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Name: .............................................................................................. Class: ..................................... Date: .....................................


PAPER 1 1 hour and 30 minutes

1. This question paper has five parts which consist of 40 questions. Read the instructions for every part and question
2. Answer all the questions.

Part 1
Questions 1 to 8
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each question, circle the correct answer
A, B or C.


Please send me a new copy of Healing Vitamins to preview for a fortnight, free of cost or obligation to purchase.
If I decide to keep the book, I will pay four easy monthly payments. Otherwise, I will return the book at the end
of the trial period and owe nothing.

1 Which of the following statements is true?

A The trial period is 14 days.
B Healing Vitamins is given free to buyers.
C The buyer has to buy the book within 14 days.

PETALING JAYA: Malaysian women are getting breast cancer at a younger age than women in
the West. Health authorities believe that pollution, smoking, alcohol and a sedentary lifestyle are
contributing to the sharp rise in such cases. Many women also succumb to the disease because they
do not seek early treatment. Some women only turn up at the hospital at the last stage of their illness
after trying traditional medicine.

2 Which of the following is true?

A Women in the West are not affected by breast cancer.
B Cancer is not caused by consuming traditional medicine.
C Malaysian women seek early treatment when they get breast cancer.


Every year, thousands are hospitalised for haze-related problems.
Stop open burning and illegal clearing of forests through fires.
Our lives depend on it.

3 The purpose of the campaign is

A to save lives.
B to preserve forests.
C to stop air pollution.

SALES REPRESENTATIVES (based in the Klang Valley)
U Below 30 years old
U Able to speak English and Bahasa Melayu %HQHƓWV
U School leavers with SPM qualifications are U Basic salary RM1,500.00 + commission
welcome to apply U 13-month salary

Call Sara Liew on 03-6246 8811 between 9.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. to make an appointment.

4 Which of the following is true?

A Applicants should write in to the advertiser.
B The advertiser needs someone who speaks two languages.
C The advertiser needs someone who is at least 30 years old.


PUREEC Cordless machines don’t just clean floors.
t Elegant design for your home They quickly transform between stick and handheld mode
t Easy wall-mounted storage to clean high and low areas, and everywhere in between.
t Reasonably priced
t Captures fine dust and allergens such as pollen and dust while consuming 80% less electricity!

5 Which statement is true about Pureec Vacuum Cleaner?

A It wastes electricity.
B It does not have wires.
C It needs a lot of storage space.

Dear Sathia,
Just to tell you that yesterday I bought some fries. They looked so delicious – golden hot strips tasting of salt,
fat and starch. I ate a couple and then threw them away! I was left with nothing except the chance of being slim!
Thank you – your message is getting through!

Best wishes,

6 Which of the following statements is true?

A Emily did not finish her fries.
B Sathia bought some fries yesterday.
C Emily thanked Sathia for buying her some fries.

Hey, Malik. You didn’t come to
school today. Are you all right?

I had a high fever, but I’m feeling
much better now.

I’m glad to hear that. Miss Lee
announced this morning that
the English Language Club is
organising a holiday camp next
month. Would you like to go?

Sure, Raju. How could I miss it?

We should talk more about this
when we meet on Thursday.

7 Which of the following is true?

A Malik is too sick to join the holiday camp.
B Malik is definitely joining the holiday camp.
C Malik is not interested in joining the holiday camp.

To all Finance Department employees,
Please be informed that the photocopier is out of order.
You can photocopy your documents in the Human Resources office on Level 2.
Thank you.

8 The memo to employees says that

A they can use the photocopier on Level 2.
B the manager will do the photocopying for them.
C the photocopier on Level 2 is undergoing repairs.
[8 marks]

Part 2

Questions 9 to 18
Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D.
Raising Successful Children
Research shows (0) that children with parents who set fair rules are more
motivated and self-reliant. These parents give clear reasons for their rules
and consistently (9) them. This is in comparison to children
whose parents are either too lax about rules or too authoritarian. According to
psychologists, children need guidance but if you give too much guidance, you
end up (10) them. These children will not be able to think
for themselves in stressful situations. They are also unable to make important
decisions later on (11) life. Therefore, parents need to try to
keep a balance (12) telling the children to follow the rules
and allowing them to enjoy their playtime.
There are many ways to (13) successful children
and most of the time, they are not difficult to do. It helps to
(14) household chores to children such as cleaning their rooms
or making their beds. This makes children responsible and builds independence,
competence and self-reliance. Besides that, successful children also tend to get a lot of praise and encouragement
(15) their parents. They are given the opportunity to (16) their talents, and to
learn about their own sense of purpose and worth. They also learn to link success with hard work when they are
given the chance to pursue their talents and interests.
When a child works at learning to hit a ball, play an instrument or figure out a computer game and
finally (17) it, he feels an incredible sense of achievement. He also learns that when he
(18) trying and practising, he may succeed.

0 A show B shows C showed D showing

9 A force B endure C enforce D constrain

10 A control B controls C controlled D controlling

11 A in B on C by D at

12 A over B with C among D between

13 A raise B raises C raised D raising

14 A assign B develop C match D compare

15 A at B by C to D from

16 A detect B exhibit C announce D discover

17 A know B master C complete D recognise

18 A keeps on B agrees with C reacts to D looks after

[10 marks]

Part 3

Questions 19 to 26
You are going to read an extract from a magazine. For questions 19 to 26, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D.

When I was five years old, my father worked as a quartermaster on Kawit Island, a small piece of land near the
Cebu city ports. In the 1940s, the Americans had built a hospital there. When the Americans left the Philippines
after World War II, Kawit Island and the hospital, which was no longer functional, were left under the care of the
Philippine government. A skeletal workforce, including my father, was stationed there to provide security.
Tatay, as I called my father, would stay at the staff house near the old hospital during his three-day shifts. He
had only the goats and chickens that roamed freely on the island to keep him company. The coast guard patrol boat
would dock there once in a while, and some local fishermen would drop by for an afternoon nap.
Although marooned on the island with practically no playmates, I was never short of toys because the ocean
swept up a lot of stuff, mostly other people’s junk, which I found very interesting and useful. My precious collection
included a toy car with missing wheels, little plastic soldiers with no hands or feet, and an assortment of rubber and
plastic balls. I stored them in my treasure chest — an ice cream canister that I had scooped out of the waves one
One day, I saw a beautiful white boat. It was made out of styrofoam material and had a transparent plastic sail.
It was perfect. I was mesmerised as I watched the wind blow the sailboat towards the shore. My heart thumped with
excitement as I ran to retrieve it before it was swept away again. As I held it in my hand, I vowed never to lose it.
I showed it to my Tatay, who was happy to see me enjoying myself, although he warned me not to go into the water
again without him.
One day, I was floating my boat on the water when my father remembered that he needed to take his medicine.
He instructed me to come back to the shore before he rushed into a nearby hut. I started walking towards the shore
as I saw my father turn away. But when I reached out to get the boat, a soft wind caught its sail and pushed it away
from me. I took a couple of steps towards it, but the current that my movement created, kept propelling the boat
further and further away.
I watched in horror as my boat floated out of reach. I was determined not to lose it. In one huge step, I stretched
my arm as far as it could go and strained to grab the boat, but I missed and plummeted into the ocean, not realising
how deep the water was and forgetting that I could not swim. I was enveloped in seawater. I paddled and kicked
hard, trying to remain above the surface, but the water was just too deep, the current too strong and my body too
weak to fight. I felt myself sinking to the bottom. I gasped for air, but only salty water filled my throat and nostrils.
Then I passed out.
When my father emerged from the hut, he was horrified to see me thrashing around in the water some distance
from the shore. He dived in and swam as hard as he could to the spot where I had gone under. He repeatedly dived
under the water, frantically searching for my body. Then his hand brushed against my hair. He grabbed it and yanked
my head out of the water. He pulled me to the shore and gave me mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Soon I regained
consciousness and vomited a large amount of salty water. I opened my eyes to see my father crying.
In the days that followed, I was so traumatised that I would not go near the water. My little boat was gone, but
I did not miss it. One day, my father, worried that the incident would scar me for life, took me to the water’s edge
and urged me to go in with him. Though scared, I went in because I trusted him. After all, he had saved me from

19 In paragraph 1, when did the writer’s father work on Kawit Island?
A In the 1940s
B After World War II
C When the writer was five years old
D When the Philippine government was formed

20 In paragraph 2, who stayed with Tatay so that he was not alone?

A The fishermen
B The Americans
C The coast guard
D The goats and chickens

21 In paragraph 3, which of the following toys was not kept in the ice cream canister?
A Marbles
B A toy car
C Rubber balls
D Plastic soldiers

22 In paragraph 4, why did the writer use the phrase My heart thumped with excitement?
A She made a sailboat herself.
B Her father gave her a new toy.
C She was going to get a new toy.
D She saw a sailboat heading towards the shore.

23 In paragraph 5, why did the writer’s father rush into a nearby hut?
A He needed to get a boat.
B He had to take his medicine.
C He needed to meet some fishermen.
D He did not enjoy being by the shore.

24 In paragraph 6, what does the word plummeted mean?

A Pushed
B Forced
C Crashed
D Plunged

25 In paragraph 7, how did the writer’s father save her life?

A By vomiting salty water
B By diving under the water
C By grabbing her out of the water
D By giving her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation

26 What is the purpose of the writer writing this article?

A To recall an unpleasant incident
B To share precious memories of her boat
C To show that life on Kawit Island was interesting
D To look back at how dedicated her father was to his work

[8 marks]

Part 4

Questions 27 to 32
You are going to read an article about what a student loves about Penang. Six sentences have been removed from the
article. Choose from the sentences A to H the one which fits each gap (27 to 32). There are two extra sentences which
you do not need to use.
What I Love about Penang
I love going to Penang because it is so unlike my hometown Seremban. While Seremban is situated in a valley and
about an hour’s drive from the sea, Penang is an island that offers visitors many attractions. Let me tell you more
about it.
First, there is Penang Hill. 27 D It’s an exciting ride, as I can see monkeys on both sides as the tram
struggles to go up. When I reach the peak, my heart beats wildly in anticipation of the awesome view I will get of
the Straits of Malacca. The ships in the horizon seem to be moving so slowly. The water is such an inviting blue that
I often feel like leaping into it!
28 F You can see all the city lights twinkling below you. I can still remember the first time my uncle and
aunt brought me up there after a marvellous dinner at one of Penang’s famous hawker centres; I just didn’t want to
leave. The view was simply breathtaking!
Another attraction that Penang holds for me is its beaches of golden sand, fringed by coconut trees. While I
love wandering along Batu Ferringhi beach, I must confess that my favourite beach is less well-known. 29 A
So, within hours of my arrival, I am basking in the sun under the shade of the old angsana tree at the back of the
30 G Besides having various flowers and plants, the place is also full of chattering monkeys. They are so
tame and visitors can see them wander freely all over the place.
However, these monkeys pale in interest compared to the snakes of the famous Snake Temple of Penang.
31 E But I find watching the snakes a real treat as they lazily entwine themselves round the twigs and branches
of the plants within the temple grounds.
Finally, I love Penang because it is the home of Uncle Tim and Aunt Rosie. 32 B They let me wander
around the streets of Penang without worrying about me too much; something that my overprotective mother never
lets me do in Seremban.

A On every visit, I really look forward to sunbathing on E Most of the time, I have to go there alone, as my
the isolated beach near my uncle and aunt’s home. uncle and aunt are not too fond of snakes.

B They always look forward to my visits, just as much F By night, the view is even more spectacular.
as I long to go there after a long hard year of school.

C Every year, Penang Hill receives thousands of G Another place in Penang which I find irresistible
visitors from all around the world. is the Botanical Gardens.

D No trip to Penang is complete without going up to H Botanical Gardens are just a stone’s throw away
the highest point of the island by tram. from Batu Ferringhi beach.

[6 marks]

Part 5

Questions 33 to 40
Six notices have been put up in Bandar Melana community hall. Read the notices below and answer the questions that follow.
Public Events in Bandar Melana

A – Malaysia Bonsai and Suiseki Society

We hold a bonsai workshop at our premises. The workshop starts at 10.30 a.m. and ends at 12.30 p.m. every
Sunday. The workshop is free for everyone to attend.
B – WWF Malaysia
We seek volunteers to help raise funds during our annual Flag Day on Sunday. Those interested in lending a
helping hand can do so by calling Mr Darren on 03 – 7708 4772.
C – Malaysia Indoor Sports Arena
We provide modern indoor facilities in six team sports: indoor hockey, futsal, netball, cricket, beach volleyball
and beach soccer. We are open seven days a week from 10.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.
D – Amal Bazaar
We are holding a jumble sale, selling new and used items to raise funds for children’s homes and for the education
of the children residing there. We accept any form of donation for the needy.
E – Malaysian Nature Society
We organise activities for families. There are activities like Nature Walk, Nature Art and Paper Recycling on the
first Saturday of every month. Each activity is limited to twenty participants.
F – Kancil Education Group
We are organising a talk for Form 4 students on Physics, Chemistry, Additional Maths and Biology on Sunday at
Menara Kancil. For more details, please contact Ms Hawa on 03–7376 7200.

Questions 33 to 36
Which organiser (A – F) suits the need of each of the following residents of Bandar Melana?
Statement Organiser
33 My children are quite weak in Science subjects, so I would F
like them to attend a talk to motivate them. – Mrs Hema
34 My whole family loves going on nature walks, especially on E
weekends. – Jenny
35 I have a few bonsai plants at home and would like to know more A
about these plants. – Munirah
36 I would like to do my part for charity. I have a lot of clothes that D
I would like to donate. – Mr Doss

Questions 37 to 40
Complete the notes below using information from the text. Choose no more than one word from the text for each answer.
What We Know about Public Events in Bandar Melana

• We can find new and used (37) items sold at the jumble sale.
• The modern (38) facilities at Malaysia Indoor Sports Arena will attract the attention of indoor
sports enthusiasts.
• Only twenty (39) people are allowed to take part in Nature Walk.
• Mr Darren (40) will gather the volunteers before the Flag Day begins.
[8 marks]

Name: .............................................................................................. Class: ..................................... Date: .....................................


PAPER 2 1 hour and 30 minutes

1. This question paper has three parts which are Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. Read the instructions for every part
2. Answer all the questions in Part 1 and Part 2.
3. Part 3 has three questions. Only answer one question.
Part 1
You must answer this question.

Question 1
You received an email from your friend, Sujatha who wanted to join a society in school.

I heard that you’re a member of the English Language Society. I’m thinking of becoming a
member as well so that I can improve my command of English. Who is the teacher-in-charge
of the society and how much is the membership fee? What are the activities that you do?
I’m looking forward to your reply.

Now write an email to your friend in about 80 words. Write your answer below.


Subject: Let’s Join the Best Society in School!

(Suggested answer)
Hi Sujatha,

I’m happy that you’re interested in joining the English Language Society. I’m sure Miss Fiona, the teacher-in-charge,
will welcome you with open arms. The membership fee is RM5.00. When you join the society, you’ll get to
take part in activities such as singing competitions, spelling bees, drama presentations, language games and
treasure hunts.

Do drop by Form 5 Mutiara next Tuesday after school to register. We’ll be having our meeting there.
See you soon!


[20 marks]

Part 2
You must answer this question. Write your answer in 125 – 150 words in an appropriate style.

Question 2
Your classmates have been discussing how they spend their leisure time. Your teacher has asked you to write an
essay about your hobby.
In your essay, you should write about:
• what you do during your leisure time
• reasons for your choice
• what do you usually need for the hobby
Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.
(Suggested answer)
In my leisure time, I enjoy making scrapbooks. A scrapbook is a book with empty pages where we can stick
our favourite photos, articles, stickers and so on. We can also write simple but meaningful captions in a scrapbook.
I began making scrapbooks when I was ten. My aunt was the one who introduced me to this hobby.
I must say that what started as a ‘for fun project’ has become an obsession with me.
I personally find making scrapbooks relaxing. I can spend hours in my room selecting photos and arranging
them nicely in my scrapbook. I will forget about the things that make me sad or worry. As I am into art, I would
jump at any opportunity to decorate my scrapbooks. That is the reason why I always have gold glitter, coloured
paper, ribbons, sequins and dried flowers with me, besides glue and scissors.

[20 marks]

Part 3
Write an answer to one of the questions 3 – 5 in this part. Write your answer in 200 – 250 words in an appropriate

Question 3
You saw this notice in a magazine.

Send Us Your Articles!

A Unique Animal
• Where can it be found?
• How does it look?
• What are its eating habits?
Write us an article answering these questions.
The best article will be published in our magazine.

Write your article.

Question 4
You recently saw this notice in the school library.

We Welcome Your Reviews!

Have you read any interesting books lately? Submit your book review to us.
Tell us what you enjoyed about the story.
Would you recommend it to your friends? Why?
The best reviews will be published in our online magazine.

Write your review.

Question 5
Your teacher has asked you to write a story for the school magazine. The story must have the title:
A Scary and Silly Experience

Your story should include:

• a description of the experience
• the ending of the experience

Write your story.

(Refer to pages 176 – 177 for the suggested answer.)
[20 marks]

Name: .............................................................................................. Class: ..................................... Date: .....................................


PAPER 3 12 minutes


Your favourite place

Talk about your favourite place.

You should say:

• what the place is
• what activities you do there
• why the place is your favourite
• if you think it is important for people to have a favourite place (why/why not?)

(Refer to page 177 for the sample student interaction.)


Your ambition
Talk about your ambition.

You should say:

• what your ambition is
• what your duties are if your ambition comes true
• why you choose the ambition
• if you think it is important for teenagers to have an ambition (why/why not?)

(Refer to page 177 for the sample student interaction.)

Name: .............................................................................................. Class: ..................................... Date: .....................................


make new

spend quality time

release stress
with family

Advantages of

taste new food take beautiful


strengthen bond
between families

(Refer to page 178 for the sample student interaction.)

Name: .............................................................................................. Class: ..................................... Date: .....................................


PAPER 4 40 minutes
1. This question paper has four parts which consist of 30 questions. Read and listen to the instructions
for every part carefully.

2. Answer all the questions. Tracks

Part 1

Questions 1 to 7
You will hear people talking in seven different situations. For questions 1 to 7, choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
You will hear each recording twice. Answer all the questions.
1 The train to Serdang will arrive at
A 8.45 a.m.
B 8.50 a.m.
C 9.05 a.m.

2 If a stranger asks you to exchange your money to local currency, you should
A direct him to the bank.
B leave the city.
C ignore him.

3 How did the lady get injured?

A Her yoga mat skidded.
B She did yoga without any supervision.
C She jogged for more than 30 minutes a day.

4 What does the man say about Didi?

A Didi received treatment for a month.
B Didi was run over by a lorry.
C Didi does not have a cub.

5 What should the shoppers do upon hearing the announcement?

A Head to the indoor playground immediately.
B Scan around the mall for the boy.
C Talk to any employees they see.

6 Which of these is not the process to produce the bags?

A Colouring
B Washing
C Spinning

7 According to the fashion designer, she

A is earning a lot of money.
B does not dress outrageously.
C wants her design to be exclusive.

[7 marks]

Name: .............................................................................................. Class: ..................................... Date: .....................................

Part 2

Questions 8 to 15
You will hear Maria talking about her experience doing volunteer work. For questions 8 to 15, circle the
correct answer (A, B or C).
You will hear each recording twice. Answer all the questions.
Track 8

8 How did Maria first get involved in volunteer work?
A Her cousin asked her to tag along.
B She was inspired by Korean dramas.
C She saw a poster asking for donations.

9 Why did Maria’s cousin stop doing volunteer work after the emergency clean-up programme?
A She hated wearing the life jacket.
B She found the oil slick was too difficult to be cleaned.
C She could not stand the stench of the mangrove forest.

10 How did Maria dig up information about mangrove trees?

A Through reading
B From online resources
C By consulting her cousin

11 Which part of the mangrove tree is the nursery for sea creatures?
A Root
B Bark
C Leaf

12 Mangrove trees reduce air pollution by

A guarding the coastline.
B releasing carbon into the air.
C absorbing carbon from the atmosphere.

13 The Nature Club holds its volunteering programmes every

A week.
B four days.
C two weeks.

14 The volunteering programmes by The Nature Club allow Maria to

A make friends with the club members.
B hang around the mangrove forest until dawn.
C have fun watching the mudskippers and macaques.

15 In the future, Maria hopes to

A get more people for the volunteering programmes.
B instil public awareness on the importance of mangrove forests.
C raise funds to preserve the natural habitat of the wildlife creatures.

[8 marks]

Name: .............................................................................................. Class: ..................................... Date: .....................................

Part 3

Questions 16 to 20
You will hear five short extracts in which teenagers are talking about their preferences when they eat out.
For questions 16 to 20, choose from the list (A to G) what each speaker says. Use the letters only once.
There are two extra letters which you do not need to use.
You will hear the recording twice. Answer all the questions. Tracks

A The ambience of the restaurant helps us Speaker 1 F 16 9 – 13

enjoy the food better.
B The food has to be good for us to come Speaker 2 G 17
back again.
C A good restaurant must provide good
service to its customers. Speaker 3 B 18
D We always go to eateries with the widest selection
of foods. Speaker 4 C 19
E In this economic climate, the price of the food has
to be reasonable. Speaker 5 D 20
F I like to help new restaurants go viral online.
G I hate eating in a crowded place so I would avoid it
at all costs.

[5 marks]

Part 4

Questions 21 to 30
You will hear a budding artist, Sana, talking about her experience as an artist. For questions 21 to 30, fill
in the missing information in each numbered space. Use NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each space.
You will hear the interview twice. Answer all the questions.
Track 14
Public Art
Sana was introduced to public art through her frequent travels (21) with her family. She noticed
that there was a lack of public art in Malaysia so she decided to take up some lessons (22). She
was surprised to learn that murals, sculptures, monuments, street furniture (23) and even digital
art were categorised as public art. She spent a lot of time attending exhibitions (24) to learn about
other people’s work and making friends from the same field. Many tourists are impressed as Malaysian public art
celebrates racial (25) diversity and unity, and local unsung heroes.
Despite her extensive exposure, Sana’s favourite public art has always been the National Monument that
commemorates the sacrifices (26) of our soldiers. Her friends love her sculptures but she feels
murals (27) are more of her style. The fact that her fans have noticed her work on several
cafes (28) makes her feel proud. In the future, Sana plans to learn (29)
digital art and see if she is talented in the area. She hopes the public would stop labelling murals as
graffiti (30) and start appreciating their beauty.
[10 marks]


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