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Student: Petimat Gebertaeva

Childhood In my
opinion, all
your fans
-In my opinion, all your fans would be interested to
know about your childhood, Elon. Tell me, what was
your childhood like?

- I had a very ordinary childhood. I would even say

that it was heavy. My parents divorced in 1979. It was
difficult for my mother to feed her three children. I
have a brother, Kimbal, and a sister, Tosca. We didn't
even have enough money to get a haircut, so my
mother cut our hair herself. We had to fight for a
normal life and we fought together. To be honest, I
am glad that we have passed this stage in life. This
stage has made us stronger. It was during this period
that we learned to be independent.

The path of Elon Musk.

-It really was a difficult childhood. But I also think that many
people will be interested in learning about your path to
success. How did a simple boy from a poor family get on the
Forbes list with a fortune of more than 70 billion?

- Ha-ha. So the boy wasn't the easiest. I'm kidding. In fact,

my love for physics, astronomy, and space has been born in
me since I was a child. Sometimes I really wanted to be an
astronaut! I didn't have many friends when I was in high
school. Many did not share my views. I designed rockets and
launched them at recess, and I also dreamed that people
could live on different planets. Everyone thought I was an
oddball. In my opinion, an important event happened when I
turned 10 years old. I was given a computer and started
learning programming. My brother and I started a company
called Zip2, and then we sold it successfully. It was the sale of
this company that allowed me to begin to realize all my
childhood dreams. And all my next steps, I think, are already
well known to everyone.

Attitude to success

-You were successful quite early. I would like to know

your attitude to success? How do you feel about it?

- To be honest, the situation with success has two

sides. In the opinion of the society, I have achieved
incredible success, but in my opinion, I am still far
from true success. All the results that I have today are
just the consequences of my path to the true goal. Of
course, these results are significant and even
inspiring, but I believe that there is an even greater

result ahead of me. My main goal remains the same –
I want people to be able to live on other planets.

Elon Musk's favorite project.

-You really know how to inspire people, Elon! I have an

interesting question. Which of your outstanding projects is
your favorite?

- To be honest, this is a very interesting, but at the same time

easy question for me. I believe that by observing me and my
actions, it can be concluded that the priority goal for me is
space. I love Tesla, it's a really big project. I would call this
project a child's dream. But today, the first place is occupied
by SpaceX. Tesla is a project that has already reached its goal,
and SpaceX is still on the way to its main goal.

Future plans

-I know you well, Elon, and I am sure that you will

achieve all your goals soon! And finally, I would like
to know about your future plans. We understand that
they will be associated with space. But I would like to
know what we can expect from SpaceX in the near

- Thank you, my friend! Yes, you're absolutely right. I

understand that I am a simple person and
unfortunately everything in this world has a
beginning and an end. I want to have time to realize
all my goals and plans, because I feel that I still have
a lot to give to this world. As I said earlier, the most
important goal for me is the life of people on other
planets. But I also want to say that I love my family
and children very much. So, on a par with Spice, I
have one important goal – to raise my children.

The end.

-These are the most incredible and most important goals.

Thank you, Elon, for the heartfelt interview. I wish you
success and, of course, long life!

-Thank you, my friend! I was really pleased to answer your

questions. Thanks!

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