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The Physical Education program in all levels is composed of two (2) closely
related areas;
1. Instructional Phase - regular class program
2. Recreational Phase - extra-class program

I- Regular Class Program

A. Core Activities- the main activities which are introduce to carry out the objectives
of the program.
B. Related Activities- the co-curricular activities which are scheduled to ENRICH the
learning experiences of the child.
C. Adaptive Activities- especially designed or selected activities for those learners
who DEVIATE from the normal children.

II- Recreational or Extra-Class Program

A. Intramurals- competitions of teams within the same school (dance intramurals;

gymnastics; sports)
B. Extramurals - competition of teams from different schools (district meet; inter-
schools games, etc)
C. Field Mass Demonstration - a kind of activity where most if not all the children in
the school take part for the purpose of INFORMING the public of the PE activities in a
particular season of the school calendar.
D. Exhibit Groups - specially trained children for performance on certain occasions
(gymnastic troupe. Folk dance troupe, varsity teams; recital in musical instrunsments
like piano, trumphet, drumline)


Physical Education activities are specifically classified into six (6) main categories;

1. Developmental Activities
2. Simple Games
3. Rhythmic Activities
4. Gymnastics
5. Sports Type Games (Lead-Up Games)
6. Athletic Sports

I-Developmental Activities- These contributes to the NORMAL GROWTH and health

of the learners and which enhances the development of the further SKILLS.
- It also help in the acquisitation and development of certain qualities of physical
* strength
* agility
* flexibility
* balance & equilibrium
* speed

A. Perceptual Motor Activities - develop neuro-muscular coordination to attain

competency in managing his own body.

- Right-left discriminition
- Directionality (forward, backward, sideward)
- Laterally (unilateral, bilateral, cross-lateral)
- Spatial orientation (moving with partners; moving with a group)
- Balancing
- Manipulative activties for eye-hand; eye-foot; ear-foot coordination

B. Posture and Body Mechanics

-Posture refers to the habitual or assumed alignment and balance of the
body segments while standing, sitting, kneeling, or lying)
- Body Mechanics is the use of the body which has its basis in good posture.

C. Basic Movement Skills - these includes the LOCOMOTOR and NON-LOCOMOTOR



Walking strechchjing-bending
Running pushing-pulling
Hopping swaying-swinging
Jumping rotating - circling
Skipping percussive
Galloping vibratory
Leaping shaking - twisting
Sliding sustained

II-Simple Games
It refers to games of LOW ORGANIZATION or quickly organized games, The
players may or may not be in formal formation. Under this category are:
A. Story plays- for young children (kinder) interpretation of a make-belive story or
incident in life.
B. Simple ORiented Games -It has meaningful application of a basic movements skills
such as walking, running, jumping, etc. (immitation of animal movements; vehicles,
C. Relays and Races
-Relay race is a special form of a simple organized game which involves
the competition of two or more groups or teams.

III-Rhythmic Activities
It refers to those activities where an individual RESPONDS PHYSICALLY and
EMOTIONALLY to MUSIC or any rhythmic accompaniment.
A. Fundamental rhythm - combination of locomotor movement s structured and
organized to form natural dances.
B. Rhythmic Interpretations - (Dramatized rhythm) It is purely immitative
movements(mimetics) to portray the thoughts or IDEAS of a NURSERY rhyme; poem;
C. Singing Games - It has both the song and the game elements.
D. Folk Dances - traditional dances that express the thoughts, ideas. And feelings of a
group of people in a particular place.
E. Other Dance Forms -These includes dance mixers; jazz; modern dances; social and
ballroom dancing.

Bodily exercises or FEATS (efforts) of performance which are based on
specific principles. These includes:
1. Self-testing Activities- to test ability of performers in executing dificult
bodily movements;
A. Individual (duck walk; dog run; crab walk; coffee grinder)
B. Dual or COUPLE (wheelborrow; siamese twins; chinese get-up)
C. GROUP (walking chair; skin snake; the clock; merry-go-round)
D. COMBATIVE (rooster fight, tug-of-war)
E. Stunt Race - conducted in form of a race or competition (crab walk race;
wheelborrow race)

* TUMBLING - body-rolling movements

- forward roll
- backward roll
- cart-wheel
- egg roll

* PYRAMID BUILDING - a grouping of two ormore in a symmetrical position;

* holding one’s self in a position for a minute or two

2. Conditioning Exercises.- primarily aimed to TONE-UP and strengthen

the MUSCLES for the improvement and maintenance of physical fitness.
There are three (3) types of conditioing exrecises:
A. ISOTONIC (Calisthenics or free-hand exercises)
B. ISOMETRIC (muscles are made to undergo TENSIONS in a certain position for
sometime to develop muscular strength.
C. AEROBIC -very vigorous movements are performed, such as brisk walking,
jogging, running or skipping. (good for the lungs and heart)
3. Apparatus Exercises - exercise performed with light equipment such as
rings; wands; dumbells; balls
* heavy apparatuses like balance beam; vaulting horse; trampoline;
parallel bars, etc.

V-Sports-type Games
It is sometimes called LEAD-UP games or games of high organization. These
invloved the basic skills used or needed in a particular sports like volleyball;
basketball; footbal. Etc.

VI- Athletic Sports

*It refers to traditional ganmes which are HIGHLY ORGANIZED and which are
governed by complex RULES and REGULATIONS:

A. Team Sports
B. Individual-Dual Sports
C. Track and Field
D. Swimming

LSPU 2021

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