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IEEE Transactions on Power ApparatusandSystem, vol. PAS-94, no.

2, MarchIApril 1975


A. Semlyen A. Dabuleanu
of Hydro
Toronto,Ontario, Canada

ABSTRACT The paperpresents a new approach t ot h e I t y i e l d st h eu n i ts t e pr e s p o n s e

c a l c u l a t i o no ft r a n s i e n t s on t r a n s m i s s i o nl i n t sw i t h b
frequency-dependentparameters. I t s purpose i s t o ob- x = --(1 - e -at)
t a i ns i g n i f i c a n ct o m p u t e r - t i m es a v i n g s by avoiding
convolutions.This i s achieved by approximating a l l which r e p r e s e n t s o r i s part of the response functi-
l i n e and ground d i s t o r t i o n s and a l s ot i m ev a r i a b l e needed f o r t h e c a l c u l a t i o n o f t r a n s m i s s i o n l i n e t r a n -
c h a r a c t e r i s t i ca d m i t t a n c e s by exponentialfunctions, sients.
i . e . s o l u t i o n so fl i n e a rd i f f e r e n t i a le q u a t i o n s . The The generalsolutionof(1) is
method produces a simpleNorton-typelineequivalent t
whichpermits i t s i n c o r p o r a t i o n i n t o an e x i s t i n g s y s - x r e-at x(0) + b eu-(atT -1)dT (3)
tem r e p r e s e n t a t il oit khne P . AB.. ft oh re 0
c a l c u l a t i o n of transients.The program has been tested
on systems of different degrees of complexity and p r a Equation ( 3 ) containstheconvolutionoftheinput u
ved t o be superior,intermsofspeed and accuracy, withtheunitimpulseresponsebe-at. Ityields,for
t o o t h e r advancedmethods. a single time step h, the recursive equation:
n 'n- 1
+ b e-aT u(nh - T3dT
I t i s a tp r e s e n t a g e n e r a l l yr e c o g n i z e df a c tt h a t
computationally efficient switching surge calculations o r simply, with a second order approximation for u,S
shouldbebased on travellilng wave methods,eventhough d e r i v e d i n Appendix 1,
thelineparameters canbedefined and c a l c u l a t e d o n l y
i n t h e f r e q u e n c y domain.Input-outputrelationships in
thefrequencydomain,i.e.productswith a transfer
f u n c t i o n , become simplyconvolutionsinthe time do-
main.Thus, i np r i n c i p l e ,t h e r e i s no d i f f i c u l t yi n
where a , X , u , v a r e known constantcoefficients,given
p r o d u c i n ga c c u r a t ep i c t u r e so fs w i t c h i n gt r a n s i e n t s by (A.4).For a f i r s t o r d e r a p p r o x i m a t i o n , see Appendix
i f convolution methods are consistently applied3 to*.
One canalways assume t h a t t h e b a s i c i n i t i a l i n f o r m a - 2.
t i o n i, n form of u n ist t e pr e s p o n s e s , is available Equation ( 5 ) is e q u i v a l e n tt o (3) (seealso Append-
frommeasurements o rc a l c u l a t i o n s 9 t o l 4 i x 3) but contains noconvo1utions.Anypresentvalueof
theoutput x- r e s u l t sa s a linearcombinationof its
Convolutionmethodsare,however, time consuming. pastvalue XI' and t h et h r e el a s tv a l u e s ~ ~ , and
u ~ - ~
While10secondsofcomputertimedoesnot seem t o u n- 2 of t h e ?;but.
betoo much f o r a convolutiontypeprocessingof a ~~ ~

completeswitchingoperation,thousandsofsuchopera- Equation (1) and i t s s o l u t i o n s (2) o r (5) will be

tions, required for maximized or f o r s t a t i s t i c a l out- a p p l i e dh e r er e p e a t e d l y , w i t hd i f f e r e n ti n p u t and out-
p u t s , may
make convolution methods
computationally p u tv a r i a b l e s( s t e p s 3 , 4and 5 ofthefollowingsect-
prohibitive. ion) .
Thispapergives an a n a l y t i c a le q u i v a l e n tt o con- The method hasbeendevelopedforoverhead trans-
volutions, thereby reducing thecomputer time by missionlinesof any c o n f i g u r a t i o n . For thesakeof
approximatelyoneorderofmagnitude,while preserv- clarity,thispaperdealsonlywithsinglecircuit un-
ing the accuracy and rigor of the frequency dependent t r a n s p o s e dl i n e s , However, s p e c i a lp r o b l e m s ,l i k e trm
l i n er e p r e s e n t a t i o n .I nf a c t , i t i n c r e a s e st h ea c c u r - s i e n t s on d o u b l ec i r c u i tl i n e s ,t h eh a n d l i n g and the
acy, by beingequivalenttonon-truncatedconvolutions e f f e cottfr a n s p o s i t i o n s ,t a r t i npgr o c e d u r e s from
and a l s o by c o r r e c t l yt a k i n gi n t oa c c o u n t h ef r e - givensteady-stateconditions anda completeintegra-
quency dependence of t h ec h a r a c t e r i s t i ca d m i t t a n c e . tionofthefrequencydependentline model i n t o a new
The new method is b o t h f a s t and a c c u r a t e . I t permits systemrepresentation,havealsobeensolved and des-
t oc a l c u l a t et r a n s i e n t si nl a r g e and complex trans- c r i b e di n two separatepapers 5 ' 16.
mission systems.
The fundamentalideaofthepaper is verysimple. DESCRIPTION OF THE N E W METHOD
I t i s based on t h e o b s e r v a t i o n t h a t most u n i t s t e p r e - I t i s assumed t h a tt h er e f l e c t e dv o l t a g e s v;ar at
sponsefunctionsofinterestarewellapproximatedby t h ef a r endofthetransmissionlineare known from
an exponential function o r a sum of two such functions.
previous calculations o r i n i t i a l c o n d i t i o n s . T h e method
C o n s i d e rt h el i n e a rd i f f e r e n t i a le q u a t i o n o r c a l c u l a t i o n will be described in the following sev-
i = - ~ + b u (1) en s t e p s .

Step 1. Modal decomposition. I t i s known1' t h a t i n t h e

frequency domain phase andmodal v o l t a g e s and c u r r e n t s
are .related to each other by t h e e q u a t i o n s
V = T V
V m
I = T I
I m

TVTI1 = U (71
Paper T 74 4354, recommended and approved by the IEEE Transmission &
Distribution Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentation at where t h et r a n s f o r m a t i o nm a t r i c e s Tv and TI a r ef r e -
the IEEE PES Summer Meeting& Energy Resources Conf., Anaheim,Cal., July 14-
19,'1974. ManuscriptsubmittedJanuary 30, 1974; madeavailableforprinting quencydependent. However, f o r a verywiderangeof
May 1,1974. f r e q u e n c i etsh e sm
e a t r i c eps r o vtebope r a c t i c a l l y
constant8' 15' I tnh ce a s oehf o r i z o n t alli n etsh e y Now t h ei n c i d e n t modal v o l t a g e s( 1 2 )a t h er e c e i v i n g
arejustslightlydifferent fromthe a,B, 0 transforma- end are known.
t i o n m a t r i c e s : mode 1 i s e s s e n t i a l l y e q u a l t o m d a w i t h A s t a t ev a r i a b l ep r e s e n t a t i o no ft h eo p e r a t i o n si n
a s l i g h t e f f e c t from mode 0 , and viceversa,while mode t h i s s t e p is d e s c r i b e d i n Appendix4.
6 remainsunaltered.
Since the transformation matrices arc constantequa- Step4.Incident modal currents.Moda1 wave c u r r e n t s are
tions(6)arealsovalidinthetimedomain.Therefore, r e l a t e d t o u n i t s t e p modal wave v o l t a g e s by a s i n g l e ex-
modal (i.e. independent)
voltages and ponentialresponsefunction(Fig.2). I t S v a l u ea t t = -+

c u r r e n t s canbeobtainedby: corresponds t o
v = T-l v
Yc ( w - + O ) =E = 0 (13)

Step 2 . D i s t o r t i o n l e s s modal propagation. The d i s t o r t - s i n c e G = 0.

i o n due t op r o p a g a t i o no f any mode m (m = 1, 2 , 3) is
represented-in-Fig.1. A t o t a ld e l a y T + AT^ i s q?ar- First a complementary f u n c t i o n xm i s defined. It
entbefore any d i s t o r t i o n is takenin?oconbideratlon. represents,foreach mode m, i n t h e c a s e o f a 'unit in-
a d undistortedidealincidentVoltagecanbede- p u tv ' = 1 ( s e eF i g . 2 ) ,t h e complement (divided by yrm)
fined for each mode: t ot h e m d e s i r e do u t p u t ii.
Since for t = =, x = 1,
( t ) = v" (t - To - ATm) bm = am (141
(m = 1,2,3) accordingtoequation(2).

I ft h ei n p u t s u i n ( 5 ) a r et h e modal i n c i d e n t V O l -
tagesv'of(12),thentheincident modal currentsbe-
come simply,
i; = ySm (v; - xm) (15)
where,ofcourse, x
is theupdatedvalueaccording to
equation (5).
A state variable presentation of this step i s given
i n Appendix 5 . Steps 3 and 4 canbe combined into a
singlestaterepresentation,givenin Appendix 6.

Fig. 1. Incident modal wave voltagedueto a u n i ts t e p

modal voltage applied a t t h e f a r end.

T - t r a v e l time a t l i g h tv e l o c i t y
-a d d i t i o n a lt r a v e lt i m e i'ml
Step 3.
Distortion of modal waves. Fig. 1 indicates
t h r e e b a s i c componentsof a d i s t o r t e d modal wave v o l t -
age,resulting rrom a f i t t i n g of exponentialcurvesto
thecalculated or experimentallyobtaineddata. Due t o
i t s s h o r td u r a t i o n ,t h et h i r d component hasnopracti-
c a ls i g n i f i c a n c e ,a c c o r d i n gt os e v e r a lt e s t s . The sec-
ond component is importantinlongdurationprograms,be-
causeof i t s l a r g e time c o n s t a n t I. at s s u r e st h a t
charge i s l o s t on a l i n e w i t h no conductance t o ground.
no 0 -t
Both components have the form o f equation (2). Four
constantsresultforeach mode: F i g . 2 . Incident modal wave c u r r e n t due t o a unit step
madal i n c i d e n tv o l t a g e .
(m = 1,2,3)
where t hsee c o nsdu b s c r i pi nt d i c a t et hs e component Step 5 . Equationsrelating vm t o in. The followingfre-
( f i r s t s, e c o n d ) . Note t h a tf o r any mode m theampli- quency domain e q u a t i o n sa r es t r a i g h t f o r w a r d :
tudesofthe two components add up t o u n i t y :
I = 1' + I"
From (16)
Yc v = I' - I"
(m = 1 , 2 , 3)
From (17) and (18)
The p r o c e d u r e i n t h i s S t e p 3 consists of .:he follow- Yc v + I = 2 1 '
ing :
I n t e r p r e t u i n eqn. (5) as v!Ide of (9) and x a s one j = Y c V
o ft h e components, f o re a c hm J e ? Update x using ( 5 ) and compare t o
and t h u so b t a i nt h er e s u l t a n t modal incidentvoltages
v ' = +x x
I ' = Yc vi
m ml m2

Obviously,the same algorithm-inthetime domain- r e - 5. C a l c u l a t e l i n e a r r e l a t i o n s h i p s between modal
lates j tov,asthe onedescribed at t h e p r e v i o u s s t e p , l i n e v o l t a g e s and c u r r e n t s ,
r e l a t i n g i ' t o v;, The equivalentofequation (15) i s 6 . Convert modal v o l t a g e - c u r r e n tr e l a t i o n s h i p s
i n t o r e l a t i o n s between phase quantities.
j = Y,(22)(v - x) 7. Combine with similar equations of a l l o t h e r
components a t t h e same l i n e endandsolve l?r
Accordingly,the time domain equivalentof (19) becomes a l l phase voltages and t h e n f o r t h e respect-
i v ec u r r e n t s .C a l c u l a t er e f l e c t e dv o l t a g e s v"
j + i = 2i' (23) and r e t u r n t o 1.
or, with(22)
- x ) + in = 2iA
As mentioned i n t h e p r e v i o u s s e c t i o n , t h e modal u n i t
where t h es u b s c r i p t n hasbeenadded, as a time count, s t e pr e s p o n s eo ft h el i n e i s approximated bya sum of
r a t h e rt h a ns u b s c r i p t m whichmighthave.beenused to two exponentials whose amplitudes add up t o u n i t y :
s t r e s s t h e modal c h a r a c t e r o f t h e v a r i a b l e s i n ( 2 4 ) . - B ( t--ttoo,)-a ( t
v ' = a(1-e I. + (1-aI(1-e
. . . 1 (31')
or with shorthand notations:
v' = 1 - aM - -
(1 (31")
S u b s t i t u t i o no f (5) (with v r e p l a c i n g u) i n t o (24) where -a ( t - t o )
yields ~ = e
Y, (1 - X ) vn + in = 2 i j l + Y, ( a xn-l + Ir v ~ - ~w +~ ~ - ~ )
N = e- B ( t - t o )
t 0 = additionaltravel
time (=AT i nF i g . 1 )
or, emphasizingagainthe mode number m, r a t h e rt h a n The fourparametersa, a, B, to canbecalculated
the time count n, using a least square error minimizing technique

ym vm + im= i
Pm (26)
where yi r e p r e s e n t d i s c r e t e l y known v a l u e s f o r t h e mcdal
u n i ts t e pr e s p o n s e .
i = 2iA + y (a + ~ J V ~ - ~v+ ~
U - ~(27")
) Equation (33) i s e q u i v a l e n t t o a systemofnonlinear

accounts for terms containing past and known magnitudes.

Equation (26) will s e r v ef o rc a l c u l a t i n g v and i .

For t h i s p u r p o s e it has to be converted to phase magni-
tudes. wherepk stands for any o f t h e unknown parameters.
A s t a t ev a r i a b l ef o r m u l a t i o no ft h ec o m p l e t ep r o c e - Equations (34) canbesolvedusing a Newton-Raphson.
dureofSteps3, 4, 5, l e a d i n gt o (26), i s p r e s e n t e di n -
algorithm as indicated below:
Appendix 7 .
Step 6. Conversion t o phasequantities.Equations(8)
4 aEk
E l - apj
j= Apj = - Ek
k = l ... 4 (35)
canbeapplied t o c o n v e r t i n g e q u a t i o n (26) t o p h a s e v a r -
i a b l e s . nis producesthematrixequation Equation (35) i s s o l v e dr e p e a t e d l yf o r A p and up-
dated values of pi are calculated from j
y v + i = iP (28)
Step 7 . Solutionfornodalvoltages.Equationssimilar
t o (28)canbewrittenfor a l l components (transformers
r e a c t o r so, t h e tr r a n s m i s s i o nl i n e se, t c . s) i t u a t e da t
t h e same l i n e end. When i n t e r c o n n e c t e dt h ec u r r e n t s i u n t i lt h ed e s i r e da c c u r a c y i s achieved.Details of (35)
addup tozeroateachnode, anda higherordersparse a r eg t v e ni n Appendix 8. I t i s worthwhile t o mention
nodalequationresults t h a tf o rt h el i n e modes theparameter to is zero, and
t h e r e f o r e t h e number of parameters i s reduced t o t h r e e .
y v = i Also,since(31") and (34) are l i n e a rf u n c t i o n so ft h e
P (29)
Equation(29) i s s o l v e df o r v and(28) for i at each parametera,therankofequations (35) canbereduced
s t e p . The r e f l e c t e d v o l t a g e s a r e o b t a i n e d from by one, a b e i n g c a l c u l a t e d s e p a r a t e l y at each step from
one ofequations(34).
v" = y - v' (30) RESULTS
foreachphase, and areusedsubsequentlyinStep 1 of
t h e program. Accuracy of E x p o n e n t i a l F i t t i n g

GENERAL ALGORITHM Inordertoassesstheaccuracy of t h e f i t t i n g as de.+

This section reviews the method d e s c r i b e d i n t h e pre- w a s adopted on a sample transmission line.
v i o u ss e c t i o n .
A. Phasestepresponsecurveshavebeencalculated
1. Decompose t h ef a r end r e f l e c t e dv o l t a g e s v" usingfrequencydependenttransformationmatrices?
i n t o modal components. responsecurvesareconsidered as a s t a i d a r da g a i n s t
2. Produce a time delay for each mode t o o b t a i n which t h e a c c u r a c y o f t h e f i t t i n g is evaluated.
u n d i s t o r t e d i n c i d e n t modal v o l t a g e s .
3.Shapeeach modal voltage using two exponen- B. Modal stepresponsecurvesaredetermined and ex-
t i a l components. p o n e n t i a l s are f i t t e d t o t h e s e , a s o u t l i n e d . Then using
4.Determineincident modal c u r r e n t s . theconstanttransfonnationmatrix,the modal exponen-
Fig.3.Receivingendvoltagesforsequentialenergization froman i n f i n i t es y s t e m ,c a l c u l a t e d
using phase convolutions.
phase a; b phaseb; o -
phasec. -
t i afl i t t i n g as r ec o n v e r t e di n t ot h ep h a s e frame
of p e n d e nlti npe a r a m e t e r sl,o s s - l e slsi n e se,t c . ) ; see
reference. Table 1.
C. The two r e s u l t s , A and B, are compared to each Improvingthecomputationalefficiencydoesnot im-
other. p a i rt h ea c c u r a c yo ft h e method.Table 2 and Figures3
Note thatthedescribedprocedurecheckssimultan- and 4 show very good agreement f o r t h e m a x i m paks and
eouslythequalityoftheexponentialfittingalgorithm for the general shape of the transients calculated with
and t h e v a l i d i t y of using a coristant transformation ma- t h e new method and with phase convolutions.
trix. The last t e s t w a s aimed a t p r o v i n g t h e s t a b i l i t y o f
The r e s u l t o f t h e t e s t i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e r o o t mean thealgorithm. Transients were c a l c u l a t e ud n t itlh e
s q u a r ee r r o rf o r a l l c u r v w , is between0.25% and0.4% s t e a d y s t a t e w a s reached,withdifferent time s t e p s (up
The Newton-Raphson algorithm converged i n all t oh a l fat r a v e lt i m e ) . The method proved t o become-
cases since good i n i t i a l v a l u e s c o u l d b e e s t i m a t e d f r o m gentregardlessofthesizeofthetimestep, andeven
p o r t i o n s of t h ef r o n t and t h e tail of stepresponses. if the accuracy of the transients did depend on a s u i t -
ablychosen time s t e p , t h e same steady state hasalways
Comparison with Other Methods been reached ffig .5) .
The new method f o r e p r e s e n t i n gt h et r a n s m i s s i o n Table1.Computer Time Requirement to Calculate Switch-
l i n e w a s t e s t e da g a i n s t an accuratephaseconvolution ing Transients for a Period of 33 ms (two 60Hz
method9 and Uram and Miller'snon-frequency-dependent cycles) onIEiM-370/165 (1500 s t e p so f 22 us).
linemodellgfor two specificcases:simultaneous and
s e q u e n t i a l e n e r g i z a t i o n of a 500 kV, 200 km h o r i z o n t a l Method Computer Time
l i n e froman i n f i n i t e b u s b a r . T h e b a s i c r e s u l t s a r e sum- (seconds)
marized in Tables 1 and2. Phaseconvolutions 24
A rigorous and accurate method (convolutions for Mode convolutions 12
phase voltages) which takes into account frequency de- New Method 6
pendent transformation matrices,and therefore requires
ateachinstantnineconvolutionstocalculatethein- Uram-Miller 3
c i d e n tv o l t a g e sa t oneendofa s i n g l ec i r c u i tl i n e ,
needs 24 secondson IBM-370/165 t o compute -switching
transientsforaperiod of33ms(i.e. two 60Hzcycles). Table2.Valuesof M a x i m u m Peaks Calculated with
With theassumptionthatthetransformationmatrix is Different Convolution Methods
frequencyindependent,theconvolutionscan be p e r f o r -
med f o r modes r a t h e rt h a np h a s ev o l t a g e s( t h e i r
b e r is reduced t o t h r e e for t h e same t y p e o f l i n e )
consequentlythe computertime is approximatelyhalved.
If t h e new recursivealgorithm,based on equation (5)
and I Type of
energization I Simultaneous
I Sequential

is used,thenthe same t r a n s i e n tr e q u i r e so n l y6 sec-

durationarecalculated,thethe computertime f o r one
60Hz cycle i s furtherreduced. Therefore, one major
achievementofthe method i s inreducingthecomputer 'hie 1.9401,545-1.661
convolutions 1.8351.774-2.292
t i m e t o limits c l o s e t o t h o s e a t t a i n e d i n $he past only
bymaking d r a s t i c simplification^^^ (non-frequencyde- New Method 1.8311.814-2.3141.9301.500-1.66

Fig. 4. Same as in Fig. 3, using the new method o f recursive convolutions.

Fig. 5. Receiving end

voltage on one phase for
simultaneous energization
from an infinite system;
(a) Time step = 1/30 of
travel time.
(b) Time step = 1/2 o f
travel time.

CONCLUSImS a = -ah

1 . A new e f f i c i e n t method f o rs w i t c h i n gt r a n s i e n t cal- ), = -b l -a 3 -a

c u l a t i o n s is presented. I t i s based on t h e o b s e r v a t i o n
a ( 0 2 - ZF+ 'I
t h atth lei n e - u n istt e rpe s p o n s e s can be approximated E - b ( - 2 E + - 2-
by exponential a (ah12 ah a)

x(t) = / h(r) u ( t -T) dr (37)
0 are c o n s t a n t s .
x, u, and h a r e t h e o u t p u t , i n p u t and the unit impulse
r e s p o n s er, e s p e c t i v e l yI. hf ( r ) i s exponential, i . e . Appendix 2: Derivationof(5)for First OrderInput
= be-a'
h ( rApproximate
) (38) u of (4) by eaoxrfpdirreesrst s i o n
u - u
then i t hasbeen shown t h a t *t
U(nh - T) I n-l T + U (A. 5)
x ( t ) = e-at
X(t - At) + / h ( r )u ( t -T)dT (39) S u b s t i t u t i o no f (A.5) i n t o (4) and i n t e g r a t i o n by p a r t s
0 where
(5), a I as before,;
but now
obtained recursively by using the previous convolution
A = -(1; - 2)
x(t -
At) and averylimited amount ofinputcontained
in the integral of the right hand side of (39).

2. The new r e c u r s i v e c a l c u l a t i o n method hasreducsdcam-

p u t e r time and s t o r a g e r e q u i r e m e n t s t o limits c l o s e t o
thoseoftransientscalculationswithloss-less ( fre- v = o
quencyindependent)linerepresentations. The accuracy Appendix3: AnalyticalIntegration ofExponential
offrequencydependentmodelling is however preserved Convolutions
since the proposed method is based on r i g o r o u s l y v a l i d ,
ratherthanjustempirical,simplifications. Consider an input-output relation given by a t r a n s -
3. The recursiveformulaforconvolutions permits to f e r m a t r i x H(w)
avoidtruncations which a r e i n h e r e n t i n d i g i t a l i n t e -
gration.Thisfact is importantfortheaccuracyof Y (w) = H(w) u(w) (A. 7)
long duration transients.
Its time domain e q u i v a l e n t ( i n v e r s e F o u r i e r t r a n s f o w )
4 . The proposed line model t a k e s i n t o a c c o u n t t h e fre- i s theconvolution
quency dependence of the characteristic. admittance. llD

5. The method produces a simple Norton-type line equiv- y ( t ) = /H(T) U(t - T)dT (A*8)
a l e nct ,o n s i s t i nogf a constant
admittance and
permanently updated current
Consequently it
canbeeasilyintegratedinprogramsbased onnodal whereH(t) is theunitimpulseresponse(inverseFour-
system representation. ier transform of H(u)).
I f H(w) r e s u l t s from s t a t e equations
(A. 91
The a u t h o r s w i s h t o e x p r e s s t h e i r a p p r e c i a t i o n f o r ~ ( w )= C(jw-u)-l B + D [A. 10)
f i n a n c i a l s u p p o r t by the National Research Council of
Canada. then it is c l e a r l y an a l g e b r a i cf u n c t i o no f w and t h e
unitimpulseresponse i s a matrix of exponential func-
Appendix 1: DerivationofEquation ( 5 ) f o r Second t i o n so f t . In such a s i t u a t i o nt h ec o n v o l u t i o n (A.8)
OrderInput can be performed analytically, except for thelasttime
Approximate u of (4) by a second order expression
Fornotationalconveniencereduce (A.8) t oa form
U(nh T) E at2 + yT + Un (A. 1) e q u i v a l e n tt o( 3 ) :

where x(t) = / be-a' u ( t - r ) d.r

(A. 11)
x(t - h) = / be- aT u(t - h - r)dr (A.11'9
of (4) yields
can decomposed i n t o
h m h
x, = e-ah + be-a'(Br2 + yr + un)dr (A. 3) X(t) =/ bemaTu(t - r)dr + / b e - a T u- r( )t d r (A.12)
0 h 0
Then i t becomes equations
written, Fully (A.18) become

I be-aTu(t - T )d r = e-&,fmbeqaT'u(t-h- T')~T'

h 0
(A. 14)

Comparing (A. 14) with (A. 1 1 ' ) , t h e n s u b s t i t u t i n g in-

t o (A.12)produces
X(t) = e-&
X(t - h) + be-aTu(t - T)dT (A.15)

This is e q u i v a l e n t oe q u a t i o n( 4 ) C
p l e t ei n t e g r a t i o n from h t o
placedby a s i n g l et e r m ,
. l e a r l yt h e
i n (A.12) hasbeenre-
e - & x ( t - h ) i, n( A . 1 5 ) .

Appendix 6.StateVariableFormulationofSteps 3 & 4
i no t h e r words, t h e last s t a t ex n - 1 i n (4)transmjts The equationsofAppendices 4 and 5 canbe combined
a l lt h ei n f o r m a t i o no b t a i n a b l e byan i n f i n i t ec o n v o l - i n t o a s i n g l e s e t of s t a t ee q u a t i o n s .S i n c ee a c h mode
u t i o n e, x c e p tf o r one singlestepofconvolutions in i s independent,thefollowingequationsarevalidfor
( 4 ) , whichhasbeen e a s i l y r e d u c e d t o an a l g e b r a i c fonn any mode and t h e mode number will n o t b e s p e c i a l l y i n -
in (5). dicated. Thus, f o r any mode, theequivalentofequa-
Appendix4. StateVariableFonrmlationof Modal Wave t i o n s (A.17) is
'1 -al ' 1 + b l 'ideal
A s t a t ev a r i a b l ef o r m u l a t i o n o f Step 3 i s based on
equationsofthetype(A.9), or (A. 20)
52 = -a2 '2 + b2 'ideal
v ' = c1 + c2
(A. 16)
v' = cx
m where,according t o (11) ,

F u l l yw r i t t e n ,t h e s ee q u a t i o n s become b = a ( l - - b)l (A. 21)

2 2 a1
- nlll -X - A l s o f, o rt h a t same mode, equations (A.19) become
=all 11
i 63 = - a [ + a v'
12 -a12 x12
i (A. 22)
21 = -a21 x21 + i ' = -ys C3 + y, v '
22 -a22 x22
n31 X
Substitutionofv'from (A.20) i n t o (A.22) y i e l d s
32 - -a
32 _.'32 t 3 = a c1 + a c2 - a c3
(A. 23)
- i t = Y, 51 + Y, 52 - Y, 53

Inmatrix form(A.20)and(A.23) combine i n t o

b2 1
b32 -1

r .

P 1

1 1
(A. 17")

According t o (A.24) t h es t a t ev a r i a b l ed e s c r i p t i o n
of the distortion ofeach modal wave r e q u i r e s t h e know-
ledgeoffiveconstants:al, a , b l , a and y A total .
of 10 Constants will be require2 €or a symmeSrica1 l i n e
and 15 c o n s t a n t sf o r an untransposedlinemodel.
w i t ht h ec o n s t r a i n t s (11).
Appendix 7 . StateVariableFormulationofLineDistor-
Appendix 5. StateVariableFormulationofIncident tion(Steps3,4,5)
Modal CurrentCalculation(Step 4) Equations (A.24) y i e l dv ' and i ' f o r each mode. I t
is now p o s s i b l et o add Step 5 and produce a complete
The g e n e r a ls t a t ev a r i a b l ef o r m u l a t i o n of(A.9)can state equation formulation of t h e d i s t o r t i o n e f f e c t s o f
beapplied t o Step 4 ofthegeneralalgorithm: t h et r a n s m i s s i o nl i n e .
k = A x + Bv'm Compare equations(20)and (21), and w r i t et h e eq-
uivalent of (A. 22) for the product (20) :
1 (A. 18)
i = C x + D v '
m m

56 7
6, = -a c4 + av Appendix 8. D e t a i l s of theExponentialFitting.
j = -YsSq + YSV Consider the following shorthand notations:
S u b s t i t u t ej from (A.25)and i f from (A.24) i n t o( 2 3 ) .

yvS + i = y ( 2 El + 2 c2 - 2 S3 + c4)(A.26) (A. 32)


Equations (A. 24),(A.25),and(A.26) combine i n t o

The d e r i v a t i v e so f A . , B!k) w i t hr e s p e c t to all four

parameters are given'in t A . 33)and(A.34).

(A. 27')

vy S + i = ys[2 2 -2 1 ] " 1 (A.27")

The missingcomponents i n (A.34) below,result from the
symmetrical property:

or, i n m a t r i x n o t a t i o n ,

i= A 5 + B f videal + Bff v (A. 28')

y s v + i = ys cc (A. 28")
With t h en o t a t i o n si n (A.32) t o (A.34) t h ec o e f f i c i e n t s
Equation (A.28 ) can be w r i t t e n , s i m i l a r l y t o (5) i na of equation(35) become:
f o n anuropriate for numerical updating:
5, = a Sn-l + L ' v!ideal, + " Vldealn-l + " Vldealn-2+

+ L" v + M" vn-r + N" vn-2 (A. 29) (A. 35)

a = e
L = A-' { ( ~ h ) -( a~ - VI+ 0.5 ( ~ h 1 - l ( a - 3u)-u IB REFERENCES
1. H. W. Domel,:'Digital Computer SolutionofElectro-
M = A-1 I-2 MI)-^(^ - U) + 2(Ah)-' + a} B (A.30) magneticTransientsinSingle and
works", IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus and Systems,
N = A-' (h1-2 (a - u) -O.S(A~)-' ( a + U)I B .
Vol PAS- 88 ,Apri 1 1969, pp .388-399.
5, of (A.29) c a nb es u b s t i t u t e di n t o (A.28") t o y i e l d 2. ti. W. Dommel, "Non-LinearandTime-VaryingElements
in Digital Simulation of Electromagnetic Transients'!
ys(l - CL")v + i = ySc + ~ ' v + ;M f v~~ d e~a l n -~l ~ IEEE~ Trans. on Power ApparatusandSystems, Vol.PAS-
90, Nov/Dec. 1971,pp.2561-2567.

+N'vfdealn-2 + , Y " V ~ -+
~ N"v,-~ ) 3. J. P . Bickfordand P . S. Doepel,"Calculation of
Switching Transients with Particular Reference to
(A. 31) LineEnergization",Proc.I.E.E.,Vol.114,April
or, simply,equation(26)inwhichthe mode number m 1967,pp.465-477.
The purpose of this appendix has been to produce a
simplematrixformulation, by equations(A.28),forthe
process of
terminal wave d i s t o r t i o n . However,
main t e x ta p p e a r st o be t h e more straightforwardap-

-= -aMi + BNi

a Bi12)
-= aMi(a(ti - to) - 1)
(A. 34)
-= (l-a)Ni(B(ti - to)-l)

-= - a a2Mi - (1 - a) B2Ni
4. A Semlyenand E. Wagner, "Beitrag zum genauren Ber- Discussion
echnenderSchaltspannungenin Hochspannungs lei-
tungen nach dem Bergeron-Verfahren", Efektrotech- John G.Anderson (General Electric Company, Schenectady, N.Y.): A
n i s c h e Z e i t s c h r i f t (ETZ-A Vo1.90,1969,No.18,pp.436 great deal of effort has been applied in recent years to the calculation
-440. of frequency dependent response of transmissionlinesin both the
frequency and time domains, and Prof. Semlyen and his coworkers have
made a significant contribution in attaining what appears to be a good
5. H . B. Thore'n and K. L . Carlsson,"ADigital Computer acceptable approximation to theusual convolution approach. They have
Program f o r t h e C a l c u l a t i o n of SwitchingandLight- also made a very constructive addition to the network solution methods
ningSurgeson Power Systems", IEEE Trans.on Power so well advanced by Herman D o m e 1 in recent years. Several questions
ApparatusandSystems,Vol. PAS-89, February1970, come to mind as one reads this interesting paper:
pp. 212-218. 1. The utilization of modal analysis in the computation of attenu-
ation and distortion of travelingwaves on multiconductor lines has
6. J . K . Snelson,"PropagationofTravelling Waves on been highly successful in radio noise and carrier current propagation,
TransmissionLines - Frequency Denendent
Parame- and it is natural that its utility in switching-surge analysis be continued.
ters", IEEE Trans.on Power Apparatus and Systems, However, many of the serious switching surges on power systems are
Vol. PAS-91, Jan/Feb.1972, pp. 85-91. due to faults onthe lines themselves, and whereas the modes are
normally independent, they interact with one another atthe fault. Now
7. R. G. Wasley
and S. Selvaninayaeamoorthy, "Forward modes are to travelingwaves what symmetrical components are to
and Backward ResponseFunctions for Transmission power frequencies, and at the fault equivalent circuits in symmetrical
LineTransientAnalysis", IEEE Paper No.T73435-5. components or Clark components have been useful to represent various
fault conditions. Have theauthors given any consideration to the
development of equivalent modal circuits to represent various line fault.
8 . A . Ametami, "Refraction
Coefficient Method for conditions? What modal procedures do they find most useful to rep-
Switching-SurgeCalculationsonUntransposedTrans- resent the multi-fault conditions that can occur in the middle of a long
Lines", I E E E Paper No. C73444-7. . line?
2. In any digital computation of a network, the consistency of
9. A. Semlyenand M. C . Kwok, "CalculationofSwitching numerical stability is always paramount. This is one of the reasons why
Transients onOverheadLineswithFrequency Depend- trapezoidal integration is popular. Although it is not themost accurate
e n t Parameters, Part I-Theory", I E E E Paper No.
C72 method it is numerically quite stable, and incidentally avoids the fast
563- 5. eigenvalue problem. Is the quadratic approximationused by the authors
equally stable?
10.D. E. Hedman, "Distortion of T r a v e l l i n g Waves on 3. h e to corona formation during switchingsurges, a reallife
transmission line taken on a non-linear characteristic - although this is
Three-phaseTransmissionLines", IEEE Paper No.C 73 usually ignored because of its complexity and uncertain status. Have the
409-0. authors given any .consideration to the representation of this non-
linear effect, particularly as it might change the coupling between
ll.K. G. Fehrle,
"Digital Computer Calculations of conductors orcircuits?
Surge Wave Fronts on EHV T r a s m i s s i o n 4. Could the authors touch briefly on possible means of attain-
Lines", IEEE Paper No. C 73-150-0. ment of variable time steps in their convolution approximation? Vari-
able time steps - available in some integration procedures such as the
12.A. Ametani, ' ! S t r a t i f i e dE a r t h Effects on Wave Prop- Gear algorithm - can result in a significant reduction in computer time
atation-Frequency-Dependent Parameters", IEEE Paper at practically no loss in accuracy. This Was one of the difficulties with
NO. T 74081-6. standard trapezoidal integration - the time step could only be changed
by expensive recomputations.
13.5. A. Robertand K . D. Tran, !'New D i g i t a l Simula- 5. Finally, one of the most tedious and expensive problems with
t i o n f o r Ground-Mode SwitchingSurgeResponse of EHV digital power system transient analysis has been the lack of any good
TransmissionSystems", IEEE Trans. on Power Appara- hillclimbing technique to efficiently search out the maximum voltages
t u s andSystems,Vol. PAS-88, May 1969,pp.597-603. that can occur. Usually the programmer has had to either adopt a shot-
gun and random switching procedure wherein a greatmanycasesare
14. K . D . Tran and J . A. Robert,"DigitalSimulation computed,or elsesearch outthe derivativesbysome cutandtry
routine. Each new method that comes along should be carefully evalu-
and Analysis of
Surges on PolyphaseTransmission ated for itscapability to provide maximum voltages and currents atleast
LineswithEarthReturn!', IEEE Trans. on PoumAppa- computational cost. How do the authors propose to seek out maximum
ratus and Systems,Vol. PAS-91, March/April1972, voltage or current levels with the digital procedure they propose?
Manuscript received August 1,1974.
15.A.Dabuleanuand A. Semlyen, "odellingofTrans
p o s i t i o n s andDouble CircuitTransmissionLinesin
Switching SurgeCalculations",
1974 I E E E Summer Power Meeting. R H. Brierley and J. K. Snelson (Ontario Hydro,Toronto, Ontario,
Canada): The authors are to be commended for developing this method
16.A. Semlyen and A. Dabuleanu, "A System Approach t o of reducing the computing time required for transient calculations on
AccurateSwitchingTransientCalculations Basedon frequency dependent transmission lines. The greater efficiency of this
S t a t eV a r i a b l e Component Modelling",'submittedfor method comes from making full use bf the speed of convolving two
t h e 1974 IEEE S m e r Power Meeting. functions when one of the functions is an exponential or a series of
exponentials. This essential fact had beenrecognizedbyMeyer and
17.L. M. Wedepohl, "ApplicationofMatrix Methods t o Dommel (ref 1) and Umoto and Hara (ref 2) but neither of these authors
theSolutionofTravelling-Wave Phenomena i n Poly- had developed the method to the degreeofusefulness and computa-
tional efficiency described in this paper.
phaseSystems",Proc. IEE Vol.110, . Dec. 1963,pp As the authors areaware Ontario Hydro has incorporated their
2200-2212. subroutines into the B.P.A. "TransientsProgram"describedinrefer-
ences 1 and 2 of the paper. In the course of this work additional infor-
18.A. Semlyenand A . Dabuleanu,''Improvingthe Effic- mation came t o light that may prove useful to others.
iency of AccurateSwitchingSurgeCalculations", It is important for any line representation to be accurate down to
I n t e r n a t i o n a l E l e c t r i c a l , ElectronicsConference low frequencies when transients must be studied in the presenceof
and Exposition,Toronto,October1973,Paper No. 60 Hz load or fault currents. To obtain accuracy at low frequencies the
73071. exponential series must fit the time response for a long period of time.
To maintain a good fit for a long time and at the same time retain a good
19.R. Uram and R. W. Miller, :'MathematicalAnalysis fit for the shorter times required for accuracy at high frequencies may
and Solution of Transmission-Line Transients, I- require the use of more exponential terms than used in this paper. A
Theory", IEEE Trans. on Power ApparatusandSys-
tems, Vol. PAS-83,November 1964,pp.1116-1123. Manuscript received July 24, 1974.

simple check on the low frequency accuracy can be obtained by deter- recursive convolutions andfor their interesting remarks and contri-
mining the effective DC parameters of the line. butions.
If the unit step response is represented by: Mr. Anderson’s questions will be answered in the order they were
--t-TO -- t-To t-To 1 ) The suggestion of modal network interconnection due to un-
Al(1-e + A 2 ( 1 - e T2) . . . A n ( ] - e T n ) balanced faults has the appeal of making complex conditions intuitively
more understandable. Computationally, however, we prefer to revert to
and the admittance response is represented by: phase quantities at line terminals or at line sections resulting by trans-
positions or faults. The fault itselfis represented by anadmittance
matrix. This ismainly due tothe fact that modal transformation
matrices are different for most system components. They are not
sufficiently simple(like transformation into symmetrical or Clarke
then, as pointed out in the paper, for a line with zero shunt conductance components) to permit direct interconnections of modal networks
the step response tends to unity and the admittance response tends to (without usingideal transformers) and ifsuch interconnections were
zero as time tends to infinity. feasible they would have significance only for the faulted part of the
This requires that: network.
2) The discusser isquite rightin his remarks concerning the
A1 + A2 . . . + An = 1 trapezoidal integration. The quadratic approach permits to increase the
time step but losses have to be considered in modelling (this is always
Yo y1 -y2 . . . -ym = 0 the case with a transmission line) in order to avoid possible numerical
With these conditions the effective DC resistance of the line is: 3) Corona is an important problem of switching transients and a
difficult one becauseof its non-linear nature. At the Universityof
Toronto an approximate method of solution is under investigation,
consisting of subdividing the line into linear, coronaless sections, and
placing lumped nonlinear corona models between these line sections.
4)Our present program has no provision for changing the time
Examination of this expression shows that exponential terms with small step but we believe that this feature wouldlend it better versatility,
amplitudes but very long time constants can have significant effects on Indeed, it would permit to calculate transients with good resolution and
the effective DC resistance. Representation of such terms should not be obtain rapidly steadystate solutions, as well. It would involve recalcula-
difficult with the authorsexponential series approach as adding an tion of some coefficients (which would not require much computer
extra exponential term does not greatly increase the computing time. time) and use, for instance, as inputs un-2~1n-4instead of Un-1 , ~ n - 2in
However, if the response functions are represented on a point by point eqn. (5) if At is doubled.
basis long duration responses require excessive computation time and 5 ) Maximizingovervoltages or getting statistical outputs for all
storage. possibleswitchingangle (e) combinations or evencalculatingrisksof
The short duration third exponential term in Fig. 1 is neglected by failure seem to be time consuming tasks. However, due to linearity, any
theauthors which introduces a discontinuity of slopein the step input condition6 can be obtained by a linear combination of two inputs
response and a fictitious extra delay. Comparison of Figs. 3 and 4 shows in quadrature. The latter yield outputs which are stored and then pro-
that the new method retains sharp discontinuities for longer times than perly recombined. We wish to note that statistical insulation coordina-
the phase convolution method. Could this retention of discontinuities tion is more rigorously achieved if it is based not solely on maximum
be caused by the neglect of the third exponential term? overvoltages but also on smaller values. A study on the above problem
Test studies indicate the calculation time for a 3 phase unbalanced is now partially completed at the University of Toronto and details will
line with all three modes frequency dependant is approximately twice be reported in a forthcoming paper.
thatfor a similarlineconsidered continuously transposed and non- It is gratifying to see that Ontario Hydrohas found our methodof
frequency dependant. This is approximately one fifth of the time used representing transmissionlines interesting enough to be included in
by our earlier frequency dependant representation which of necessity BPA’s “Transients Program”. We arealso thankful to Messrs. R. H.
considered the line continuously transposed, and which did not have the Brierley and K. Snelson for privatediscussions which enabled us to
desired accuracy over long time periods. improve the accuracy and versatility of the computer program. These
Another test indicated that a change from two to four exponential improvements will be indicated in our answer to their discussion.
terms for the line step responsesincreased the calculation time by As mentioned by the discussers, low frequencies are necessary for
approximately 5%. This indicates thatthe major computing effort accurate step responses at longtimes.Thisisespecially tme for the
involves the phase to mode transformation rather than the convolution modal characteristic admittance step response which, in the frequency
calculation, and can therefore be attributed to the representation of domain,presents sharp variation in the region from zero to a few hertzs.
unbalanced lines ratherthantothe representation of frequency de- This was mentioned by Meyer and Dommel in a recent paper[A] and
pendance. canbe demonstrated analyticallyeasilyby noting that in the inverse
The calculation of the step response characteristics of the line is Fourier transform only the real part of YC is needed and that Re (Yc) is
done in a separate program, much like the calculation of line impedances. proportional to thevelocity of the respective mode.
The fitting of exponential curves to the calculated response in the time Numerical results indicate that at 0 Hz the velocity is zero, but
domain is at present very expenisve of computer time. It would appear after only a few hertzs it shoots up toapproximately 200,000 km/s for
reasonable to expect that in future a program could be developed to fit the ground mode and 290,OOQ km/s for the line mode.
the calculated responsein the frequency domain with functions that This clearly indicates that the region of low frequencies has to be
would transform analytically intoexponentials in the time domain. explored in detail, with small frequency steps, if accurate step responses
This would avoid the expensive inverse fourier transform. It is also our are t o be obtained. For D50-100 Hz the frequency step used in per-
belief that errorsin fitting in the frequency domain are more significant forming the inverse Fourier Transform can be increased considerably.
and interpretable by users than an error in the time domain fit. One We alsoagree with Messrs. Brierley and Snelson that lines closed
would then know whether a particular frequency would, or would not on loads or faults have to have a very good representation at 60 Hz. As
be correctly represented. the discussers pointed out, this canbesolvedbyusing an extra ex-
ponential. We found necessary to increase the number of exponentials
REFERENCES only for modal characteristic admittance step responses, from one to
two. The first exponential fits the curve for high frequencies (or short
[ 1 ] W. S. Meyer and H. W. Dommel, “NumericalModellingof Fre- times) and the second one takes care of thetail of the curve (low
quency-&pendant TransmissionLine Parameters in an Electro- frequencies). Moreover, we introduced a constraint so that the sum of
magnetic Transients Program”. IEEE 1974 Winter Power Meeting. the two exponentials, in the frequency domain, should be equal to the
[2] J. Umoto and T. Hara, “A NewDigitalAnalysisof Surge Per- 60 Hz value of Yc. Using the notations given in the discussion, this can
formance in Electric Power Networks Utilizing the Convolution be written as
Integrale” Electrical Engineering in Japan, Vol. 91, No. 3, 197 1,
pp. 48-57. y1 +- y2 = Y c , w = 2n60 (40)
j w +tL l J’ W + l jw
A. Semlyen and A. Dabuleanu: We wish to thank the discussers for their Messrs. Brierley and Snelson pointed out that increasing the num-
questions which permit us to clarify some details and perspectives of ber of exponentials from 2 to 4 has increased the computer time only
by 5%. We feel that this result indicates thatthecomputer time
Manuscript received October 31, 1974. required to calculate the current source for the Norton line equivalent

5 70
at each time step is merely a mall fraction of the overall computer time b) for fust order input
which includes such components as reading in data and storingthe
We do not know exactly the answer to the question of why the
output plot of the transients calculated withphase convolution presents
A‘ = A - e ( 1 -a)
peaks more rounded than the one obtained from the recursive convohr-
tion. We consider that these differences are really small, and feel that a
more likely cause than the one indicated by the discussers would be the
fact that the numerical integration in the phase convolution method is
p‘ = p + + E (1 -a)

necessarily cut off at a specific value of time, whereas in the recursive

convolution method we use analytical formulae for integration.
We fully agree that the fitting of the step responses, if performed In (41) and (42) a, A, p, Y have the =me expressions as in (A.4)
in the frequency domain, will cut down drastically the computer time and (A.6). E is defined as the fractional part of the ratio ( T +~ ATm)/h
for that part of the program. Work is now under way at the University where TO and A Tm have the same significance as in Fig. 1.
of Toronto towards the solution of this problem [ B] .
Finally we want to take this opportunity to report on a recent
improvement to the method. As presented in the paper, the coefficients
in the recursive convolution formula were calculated on the assumption
thatthe travel timefor any mode is an integer of the timestep of
calculation, which is an unlikely case to happen. The new formulae, for
the general case where this condition is waived, are
a) for second order input
[A] W. Scott Meyer and Hermann W. Dommel, “Numerical Modelling
of Frequency-Dependent Transmission Line Parameters in an Elec-
1-a tromagnetic Transient Rogram”. Trans. on Power Apparatus and
p’ = p + (1 a)
(-* - + 2E (1 - z )) (41) Systems, vol. PAS-93, Sept./Oct. 1974, pp. 1401-1409.
a h2 [B] A. Semlyen, “Switching Surge CalculationwithExponential Re-
sponse Functions Obtained by Direct Frequency Domain Fitting”,
Canadian Communications and Power Conference, Montreal, No-
vember 1974.

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