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Answer Form for assignments of Film Tragedy of Commons and Beautiful Mind

Your Group Name: Syndicate Group 4

Members who participate in this assignment:

No Name

1 Akhmad Fahmi Hikmatiyar

2 Fadhila Nurfida Hanif

3 Fatati
4 Febriany Martiana Nasel

5 Linda Octaviani

A. Tragedy of Commons
a. Why does the Tragedy happen?
⮚ Answer:
 Tragedy happens because each individual is only concerned with the maximum
benefit of himself. Each individual is only concerned with his profit and this can
only benefit them in a short-term goal on shared limited resources or common
goods and gives negative impact to population.
 In the Theory Tragedy of Commons, Garrett Hardin addresses the conflict
between the short-term interest of individuals and the long-term welfare of the

b. Can you find examples of Tragedy of Common around you?

⮚ Answer:
 Clean ground water shortage due to real estate development
 Parking lot in BPOM office
 Land exploitation due to Palm plantation which causes damage to soil quality in
the future
 Gold mining in Papua
 Panic buying in all sorts of essentials and non-essentials in pandemic condition for

c. How to prevent the tragedy?

⮚ Answer:
 Forming social contract
 Making communal agreement
 Electing government who prioritize the public interest rather than personal or
group interest
 Build the mindset in community that what the best for group or society is also the
best for each individual
B. Beautiful Mind
a. What are the barriers to improve coordination?
⮚ Answer:
 Individual goals related to personal motivation which will hinder mutual
agreement/common goals if each individual insists on maintaining their respective
goals (especially those that create conflict) rather than group goals
 Lack of Trust
 Communication preferences
 Different backgrounds of team members

b. Give example(s) around you, how the barriers inhibit the coordination!
⮚ Answer:
 Individual goals: differences motivation on workplace about work-life balance
 Lack of Trust: suspicious each other when doing a project in team
 Communication preferences:
Some team members may prefer telephone conversation while others prefer
email. The telephone is a great tool for urgent conversation but suffers from not
knowing if the other person will be available to pick up the call when you need a
quick reply to a question
 Different backgrounds of team members
Representatives of the multi team represented a wide range of experience and
capabilities, from novice to expert. This led to some difficulties in coordination.

c. What is negotiation?
⮚ Answer:
Negotiation is the way to make an agreement with other to achieve mutual benefit
(win-win solution)

d. What is the role of negotiation to improve coordination?

⮚ Answer:
Role of negotiation is to achieve the best solution to the team, as a communication
medium to convey options and decisions, determine the strategy either in the
present or in the future, add new insights

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