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Dagupan City National High School

Science Technology and Engineering (S.Y. 2019-2020)

Thrombocytopenic Effect of Caimito (Chrysophyllum Cainito) Leaf Extract In Albino Rats

A Research Plan Submitted to the Research Committee of Science, Technology and

Engineering Program, Dagupan City National High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in Research II



June 8, 2021
Dagupan City National High School
Science Technology and Engineering (S.Y. 2019-2020)

Research Plan

Dagupan City National High School
Science Technology and Engineering (S.Y. 2019-2020)

Title: Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Effects Of Essential Oils Of Duhat (Syzgium Cumini)

Proponent: Arabella Grace C. Sonza

Adviser: Monica E. Cayabyab


A wound dressing is a sterile cloth that in use to cover an open wound, to prevent

bacterial contamination causing an infection. In ancient times, they used mud or clay and

plants or herbs applied to the wound for protection and other healing. Plant oils are used to

prevent bacterial growth on the wound. They also prevent the bandage from sticking to the

skin1. The dressings and novel polymers used for the delivery of drugs to acute, chronic and

other types of wound. These include hydrocolloids, alginates, hydrogels, polyurethane,

collagen, chitosan, pectin and hyaluronic acid 2. A hydrocolloid is a type of dressing that

contains a gel-like form placed into a flexible layer. They provide a moist healing

environment for the wound, which also prevents bacteria from colonizing the wound and

infecting it3.

Important vitamins and nutrients in wound healing are vitamin C, Vitamin A and B,

Protein, Zinc, Iron, and Carbohydrates. The importance of Vitamin C in wound healing is

that it helps the build-up of collagenor collagen synthesis, and with vitamin C it helps the

immune system to fight of infections, with the help of vitamin A and B to strengthen the

collagen production. Protein and Zinc are essential for mitosis, for the new formation of the

damaged cell, also with carbohydrates that provides ATP for cellular activity in healing the

damage cell. Iron is used for the oxygen delivery to the wound bed for the clothing of the

blood to prevent furthermore bleeding 4.


Dagupan City National High School
Science Technology and Engineering (S.Y. 2019-2020)

Chives are known in the Philippines as kusay. Chives are part of the allium family of

vegetables and herbs. This family also includes garlic, scallions, onions and leeks. Allium

vegetables have been cultivated for centuries for their characteristic, pungent flavors and for

their medicinal properties. It contains vitamin C and beta-carotene (a form of vitamin A) 5.


1. What is the effect of the banana peel and chives extract as wound dressing for

open wounds in terms of;

a) Healing time,

b) Durability?

2. Is there a significant difference in using a wound dressing made from banana

peel and chives extract compare to a commercialize wound dressing in terms of;

a) Healing time,

b) Durability?


1. Banana peel and chives extract as wound dressing for open wounds has no effect in

terms of a)healing time and b) durability

2. There is no significant difference in using a wound dressing made from banana peel

and chives extract compare to a commercialize wound dressing in terms of a)

healing time and b) durability.


Dagupan City National High School
Science Technology and Engineering (S.Y. 2019-2020)

A. Gathering of Plant Materials

The Leaves will be collected

B. Animals

Male Wistar rats and either Swiss albino mice (20–25 g) will be used. These

animals will be obtained at the _________________, These animals will be housed

in groups of 6–10 under environmentally controlled conditions with free access to

water and standard food. Food will be withheld overnight prior to experiments

while water was still provided ad libitum. The handling and use of animals is

according to the institutional guidelines.

C. Drugs and Chemicals

The following drugs and chemicals will be needed: morphine and

acetylsalicylic acid

D. Preparation of Essential Oil Extract

Essential oils were extracted from samples of the aerial parts of the Syzgium

Cumini leaves will be cultivated. During the extraction process the leaves is needed

to be air-dried and will be ground into a fine powder. The oils will then be

extracted using a vapor extractor.

E. Analgesic Activity

Dagupan City National High School
Science Technology and Engineering (S.Y. 2019-2020)

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Dagupan City National High School
Science Technology and Engineering (S.Y. 2019-2020)

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