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Science 7
Name: _________________________________________ Grade & section: _____________


_____ 1. It is a continuous change in position of an object with respect to a reference point.

A. Reference B. Magnitude C. Motion D. At rest
_____ 2. When is an object considered to be in motion?

A. I only B. I and II only C. I and III D. I, II, III and IV

_____ 3. Which of the following is true about an object that travels 5 meters to the left, then 2 meters up, then another
5 meters to the right?
A. Displacement of the object is equal to 12 meters.
B. Displacement of the object is equal to 12 meters down.
C. Total distance travelled by the object is equal to 12 meters down.
D. Total distance travelled by the object is equal to 12 meters.
_____ 4. This refers to the speed of an object at a specific moment in time.
A. Instantaneous Speed C. Zero Speed
B. Constant Speed D. Average Speed
_____ 5. If a person runs 100 meters in 10 seconds, what is his average speed?
A. 10 m/s B. 20 m/s C. 5 m/s D. 2 m/s
_____ 6. A car traveling in a circle has changing velocity because it is__________.
A. not traveling at a constant speed C. not traveling in a constant direction
B. traveling too slowly to measure its velocity D. traveling in a constant direction at a constant speed3
_____ 7. From home, Dong walked 300 m East to visit Inday. Both Dong and Inday walked another 400 m North and
300 m West. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A. Dong’s displacement is zero if they continue to travel 400 m South.
B. Dong’s displacement is shorter than the total distance he has travelled.
C. Dong went home.
D. Dong travelled a total distance of 1,000 m.
_____ 8. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. I and III B. I, II and III C. I and II D. II and III

_____ 9. This refers to the rate of change in velocity of an object.
A. Acceleration B. Motion C. Speed D. Velocity
_____ 10. Two boys walked a 200-meter distance path. It takes 5 minutes for Boy A to finish while 10 minutes for
Boy B. How do you compare their speed?
A. Boy B is faster than Boy A C. They have the same speed
B. Boy A is slower than Boy B D. Boy A is twice faster than Boy B

II. DIRECTION: complete the table by solving the missing values of the quantities.
BALL 1: A. 5 m/s2 B. 10 m/s2 C. 2 m/s-3.2 D. 5 m/s2

BALL 2: A. 5 m/s2 B. 0 C. 10 m/s2 D. -2 m/s-3.2

BALL 3: A. 5 m/s2 B. 0 C. 10 m/s2 D. -2 m/s-3.2

BALL 4: A. 5 m/s2 B. 0 C. 10 m/s2 D. -2 m/s-3.2

BALL 5: A. 5 m/s2 B. 0 C. 10 m/s22 D. -2 m/s-3.2

1. Motion
2. I, II, III and IV
3. Total distance travelled by the object is equal to 12 meters.
4. Instantaneous Speed
5. 10 m/s
6. not traveling in a constant direction
7. Dong went home.
8. I and III
9. Acceleration
10. Boy A is twice faster than Boy B

II. BALL 1: 1. 5 m/s2

BALL 2: 10 m/s2
BALL 3: -2 m/s - 3. 2
BALL 4: 5 m/s2
BALL 5: 0

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