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Students For Liberty Coordinator Training 

Course Syllabus 

On  this  course,  you  will  be  introduced  to  the  what,  how,  and  why  we  do 
what  we  do  in  Students  For  Liberty.  The  modules  are  carefully  designed  to 
lead  you towards becoming an exceptional leader. All modules have a short 
explanatory  video accompanied by required materials, additional resources, 
and a knowledge check assignment.  
Objectives and Learning Outcomes 
By  the  end  of  this  course,  you  will  have  a  firm  understanding  about  SFL’s 
vision,  mission,  and  theory  of  social  change,  in  addition  to  the  sort  of 
activities  and  objectives  we  expect  our  student  leaders  to  focus  on  with  a 
view to furthering our goals.  
You  will  learn  about  leadership,  group  management,  event  organising, 
community building, and communications. 
If  you  have  any  questions  about  any  aspect  of  this  course,  you  should  feel 
free and comfortable to contact your local staff member or senior leader. 
Welcome to Students For Liberty 

Meet  our  CEO,  Dr.  Wolf  von  Laer,  your  local  staff  members,  and 
download important documents before launching into the course. 

Topic 1 - Introduction and History of SFL  

Learn  about  the  history  of  SFL  and the impact we have already had in 

bringing about a freer future for all. 

Topic 2 - SFL’s Vision, Mission, and Theory of Social Change 

Learn  more  about  SFL’s  ​vision  of  a  freer  future​,  our  mission  to 
educate,  develop,  and  empower  the  next  generation  of  leaders  for 
liberty​,  and  our  theory  of  social  change  which informs and guides our 
actions as an organization. 

Topic 3 - Welcome to the Coordinator Program 

Learn more about our Coordinator Program leadership training model 

and begin thinking about the path you want to take in SFL.  

Topic 4 - Leadership for Liberty 

Learn  management  tips  and tricks to help you achieve your goals and 

work with your team. 

Topic 5 - Building Communities 

SFL  is  a  community  of pro-liberty students comprised of a network of 

pro-liberty  groups  across  the  globe.  In  this  lesson,  you  will  learn  how 
to start building a sustainable community from scratch. 

Topic 6 - Bringing People Together with SFL Events 

Events  are  one  of  our  main  activities  because  we  have  learned  that 
they  are  the  best  ways  to  introduce  the  ideas  of  liberty  to  new 
students  as  well  as  bringing people together to discuss the ideas and 
build a network. 

Topic 7 - Communicating Liberty 

In this section, you’ll learn the best tips and tricks to help you become 
a more effective communicator and advocate for the ideas of liberty. 

Topic 8 - Conclusion and Next Steps… 

In the final section, you will view a summary video and be asked to 
complete the final administrative steps to complete your on-boarding 
to Students For Liberty. 

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