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BBIT 232

1. Discuss four types of data models used in DBMS

 Entity – relationship model.ER model is best used for conceptual design of a database
and creates entity set, relationship set general attribute and constraints.
 Relational model. Sorts data into tables and also accounts for the type of relationships
among entities.
 Hierarchical model. Organizes data into a tree like structure where each record has a
single root and sorts the records in a particular order.
 Network model. Builds on the hierarchical model by allowing many to many
relationships between linked records.

2. Discuss different types of DBMS languages

 Data definition language. Used to create schema, tables, indexes and constraints in the
 Data manipulation language. Used for accessing and manipulating data in database.
 Data control language. Used to retrieve the stored and saved data.
 Transaction control language. Used to save the transaction on the database and to restore
the database to original state.

3. In a university, a Student enrolls in Courses. A student must be assigned to at least one or

more Courses. Each course is taught by a single Professor. To maintain instruction quality, a
Professor can deliver only one course
1. Identify the entities, and for every entity list at least five attributes

Student- student ID

student name

student address

student telephone number

student birth date

course- course ID

course instructor

course title

course marks

course duration

professor- professor ID

professor email

professor name

professor telephone number

professor address

2. show the PK and FK

primary key- student ID

course ID

professor ID

foreign key- student name

student address

student telephone number

student birth date

course instructor

course title

course marks

course duration
professor email

professor name

professor telephone number

professor address

3. Draw an ER diagram Student ID


Student address
Birth date

Student name
Student tel. no


courses Course duration

Course mark

Course ID
Course instructor

Professor tel. no

professor Professor birth date

Professor email

Professor name
Professor ID
4.Show the relationships

Students and courses –many to many

one to one

one to many

many to one

Professor and course -one to one

Professor and students-one to many

one to one

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