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Jairus Arnie I.

Tabanera – BSHM 2B - REL ,ED


1. B
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. D
10. A

Activity Lesson 1

M – Memories that never thought have to go, to give as a remembrance from above
A - and with the fulfillment of God love.
N – Nothing’s memories wasted because its remain in our hearts, and grow like a dove.

S – Sanity lost beneath thick paranoid thoughts.

O – Over power the weakest at all cost.
C – Childhood replaced with guns and teen suicide.
I – Insicurities grown daily hidden down inside.
E – Engaged in violence when you keep out of dare.
T - Tolerating our never ending death galore.
Y – Your world, change it.
Jairus Arnie I. Tabanera – BSHM 2B - REL ,ED


1. B
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. A
10. D

Activity Lesson 2
Jairus Arnie I. Tabanera – BSHM 2B - REL ,ED


1. D
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. B

Activity Lesson 3

1. The relation between individual and society is very close. Essentially, “society” is the regularities, customs and
ground rules of antihuman behavior. These practices are tremendously important to know how humans act and
interact with each other. Society does not exist independently without individual. The individual lives and acts
within society but society is nothing, in spite of the combination of individuals for cooperative effort. On the
other hand, society exists to serve individuals―not the other way around. Human life and society almost go
together. Man is biologically and psychologically equipped to live in groups, in society. Society has become an
essential condition for human life to arise and to continue. The relationship between individual and society is
ultimately one of the profound of all the problems of social philosophy. It is more philosophical rather than
sociological because it involves the question of values. Man depends on society. It is in the society that an
individual is surrounded and encompassed by culture, as a societal force. It is in the society again that he has to
conform to the norms, occupy statuses and become members of groups. The question of the relationship
between the individual and the society is the starting point of many discussions. It is closely connected with the
question of the relationship of man and society. The re- lation between the two depends upon one fact that the
individual and the society are mutually de- pendent, one grows with the help of the other. The aim of this paper
is to show the questions: how a man is a social animal and how individual and society affect each other?

2. Given this approach, Durkheim proposed that religion has three major functions in society: it provides social
cohesion to help maintain social solidarity through shared rituals and beliefs, social control to enforce religious-
based morals and norms to help maintain conformity and control in society, and it offers ...
Jairus Arnie I. Tabanera – BSHM 2B - REL ,ED


1. A
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. D
6. D
7. D
8. A
9. B
10. A

Activity Lesson 4

Church Activities and Programs Your Proposed Activities and Programs

Community Event Help the community to stay in touch to the church

Vocation Bible School Program Engage with the community and see your church grow

Clean up the community Have a sports team to all

Homeless Shelter Put a food shelf on the streets to feed the homeless.
Written Test Module 2

The Need for Leaders in Christian Youth Ministry

Youth need guidance and support as they navigate through the most challenging part of their development
and seek to grow in their walk with Christ. Christ-like leaders are needed to serve young members of the congregation
and help them to reach their full potential.

Youth ministry leaders must be rooted in a biblical foundation in order effectively communicate with young
people. In addition, they must understand modern influences on Christianity, which allow them to identify with youth
and build meaningful relationships with them. If you feel called to help young people walk with the Lord, earning
a bachelor’s degree in youth ministry may be a great option.

It is important for the truth of the gospel to be passed down from generation to generation in order to grow
the body of Christ. Ultimately, helping youth to grow spiritually in their formative years will equip them to make an
impact for Christ both now and in their future.
Performance Taks Module 2

Portfolio: Collect Images and Photos that object the helping and expending hands of family to the Church, Church to the
State and State to both Famlly and Church.

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