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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)



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“Hopefully my Lord will give me a clue to nearer the truth than it”

-QS. Al Kahfi 24-

“I can do it! Because I have the power to do more”

-Gontor Darussalam-


This graduating paper is dedicated to:

1. Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW who always takes care of me,

listens to me, and gives me the best thing ever.

2. My beloved parents M. Agus Faro’i and Siti Aliyah, thanks for your

praying, guidanceand kindness.

3. My sisters Ulyaa Romiz and Aulia Bilqis.

4. My all teachers who taught me.

5. Teachers of SMP N 3 Bringin especially Drs. Ahmad Zamroni, Erny

Ernawati, S.Pd., Siti Aliyah, S.Pd., Eko Endarmoko, S.Kom., and Aang

Hunaefi who have been willing to be interviewed for my research.

6. All of my great friends:OPPAITREN, S Squad,and mas Naja,thanks for

always supporting me.

7. My friends in Ciwi-ciwi: Pramadhita A, Kunti Rusdiana, and Mariya Ulfa.

8. All of my friends in English Education Department 2016.

9. My best part who always praying and supporting me, Rahmanto Tri Wisnu


10. My KKN Family in Ngipik, Tegalsari, Magelang.

11. My PPL Family in SMPN 2 Ambarawa.

12. All my friends. Thanks for the chance to know you all.


Assalamu’alaikum. wr . wb.

Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, all praise be to Allah SWT, who always

blessesand helps the writer so the writer can finish the graduating paper. Then, bless

and mercy is upon great Prophet Muhammad SAW for his guidance that leads the

writer to the truth.

However, this paper will not be finished without support and

encouragementfrom several people and institution. Hence, the writer would like to

express gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Zakiyuddin, M.Ag. the Rector of State Institute for Islamic

Studies(IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Prof. Dr.Mansur, M.Ag. the Dean of Teacher Training and EducationFaculty

of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

3. Norwanto, M.Hum., Ph.D. the Head of English Education Department of

Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies

(IAIN) Salatiga

4. Mr. Hanung Triyoko, S.S., M.Hum., M.Ed, as the counselor who has given his

great attention, suggestions, and guidance, so this paper was finallycompleted.

5. All of the lecturers in IAIN Salatiga, thanks for teaching me and given a lot of

their worth knowledge to me along of my study in this Institute.

6. All official staff of State Institute for Islamic Studies(IAIN) Salatiga.


Nabilah, Aulia. 2020.The Teachers’ Implementations of Distance Learning During

The COVID-19 Pandemic at SMP N 3 Bringin. A Graduating Paper,
English Education Department,Teacher Training, and Education
Faculty, State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga. Counselor: Mr.
Hanung Triyoko, S.S., M.Hum., M.Ed.
Keywords: Implementation, Distance Learning, COVID-19 Pandemic, Qualitative

The research is about the teachers’ implementations of distance learning

during the COVID-19 pandemic at SMP N 3 Bringin. The objectives of this
research are (1) to identify theteachers’ implementations of distance learning during
the COVID-19 pandemic (2) to find out thestrategies and media did the teacher use
in implementing learning using distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The method of the research was Qualitative Research with descriptive qualitative
method, there are interview, coding, classifying, and documentation. This study
found thatdistance learning is learning activities carried out indirectly and requires
appropriate media so that learning can take place. The implementation Distance
learning has several advantages and disadvantages. However, more disadvantages
than advantages. This is because it’s the first time of implementation distance
learning is carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, other factors
that cause the weaknesses of distance learning in terms of geography, human
resources, and the economy are still weak. However, learning can still take place
even though the results obtained are not optimal. The implementation of distance
learning during COVID-19 pandemics must use appropriate strategies and media.
The right strategy in a COVID-19 pandemic condition is giving students the task of
watching television and implementing reporting activities via mobile phones
(WhatsApp). Besides being used to report the results of activities, Whatsapp is also
used to receive assignments from the teacher as well as student feedback in carrying
out activities. Other media used by teachers and students are Google Form, Zoom,
Facebook, and YouTube. The expectation, of using strategies and media during
COVID-19 can assist in the implementation of distance learning. Other
expectations, pandemic COVID-19 coming to an end, as a usual learning process
through face to face.


TITLE .......................................................................................................... i


ATTENTIVE CONSELOUR’S NOTE ......................................................... iv

A GRADUATING PAPER ........................................................................... v

MOTTO ....................................................................................................... vi

DEDICATION ............................................................................................. vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................... viii

ABSTRACT. ................................................................................................ x

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................. xi

LISTS OF TABLE ...................................................................................... xiv

LISTS OF APPENDICES ............................................................................ xv


A. Background of the Research ............................................................. 1

B. Problem of the Research ................................................................... 5

C. Objectives of the Research ............................................................... 5

D. Limitation of the Research ................................................................ 5

E. Significance of the Research ............................................................. 6

F. Definition of the Key Terms .............................................................. 7

G. Method of Research........................................................................... 10

H. Technique of Data Analysis .............................................................. 11

I. Validity of the Data ........................................................................... 13

J. Graduating Paper Outline ................................................................. 14


A. Theoretical Framework ..................................................................... 15

1. Implementation ............................................................................. 15

2. Distance Learning ......................................................................... 16

a. Definition of Distance Learning .............................................. 16

b. Purpose of Distance Learning .................................................. 17

c. Advantages of Distance Learning ............................................ 18

d. Disadvantages of Distance Learning ........................................ 19

3. Pandemic ..................................................................................... 21

a. Definition of Pandemic .......................................................... 21

4. COVID-19 ................................................................................... 22

a. Definition of COVID-19 ........................................................ 22

B. Review Previous Study...................................................................... 23


A. Design of the Research ...................................................................... 26

B. Setting of the Research ...................................................................... 27

C. Subject of the Research ..................................................................... 28

D. Source of the Data ............................................................................. 28

E. Technique of Data Collection ............................................................ 28

F. Technique of Analyzing the Data ...................................................... 29

G. Data Validity Checking ..................................................................... 33


A. Research Finding ............................................................................... 35

B. Discussion ........................................................................................ 47


A. Conclussion ............................................................................................. 50

B. Recommendation ...................................................................................... 51





Table 1.1Interview Questions Table .............................................................. 29

Table 1.2Interview Results Table .................................................................. 32


Appendix 1 Documentation of research papers

Appendix 2 Graduating paper consultation sheet

Appendix 3 Certificate of Activities

Appendix 4 Interview Guideline

Appendix 5 The Data of the Interview Result to the Teachers

Appendix 6 Table of Coding

Appendix 7 Research Documentation

Appendix 8 Curiculum Vitae



This chapter, the researcher presents background of the research,

problem of research, objectives of research, limitation of the research,

significances of research, definition of the key terms, method of research,

technique of data analysis, validity of the data and the outline of graduating


A. Background of the Research

Learning is the process of student interaction with educators and

learning resources in a learning environment that includes teachers and

students who exchange information. According to Smith (1962:260)

learning is the acquisition of new behavior or strengthening or weakening

of old behavior as the result of experience. David (1996:86) states that

learning, as the process whereby an organism changes its behavior as a

result of experience. Experiences can be gained from learning because

students can get knowledge and skills that are very important for students’

life. Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that learning is the

acquisition of a new behavior, that occurs as the result of relatively

permanent changes and the organism’s experience or practice. In other

words, understanding learning is a process to help students to be able to

learn well.

The method is a procedure or way taken to achieve certain goals.

Then there is another term that is closely related to these two terms, namely

technique, which is a specific way of solving certain problems found in

carrying out procedures. According to Harmer (2007), the method is the

practical result of the discussion. The method includes decisions about the

types of activities, the teacher and students, the variety of material that is

suitable, as well as several models of organizing the syllabus.In teaching

and learning activities, the method required by teacher so that its use is

what it wants to achieve after until it ends. It can be concluded that the

method learning is a method or stage used in interaction between students

and educators to achieve learning objectives which has been determined in

accordance with the material and mechanism of the method learning.

According to Clay (1999), distance learning is institution based

formal education where students and instructors are in separate locations

so that they need an interactive telecommunications system to connect the

two and the various resources needed in it. Distance learning has become

a vividly developing area of research and practice in the past two decades

after the first online class was launched in 1994 (Levy:2003), rapid

developments took place towards the implementation of distance learning.

Research on distance learning emerged in the 90s with a series of studies

investigating work emerging technologies (Dede:1996), cyberspace based

learning communities and instructors' support (Palloff:1999). In Indonesia,

distance learning will be applied when students and teachers cannot face

to face in class because of unexpected obstacles. As has been experienced

by the people of Indonesia today and even the world, namely the COVID-

19 pandemic which led to the implementation of distance learning.

As we all know, Indonesia and even the world is being tested for

the arrival of a pandemic. Pandemic is a global epidemic. According to the

World Health Organization (WHO), a pandemic is declared when new

diseases spread throughout the world beyond the limit. The term pandemic,

according to the KBBI, is interpreted as an outbreak that is contagious

everywhere covering a wide geographic area. In the most classical sense,

when an epidemic spreads to several countries or regions of the world.

Outbreaks of diseases that fall into the pandemic category are infectious

diseases and have a continuous infection line. So, if there are cases in other

countries besides the country of origin, it will still be classified as a


There are many examples in history, most recently there was the

COVID-19 pandemic. This flu-like pandemic was declared by WHO on

March 12, 2020. COVID-19 started as an epidemic in China before it

spread throughout the world in a matter of months and became a pandemic.

According to Stefan (2020:2), coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, a disease

caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, continue to grow, the cytology

laboratory must also brace itself to continue to offer the best service to

patients, while protecting its technicians, technologists, trainees, and


Recently, a series of public health measures have been taken to

reduce the spread of the disease. These “social distancing” measures vary

somewhat by state and city but are generally wide-ranging. They include

canceling sports, music, cultural and even political events; the closing of

gyms, schools, and colleges; recommendations to work from home, to

avoid discretionary travel, and to avoid eating or drinking in bars,

restaurants, and food courts; and avoid social gatherings in groups of more

than 10 people.

With the emergence of a COVID-19 pandemic in the world,

especially in Indonesia, a circular number 4 of 2020 was published

concerning the Implementation of Educational Policy in the Emergency

Spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). Following up on the circular,

the Office of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports took action to realize

distance learning in Indonesia starting in March. Seeing these events, the

teacher must take quick action to overcome the pandemic that is

happening. Thus the teacher is required to master Internet Technology in

order to follow up distance learning, especially in SMP N 3 Bringin.

Therefore, the researcher formulate a research study entitled “THE



B. Problem of the Research

Based on the background of study, the researcher formulates some

statements of the problems as follows:

1. How are the teachers’ implementationsof distance learning during the

COVID-19 pandemic at SMP N 3 BRINGIN?

2. What strategies and media did the teachers’ use in implementing

learning using distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at


C. Objectives of the Research

Dealing with the statement of the problems above, the researcher

intends to achieve some objectives through the study as follows:

1. To identify theteachers’ implementations of distance learning during

the COVID-19 pandemic at SMP N 3 BRINGIN

2. To find outthestrategies and media did the teacher use in implementing

learning using distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at


D. Limitation of the Research

This research focuses on the teachers’ implementations of distance

learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at SMP N 3 BRINGIN. The

researcher limits the data of the study about teachers. The researcher only

analyzes the teachers' implementations of distance learning during the

COVID-19 pandemic.

E. Significance f the Research

This research is directed to present theoretical and practical


1. Theoretical Benefits

This research is expected to be able to study the implementation

of teachers at SMP N 3 BRINGIN on distance learning. Especially

during COVID-19 pandemic situation.

2. Practical Benefits

a. For lecturer

This research not only contains theteachers' implementation,

but also the what the strategies and media teachers use in

implementing learning using distance learning methods during the

COVID-19pandemic in conveying English material. Therefore,

lecturers can use data to be used in the conveying English material.

b. For teachers

This research provides theories, examples, and data related to

learning methods used to solve problems in teaching and learning.

The teachers can use this research as reference material to complete

the learning material happening.

c. For researcher

This research can provide guidelines for the next researchers

to develop the use of learning methods when there are obstacles in

the teaching and learning process.

F. Definition of Key Terms

The researcher defines some of key terms used in the study, in

order to avoid misunderstanding about those terms, here is the list of

definition which has been conducted by the researcher.

1. Implementation

The definition of implementation according to the Indonesian

Big Dictionary (KBBI) is the act of applying. According to Badudu

(1996:1487),the implementation is an act of practicing a theory,

method, and other things to achieve certain goals and for an interest

desired by a group or group which has been planned and arranged

beforehand, and implementation is a thing, way or result. As for Ali,

(1995: 1044), implementation is practicing, pairing. Based on this

understanding it can be concluded that implementation is an action

carried out individually or in a group with the maximum to achieve the

goals that have been formulated. According to Wahab (1990:45), the

elements of application include:

1. The program is implemented

2. The existence of a target group, namely students who are targeted

and expected to receive benefits from the program.

3. The implementation, both groups or individuals who are

responsible for the management, implementation and supervision

of the implementation process.

2. Distance Learning

According to Clay (1990), distance learning is institution based

formal education where students and instructors are in separate

locations so that they need an interactive telecommunications system to

connect the two and the various resources needed in it. Levy (2003)

state that distance learning has become a vividly developing area of

research and practice in the past two decades after the first online class

was launched in 1994, rapid developments took place towards the

implementation of distance learning. According to Dede (1996),

research on distance learning emerged in the 90s with a series of studies

investigating work emerging technologies, cyberspace based learning

communities and instructors' support.

Distance or online learning is becoming one of the most widely

embraced ways of a delivery program for many education

sectors.Watson (2011) state that schools, where all or most teaching and

learning take place in online courses, are classified under a specific

category called Virtual Schools.According to Dobrovolny (2015), these

schools use the advantages of online learning to create holisticschool

organizations. Berge (2005) state, they differ from traditional schools,

as students do not meet with teachers and other students in a physical

space; most teaching, learning, and interaction occur in an online space.

Barbour (2009) claimed even in Some virtual schools, they allow the

students to take all of their schoolings through the online organization

known as primarily North American phenomenon.

3. Pandemic

Pandemics are for the most part disease outbreaks that become

widespread as a result of the spread of human-to-human infection.

There have been many significant disease outbreaks and pandemics

recorded in history, including Spanish Flu, Hong Kong Flu, SARS,

H7N9, Ebola, Zika WHO (2011b),Rewar(2015), Maurice (2016). The

term “pandemic” has not been defined by many medical texts, but there

are some key features of a pandemic, including wide geographic

extension, disease movement, novelty, severity, high attack rates and

explosiveness, minimal population immunity, infectiousness and

contagiousness, which help us to understand the concept better, if we

examine similarities and differences among them. The pandemic related

crises have been associated with enormous negative impacts on health,

economy, society and security of national and global communities. As

well, they have caused significant political and social disruption.

4. COVID-19

COVID-19 is a disease caused by the infection of the SARS-

CoV-2 virus, first verified in Wuhan city, in the Hubei province of

China in December 2019. The infection has a predominantly respiratory

transmission and is transmitted through large droplets or aerosols, and

less commonly by contact with infected surfaces or fomites. According

to Morens (2020) Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is the third

coronavirus infection in two decades that was originally described in

Asia, after severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle

East respiratory syndrome (MERS).

G. Method of Research

1. Type of Research

The researcher uses the descriptive qualitative method in this

research. Descriptive research describes and interprets events,

condition, or situation of the present. On the other hand, qualitative

research is research method based on post-positivism and naturalist

paradigm. It has some characteristics: (1) the objects observed are

process and value; (2) most of data are words; (3) when collecting

data, the researcher actively interact with the data sources; (4) the data

are analyzed inductively; (5) the result of the research cannot be

generalized; (6) the research is subjective and related value.

According to Fraenkel (2000:24), in qualitative research, the

researcher investigates the quality of relationship, activities, and

situation or materials.

According to Elliot (2000:24), descriptive study is a research

in which the investigator examines and report thing as the way are in

an attempt to understand and explain them. The aim of descriptive

research is to provide as accurate account as possible about what is the

current practice, how learner do learn, how teachers do teach, what

classroom looks like, at the particular moment in particular place.

2. Technique of data collection

The researcher collected the data by doing some steps:

a. Interview the teachers who are chosen.

b. Making transcription from the interview.

c. Encoding the collecting data.

d. Classifying the kind of teachers’ implementations.

e. Analyzing the types of teachers' implementationson distance

learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

f. Concluding the data.

H. Technique of Data Analysis.

There are many kinds of technique collection data, in this research,

the writer collected the data from interview, coding, and classifying.

a. Interview

Interviews are question and answer activities that occur

directly between two or more people. Interviewers are usually called

interviewers while the people to be interviewed are called

interviewers.According to Nick (2000), the interview is an important

data gathering technique involving verbal communication between the

researcher and the subject. Which conversation is carried out by two

or more parties, namely the interviewer (the questions asked) and

interviewed (who provide answers to the questions).

b. Coding

To facilitate the study, the researcher encodes the collected

data after interviews. In this research, the data will be categorized and

create the final data collectively. According to Lynn (1994), Coding

lies at the heart of the constant comparative method in that unit of data

are compared to each other in terms of their fit in the coding scheme.

Coding does not descriptively paraphrase the notes; instead, it

identifies the main categories as well as associated subcategories

Coding could be found in a form of letterring, numberring, symbolling

and others. In this study, the researcher used letters and numbers.

c. Classifying

The following step after categorizing is classifying. Bull

explains in Oxford (2008:75) that classifying is arranging something

into groups according to the features that they have in common. It is

the smallest unit of the collected data. In this step, the researchers

classify the results of teacher interviews.

d. Documentation

According to Robert (2011:149), there are many documents

can be useful simply by the nature of the details they contain. In other

word, documentation used as evidence to proof the result of research.

I. Validity of the Data

The researcher chose triangulation in order to check the validity of

the data. According to Denzin (1970) defines triangulation is a

combination or combination of the various methods used to study

phenomena that are different perspectives. The basic idea that the

phenomenon under study can be well understood in order to obtain high-

level truth though it's viewed from different angles. Viewing angles

varying obtained will allow a reliable level of truth. Therefore

triangulation is the attempt to check the correctness of data or information

from a variety of different viewpoints by reducing as much as possible the

differences that occur at the time of data collection and analysis.

According to Denzin (1970), he stated that triangulation as a

technique to check the validity of the data through source triangulation,

methodological triangulation, investigator triangulation, and theoretical

triangulation. Furthermore, the researcher felt that the most appropriate

triangulation to be used in this research is source triangulation. By using

source triangulation, researchers make it possible to strengthen the data

results by comparing and checking information obtained through several

sources in qualitative methods.

J. Graduating Paper Outline

The researcher wants to arrange the graduating paper in order to be

understood by the reader easily. It is divided into five chapters.Chapter I

present the background of the study, the problem of the study, the objective

of the study, the limitation of the study, the significant of the study, the

definition of the key terms and the graduating paper outline. Chapter II is

the theoretical farm work. It consists of the previous studies and review of

related theories in order to strengthen the theory of the research. Chapter

III is Research Methodology. It consists of the type of research, the object

of the research, data sources, the technique of data collection, data

analysis, and procedure of research.Chapter IV is the research findings. It

consists of findings talk about the teachers’ implementations of distance

learning during COVID-19 pandemic. Chapter V is closure that consists

of conclusion and suggestion. The last parts are references and appendix.[



This chapter consists of a theoretical framework and previous study.

The theoretical framework describes some information related to

Implementation, Distance Learning, Pandemic and COVID-19. The previous

study explains the research which has been conducted by other researchers as

the reference to this research.

A. Theoretical Framework

1. Implementation

The definition of implementation according to the Indonesian

Big Dictionary (KBBI) is the act of applying. An implementation is an

act of practicing a theory, method, and other things to achieve certain

goals and for an interest desired by a group or group which has been

planned and arranged beforehand.According to Badudu (1996),

implementation is a thing, way or result. As for Ali (1995),

implementation is practicing and pairing. Based on this understanding

it can be concluded that implementation is an action carried out

individually or in a group with the maximum to achieve the goals that

have been formulated. Wahab (1990:45) state that the elements of

application include:

1. The program is implemented

2. The existence of a target group, namely students who are targeted

and expected to receive benefits from the program.

3. The implementation, both groups or individuals who are

responsible for the management, implementation and supervision

of the implementation process.

2. Distance Learning

a. Definition of Distance Learning

According to Clay (1990), distance learning is institution

based formal education where students and instructors are in

separate locations so that they need an interactive

telecommunications system to connect the two and the various

resources needed in it. Levy (2003) state that distance learning has

become a vividly developing area of research and practice in the

past two decades after the first online class was launched in 1994,

rapid developments took place towards the implementation of

distance learning. According to Dede (1996), research on distance

learning emerged in the 90s with a series of studies investigating

work emerging technologies, cyberspace based learning

communities and instructors' support Palloff (1999).

Distance or online learning is becoming one of the most

widely embraced ways of a delivery program for many education

sectors. Watson (2011) state that schools, where all or most

teaching and learning take place in online courses, are classified

under a specific category called Virtual Schools. According to

Dobrovolny (2015), these schools use the advantages of online

learning to create holisticschool organizations. Berge (2005) state,

they differ from traditional schools, as students do not meet with

teachers and other students in a physical space; most teaching,

learning, and interaction occur in an online space. Barbour (2009)

claimed even in Some virtual schools, they allow the students to

take all of their schoolings through the online organization known

as primarily North American phenomenon.

b. The Purpose of Distance Learning

Distance learning can offer effective instructional methods,

such as practicing with associated feedback, combining

collaboration activities with self-paced research, and using

simulation and games. Further, all learners receive the same quality

of instruction because there is no dependence on a specific


Moreover, distance learning is not limited in a field only,

then every people can browse and learn other sciences they wanted.

Clark (2008) state that distance learning learning strategy can

create the teaching and learning process more effective in terms of

time and place. By using distance learning, teachers will find it

easier to update learning materials that are their responsibility in

accordance with the demands of the latest scientific development,

develop themselves or conduct research in order to increase their

horizons and supervise student learning activities. According to

Clark (2008), distance learning has featured in it. (1)content

relevant to the purpose of learning in order to develop the

application of distance learning. (2) using media elements to

distribute content and learning strategies. (3) building new insights

and techniques that are linked to learning goals.

c. Advantages of Distance Learning

According to UNESCO (2002:65), distance learning offers

a myriad of advantages that can be evaluated by technical, social

and economic criteria. Also, distance learning methods have their

pedagogical merit, leading to different ways of conceiving

knowledge generation and acquisition.

Distance learning increases access to learning and training

opportunities, provides increased opportunities for updating,

retraining and personal enrichment, improves cost effectiveness of

educational resources, supports the quality and variety of existing

educational structures, enhances and consolidates capacity.

Another advantage of distance learning is its convenience because

many of the technologies are easily accessible from home. Many

forms of distance learning provide students the opportunity to

participate whenever they wish, on an individual basis, because of

distance learning flexibility. This kind of education is quite

affordable, as many forms of distance learning involve little or no

cost. Distance learning is also multi-sensory. There is a wide

variety of materials that can meet everyone’s learning preferences.

Fact, some students learn from visual stimuli and others learn best

by listening or interacting with a computer program. Franklin

(1996:126) claimed, distance learning can offer increased

interactions with students. In particular, introverted students who

are too shy to ask questions in class will often “open up” when

provided an opportunity to interact via e-mail or other

individualized means.

There a are some other related benefits of distance learning

such as balancing inequalities between age groups, geographical

expansion of education access, delivering education for large

audiences, offering the combination of education with work or

family life, etc.

d. Disadvantages of Distance Learning

While there are countless distance education advantages,

there are also various disadvantages of distance learning, that

students and institutions should be aware of before starting any

distance learning program.

Distance learning requires planning. Both the instructors

and students involved in distance learning will need to make

sacrifices, at times, to get things done on time. Distance learning,

although affordable, may come with hidden costs (for example

extra shipping and handling costs). Distance learning does not offer

immediate feedback. In a traditional classroom setting, a student's

performance can be immediately assessed through questions and

informal testing. With distance learning, a student has to wait for

feedback until the instructor has reviewed his or her work and

responded to it. Compared with the traditional course delivery

method, distance learning demands a disproportionate amount of

effort on the part of instructors. Namely, teaching distance courses

include not only the time required for actual delivery of course

materials, but it must also involve a great deal of time dedicated to

student support and preparation. Also, time spent on e-mail

correspondence is very significant. Distance learning does not

always offer all the required coursework online for every degree


Another disadvantage of distance learning is social

isolation. Distance learners may feel isolated or miss the social-

physical interaction that comes with attending a traditional

classroom. However, many distance learning participants have

reported that this sense of isolation has been decreasing with the

use of communication technologies such as bulletin boards,

threaded discussions, chats, email, and video conferencing.

According to Christensen (2001:267), the most important issue

regarding distance learning is instructors’ preparedness and

students’ attitude. If students do not perceive the technology as

useful, they will be not receptive to distance education.

3. Pandemic

Pandemics are for the most part disease outbreaks that

become widespread as a result of the spread of human-to-human

infection. There have been many significant disease outbreaks and

pandemics recorded in history, including Spanish Flu, Hong Kong

Flu, SARS, H7N9, Ebola, Zika WHO (2011b), Rewar (2015)

Maurice (2016). The term “pandemic” has not been defined by

many medical texts, but there are some key features of a pandemic,

including wide geographic extension, disease movement, novelty,

severity, high attack rates and explosiveness, minimal population

immunity, infectiousness and contagiousness, which help us to

understand the concept better, if we examine similarities and

differences among them. The pandemic related crises have been

associated with enormous negative impacts on health, economy,

society and security of national and global communities. As well,

they have caused significant political and social disruption.

According to Honigsbaum (2009). The word "Pandemic"

comes from the originates from the Greek pan meaning "all" and

demos "the people"., And the word is commonly taken to refer to a

widespread epidemic of contagious disease throughout the whole

of a country or one or more continents at the same time.

Nevertheless, in over the past 2 decades, the term has not been

failed to be defined by many modern medical texts. Morens (2009)

state that even authoritative texts about concerning pandemics do

not list it in their indexes, including such resources as

comprehensive histories of medicine, classic epidemiology

textbooks, the Institute of Medicine's influential 1992 report on

emerging infections.

4. COVID-19

COVID-19 is a disease caused by the infection of the

SARS-CoV-2 virus, first verified in Wuhan city, in the Hubei

province of China in December 2019. The infection has a

predominantly respiratory transmission and is transmitted through

large droplets or aerosols, and less commonly by contact with

infected surfaces or fomites. According to Morens (2020)

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is the third coronavirus

infection in two decades that was originally described in Asia, after

severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East

respiratory syndrome (MERS).

This flu-like pandemic was declared by WHO on March 12,

2020. COVID-19 started as an epidemic in China before it spread

throughout the world in a matter of months and became a

pandemic.According to Stefan (2020:2), coronavirus COVID-19

pandemic, a disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, continues

to grow, the cytology laboratory must also brace itself to continue

to offer the best service to patients, while protecting its technicians,

technologists, trainees, and pathologists.

B. Review Previous Study

The researcher took several previous studies to ascertain the

authenticity of the study.

The first researcher was conducted by Zainab (2012). The research

title is Perspective of Students towards Distance Learning: A Case Study

of Pakistan. The purpose of this study is to investigate the perspective held

by individuals about distance learning offered by the two large universities

of Khyber Pakhtoonkhawa (KPK) province of Pakistan i.e., Allama Iqbal

Open University and Virtual University. Data were collected from 104

respondents and using a structured questionnaire developed by the

researcher. The results of this study show that distance learning is most

patronized by younger learners (<30 years) as there were 55% distance

learner (DL) students who were below 30 years of age. The study suggests

that the majority of the students are satisfied with teaching and learning by


Based on the research above, the researcher examines students'

perspectives on distance learning. In this study, researchers will discuss

the teachers' implementations of distance learning. The data collected is

also different because the researcher will collect data through interviews

rather than using questionnaires. The similarity of the above research and

this research is related to distance learning.

Second research from Kevin (2020) by the title teachers prepare to

make most of distance learning in midst of COVID-19 pandemic. The

purpose of this study was to facilitate teacher preparation to utilize distance

learning during the COVID-19 pandemic which was held in the Klondike

Lane Elementary School. The results of this study indicate that fifth grade

teachers at Lane Klondike Elementary School have incorporated online

tools such as Google Classroom into daily lessons. In addition, the teacher

also translates videos to help students think about the material and apply

learning applications such as Brain POP in their study plans.

The similarity of this research and the research researcher is

implementing the distance learning method during the COVID-19

pandemic. But, the researchers above examine the program and media of

distance learning during COVID-19, while the researcher examines more

about the implementation of the teacher in distance learning during the

COVID-19 pandemic.

The last research from Kiryakova (2009) by the title Review of

Distance Learning examines the main characteristics which distinguish

distance from traditional education. The research also summarizes the

advantages and disadvantages of distance learning. It discusses the new

technologies by which this form of education is implemented. The research

also emphasizes Web-based education which is prevalent and growing in


The difference with the research of the researcher is how the

teacher's implementations of distance learning during the COVID-19

pandemic. Research from Kiryakova G only focuses on distance learning.

But there are similarities between the research above and research the

researcher contained in the discussion of distance learning.



In this chapter, the researcher presents design of the research, setting

of the research, subject of the research, source of the data, technique of data

collection, technique of analyzing the data, and data validity checking.

A. Design of the Research

The researcher used the descriptive qualitative method in this

research. Descriptive research describes and interprets events,

conditions, or situations of the present. On the other hand, qualitative

research is a research method based on post-positivism and naturalist

paradigm. It has some characteristics: (1) the objects observed are

process and value; (2) most of the data are words; (3) when collecting

data, the researcher actively interact with the data sources; (4) the data

are analyzed inductively; (5) the result of the research cannot be

generalized; (6) the research is subjective and related value. Fraenkel

(2000:502) state, in qualitative research, the researcher investigates the

quality of relationships, activities, and situations or materials.

According to Elliot (2000:24), descriptive study is a research in

which the investigator examines and report thing as the way is in an

attempt to understand and explain them. The aim of descriptive research

is to provide as accurate account as possible about what is the current

practice, how the learner does learn, how teachers do teach, what

classroom looks like, at the particular moment in a particular place.

According to Lincoln (1985:37), the qualitative method is a

research method which is based on naturalist paradigm that has some

characteristics. First, the realities are multiple and holistic. Second, are

interactive and inseparable. Third, the hypothesis is bounded by time

and context. Fourth, the causes and effects are impossible to be

distinguished. Fifth, the inquiry is value-bond.

B. Setting of the Research

1. Place of the Research

The research was conducted at SMP N 3 Bringin. This school

is located at JL. Bringin-Kalikurmo, Km. 6 RT. 2/RW. 3, Sugihan

Waras, Kalikurmo, Bringin,Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50772

2. Time of the Research

The researcher conducted interviews with teachers at SMP N

3 Bringin when students studied at home due to the COVID-19

pandemic. So the researchers conducted interviews when the teacher

was on duty during off hours at the school according to the schedule

on April 30, 2020 and May 4, 2020. And the research was conducted

on April 16, 2020 to May 22, 2020.

C. Subject of the Research

Research subjects were people who are the object of research.

The object of this study was choosen by the researcher focuses on the

teachers’ implementations of distance learning. Based on the above

object, the subjects of this study were five teachers of SMP N 3 Bringin.

D. Source of the Data

The researcher choosed five teachers of SMP N 3 Bringin to

collect the data. The first was Drs. Achmad Zamroni. The second was

Erny Ernawati, S.Pd. The third was Siti Aliyah, S.Pd. The fourth was

Eko Endarmoko, S.Kom, and the fifth was Aang Hunaify, S.Pd.

E. Technique of Data Collection

The researcher collected data in some steps as follow:

a. Interviewed the teachers who are chosen.

b. Made transcription from the interview.

c. Encoded the collecting data.

d. Classified the kind of teachers’ implementations.

e. Analyzed the types of teachers' implementationsof distance

learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

f. Concluded the data.

F. Technique of Analyzing the Data

There are many kinds of technique collection data, in this

research, the writer collected the data from interview, coding, and


a. Interview

Interviews are question and answer activities that occur

directly between two or more people. Interviewers are usually

called interviewers while the people to be interviewed are called

interviewers.According to Nick (2000), the interview is an

important data gathering technique involving verbal

communication between the researcher and the subject. Which

conversation is carried out by two or more parties, namely the

interviewer (the questions asked) and interviewed (who provide

answers to the questions).

Table 1.1

Interview Questions

No Questions
What is the meaning of distance learning according to

the teacher?
(Apa pengertian distance learning menurut bpk/ibu


How is the implementation of distance learning that

occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic?

(Bagaimana penerapan distance learning yang selama

pandemic COVID-19?)

What are the advantages of implementation distance

learning during the COVID-19 pandemic?

(Apa saja keunggulan dari penerapan distance

learning selama pandemic COVID-19?)

What are the disadvantages of implementation distance

learning during the COVID-19 pandemic?

(Apa saja kekurangan dari penerapan distance

learning selama pandemic COVID-19?)

What is the appropriate strategy of implementation

distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic?

(Strategi apa saja yang tepat dalam penerapan

distance learning selama pandemic COVID-19?)

What is the appropriate media of implementation

distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic?

(Media apa saja yang tepat dalam penerapan distance

learning selama pandemic COVID-19?)

What do the teachers expect by implementationdistance

learning during the COVID-19 pandemic?

(Apa saja yang bpk/ibu guru harapkan dengan

penerapan distance learning selama pandemic COVID-


b. Coding

To facilitate the study, the researcher encoded the collected

data after interviewing the five respondents. In this research, the

data would becategorized and created the final data collectively.

According to Lynn (1994), coding lies at the heart of the constant

comparative method in that unit of data are compared to each other

in terms of their fit in the coding scheme. Coding does not

descriptively paraphrase the notes; instead, it identifies the main

categories as well as associated subcategories. Coding could be

found in a form of letterring, numberring, symbolling and others. In

this study, the researcher used letters and numbers. Coding was

used by researcher to make it easier for researcher to shorten the

source names and interviews result.

Table 1.1

Interview Results Table

No Coding Interview result Coding Explanation

Understanding of Teacher's explanation of
distance learning the understanding of
distance learning
Implementing Teacher's explanation of
2 IDL distance learning the implementation of
during the distance learning during
Advantages of Teacher's explanation of
distance learning the advantages of
implementation distance
learning during COVID-19
Disadvantages of Teacher's explanation of
distance learning the disadvantages of
implementation distance
learning during COVID-19
Strategies used in The teacher's explanation
distance learning of the strategy in
implementation distance

learning during COVID-19

Media used in The teacher's explanation

distance learning of the media in
implementation distance
learning during COVID-19
Teacher's explanation of
Expectations used
7 EDL the expectations of
in distance
implementation distance
learning during the
COVID-19 pandemic

Coding the results of the interview to the teacher put in data

analysis. It used to facilitate the researcher in analyzing the

collected data. Therefore, the researcher was able to provide

understandable data analysis.

c. Classifying

The following step after coding was classifying. Bull

explains in Oxford (2008:75), the classify is arranged something

into groups according to the features that they have in common. It

is the smallest unit of the collected data. In this step, the researchers

classified the results of teacher interviews.

d. Documentation

According to Robert (2011:149), there are many documents

can be useful simply by the nature of the details they contain. In

other word, documentation used as evidence to proof the result of


Furthermore, the researcher used documentation method as

evidences to proof the physical evidence from the research in the

form of picture or photos.

G. Data Validity Checking

The researcher chosen triangulation in order to check the

validity of the data. According to Denzin (1970) defines triangulation

is a combination or combination of the various methods used to study

phenomena that are different perspectives. The basic idea that the

phenomenon under study can be well understood in order to obtain

high-level truth though it's viewed from different angles. Viewing

angles varying obtained will allow a reliable level of truth. Therefore

triangulation is the attempt to check the correctness of data or

information from a variety of different viewpoints by reducing as much

as possible the differences that occur at the time of data collection and


According to Denzin (1978), he stated that triangulation as a

technique to check the validity of the data through source triangulation,

methodological triangulation, investigator triangulation, and theoretical

triangulation. Furthermore, the researcher felt that the most appropriate

triangulation to be used in this research is source triangulation. By using

source triangulation, researchers made it possible to strengthen the data

results by comparing and checking information obtained through

several sources in qualitative methods.



This chapter consists of research results and explanations to answer

problem statements. The researcher divides the data based on the results of

the interview. Furthermore, the researchers analyzed the

teachers’implementations of distance learning during the COVID-19

pandemic found in the data.

A. Research Finding

After conducting interviews with five interviewees who focused

on the teachers’ implementations of distance learning during the

COVID-19 pandemic, the researcher found seven teachers’

implementationsand divided into two parts: how are the teachers'

implementations of distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

at SMP N 3 BRINGIN and what strategies and media did the teachers'

used in implementing learning using distance learning during the

COVID-19 pandemic at SMP N 3 BRINGIN.

1. Findings of how did the teachers' implementations of distance

learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at SMP N 3


a. The first relates to how teachers think about the understanding

of distance learning in specific case during the pandemic. All

interviewees claimed that the concept of distance learning is

learning at an indirect or face-to-face distance, and requires

media to support these activities. The principal believes that

distance learning means that there is no face-to-face mode that

uses tools in the form of technology. This statement can be

proven by the results of interviews with the principal as follows:

“Ya kalau menurut saya, distance learning itu artinya tidak

ada tatap muka secara langsung menggunakan alat berupa
teknologi, memakai zoom, skype, dan media lainnya” (AZ:

Meanwhile according to information and

communication technology teacher state that distance learning

from the meaning of language is learning by distance, in the

application of education can be interpreted as learning but not

face to face. It can also be interpreted as a study involving

telecommunications to connect teachers and students:

“Distance learning dari arti bahasa itu belajar dengan jarak

jauh, dalam penerapan pendidikan itu dapat diartikan
sebagai belajar namun tidak dapat bertatap muka. Dapat
diartikan juga sebagai pembelajan yang melibatkan
telekomunikasi untuk menghubungkan guru dan peseta
didik”.(EE: UDL4)

Distance learning is commonly referred to as PJJ

Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (Bahasa Indonesia), which is not

limited by a certain space and time. Specific space and time in

question are that students do not have to occupy a certain space

in a limited time, as stated by an Indonesian teacher:

“Distance learning adalah suatu kegiatan pembelajaran
yang dilakukan secara jarak jauh, tidak dengan tatap muka
atau biasa disebut dengan PJJ dan tidak dibatasi oleh ruang
dan waktu tertentu. Yaitu bahwa siswa tidak harus
menempati ruang tertentu dalam waktu yang terbatas,”.(SA:

b. The second relates to the teachers’implementations of distance

learning during COVID-19 pandemic. The interviewed teacher

talked about how to apply distance learning during the pandemic

COVID-19. The teachers explain the steps in applying distance

learning during the COVID-19 pandemic so that learning can

proceed as expected. English teacher explains that the first

implementation of distance learning is preparation or plans in the

form of lesson plans so that teachers can provide assignments

and materials through communication tools in the form of

videos, texts, recordings, and others and can provide assessments

that have now been implemented in SMP N 3 Bringin. This

statement can be proven by the teachers' interview answers


“Penerapan ya yang pertama tentu saja persiapan atau

rencana berupa RPP mbak, sehingga guru dapat
memberikan tugas dan materi melalui alat komunikasi
berupa video, teks, rekaman dan lainnya serta dapat
memberi penilaian yang sekarang sudah diterapkan di SMP
N 3 Bringin”. (EE: IDL2)

And supported by the vice principal that the

implementation of distance learning must go through several

processes including the need for preparation, implementation,

and evaluation which are almost the same as learning activities

in general, the difference lies in the implementation:

“Menurut saya, penerapan distance learning harus melalui

beberapa proses antara lain diperlukannya persiapan,
pelaksanaan serta evaluasi yang pada dasarnya hampir
sama dengan kegiatan pembelajaran pada umumnya,
perbedaannya terletak pada pelaksanaannya saja”.(SA:

The implementation of distance learning in SMP N 3

Bringin according to the teachers, can conclude as follows. First,

teachers must prepare lesson plans in the process of learning

through distance learning, in this case referred to by the teachers

that make lesson plan (RPP). Second, teachers and students can

carry out the learning process with certain media or technology.

Finally, the teacher gives an evaluation of the learning outcomes

of students.

c. The third relates to the advantages of implementation distance

learning during the pandemic COVID-19. The advantages of

distance learning during COVID-19 pandemic are clear all the

parties are required to "melek IT"(Bahasa Indonesia) because it

understands the technology for learning, and also a new

experience for teachers and students, following the answer of the

second English language teacher :

“Kalau keunggulanya yang jelas semua pihak diwajibkan

untuk “melek IT” ya karena harus mengerti teknologi untuk
pembelajaran. Dan juga merupakan pengalaman baru to
buat guru maupun untuk murid”. (AH: ADL5)

The advantages of distance learning can improve or add

to informatics both for teachers and students. Add new

experiences for both students and teachers in distance learning

activities for the first time. Not limited by space and time

because it is carried out anywhere not necessarily in a certain

space and time. Then, can maintain health as recommended by

the government to work on the activities of the house. As state

by the information technology communication teacher:

“Emm kelebihannya ya dapat meningkatkan atau menambah

ilmu informatika baik bagi guru maupun siswa.Menambah
pengalaman baru baik bagi siswa maupun guru dalam
kegiatan pembelajaran jarak jauh ini karena baru pertama
kali.Tidak dibatasi ruang dan waktu karena dilaksanakan
dimana saja tidak harus dalam ruang tertentu dan waktu
tertentu.Lalu bisa menjaga kesehatan sesuai anjuran
pemerintah dengan mengerjakan kegiatan dari
rumah”.(ED: ADL4)

From the results of interviews at SMP N 3 Bringin about

the advantages of implementation distance learning during the

pandemic COVID-19, can conclude as follows. First, add new

experiences for teachers and students. Second, adding new

knowledge about technology in learning. Third, still be able to

carry out learning even though not face to face. Fourth, distance

learning is not limited by time and space. Fifth, students can still

carry out learning activities even if not directly.

d. The fourth discusses the disadvantages of implementation

distance learning during COVID-19 pandemic. The teacher

states that there are a lot of disadvantages from implementation

of distance learning during COVID-19 pandemic at SMP N 3

Bringin from teachers and students. There are a lot of

disadvantages, in terms of the socioeconomic aspects of students

in SMP N 3 Bringin, the low level of economy is almost because

of the short of infrastructure. Infrastructure means of mobile

phones, quotas, signals, and sometimes students cannot

understand the material well. As state by the first women teacher

interviewed of SMP N 3 Bringin:

“Kekurangan jelas banyak sekali, dari segi sosial ekonomi

siswa di SMP N 3 Bringin tingkat ekomoni rendah sehingga
menghambat karena kurangnya sarana prasarana.Sarana
prasarana yaitu HP, kuota, sinyal, dan terkadang siswa tidak
bisa memahami materi dengan baik”.(EE: DDL2)

Meanwhile according to the second women teachers

interviewed of SMP N 3 Bringin state that not all teachers or

students have sufficient knowledge about technology to do

distance learning. Because the first experience of distance

learning activities still raises difficulties, among others, not all

students have an Android mobile phone. Because this activity is

not determined by space and time, teachers cannot directly face

to face with students. Distance learning activities are less able to

control students so the value of student character is not yet

apparent. Requires cost (quota). That can be seen in the results

of the interview below:

“Sebenarnya tidak semua guru atau siswa memiliki
pengetahuan tentang teknologi yang memadai untuk
melakukan distance learning. Karena pengalaman pertama
kegiatan distance learning ini masih memunculkan kesulitan
antara lain belum semua siswa memiliki HP android. Karena
kegiatan ini tidak ditentukan ruang dan waktu maka guru
tidak bisa langsung bertatap muka dengan siswa. Kegiatan
distance learning ini kurang bisa mengontrol siswa sehingga
nilai karakter siswa belum nampak jelas. Membutuhkan
biaya (kuota)”.(SA: DDL3)

The disadvantages of implementation distance learning

during the COVID-19 pandemic are: First, there is still a lack of

knowledge of the development of technology, especially for

learning. Second, the economic level of parents of students is

still low. So that not all students have adequate communication

tools in the form of mobile phones and internet packages to

support learning. Third, in terms of geography, SMP N 3 Bringin

is very difficult to get a signal. Fourth, because learning is

indirect, the teacher cannot monitor the learning process. Fifth,

not all students are able to access the material provided by the

teacher. Sixth, students can abuse the function of mobile phones

to access things that are not related to learning. Seventh, the

study results have not been as expected.

2. Findings of what strategies and media did the teachers' use in

implementing learning using distance learning during the

COVID-19 pandemic at SMP N 3 BRINGIN, are:

a. As a strategy, the teacher applies several kinds of strategies in

implementing distance learning during COVID-19 pandemic at

SMP N 3 Bringin. The application of this strategy aims to keep

teaching and learning activities going on even in the COVID-19

pandemic. All strategies can be used if have a good signal and a

quota. For example, watching television and providing internet

quota through BOS funds as recommended by the government

as well as strategies for using mobile phones through WhatsApp

and others, as a state by the counseling guidance teacher:

“Semua strategi bisa dipakai jika memiliki sinyal dan kuota

yang bagus. Sebagai contoh melihat televisidan memberikan
kuota internet melalui dana BOS sesuai anjuran
pemerintahserta strategi menggunakan handphone melalui
Whatsapp dan lainnya”. (AZ: SDL1)

The obvious strategy on distance learning during

COVID-19 pandemic adapted to the conditions, either by

listening, using television, using Google Drive, Google Forms,

and how to manage students well. As state by the head of

laboratory information technology communication:

“Strategi yang jelas disesuaikan dengan kondisi sih ya, bisa

dengan menyimak, menggunakan televisi, menggunakan
Google Drive, Google Form dan bagaimana mengelola
siswa dengan baik”.(ED: SDL4)

On the other hand, the teachers must make materials for

students that are easy and simple according to students' abilities.

So the teacher can provide animation or video for distance

learning methods. So it doesn't get boring. As the classroom

teacher said:

“Kita harus membuat materi kepada siswa yang mudah dan

simple menurut kemampuan siswa. Jadi guru bisa
menyediakan animasi atau video untuk metode pembelajan
distance learning.Sehingga siswa tidak bosan”. (AH: SDL5)

Appropriate strategy on implementation distance

learning during COVID-19 pandemic namely the teacher assigns

students to watch television shows in accordance with

government recommendations. Then, carry out activities

through mobile phones whose material has been prepared by the

teacher through certain applications. Because the application

requires internet access, directly both students and teachers must

have an internet quota. Thus, a form of government concern for

students is given a quota to access the internet through BOS


b. Some teachers who have taught at SMP N 3 Bringin for more

than ten years and were interviewed stated that in the face of a

pandemic COVID-19, distance learning using media is needed.

With the appropriate media in distance learning, teachers use

learning media that are not boring so students can still carry out

learning. The media has been applied during distance learning at

SMP N 3 Bringin are Google Forms, Zoom, and how to

communicate using WhatsApp and to monitor the response of

the students. As state by the English language teacher:

“Yang sudah diterapkan itu ada Google Form, Zoom, dan

cara berkomunikasi tetap menggunakan Whatsapp sih ya
dan untuk memantau respon murid juga”. (EE: MDL2)

And supported by the information technology

communication teacher described that the media used during

distance learning are Whatsapp, Facebook, Google Form. But

the most effective is using Whatsapp which students can directly

ask the teacher:

“Menggunakan Whatsapp, Facebook, Google Form. Tapi

yang paling efektif yaitu menggunakan Whatsapp yang siswa
bisa langsug bertanya kepada guru”. (ED: MDL4)

While according to the Indonesian language teacher

described that the appropriate media to use is to see TVRI

television at certain hours according to the class, but you can

also use the internet such as YouTube, Google Forms and also,

of course, using WhatsApp:

“Yang paling mudah itu dengan melihat televisi TVRI pada

jam tertentu sesuai kelasnya, tetapi bisa juga menggunakan
internet seperti YouTube, Google Form dan juga pastinya
menggunakan Whatsapp”. (SA: MDL3)

The media used by teachers and students at SMP N 3

Bringin during the COVID-19 pandemic were using television,

Whatsapp, Google Form, Zoom, Facebook, and YouTube. All

media used are internet-based media except television. So it

requires an internet quota to use it. Television is a medium that

is used to view a question that is appropriate to the level of

students and government recommendations. Whatsapp is used

to deliver material, the results of the material, and also

sometimes used for communication, monitoring students, or

consultation between teachers and students. Then the teacher

also uses Google Form to practice the students' abilities in the

form of questions and use Zoom when the teacher carries out

learning using audiovisual. Sometimes teachers use Facebook

and YouTube media for learning so that students don't get bored

with the material provided and generate student interest in


c. Distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic is a new

experience in the field of education in Indonesia, especially in

SMP N 3 Bringin. Distance learning during the COVID-19

pandemic is the first experience, so various expectations arise.

The expectation on distance learning during COVID-19

pandemic is the students can continue to learn or continue

teaching and learning activities even in a pandemic state by

using distance learning methods, although not as optimal as

before, as a state by the principle of SMP N 3 Bringin:

“Harapannya siswa dapat terus belajar atau kegiatan

belajar mengajar tetap berjalan walupun dalam keadaan
pandemic dengan menggunakan metode distance learning
walaupun tidak maksimal seperti sebelumnya”. (AZ: EDL1)

And supported by the vice principal state that the

learning can continue to work by using distance learning

methods. Students can understand the importance of technology

because during a pandemic cannot carry out learning without the

media so even though using the technologylearning can continue

and the pandemic will end soon:

“Karena pandemic ini masalah global yang tidak tau sampai

kapan akan berakhir, setidaknya untuk pembelajaran tetap
bisa berjalan dengan menggunakan metode distance
learning. Murid dapat memahami pentingnya teknologi,
karena selama pandemic tidak bisa melaksanakan
pembelajaran tanpa media sehingga walaupun
menggunakan IT pembelajaran tetap bisa berjalan dan
semoga pandemic bisa segera berakhir”. (SA: EDL3)
Meanwhile according to the English language teacher

describe that the teachers are required to be creative by

discovering new things so students can learn according to what

is expected so that what the teachers do during this pandemic can

be maximized. The point is that learning runs and results can be

as expected. But she also hopes that the pandemic will end soon:

“Dengan adanya distance learning, guru dituntut untuk

kreatif dengan menemukan hal-hal baru agar siswa dapat
belajar sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan, sehingga apa
yang kita lakukan selama pandemic ini bisa maksimal.

Intinya pembelajaran berjalan dan hasil bisa sesuai dengan
yang diharapkan. Tetapi saya juga berharap semoga
pandemic segera berakhir”.(EE: EDL2)

The teachers’ expectation on the implementation of

distance learning during the pandemic COVID-19 namely the

learning process can still take place, the COVID-19 pandemic

quickly ends so that learning can be carried out directly as

before. Thus, the teacher can know the development of students

from the mastery of the material and student behavior and

teacher recognition as educators. With this pandemic, teachers

and students are expected to be able to add insight to the use of

technology in the learning process.

B. Discussion

This study focuses on how did the teachers’ implementations of

distance learning and whatstrategies and media did the teachers' use in

implementing learning using distance learning during the COVID-19

pandemic at SMP N 3 BRINGIN. The researcher interviewed five

subjects who were interviewed to explore data more deeply. They are

teachers at SMP N 3 Bringin who have at least a long experience in

educating and teaching. There are seven questions that are expanded

from the two main research questions: how did the teachers’

implementations of distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

at SMP N 3 BRINGIN and what strategies and media did the teachers'

use in implementing learning using distance learning during the COVID

-19 pandemics at SMP N 3 BRINGIN.

Related to how did the teachers’ implementations of distance

learning and what strategies and media did the teachers' use in

implementing learning using distance learning during the COVID-19

pandemic at SMP N 3 Bringin, subjects shared their personal

experiences with the researcher in response from the questions given by

researchers. The answer is then classified into two parts as follows:

The first part is about understanding of distance learning with

its various advantages and disadvantages and its implementation in

learning at SMP N 3 Bringin during the COVID-19 pandemic. As stated

by five interviewees, the understanding of distance learning is distance

learning activities that are carried out indirectly and require the right

media so that learning can take place. However, this distance learning

still has advantages and disadvantages. Based on the results of the

interview, the researcher can give the idea that there are more

disadvantages than advantages. Because this is the first time it has been

implemented in Indonesia, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Another factor that causes the weakness of distance learning in terms of

geography, human resources, and the economy. In terms of

geographical, SMP N 3 Bringin is a suburban school that is far from the

hustle and bustle of the city which causes difficulty in getting signals.

Be short of human resources, is also one of the deficiencies in this

learning process, due to be short of knowledge and financial knowledge

about technology. However, the distance learning process can still take

place even though it has not been maximized.

Second, the implementations of distance learning during the

COVID-19 pandemic must use appropriate strategies and media. The

right strategy according to the results of interviews with five teachers

in SMP N 3 Bringin that can provide motivation, and not burdensome

to students. So, the teacher must be clever in determining the strategy.

For example, a strategy that gives students the task of watching

television and reporting activities through mobile phones (Whatsapp).

Besides being used to report the results of activities, Whatsapp is also

used to receive assignments from the teacher as well as student

feedback in carrying out activities. Other media used by teachers and

students are Google Form, Zoom, Facebook, and YouTube. Google

form is used when learning in the form of writing or essays. Zoom is

used to carry out learning using audiovisual as well as control the

presence of students. Then Facebook and YouTube are complementary

and can deepen the material delivered at a certain time because the

material from Facebook and YouTube can be learned without any time

limit. The teacher hopes that the learning process will continue in the

framework of pursuing strategies and media for distance learning.

Another hope is that the COVID-19 pandemic will soon end, the

learning process will proceed as usual through face to face.



This chapter discusses the conclusion and recommendation. The conclusion

is drawn after getting research findings and data analysis. Furthermore, suggestion

leads further researchers who are interested in doing similar research.

A. Conclusion

Finally, the research comes to the conclusion. Based on the findings

that are discussed, the researcher concludesthat:

1. Understanding of distance learning is distance learning activities carried

out indirectly and requires appropriate media so that learning can take

place. The implementation of distance learning has several advantages and

disadvantages. However, more disadvantages than advantages. This is

because it’s the first time distance learning is carried out during the

COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, other factors that cause the weakness of

distance learning in terms of geography, human resources, and the

economy are still weak. However, learning can still take place even though

the results obtained are not optimal.

2. The implementations of distance learning during COVID-19 pandemics

must use appropriate strategies and media. The right strategy in a COVID-

19 pandemic condition is giving students the task of watching television

and implementing reporting activities via mobile phones (WhatsApp).

Besides being used to report the results of activities, Whatsapp is also used

to receive assignments from the teacher as well as student feedback in

carrying out activities. Other media used by teachers and students are

Google Form, Zoom, Facebook and YouTube. The expectation, of using

strategies and media during COVID-19 can assist in the implementation

of distance learning. Other expectations, pandemic COVID-19 coming to

an end, as a usual learning process through face to face.

B. Recommendation

1. For the teachers

This research provides theories, examples, strategies, and media

related to learning methods used to solve problems in teaching and

learning. The teacher can use this research as reference material to

complete the learning material happening.

2. For the next researchers

This study contributes to the teachers’ implementation of distance

learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, this study provides

examples of teachers' implementation of distance learning if they are

looking for references. Hopefully, this research is able to give inspiration

and guidance for further researchers to be more careful while doing similar

research, especially while analyzing the data. Therefore, the further

research will perform a better comprehension than this research.

3. For the reader

The readers have to study more about the teacher's implementation of

distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research provided

sufficient information to the readers who need to understand about

implementation of distance learning.


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Appendix 1

Documentation of research papers

Nb: sebelum pergantian judul

Appendix 2


Nama Mahasiawa : Aulia Nabilah

NIM : 23030160178
Dosen Pembimbing : Hanung Triyoko, S.S., M.Hum., M.Ed
Judul skripsi pada surat penunjukan pembimbing skripsi :


No. Tanggal Isi Konsultasi Catatan Pembiming Paraf

1. 14-04-2020 Proposal Kirim Proposal

2. 15-04-2020 Proposal Revisi proposal

3. 16-04-2020 Proposal + Chapter 1 ACC proposal + kirim

Chapter 1

4. 17-04-2020 Chapter 1 ACC Chapter 1

5. 22-04-2020 Chapter 2 Kirim Chapter Revisi

6. 23-04-2020 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 (ganti buku

bahasa inggris, menghapus

dan menambahi kata,

menghapus reference)

7. 24-04-2020 Chapter 2 ACC Chapter 2

8. 26-04-2020 Chapter 3 Kirim Chapter 3

9. 01-05-2020 Chapter 3 Revisi Chapter 3

(menghapus dan
menambahi kata,

mengganti kata,

menambahkan table coding

10. 02-05-2020 Chapter 3 dan transkrip wawancara)

11. 05-05-2020 Chapter 4 ACC Chapter 3

Kirim Chapter 4

12. 07-05-2020 Chapter 4 (memperbaiki tatanan data)

Revisi Chapter 4

(memperbaiki kata dan

13. 08-05-2020 Chapter 4 kalimat)

Revisi Chapter 4

(memperbaiki hasil

14. 14-05-2020 Chapter 4 pengolahan data)

Revisi Chapter 4

15. 20-05-2020 Chapter 4 (memperbaiki discussion)

16. 21-05-2020 Chapter 5 ACC Chapter 4

17. 22-05-2020 Chapter 5 Kirim Chapter 5

ACC Chapter 1-5

Appendix 3


Nama : Aulia Nabilah Jurusan : Tadris Bahasa Inggris

NIM : 23030160178 Dosen P.A. : Roko Patria, M.Pd.

No Nama Kegiatan Pelaksanaan Sebagai Nilai

Orientasi Pengenalan
1. Akademik Dan 18-19 Agustus 2016 Peserta 3
Kemahasiswaan (OPAK)
Institut Agama Islam Negeri
Orientasi Pengenalan
2. Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan 22-23 Agustus 2016 Peserta 3
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu
Keguruan IAIN Salatiga
3. Library User Education 30 Agustus 2016 Peserta 3
(Pendidikan Pemustaka)
Seminar Nasional Festival
4. Solidaritas Untuk Petani 18 September 2016 Peserta 8
5. Seminar Nasional Problematika 22 September 2016 Peserta 8
Hakim dan Peradilan
6. Workshop Nasional Pasar 19 Oktober 2016 Peserta 8
Modal Syariah
Seminar Nasional “Internalisasi
7. Nilai-Nilai Pancasila Untuk 10 November 2016 Peserta 8
Mewujudkan Mahasiswa Yang
8. Seminar Nasional Meretas 17 Desember 2016 Peserta 8
Seminar Nasional “Perempuan
9. Indonesia di Mata Hukum dan 21 Desember 2016 Peserta 8
Seminar Internasional Menjadi
10. Mobilepreneur Dalam Era E- 25 April 2017 Peserta 10
In Art and Language
Exhibition 2017 “Kidung
11. Katresnan Dewi Arimbi” 26 April 2017 Peserta 10
Organized byInternasional
Class Program of State Institute
for Islamic StudiesSalatiga

12. Movie Appreciation “Mata 12 Juni 2017 Peserta 3

Appendix 4

Interview Guideline

1. Apa pengertian distance learning menurut bpk/ibu guru?

2. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, bagaimana penerapan mengenai distance learning yang

terjadi selama pandemic COVID-19?

3. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, apa saja keunggulan dari distance learning selama

pandemic COVID-19?

4. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, apa saja kekurangan dari distance learning selama

pandemic COVID-19?

5. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, strategi apa saja yang tepat dalam distance learning

selama pandemic COVID-19?

6. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, media apa saja yang tepat dalam distance learning

selama pandemic COVID-19?

7. Apa saja yang bpk/ibu guru harapkan dengan penerapan distance learning

selama pandemic COVID-19?

Appendix 5

The Data of the Interview Result to the Teachers

Transcript of interview 1

Nama : Drs. Ahmad Zamroni

Jabatan : Kepala Sekolah
Mapel : Bimbingan Konseling
Pelaksanaan : Senin, 04 Mei 2020

1. Apa pengertian distance learning menurut bpk/ibu guru?

- Ya kalau menurut saya, distance learning itu artinya tidak ada tatap muka

secara langsung menggunakan alat berupa teknologi, memakai zoom, skype,

dan media lainnya (AZ: UDL1)

2. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, bagaimana penerapan mengenai distance learning yang

terjadi selama pandemic COVID-19?

- Penerapannya menggunakan media terutama handphone dengan aplikasi

tertentu. Sebelumnya juga harus ada persiapan atau rencana agar kegiatan ini

dapat dilaksanakan serta di akhir kegiatan diberikan penilaian terhadap materi

yang sudah diberikan. (AZ: IDL1)

3. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, apa saja keunggulan dari distance learning selama

pandemic COVID-19?

- Keunggulannya jelas ada, yaitu dengan adanya distance learning siswa tetap

bisa belajar dari control guru, daripada tidak ada pembelajaran. Karena dalam

melaksanakan pembelajaran siswa bisa sambil tiduran, makan, minum, dan

melakukan aktifitas lain. (AZ: ADL1)

4. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, apa saja kekurangan dari distance learning selama

pandemic COVID-19?

- Banyak anak yang tidak punya handphone, waktunya tidak tepat, sinyal, kuota

internet, karena memperlukan kuota yang besar dan ekonomi orang tua siswa

yang tidak semua mampu membelikan kuota kepada anak. (AZ: DDL1)

5. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, strategi apa saja yang tepat dalam distance learning

selama pandemic COVID-19?

- Semua strategi bisa dipakai jika memiliki sinyal dan kuota yang bagus. Sebagai

contoh melihat televisidan memberikan kuota internet melalui dana BOS sesuai

anjuran pemerintahserta strategi menggunakan handphone melalui Whatsapp

dan lainnya.(AZ: SDL1)

6. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, media apa saja yang tepat dalam distance learning

selama pandemic COVID-19?

- Media yang dipakai yaitu tayangan pada televisi, Google Form, Zoom dan

Whatsapp. (AZ: MDL1)

7. Apa saja yang bpk/ibu guru harapkan dengan penerapan distance learning

selama pandemic COVID-19?

- Harapannya siswa dapat terus belajar atau kegiatan belajar mengajar tetap

berjalan walupun dalam keadaan pandemic dengan menggunakan metode

distance learning walaupun tidak maksimal seperti sebelumnya.(AZ: EDL1)

Transcript of interview 2

Nama : Erny Ernawati, S.Pd.

Jabatan : Guru dan Wali Kelas

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Pelaksanaan : Senin, 04 Mei 2020

1. Apa pengertian distance learning menurut bpk/ibu guru?

- Distance learning menurut saya yaitu pembelajaran dengan jarak jauh, yang

mestinya dilakukan dengan tidak tatap muka atau secara offline. (EE: UDL2)

2. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, bagaimana penerapan mengenai distance learning yang

terjadi selama pandemic COVID-19?

- Penerapan ya yang pertama tentu saja persiapan atau rencana berupa RPP

mbak, sehingga guru dapat memberikan tugas dan materi melalui alat

komunikasi berupa video, teks, rekaman dan lainnya serta dapat memberi

penilaian yang sekarang sudah diterapkan di SMP N 3 Bringin.(EE: IDL2)

3. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, apa saja keunggulan dari distance learning selama

pandemic COVID-19?

- Keunggulannya siswa atau guru tidak terpatok pada waktu, kemudian di dalam

pembelajaran tidak dibatasi oleh ruang karena lebih bebas, relax, sehingga

tujuannya bisa lebih bagus lagi. Juga merupakan pengalaman baru untuk guru

dan siswa. (EE: ADL2)

4. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, apa saja kekurangan dari distance learning selama

pandemic COVID-19?
- Kekurangan jelas banyak sekali, dari segi sosial ekonomi siswa di SMP N 3

Bringin tingkat ekomoni rendah sehingga menghambat karena kurangnya

sarana prasarana. Sarana prasarana yaitu HP, kuota, sinyal, dan terkadang

siswa tidak bisa memahami materi dengan baik.(EE: DDL2)

5. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, strategi apa saja yang tepat dalam distance learning

selama pandemic COVID-19?

- Sebetulnya salah satu cara yang sudah diberikan yaitu dengan memberikan

bantuan pulsa kepada peserta didik melalui dana BOS. Menonton televisi bisa

dilakukan untuk murid yang tidak memiliki handphone, sehingga murid tetap

bisa belajar dirumah. (EE: SDL2)

6. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, media apa saja yang tepat dalam distance learning

selama pandemic COVID-19?

- Yang sudah diterapkan itu ada Google Form, Zoom, dan cara berkomunikasi

tetap menggunakan Whatsapp sih ya dan untuk memantau respon murid

juga.(EE: MDL2)

7. Apa saja yang bpk/ibu guru harapkan dengan penerapan distance learning

selama pandemic COVID-19?

- Dengan adanya distance learning, guru dituntut untuk kreatif dengan

menemukan hal-hal baru agar siswa dapat belajar sesuai dengan apa yang

diharapkan, sehingga apa yang kita lakukan selama pandemic ini bisa

maksimal. Intinya pembelajaran berjalan dan hasil bisa sesuai dengan yang

diharapkan. Tetapi saya juga berharap semoga pandemic segera berakhir. (EE:

Transcript of interview 3

Nama : Siti Aliyah, S.Pd

Jabatan : Wakil Kepala Sekolah

Mapel : Bahasa Indonesia

Pelaksanaan : Kamis, 30 April 2020

1. Apa pengertian distance learning menurut bpk/ibu guru?

- Distance learning adalah suatu kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilakukan secara

jarak jauh, tidak dengan tatap muka atau biasa disebut dengan PJJ dan tidak

dibatasi oleh ruang dan waktu tertentu. Yaitu bahwa siswa tidak harus

menempati ruang tertentu dalam waktu yang terbatas,.(SA: UDL3)

2. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, bagaimana penerapan mengenai distance learning yang

terjadi selama pandemic COVID-19?

- Menurut saya, penerapan distance learning harus melalui beberapa proses

antara lain diperlukannya persiapan, pelaksanaan serta evaluasi yang pada

dasarnya hampir sama dengan kegiatan pembelajaran pada umumnya,

perbedaannya terletak pada pelaksanaannya saja.(SA: IDL3)

3. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, apa saja keunggulan dari distance learning selama

pandemic COVID-19?

- Untuk keunggulan yang pertama yaitu hemat waktu karena anak memperlukan

waktu untuk kesekolah. Kedua, siswa dan guru tidak langsung bertatap muka,

jadi kita tetap menjaga jarak aman. Kemudian dapat dijadikan pengalaman

baru dalam proses pembelajaran. (SA: ADL3)

4. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, apa saja kekurangan dari distance learning selama

pandemic COVID-19?

- Sebenarnya tidak semua guru atau siswa memiliki pengetahuan tentang

teknologi yang memadai untuk melakukan distance learning. Karena

pengalaman pertama kegiatan distance learning ini masih memunculkan

kesulitan antara lain belum semua siswa memiliki HP android. Karena

kegiatan ini tidak ditentukan ruang dan waktu maka guru tidak bisa langsung

bertatap muka dengan siswa. Kegiatan distance learning ini kurang bisa

mengontrol siswa sehingga nilai karakter siswa belum nampak jelas.

Membutuhkan biaya (kuota).(SA: DDL3)

5. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, strategi apa saja yang tepat dalam distance learning

selama pandemic COVID-19?

- Strategi yang sesuai dengan kondisi saat ini antara lain dengan menonton

tayangan televise sebagai anjuran pemerintah, kemudian siswa diberikan

bantuan pulsa agar tetap bisa belajar melalui dana BOS. (SA: SDL3)

6. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, media apa saja yang tepat dalam distance learning

selama pandemic COVID-19?

- Yang paling mudah itu dengan melihat televisi TVRI pada jam tertentu sesuai

kelasnya, tetapi bisa juga menggunakan internet seperti YouTube, Google

Form dan juga pastinya menggunakan Whatsapp.(SA: MDL3)

7. Apa saja yang bpk/ibu guru harapkan dengan penerapan distance learning

selama pandemic COVID-19?

- Karena pandemic ini masalah global yang tidak tau sampai kapan akan

berakhir, setidaknya untuk pembelajaran tetap bisa berjalan dengan

menggunakan metode distance learning. Murid dapat memahami pentingnya

teknologi, karena selama pandemic tidak bisa melaksanakan pembelajaran

tanpa media sehingga walaupun menggunakan IT pembelajaran tetap bisa

berjalan dan semoga pandemic bisa segera berakhir. (SA: EDL3)

Transcript of interview 4

Nama : Eko Endarmoko, S.Kom.

Jabatan : Kepala Lab. Komputer

Mapel : TIK
Pelaksanaan : Senin, 04 Mei 2020

1. Apa pengertian distance learning menurut bpk/ibu guru?

- Distance learning dari arti bahasa itu belajar dengan jarak jauh, dalam

penerapan pendidikan itu dapat diartikan sebagai belajar namun tidak dapat

bertatap muka. Dapat diartikan juga sebagai pembelajan yang melibatkan

telekomunikasi untuk menghubungkan guru dan peseta didik.(EE: UDL4)

2. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, bagaimana penerapan mengenai distance learning yang

terjadi selama pandemic COVID-19?

- Dari pendapat saya, penerapan distance learning untuk saat ini yaitu guru

melakukan persiapan, kemudian adanya alat komunikasi untuk mendukung

pelaksanaan distance learning. (ED: IDL4)

3. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, apa saja keunggulan dari distance learning selama

pandemic COVID-19?

- Emm kelebihannya ya dapat meningkatkan atau menambah ilmu informatika

baik bagi guru maupun siswa. Menambah pengalaman baru baik bagi siswa

maupun guru dalam kegiatan pembelajaran jarak jauh ini karena baru pertama

kali. Tidak dibatasi ruang dan waktu karena dilaksanakan dimana saja tidak

harus dalam ruang tertentu dan waktu tertentu. Lalu bisa menjaga kesehatan
sesuai anjuran pemerintah dengan mengerjakan kegiatan dari rumah”.(ED:


4. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, apa saja kekurangan dari distance learning selama

pandemic COVID-19?

- Menurut saya ada tiga kekurangan dalam distance learning. Pertama,

kekuragan dari guru, kedua dari siswa dan yang ketiga dari bahannya. Guru

tidak maksimal menggunakan distance learning dengan baik. Siswa tidak

semua bisa menggunakan distance learning karena ada siswa yang punya

kebutuhan khusus, dan tidak semua siswa mempunyai hp, laptop. Terutama

sinyal yang tidak terpenuhi. (ED: DDL4)

5. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, strategi apa saja yang tepat dalam distance learning

selama pandemic COVID-19?

- Strategi yang jelas disesuaikan dengan kondisi sih ya, bisa dengan menyimak,

menggunakan televisi, menggunakan Google Drive, Google Form dan

bagaimana mengelola siswa dengan baik.(ED: SDL4)

6. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, media apa saja yang tepat dalam distance learning

selama pandemic COVID-19?

- Menggunakan Whatsapp, Facebook, Google Form. Tapi yang paling efektif

yaitu menggunakan Whatsapp yang siswa bisa langsug bertanya kepada

guru.(ED: MDL4)
7. Apa saja yang bpk/ibu guru harapkan dengan penerapan distance learning

selama pandemic COVID-19?

- Tetap menjaga jarak aman, semoga pandemi saat ini segera berakhir dan

kegiatan pembelajaran jarak jauh ini tidak sepenuhnya diberlakukan secara

menyeluruh. Hanya materi tertentu saja. (ED: EDL4)

Transcript of interview 5

Nama : Aang Hunaefi, S.Pd.

Jabatan : Guru dan Wali Kelas

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Pelaksanaan : Senin, 04 Mei 2020

1. Apa pengertian distance learning menurut bpk/ibu guru?

- Distance learning bisa diartikan belajar berdasarkan jarak. Sehingga guru dan

murid tidak bisa bertatapmuka ketika belajar. (AH: UDL5)

2. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, bagaimana penerapan mengenai distance learning yang

terjadi selama pandemic COVID-19?

- Persiapan antara guru dan murid yang kemudian diikuti oleh teknologi yaitu

peserta didik harus memiliki handphone untuk pembelajaran distance

learning. Penerapan distance learning selama pandemic di SMP N 3 Bringin

sudah berjalan dan hampir semua guru menggunakan penerapan yang sama.

(AH: IDL5)

3. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, apa saja keunggulan dari distance learning selama

pandemic COVID-19?

- Kalau keunggulanya yang jelas semua pihak diwajibkan untuk “melek IT” ya

karena harus mengerti teknologi untuk pembelajaran. Dan juga merupakan

pengalaman baru to buat guru maupun untuk murid.(AH: ADL5)

4. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, apa saja kekurangan dari distance learning selama

pandemic COVID-19?
- Banyak siswa yg kurang faham atas materi yang kita ajarkan, kurangnya

interaksi, tidak semua siswa memiliki handphone, susah sinyal, minimal kuota

internet, dan siswa bisa mengakses hal yang tidak seharusnya diakses. (AH:


5. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, strategi apa saja yang tepat dalam distance learning

selama pandemic COVID-19?

- Kita harus membuat materi kepada siswa yang mudah dan simple menurut

kemampuan siswa. Jadi guru bisa menyediakan animasi atau video untuk

metode pembelajan distance learning. Sehingga siswa tidak bosan. (AH:


6. Menurut bpk/ibu guru, media apa saja yang tepat dalam distance learning

selama pandemic COVID-19?

- Tayangan televisi sebagai media, google form, video melalui whatsapp group,

dan terkadang menggunakan youtube. (AH: MDL5)

7. Apa saja yang bpk/ibu guru harapkan dengan penerapan distance learning

selama pandemic COVID-19?

- Saya berharap adanya materi dari pemerintah atau pusat yang memiliki

gambaran terhadap materi atau kisi-kisi selama distance learning dan semoga

segera selesai, lekas berhenti, sehat, sehingga pembelajaran bisa berjalan

seperti biasanya. (AH: EDL5)

Appendix 6

Coding of Sources

No Sources Codes
1 Achmad Zamroni AZ
2 Erny Ernawati EE
3 Siti Aliyah SA
4 Eko Endarmoko EE
5 Aang Hunaify AH

Interview Results Table

No Coding Interview result Coding Explanation

Understanding of Teacher's explanation of
distance learning the understanding of
distance learning
Implementing Teacher's explanation of
2 IDL distance learning the application of distance
during the learning during COVID-19
Advantages of Teacher's explanation of
distance learning the advantages of distance
learning during COVID-19
Disadvantages of Teacher's explanation of
distance learning the disadvantages of
distance learning during
COVID-19 pandemic
Strategies used in The teacher's explanation
distance learning of the strategy in distance
learning during COVID-19
Media used in The teacher's explanation
distance learning of the media in distance
learning during COVID-19
Teacher's explanation of
Expectations used
7 EDL the expectations of
in distance
implementing distance
learning during the
COVID-19 pandemic
Appendix 7

Documentation of Interview

Drs. Ahmad Zamroni, S.Pd.

Erny Ernawati, S.Pd.

Siti Aliyah, S.Pd.

Eko Endarmoko, S.Kom.

Aang Hunaefi, S.Pd.


Personal Details

Full Name : Aulia Nabilah

Sex : Female

Place, Date of Birth : Kab. Semarang, January 27th 1997

Religion : Moslem

Address : Kesongo Lor, RT.01 RW. 02 No.10 Kec. Tuntang

Kab. Semarang. 50773.

E-mail :

Hp : 08812435847

Education Background

2004 – 2006 : TK Sultan Fattah Salatiga

2006 – 2011 : SD Muhammadiyah (Plus) Salatiga

2011 – 2013 : SMP Negeri 3 Bringin

2013 – 2016 : SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga

2016 – 2020 : English Education Department, of Institute for

Islamic Studies IAN Salatiga.

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