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‫الدفعة الثالثة – طب بشري‪ -‬جامعة عمران‬

‫تجميع السئلة د‪/‬ناصر وثاب‬

‫الدفعة الثالثة – طب بشري‪ -‬جامعة عمران‬

‫مندوب الدفعة ‪ /‬محمد االشول‬

‫ جامعة عمران‬-‫الدفعة الثالثة – طب بشري‬

‫ سنة أولى‬- ‫ ترم ثاني‬- ‫اختبار الدفعة الثالثة‬

Upper Limb questions

Short notes about:

1-Snuff box boundaries

- Anterolaterally:

 the tendons of abd.pollicis luongus & ext.pollicis brivis.

- Posterolaterally:

 the tendons of extensor pollicis longus.

2-superficial Muscles of forearm

Anterior Superficial muscles of Posterior Superficial muscles of

forearm forearm
- Pronator teres - Brachioradialis
- Flexor carpi radialis - Extensor carpi radialis
- Flexor carpi ulnaris longus
- Flexor digitora superficialis - Ext. carpi radialis brevis.
- Palmaris longus. - Ext. digitirum
- Ext. digiti minimi
- Ext. carpi ulnaris
- Anconeus m.

3-Contents of axilla

- Axillary a. & its branches

- Axillary v. & its tribularies
- Cords & branches of the br.plexus.
- Axillary lymph nodes.
- Axillary tail of female breast.
- serratus ant.
- Intercostobrachial n.
‫ جامعة عمران‬-‫الدفعة الثالثة – طب بشري‬

2- Select the single best answer:

cubital fossa ‫ ماذا يمر في ال‬-1

2- Median nerve branches:
3- Ulnar nerve passes:
4- Injury of radial nerve:
5- Ulnar nerve injury:
6- Median nerve injury:
7- The respensibol flextion - abduction n:
nerve ‫ تحديد من اين ينشئ كل‬-8
9- Humerus fracture

‫اختبار الدفعة الرابعة – طب بشري – ترم اول – سنة ثانية‬

Abdomen questions

1- Select the single best answer:

1- it is a triangular bakeword extension from the medial end of

inguinal ligament, it's apex directed medially and attached to the
pubic tubercle, it's base is directed laterally and from med
boundary of femoral ring. its post border attached to the
pectineal line:

a- Lacunar ligament.
b- Reflected part of inguinal leg.
c- Superficial inguinal ring.
d- Femoral ring.

2- hernia lies below inguinal lig :

a- Indirect
b- Direct
c- Femoral
d- Splgelanic

3- All the following of mesentery contents except :

a- inferior mesenteric artery

b- superior mesenteric artery
c- coils of jejunum ileum
d- superior mesenteric artery

4- the prolongation of the superficial inguinal ring:

‫ جامعة عمران‬-‫الدفعة الثالثة – طب بشري‬

a- internal spermatic fascia

b- external cremastirc fascia
c- internal cremastric fibre
d- cremastric fascia

5- origin of the cremastric muscle

6- superiorly of epiploic foramin...

a- inf. vena cava

b- caudate process of lobe of the liver.
c- lesser sac
d- portal v.

7- In the free margin of transverse mesocolon:

a- transverse colon
b- Middle colic vessels
c- Appendiculer vessles
d- jejunum and ileum

8- ampulla of vater open in which part of duodenum?

a- 2nd part
b- 1st part
c- 3rd part
d- 4th part

9- he contents of mesentery include all except one :

a- Inf.mesntric a.
b- sup.mesntric a.
c- jejunum&ileum.
d- sup mesntric vein.

10-left one third of transverse colon descending colon sigmoid colon

are supplied by:

a- coeliac trunk
b- portal vein
c- superior mesenteric artery
‫ جامعة عمران‬-‫الدفعة الثالثة – طب بشري‬

d- Inferior mesenteric artery

11-Select incorrect answer about conjinton tendon

Short notes

1-contents of meso-appendix

- Appendicular vessels.
- Lymphatics & lymph nodes.
- Autonomic N. Fibers
- Extraperitonial fatty tissue.

2-Layers of anterior abdominal wall from outward to inward

- Skin
- Superficial fascia
- Membrane
- Ext. Abdominal M.
- Int. Abdominal M.
- Transverse Abdominis M.
- Fascia transversalis
- Extraperitoneal fatty tissue
- Parietal layer of Peritoneum

3-Arterial supply of stomach

- Derived from the coeliac trunk & its branches:

 Lt. gastric a.
 Rt. gastric a.
 Lt. gastroepiploic a.
 Rt. gastroepiploic a.
 Short gastric a

4-Venous drainage of stomach

- Into portal v. & its tribularies:

 Lt. gastric v. Drain into the portal vein

 Rt. gastric v.
‫ جامعة عمران‬-‫الدفعة الثالثة – طب بشري‬

 Lt. gastroepiploic v. Drain into the splenic vein

 Short gastric vv.
 Rt. gastroepiploic v.
Drain into sup.mesenteic splenic v.

6-boundaries of lesser sac

- Ant.Wall
- Post.Wall
- Upper Border :It’s closed by reflection of peritoneum from the liver
to the diaphragm.
- Lower: it’s closed by folding of greater omentum on its self.
- The Rt. Border
- The Lt. Border

7-What constituents of spermatic cord

- Vas deferens.
- Pampiniform plexus of veins.
- Lymphatic vessels.
- Testicular a.
- Artery of the vas deferens.
- Cremasteric a.
- Cremasteric n.
- Sympathetic fibers.
- Ilioinguinal n.
- Vestigue of the processus vaginalis.

8-Content of mesentaery ?

- Coils of jejunum & ileum

- Superior mesenteric a. & its branches.
- Superior mesenteric v. & its tribularies.
- Lymphatics & 3 raws of mesenteric L.Ns.
- Dense plexus of autonomic n. fibers.
- Extraperitoneaal fatty tissue.

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