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TABLE OF CONTENT……………………………………………………..………..i

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………1

1.1 Background of the study………………...…………………………….1

1.2 The problem of the study……………………………………………...2
1.3 The objective of the study……………………………………………..2
1.4 The significant of the study……………………………………………3
1.5 The scope of the study ………………………………………………..4


2.1 Morpheme……………………………………………………………..5
2.1.1 Types of Morphemes…………………………………………….6 Free morpheme ……………………………………………....6 Bound morpheme ………………..…………………...……...7
2.2 Affixes ………………………………………………………….……..7
2.2.1 Inflectional Affixes………………………………………………8
2.2.2 Derivational affixes ……………………………………………..8 Prefix…………………………………………………………..9 Suffixes………………………………………………………..10


3.1 Research Design ……………………..………………………………...11

3.2 The Source of Data……………………………………………………..11
3.3 The Techniques of Data Collection ……………………………………12
3.4 The Techniques of Data Analysis………………………………………13

1.1 Background of the study

Language is a very important means of human communication. Without language, it is

troublesome for people to communicate and express sentiments through human thoughts,
suppositions, and sentiments since language is additionally vital for the advancement of
information. This information is communicated within the shape of language so that this world
cannot be isolated by implies of communication. The world is composed of thousands of
languages, each of which has its possess one-of-a-kind characteristics and structure. English is a
universal language that's utilized by the world as a binding together dialect between nations so
that English is exceptionally imperative, particularly in a period that's exceptionally quickly
creating. Subsequently, the significance of language learning points to extend information and
data from different national sources.

The purpose of teaching foreign language, in this case, English is to master the four language
skills by which learner uses for holding communication with the speaking English people. A
person's language ability can be assessed from four skills, namely the ability to speaking,
listening, writing and listening. For the four skills above, the people should fulfill the language
components such as the knowledge of structure, pronunciation, and vocabulary. Teaching
grammar is also very important to learn because by knowing the structures of the language we
better understand the meaning of these word.

According to Napa (1991, p. 6) states one of the components of a language is vocabulary and
without words the language will not exist. He further explains that there are three main areas in
studying vocabulary; they are lexical meaning, contextual clues, and structural analysis.
According Lieber (2009: 2), Morphology is the study of words and how to utilize words/word
structures in sentences depending on how to utilize sentence structure. In morphology,
morphemes are crucial variables. Phonetically, a morpheme alludes to the littlest shape of a word
which bargains for the most part with the linguistic structure comprising the word. Concurring to
Rachmadie (1990: 31) says that affixes that change the part of speech of the roots or bases are
derivational affixes. Based on the above understanding, the writer concludes that the affixes are
part of morphology. In general, affixation which regularly includes prefixation and suffixation
may be a profitable word-formation prepares in English. A few minor word-formation forms,
such as back-formation and initialism, are categorized as useless. There are some ways to enrich
our vocabulary. One of them is by reading. It can be by reading book, short story, newspaper,
fable or even novel.

A novel is a long narrative that contains words and word structures. A novel may have
complex themes, many characters of various atmospheres. The novel can be divided into three
themes. They are romantic novels, adventure novels and fantasy novels (Sumardjo & Saini 1991:
29). Novel is a medium to improve reading and the ability to analyze the structure of words.

Regarding the enrichment of vocabulary items, there are many strategies that can be
implemented, such as reading a novel or short story, listening to music, and watching a movie. In
this study, the researchers consider that reading is one of the best ways to enhance vocabulary
items. So in analysis, the researcher uses under currents novel by Nora Robert source, because
from this novel we can increase our knowledge of history, culture and science and there are
many derivational affixes. The writers conclude that morphology is the study of how words are
structured and affixes can be categorized as the structure of word. Therefore, there is relationship
between morphology and affixes in building a new word.

1.2 Problems of the Study

The problems discussed in the present study are:

1.2.1 What are the derivational affixes found in “under currents” novel written by
Nora Robert?
1.2.2 What are the meanings of inflectional and derivational affixation found in
“under currents” novel written by Nora Robert?
1.3 the objective of the study
1.3.1 To know the derivational affixes in “under currents” Novel written by Nora
1.3.2 To know the meanings of inflectional and derivational affixation found in “under
currents” novel written by Nora Robert.

1.4 the scope of the study

In general, people love reading the novel but they tend to read it, not to observe it. They
do not know and learn on the affixation inside the novel. So the scope of the study, the
writer has a limited the problem of the study. Here, the writer analyzed the derivational
affixes in under currents Novel by Nora Robert and the meanings of inflectional and
derivational affixation found in “under currents” novel written by Nora Robert. We can
find the novel from
roberts/ . The writer analyzes all the novel which are the beginning of the story, rising the
case and the solution to find out the structure of words that consist of the roots of words
and derivational affixes in “under currents” novel written by Nora Robert.

1.5 The significant of the study

Theoretically, this study is expected to enrich the reader’s knowledge about derivational
affixes in “under currents” novel written by Nora Robert. So that the reader can
understand and know more on an analysis of inflectional and derivational affixes in
“under currents” novel written by Nora Robert. To other researcher, by reading this
research, other researcher can get some knowledge and inspiration to conduct a deep in
going research of inflectional and derivational affixation.

This chapter is going to write the statement of any literature that have something to do
with this research.

2.1 Morpheme

According to Rachmadie (1990: 9) morpheme is the smallest parts of word. The concept
of morpheme differ form the concept word, as may morpheme cannot stand as words on their
own. A morpheme is free if it can stand alone, or bound if it is used exclusively alongside a free
morpheme. Such as /-s/, /-ly/, /im- /, /un-/ are called bound morpheme.

Words are potentially complex units, composed of even more basic units, called
morphemes. A morpheme is the smallest part of a word that has grammatical function or
meaning. For example, sawed, sawn, sawing and saws can all be analyzed into the morphemes.
Saw can occur on its own as a word; it does not have to be attached to another morpheme. It is a
free morpheme. However, none of the other morphemes listed just above is free. Each must be
affixed (attached) to some other unit; each can only occur as a part of a word. Morphemes that
must be attached as word parts are said to be bound morpheme.

For example: the word “unbreakable” has three morphemes “un- (meaning not X) a
bound morpheme, “-break-“a free morpheme and “-able”. “un-“ is also a prefix, “-able” is a
suffix. Both are affixes. Based on the statement above, the writer concludes that morpheme is the
smallest part of construct words.

Based on the definition above it can be conclude that Morpheme is a meaningful of

linguistics unit consisting of a word (such as dog; is a word) or a word element (such as the –s at
the end of dogs). Morpheme can be classified as either free or bound form.

2.1.1 Free Morpheme

Free morpheme is a morpheme that can stand alone as an independent word. A
morpheme which can be used on its own is called free morpheme (Richard, 1985:31). While
Sibarani (2001:23) says “Free morphemes are linguistic which can be used on its own or which
can exist as independent word”. For example, horse, red, drive. Katamba (1993:41) stated that
many words contain a root standing on its own. Roots, which are capable of standing
independently, are called free morpheme.

2.1.2 Bound Morpheme

Another type of morpheme is the bound morpheme, which occurs only when attached to
another morpheme. In other words, bound morpheme is dependent form. Katamba (1993:42)
stated on his book while only roots can be free morphemes 7 all roots are free. Many roots are
incapable of occurring in isolation. They always occur with some other word-building elements
combine to them. Another definition still comes from Lieber (2009: 33). He argued that bound
morpheme come in different varieties such as prefixes and suffixes; the former are bound
morphemes that come before the base of the word and one more comes after the base.

2.2 Affixes

Affixes are the part of morpheme. Affixes could be added to other morpheme (base/root)
which is constructing a word formation and new meaning. According to Fromkin (2013:40)
affixes are bound morpheme that may attach at the beginning, the end, in the middle, or both at
the beginning and the end of a word. Rachmadie (1990:13) adds that morpheme as the basic for
words are sometimes called roots or base. Thus, morphemes such as happy, quick, tidy, print are
roots. Furthermore, morpheme such as –ly, ness, un-, ir- is non roots. They are usually called

According to Plag(2003:72) Affix is a bound morpheme that attaches to bases. Although

this seems like a clear definition, there are at least two major problems. First, it is not always
easy to say whether something is a bound morpheme or a free morpheme, and second, it is not
always obvious whether something should be regarded as a base or an affix.

Carstairs (2002:20) states that An umbrella term for prefixes and suffixes (for all
morphemes that are not roots) is affix.Affixes are indeed always bound, but it is not the case that
roots are always free.According to Booij (2005:75) Complex words may contain more thanone
prefix or suffix, and we would therefore like to know which principles govern the order of
affixes. In the other word Katamba (1994: 44) states an affix is a morpheme, which only occur
when attached to some other morpheme before a root (or stem or base) like re-, un-, and in-.
Prefixes occur before other morpheme. For example prefix un-, pre- (unnecessary, premeditate,
prejudge), and bi- (bipolar, bisexual). Zapata (2007:2) states that according to the function,
affixes fulfill in the language, affixes are classified into derivational affixes (derivational
morphemes or derivations) and inflectional affixes (inflectional morphemes or inflections).

2.2.1 Inflectional Affixes

Inflectional affixes are some affixes when attach the root or base do not change the part
of speech of the root and they do not create a new word. The only have certain grammatical
function (Rahmadie, 1990:31). Here are some examples of grammatical categories that are
expressed by inflectional affixes that are: Aspect, Case, Modality, Number, Person, Tense and

a. Plural form, such as:

-s book-books
-en ox-oxen

b. Possession, such as:

Nora’s house
Student’s shoes
Dog’s tail

c. Third singular verb maker, for example:

My sister always eats an apple every morning.
Ann goes to school early.
Bill never reads newspapers

d. Tense maker, for example:

Nora’s uncle worked hard yesterday. (Past tense)
I have studied the lesson. (Past participle)
We are walking around the field. (Present progressive)

2.2.2 Derivational Affixes

Derivational is the process by which a new word is built from a root or base, usually
through the addition of an affix. This process changes into different word class and meaning. All
English prefixes and most suffixes are derivational.
The basic function of derivational processes is to enable the language user to make new lexemes.
Lexemes belong to lexical categories such as Noun, Verb, and Adverb and the derived lexemes
may belong to a different category than their bases (Booij, 2005:54).

Derivational affixes have a special characteristic. According to Rachmadie (1990:23), the

characteristics of derivational affixes are:
1. The words with which derivational suffixes combine are an arbitrary matter. To make a
noun from the verb adorn we must add the suffix “-ment” and no other suffix will do,
whereas the verb fail combines only with “-ure” to make a noun failure. Yet the employ
may use the different suffixes “-ment”, “-er”, “-ee” to make three nouns with different
meaning (employment, employer, employee).

2. In many case, but not all, derivational suffixes changes the part of speech of the word to
which it is added. The noun act becomes an adjective by addition of “–ive”, and to the
adjective active we could add “-ate”, making it verb activate.

3. Derivational suffixes usually do not close off a word, that is after a derivational suffix
you can sometimes add another derivational suffix and next, if required. For example, to
the word fertilizer

The function of certain derivational affixes is to create new base forms (new stems) that other
derivational or inflectional affixes can attach too. There are the functions of derivational affixes
that will be analyzed. Prefix

Prefixation is the process which an affix attached in front of the base.Obee (2002:119)
Prefixes indicate changes in meaning but do not usually indicate a change in the part speech of
the word, e.g. clean (v) – reclean (v); clean (adj) – unclean (adj).
Haspelmath (2010:20) States that prefix is affix that precede the mainpart of the word.
For example un- in unhappy. According to (Plag, 2003:98-99) the prefixes of English can be
classified semantically into the following groups.

First, there is a large group that quantify over their base words meaning, for example,
‘one’ (uni-, unilateral, unification), ‘twice or two’ (bi-, bilateral, bifurcation and di-, disyllabic,
ditransitive), ‘many’ (multi-, multipurpose, multilateral and poly-, polysyllabic, polyclinic),
‘half’ (semi, semiconscious, semidesert), ‘all’ (omni, omnipotent, omnipresent), ‘small’ (micro,
microsurgical, microwave), ‘large’(macro, macroeconomics, macrobiotic), ‘toexcess’(hyper-,
hyperactive, hypermarket and over, overestimate, overtax), ‘not sufficiently’ (undernourish,

Second, there are prefixes expressing notions like ‘before’ (ante-, pre-, and fore-, as in
antechamber, antedate, preconcert, predetermine, premedical,forefather, foresee), ‘after’ (post-,
poststructuralism, postmodify, postmodern), or ‘new’ (neo-, neoclassical, Neo-Latin). A fourth
group consists of prefixes expressing negation (a(n)-, de-, dis-, in-, non-, un-; see below for

From the definition above, the researcher concludes that prefix is an affix whis is placed
before a stem of a word. In other words prefix is some variable in the beginning of the world in
order to create a new word with a different meaning. For example, when prefix un- is added to
the word happy, it creates the new word unhappy. Every prefix has a meaning. Likes prefix
‘un’means ‘not’. So, unhappy means not happy. Suffixes

Suffixation is the process which an affix is attached in the end of the base. Obee
(2002:119) suffixes usually indicate a different part of speech, e.g. clean (adj or v) – cleaner (n) –
cleanliness (n).

From the theories above, the researcher concludes that suffix is an affix which is placed
after the stem of the word. In others word suffix is some variable in the end of a root world to
make a new word. For example, ‘comfort’ is a root word. By adding the suffix ‘able’ you can
make new words such as ‘comfortable. Adding suffixes to words can change or add to their
meaning. But they can also show how a word will be used in a sentence and what part of speech
the word belongs to (eg noun, verb, adjective).


In this research, the writer will describe the research method that consists of four sections
namely research design, the source of data, the techniques of data collection, and the techniques
of data analysis.

3.1 research Design

The research will apply qualitative research methods. Bodgan and Biklen in Sugiyono
(2010:21) qualitative research have some characteristics, that is:

a) Qualitative research has the natural setting as the direct source of the data and researcher
is the key instrument,
b) Qualitative research is descriptive. The data collected is in the form of words of pictures
rather than number,
c) Qualitative research are concerned with process rather than simply with outcomes or

Based on the definition above, qualitative research is one of research method which has
purpose to get understanding about reality through inductively think process. Through qualitative
research, the researcher can identify subject, feel what she does in daily activities.

3.2 Data and Data Sources

Arikunto (2010:172) states that data source is the subject from which the data are
obtained. There are two data resources, namely primary data and secondary data. Primary data is
the data obtained directly by the researcher, whereas secondary data is data that obtained by the
second part.

In this research, the sources of data refers to the subject from which data is obtained. The
data can be found in words. The sources of data in this research were the novel from Nora Robert
as the primary data.

3.3 Data Collection Method

Data collection is important to determine the result of the study. Here are some ways that
the researcher used to get the data:

3.4Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the researcher will analyze the data. Data analysis is an
important step in a research because the result of the analysis will answer the research questions.
Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2014:31-32) consider that analysis in qualitative research is
divided into three steps occurring together, they are data condensation, data display, and drawing
and verifying conclusions. In this research the data will be analyzed through the following

a) Data condensation

Data condensation is the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and

transforming of rough data appeared from notes written in the field. By condensing, it makes the
data stronger. Data condensation is not something separated from analysis. Data condensation is
a form of analysis that sharpens, sorts, focuses, discards, and organizes data in such a way that
“final” conclusions can be drawn and verified. The following is the process of data condensation:

1) Selecting, the researcher selects the data from the articles in Jakarta Post newspaper .
Universitas Sumatera Utara
2) Focusing, in this stage the researcher focused in the articles as object of data.
3) Simplifying, convert the data is to simplify the data into words. The words contain
derivational affixes.
4) Abstracting, in the process abstracting the data that have been collected, evaluated
especially those containing of derivational affixes.
5) Transforming, after abstracting the data will be analyzed by selecting every word related
to the derivational affixes. The selection of the data will be based on derivational affixes.

b) Data display

After data condensation, the next step is data display. Data display is an organized,
compressed assembly of information that allows conclusion drawing and verifying activity. The
researcher presents the data in analysis, which showed in the form of table in appendix, to make
it easy to understand by the readers. The following steps will be conducted by the researcher in
presenting data: first, grouping the data into prefix and suffix. Second, find out the differences of
the derivational affixes in the articles of Jakarta Post newspaper.

c. Drawing and verifying conclusions

Drawing or verifying conclusions is one of the important steps in this research. This is a
way to know the result of the study. Here, the researcher makes conclusions after completely
identifying derivational affixes and describing the differences of the derivational affixes found in
the articles of Jakarta Post newspaper.

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