a. Use of modern technology c. Protection of eyes
b. Waste disposal d. Lifting machine, chain, rope
ans- (a)
20) Canteen facilities must be available in the factory where more than _____ employees are
a. 100 employees c. 250 employees
b. 150 employees d. 400 employees
ans- (c)
21) Every factory must have minimum first aid box in the case of every ____ employees.
a. 100 employees c. 200 employees
b. 150 employees d. 250 employees
ans- (b)
22) Sufficient number of salrters, restrooms and lunch room must be available in factories
when more than ____ employees are working.
a. 150 employees c. 50 employees
b. 100 employees d. 200 employees
ans- (a)
23) Adequate number of welfare officers are required to supervise welfare activities in a
factories where more than ____ employees are working.
a. 200 employees c. 400 employees
b. 300 employees d. 500 employees
ans- (d)
24) Which is not a non statutory welfare facilities?
a. Transport facilities c. Medical facilities
b. Housing facilities d. Education
e. facilities
ans- (a)
25) Which is not a HR strategy for employee welfare?
a. Policing theory c. Placating theory
b. Democratic theory d. Religion theory
ans- (b)
26) Which one is not related with the merits of welfare measures?
a. High efficiency c. Increase the sale
b. Timely result d. Boosts the morale
ans- (c)
27) Which is not an objective of worker participation in management.
a. To Decrease labour cost c. For facilitating changes
b. Enhanced democracy d. Good industrial relation
ans- (a)
28) Which is not a form of participation in management.
a. Profit sharing method c. Open door policies
b. Collective bargaining d. Code of conduct
ans- (d)
29) Which is not a precondition for effective workers participation in management?
a. Equal treatment to employees c. Number of employees
b. Respect Union's strength d. Clarity of goals and policy
ans- (c)
30) Which is not a feature of employee empowerment?
a. Delegation of power c. Strong leadership
b. High qualifications d. Self-determination of employees
ans- (b)
31) Which is not considered as barriers to effective employee empowerment?
a. Self-motivation c. Lack of favorable climate
b. Supervisor’s negative attitude d. Lack of worker's skill
ans- (a)
32) Which is an objective for providing safety to employee?
a. Cost Prevention c. Better industrial relation
b. Employee satisfaction d. Suggested all
ans- (d)
33) Which is not correct in the context of job rotation?
a. It eliminates Boredom c. It is the result of wrong placement
b. It is need of organisation d. It is policy matter
ans- (c)
34) From the following which is not included in the scope of Industrial Relation?
a. Industrial discipline c. To increase wages
b. To increase productivity d. Worker’s morale
ans- (c)
35) Industrial disputes means…
a. Conflict between workers and c. Fighting between workers
owners d. Dispute between industries
b. Fighting with owners
ans- (a)
36) Which is not included in the economic causes of industrial disputes?
a. Wages c. Bonus
b. Working condition d. Dearness allowance
ans- (b)
37) Point out the condition of a conciliation method to solve the industrial disputes.
a. Neutral person as a mediator c. Options for conciliation
b. Strong trade union d. Suggested all
ans- (d)
38) Which matter is wrong in compulsory arbitration to solve industrial disputes?
a. Dispute is handed over to c. Judgement of arbitration should
government arbitrator be accepted compulsorily
b. During the procedure of d. Prohibition on Lock-out
arbitration work should be stop
ans- (b)
39) Government can hand over industrial dispute of industrial units having number of _____
workers to industrial Tribunal
a. More than 100 c. More than 50
b. More than 150 d. More than 200
ans- (a)
40) Which subject to dispute is considered in the scope of industrial Tribunal?
a. Provident fund gratuity c. Rules of discipline
b. Allowances and compensation d. Suggested all
ans- (d)
41) Maximum, how many members should be in National Industrial Relation Commission
a. Five c. Ten
b. Seven d. Six
ans- (b)
42) Who is considered as mother of trade union?
a. Green revolution c. Industrial revolution
b. Social revolution d. Yellow revolution
ans- (c)
43) _____ President of India was supporting trade union.
a. V.V Giri c. Pranav Mukherjee
b. Abdul kalam d. Radha krishna
ans- (a)
44) Which is not included in the precondition for the success of collective bargaining?
a. Strong trade union c. Educated workers
b. Proper attitude of government d. Recognition to trade union
ans- (c)
45) Which of the following cause is not responsible for indisciplinary behaviour of employee
in an industrial unit?
a. Lack of appreciation of work c. Democratic leadership
b. Improper recruitment d. Avoidance of complaint
ans- (c)
46) To prevent employee indiscipline in industry which managerial step is not considered?
a. Oral warning c. Retrench employee
b. Written notice d. Demotion of an employee
ans- (c)
47) Which cause from the following is not included in the employee grievances?
a. Causes regarding wages c. Working condition
b. Modern machinery d. Work and work load
ans- (b)
48) Which of the following is the main weakness of trade union?
a. Uneducated workers c. Lack of skill
b. Lack of leadership d. Low membership
ans- (d)
49) In which year Trade union act came into existence?
a. 1926 c. 1951
b. 1948 d. 1947
ans- (a)
50) In which year industrial dispute act came into existence?
a. 1974 c. 1950
b. 1947 d. 1926
ans- (b)

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