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Nama : Medina Intan Azzahra

NIM : 2005928
Kelas : 2D - PGSD
02 February
1. Abjure (mengharamkan) = Allah abjure Muslims to eat pork
2. Cacophony (bunyi kiruk) = Cacophony is the sound of a bird
3. Interdict (melarang) = There is a mother interdict her son to play land
4. Libel (fitnah) = Libel is more cruel than murder
5. Omniscient (maha tau) = No matter how small the ugliness and kindness that people
do, God Omniscient
03 February
1. Apparent (nyata) = Dinosaurs Apparent existence
2. Cursory (sepintas) = Cursory parents often think whether their child is happy or not
3. Inexorable (tak terhindarkan) = May we all be Inexorable from the dangers that exist
in this world
4. Limerence (tergila-gila dengan seseorang) = Don't be Limerence who doesn't love us
5. Panoply (persenjataan lengkap) = The Indonesian army prepared Panoply to help
Palestinians attack Israel
04 February
1. Benediction (doa) = After prayer we should Benediction
2. Depone (bersaksi diatas sumpah) = Before doctors carry out their duties, usually a
Depone doctor
3. Intrepid (pemberani) = I am Intrepid and independent
4. Lugubrious (murung) = My brother is Lugubrious due to a breakup
5. Palpable (gamblang) = Palpable don't have to be in the spirit no matter what the
05 February
1. Big bucks (uang dalam jumlah besar) = I hope to get thr this year in big bucks
2. Disam (melucuti senjata) = When the soldiers rest they will disam
3. Iconoclast (pemuja patung berhala) = In the era of ignorance most people were
4. Nudiustertian (kemarin) = Nudiustertian I went to the beach with my extended family
5. Perjury (sumpah palsu) = There are people who use Perjury for his personal gain
06 February
1. Credence (kepercayaan) = Don't underestimate my credence
2. Erinaceous (seperti landak) = The trunk of the Erinaceous rose tree is thorny
3. Indulge (memanjakan) = After finishing work I need to indulge myself to relax
4. Malevolent (jahat) = He is very Malevolent to his mother
5. Petrichor (bau tanah setelah hujan) = I love Petrichor sometimes it smells fresh
07 February
1. Chickenfeed (sedikit) = I bought a snack pack that was big but filled with
2. Effrontery (kelancangan) = He is very begging effrontery
3. Ingratiate (mengambil hati) = Ramli managed to Ingratiate me
4. Mungo (pemulung) = Very concerned about the mungo
5. Phenakism (tipu muslihat) = never Phenakism to parents
08 February
1. Disburse (membayar) = If you have bought something, don't forget to disburse it
2. Finnimbrun (pernak pernik) = Teenagers should not be very fond of finnimbrun now
3. Intercede (mengenahi) = If someone is fighting, we have to be able to intercede
4. Malign (memfitnah) = Never malign someone because it hurts
5. Providential (mujur) = we must be Providential to people
09 February
1. Disseminating (penyebaran) = Disseminating the corona virus is on the increase
2. Floccinaucinihilipilification (sesuatu yang berharga) = Do not bring
Floccinaucinihilipilification crowd
3. Ineffable (terlalu hebat) = The swimmer is ineffable so that he never loses
competition to others
4. Mettlesome (tabah) = Always have to be mettlesome in the face of everything
5. Pusillanimous (pengecut) = he is very pusillanimous because he can only play one
10 February
1. Dissipate (menyia-nyiakan) = Never dissipate someone who's always there
2. Garish (berkilat) = The clouds are garish due to heavy rain
3. Inaniloquent (berhenti berbicara) = I beg your inaniloquent very annoying
4. Mellifluos (suara yang lembut) = Bunga Citra Lestari has mellifluos
5. Pulveratricious (tertutup debu) = The cupboard hadn't been cleaned in so long it was
pulveratricious that it was thick
11 February
1. Emmeshed (terjerat) = The tiger Emmeshed the human attack
2. Gyrate (memutar) = The gyrate of the body when playing hulahup is very fun
3. Jentacular (berhubungan dengan sarapan) = When staying at the hotel I had to wake
up early because I had to be jentacular
4. Moribund (hampir mati) = When I saw the racing videos I thought they were
5. Phosphenes (cahaya berkilau) = The diamond gives off phosphenes
01 March
1. Doughty ( Berani) = The Doughty warriors refused to leave the battlefield
2. Epiphany ( Pencerahan) = After I joined the class I got an epiphany
3. Flummox (Membingungkan) = The complicated rules flummox the new students
4. Hew ( Menebang) = I help my Daddy to hew wood for the fireplace.
5. Lend ( Memijamkan) = I want to lend you my Pen.

02 March
1. Oust ( Mengusir) = I really want to oust her from this room because she is so noisy
2. Aquiver (Menggigil) = Her bodu was aquivet as she tried to explain the incident
3. Separate ( Memisahkan) = Can separate the two of us
4. Between (Antara) = Nothing can come between you and I
5. Silence ( Keheningan ) = We felt the silence in the room
03 March
1. Serendipity (Kebetulan) = We are hoping that serendipity will lead us to the right
2. Ephemeral ( Singkat/ tidak abadi ) = The Rain was ephemeral starting suddenly and
gone within seconds.
3. Petrichor ( Aroma hujan ) = The petrichor of the first rain was astounding.
4. Iridescent (Pelangi) = The bubbles were shining with iridescent hues in the moonlight
5. Epoch = The Black Plague was an epoch in the 14th century
04 March
1. Things ( Benda-benda) = Things in the kitchen
2. Stove( kompor ) = My kitchen has two stoves for cooking
3. Stopped ( Berhenti) = They stopped talking when I came
4. Offer ( Menawarkan) = The merchants offered their snacks
5. Change ( mengubah ) = He changed the exam answers
05 March
1. Comb (Menyisir) = My other combed my messy hair
2. Fall sleep ( Ketiduran ) = I fall sleep in my father’s room.
3. Find ( Menemukan) = A woman finds a missing child
4. Fight ( Bertengkar) = We Fight for several hours
5. Look for (Mencari) = The police are looking for the missing child
06 March
1. Pull out ( Mencabut) = My Father is pulling the grass
2. Put on (Memakai) = Put on your head on my shoulder
3. Oversleep (kesiangan ) = My teacher oversleep to class
4. Noist (Ribut) = Hey kids don’t make a noist
5. Cross (sebrang) = Niall please Cross the street
07 March
1. Fry ( Goreng) = Harry please Fry an egg
2. Push ( Dorong) = Please push the window
3. Bit ( Menggigit) = My cat bit my hand until it bled
4. Reason ( Alasan ) = Mom myYou’re my only reason
5. Taught (Mengajari) = You taught me how to be someone.
08 March
1. Stood (selalu) = You stood by me
2. Down ( jatuh/menjatuhkan) = Nobody can drag me down
3. Showing ( Memamerkan) = Everything she never had she’s showing off
4. Regrets ( penyesalan) = Regrets always comes last
5. Thinking ( memikirkan ) = I’ve been thinking about it lately
09 March
1. Changes ( Berganti) = Just how fast the night changes
2. Wears ( Memakai ) = A pilot wears a seat belt
3. Bamboozle ( Memperdaya) = The robber hopes his disguise will bamboozle the
4. Enervate (Melemahkan) = The hot weather enervates me
5. Baloney (Omong kosong) = Don’t give me that baloney
10 March
1. Figured (berpola) = I figured it out
2. Bodacious (Luar Biasa) = The resraurant serves bodacious steak
3. Feign (Berpura-pura) = I feign sleep so she would not disturb me
4. Hint ( Petunjuk) = We with just a hint of pain
5. Lend ( Meminjamkan) = I want to lend you my pen.
11 March
1. Staple ( Pokok ) = “Fish is a staple food of the Indian tribes of the Amazon region,
and their fishing season is during the period of low water.
2. Cassava ( Singkong ) = The first named, which is poisonous in its native state, is the
cassava of Spanish America.
3. Swollen ( Bengkak ) = Her feet felt swollen and fiery.
4. Tuberous ( Berbonggol )= A charming tuberous rooted plant, called winter aconite.
5. Mashed ( Tumbuk ) = “He sat down in his chair without assisting her and picked up
the bowl of mashed potatoes.
12 March
1. Grated : Jenn grated her teeth.
2. Famine : Half the population of his planet had been decimated by famine and war.
3. Insurance : The car would be replaced by the insurance that was meant to replace her
parents' car.
4. Crop : The summer had been very dry and the corn crop had failed.
5. Deterioration : This leads to deterioration of agriculture and lessens the production.
13 March
1. Defects :Defects in their arguments have been exposed to view by those who are most
concerned to defend their reputation.
2. Starch : In Europe, potato starch is generally employed; in America, corn starch.
3. Malnutrition : Where the malnutrition is the effect of poorness in the quality of the
blood, the results are of course more widespread.
4. Livestock : The principal exports are grain, livestock and fruit.
5. Poisonous : it is probably a poisonous plant, belonging, as it does, to a dangerous
14 March
1. Prolonged : After a prolonged silence, she hugged him again.
2. Raw : They're not raw, and I only eat them for dinner.
3. Emerge : She waited, but he didn't emerge again.
4. Suspect : So they did suspect her.
5. Deformities : Load transfer was related to severity of all deformities.
15 March
1. Fetus : He thought of Edith Shipton, impregnated by a man she hated and who seemed
not to have wanted an intrusive fetus invading her life.
2. Correlation : The impossibility of safe correlation of units necessitates a division by
3. Occurrence : The element is of extremely rare occurrence, being met with only in
argyrodite and, to a very small extent, in euxenite.
4. Malformation :More convincing evidence of the absence of true regeneration,
however, is the argument from malformation and the phenomenon known as "
5. Rely : But we do not have to rely solely on those.
16 March
1. Crippled : he thought of him almost crippled her.
2. Purse : Tears flooded her eyes and she dug in her purse for a tissue.
3. Prescription : All parts of my body ached and the prescription I was taking caused my
head to spin.
4. Manuscript : Braille is especially useful in making single manuscript copies of books.
5. Denied : This natural exchange of ideas is denied to the deaf child.
17 March
1. Jewellery : On exposure to heat, amethyst generally becomes yellow, and much of the
cairngorm or yellow quartz of jewellery is said to be merely "burnt amethyst."
2. Forced : An arcing kick forced him to release her.
3. Admit : He needed glasses, but he wouldn't admit it.
4. Involved : I didn't want to get emotionally involved with anyone.
5. Therefore : The storm made the forest pitch dark; therefore, searching was useless
until it abated.
18 March
1. Hence : The roads were covered in ice; hence it was not safe to drive.
2. Punctuated : She cried and kept talking, her sentences punctuated by sobs.
3. Beyond : He sounded beyond relieved.
4. Regarded : She didn't want to lose the friend she regarded as a sister.
5. Counterfeit : This instrument was devised for the purpose of detecting counterfeit
coin, especially guineas and half-guineas.
19 March
1. Extensive :The hospital was much more extensive than I expected.
2. Applied : Lifting the hair off the back of her neck, he applied the cool towel.
3. Passbook : passbook for this purpose which was also modeled after the African
4. Teller : ATM’s replaced human bank tellers, so they are called "Automated Teller
5. Imprint : Roman rule left a deep imprint on the country.
20 March
1. Compare : I can't think of anything offline to compare it to.
2. Withdrawal :He must have sensed the cause of her sudden withdrawal, and spoke
3. Slip : We all are, as if we let him slip away.
4. Harmful : The Egyptian rule proved harmful to the country.
5. Excessive : Politicians use an excessive amount of hyperbole.
21 March
1. Cure : I hope it will cure him.
2. Tobacco : The annual expenditure on tobacco was 5s.
3. Warn : I warn you again, step aside.
4. Worshippers :The sacrifice is in its origin a communion; god and worshippers have a
bond of kinship between them; but it is liable to be interrupted or its strength
5. Quest : The quest was very costly and altogether fruitless.
22 Macrh
1. Bronzed :His white-silver hair was long and clasped at his neck, his bronzed face and
forest- green eyes displaying no emotion.
2. Exposure : Exposure at night should be avoided.
3. Encourage : I think you will not encourage him.
4. Hospitality :The sting of his cool hospitality was quickly replaced with awe as she
turned back to the room.
5. Arrive : We expect visitors to arrive soon.
23 March
1. Pretend : he pretend to be hurt
2. Can : I can do better
3. Worst : worst thing forget it
4. Because : I am close to him because I love him
5. Swear : i swear i will make her happy
24 March
1. Unless : I wont leave unless you change
2. Straight : toward the straight path
3. Blinded : you are blinded by his loved
4. Fame : he is so crazy with fame
5. Scream : did you hear my scream
25 March
1. Decided : I decided to live in Bandung
2. Thought : I thought he was a good man
3. Attend : my mother attend parental meetings
4. Addition : additional school work is very troublesome
5. Groceries : my mother and I bought groceries for cooking
26 March
1. Much : I talk too much
2. Should : I should tell you
3. Told : I was told by Rani that tomorrow is off
4. Bout : I follow football bout
5. Else : I can do other else
27 March
1. Sway : When people or things sway, they lean or swing slowly from one side to the
2. Outer : The outer parts of something are the parts which contain or enclose the other
parts, and which are furthest from the centre
3. Mysterious : Someone or something that is mysterious is strange and is not known
about or understood
4. Spacecraft : A spacecraft is a rocket or other vehicle that can travel in space
5. Courage : Courage is the quality shown by someone who decides to do something
difficult or dangerous, even though they may be afraid
28 March
1. Running out : my motorbike is running out of gas
2. Reason : there is good reason to doubt this
3. Suddenly : Ani suddenly started to laugh
4. Staring : what are you staring at?
5. Hold : Eren held the child’s hand
29 March
1. Dim : Dim light is not bright
2. Scenery : The scenery in a country area is the land, water, or plants that you can see
around you
3. Province : A province is a large section of a country that has its own administration
4. Southernmost : The southernmost part of an area or the southernmost place is the one
that is farthest toward the south
5. Cahse : If you chase someone, or chase after them, you run after them or follow them
quickly in order to catch or reach them
30 March
1. Stroll : If you stroll somewhere, you walk there in a slow, relaxed way
2. Witness : A witness to an event such as an accident or crime is a person who saw it
3. Ruined : A ruined building or place has been very badly damaged or has gradually
fallen down because no one has taken care of it
4. Cousin : Your cousin is the child of your uncle or aunt
5. Facinating : If you describe something as fascinating, you find it very interesting and
attractive, and your thoughts tend to concentrate on it
12 March
13 March
14 March
15 March
16 March
17 March
18 March
19 March
20 March
21 March
22 March
23 March
24 March
25 March
26 March
27 March
28 March
29 March
30 March
31 March
12 February
1. Epithet (julukan)
2. Havoc (malapetaka)
3. Jurisprudence (sistem hukum)
4. Mortify (membuat malu)
5. ProFound (lebih dalam)
13 February
1. Extol (memuji)
2. Hypochondriac (murung)
3. Jumentous (bau urin kuda)
4. Mortality (kematian)
5. Pronk (bodoh)
14 February
1. Extraneous (tidak sesuai)
2. Inscription (prasasti)
3. Knees up (pesta)
4. Omnibus (meliputi segala hal)
5. Quiescent (diam)
15 February
1. Extricate (melepaskan)
2. Imbibe (menyerap)
3. Lachrymose (orang yang suka menangis)
4. Omnipotent (maha kuasa)
5. Qualtagh (menunjuk seseorang yang ditemui di pagi hari)
16 February
1. Lamprophony (suara nyaring)
2. Querencia (menunjukan tempat yang nyaman)
3. Rankle (tertanam di hati)
4. Shovel (sekop)
5. Xylopolist (penjual kayu)
17 February
1. Grapple (menggenggam)
2. Restaquouere (seorang pendaki sosial)
3. Succinct (singkat)
4. Verbose (bertele-tele)
5. Zabernism (penyalahgunaan kekuasaan militer)
18 February
1. Alias (nama samaran)
2. Explicit (tegas )
3. Mauve (ungu muda)
4. Raillery (ejekan yang bersendagurau)
5. Scurrilous (keji)
19 February
1. Nadir (titik terendah)
2. Puerile (kekanakan)
3. Revelation (wahyu)
4. Sempiternal (abadi)
5. Zephyr (angin sepoi-sepoi)
20 February
1. Neophyte (pemula)
2. Rubicund (berwajah merah)
3. Solitude (kondisi menyendiri)
21 February
1. Respective (masing-masing)
2. Surreptitious (diam-diam)
22 February
1. Repercussion (gema)
2. Tarantism (penyakit kritis)
23 February
1. Rural (pedesaan)
2. Serendipity (sebuah keberuntungan)
3. Tractable (penurut)
24 February
1. Significance (makna)
2. Timidity (sifat takut)
25 February
1. Symptomatic (gejala)
2. Tyrotoxism (keju beracun)
26 February
1. Scintilating (gemilang)
2. Verbose (bertele-tele)
27 February
1. Scopperloit (tidak sopan)
2. Vial (botol kecil)
28 February
1. Selcouth (langka)
2. Widdiful (orang yang patut digantung)

1 April
2 April
3 April
4 April
5 April
6 April
7 April
8 April

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