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tips on benefic or malefic nakshatras

The 27 Nakshtras are divided into 9 groups. The Janam Nakshtra is given the numerical 1. And then the other
nakshtras are calculated. The planets give different effects when placed in different nakshtras. Depending upon
this different nakshtras are placed in different categories.They are
Janma Tara 1, 10, 19 It is benefic.
Sampat Tara 2, 11, 20 It brings prosperity.
Vipat Tara 3, 12, 21 It brings obstacles.
Kshema Tara 4, 13, 22 It brings gains.
Pratyak Tara 5, 14, 23 It brings destructions.
Sadhaka Tara 6, 15, 24 It brings success.
Vadha Tara 7, 16, 25 It causes destruction and death. Mitra Tara 8, 17, 26 It is benefic.
Parama Mitra Tara 9, 18, 27 It brings prosperity.
So the planets placed in Vipat, Pratyak and Vadha tara become weak and give malefic results.

RECONCILIATION OF TRANSIT RESULTS AND DASHA BUKTI - We all know, that there are two parallel
deductions to cause a result in reading a birth chart of a natal. They are

Directional results of Dasha Bhukti and transit results of planets in various houses in the Zodiac houses in specific
periods. Interestingly, both are based on Moon sign only, where the Star in which the natal is born. We also know that,

If transit results and Dasha Bhukti results indicate good results, then the period will be good;

If one of them indicates good time, and other is bad, the results will be ‘mixed’;

If both to indicate badly, then the result in that period will be bad. This explains a possible gradation of results affected
by transit of a selected planet related to the transit of the same planet, based on its positional performance expected of
it. We all know the succession of ‘Thaaraathi (Star) pathya’ based on star at birth with that of Dasha related, and
successive Dasha’s of listed succeeding Dasha’s.

The list is 1. Janma Nakshatra; 2. Sampath Tara; 3. Vipath Thara; 4. Kshema Thara; 5. Prathyak Thara; 6.
Daivanukula Thara; 7. Vadha (Nidhana) Tara; 8. Mithra Thara; and 9. Parama Maithra. These repeat in next 9
successive Stars. The results are based on its qualifications listed above. - TRADITION APPLIED IN HINDU
CHARTS: Principle behind dividing Zodiac houses and to reach the correct effects of radiation of planets housed in
Birth Chart: Creating sub- cycle charts and its practical application is not a complicated. Each division of the circle
into a subordinate number of cycles or circles has its own significance. This ‘significance’ is derived by the symbolism
of the number by which the division is made. By dividing up the original circle of Zodiac into a number lesser circles
one is, in effect, considering the distribution of the natal positions within the sub-circle of a particular horoscope. Let
us take ‘Navansha’, the nine divisions of a house in Zodiac of 30°, to measure each house of 3° 20’ x 9. This technique
as one in which each sign is divided by a particular number – in this case nine- but in point of fact, the whole circle by
nine (one Pada) and divide each of those nine divisions into little Zodiac of twelve signs and this forms a VARGA. This
is a in depth way of interpreting the chart , in addition to use newer aspect combinations. The several places in birth
chart the planets are parked in specific places. The priority of assessment of the planet in the main chart should be
assessed, as benefic or malefic, along with positional aspect in housing as well as other planets. THIS IS BASIC
ALLIGNMENT GAINED BY PLANET IN DIVISIONAL CHART. However, after computation of the planets
‘Ashtagavarga’, it could be found in that particular divisional Rasi in the divisional chart has more countings on the
benefic side than in the malefic side. Now we are entering into the complicated process of assessment on gradation of
the functioning ability of the Planet. Varahamihira
too has said in his work ‘Yatra” about the inability to produce effects on the part of planets devoid of strength owing to
their depression, defeat in planetary war, or combustion in the natal birth chart.
This will largely ‘graded’ by divisional charts for the performance of the planet in the related divisional chart among
16 of them Ashtagavargas are used in connection with transit also. For example Saturn transiting 3rd, 6th, 11th houses
from the placement of Moon in the natal chart is good provided it is to be benefic in places at distance of 4 houses from
the natal Moon. Then he will give very good results in the accounted period. However, the related results will be
reflected with the power bestowed in Ashtagavargas based on the position of each of the planets occupy at the time of

analysis of a transit
Transits have been very tricky. Should we take them from the natal Moon or the ascendant is a question that has been
exercising the minds of all. Each one of us has worked out his own solution to the issue.

Why should a transit be analysed from the Moon? In ancient times when birth time was not known accurately, this
could have been a workable via media, but today when this is not the case, taking the Moon sign as the ascendant for
analysing transits is not acceptable.

A better alternative is the ascendant. Why? Because all the persons having their Moon in the same sign could be
further subdivided into twelve sets according to their natal ascendants. This enables us to give twelve distinguishable
predictions to all these persons who otherwise would have got the same prediction.

How can we distinguish further? It is not right that everybody in this world should get the same prediction out of a set
of twelve predictions at any given point of time. Here comes in the use of major- period planets. There are nine planets
the Vimshottari major-periods of which run at any moment of time in different charts. When we are analysing the
effect of a sub-period in a major-period we take the place of the major-period planet as the ascendant and analyse the
sub-period accordingly. For example, if the major-period of Jupiter placed in Aries is running and we wish to know the
effect of sub-period of Mars placed in Virgo, we will take Aries as the ascendant. We will notice that Mars is placed in
the sixth house from Jupiter in an inimical sign and therefore according to the significations of the sixth house and its
own it should cause an accident or injury in its sub-period. Since it is the owner of the ascendant signified by the
major-period planet (Aries) placed in the sixth house it will cause the common signification of the sixth house and its
own to appear on the physical body. Mars and sixth house both signify injury and accidents. Therefore the likelihood
of injury/accident is more than that of a dispute arising.

Similarly, when we analyse the transit from the place of the major-period we should notice the placement of the planet
in transit from the natal major-period planet and analyse its effect at that time. For example, suppose in the above
illustration, Mars is occupying the fourth house (Cancer) in transit from natal Jupiter. Both Mars and the fourth house
signify property. Since it is also the owner of the ascendant (place of major-period planet) it involves the self of the
individual in matters relating to property. Hence during the transit of Mars through Cancer this person will be
involved in handling property. As Mars would be debilitated here the results may not be too satisfactory. Going into
the nakshatras in the fourth house, when Mars enters Cancer, it will be in the nakshatra of Jupiter. Since Jupiter owns
the ninth and twelfth houses from Aries, this would be the time when the individual tries to dispose of the property of
his father (ninth house and twelfth house). The individual will get stalled in his efforts when Mars enters the nakshatra
of Saturn and he would face obstacles and may decide to earn through (Saturn ownership of the tenth and eleventh
houses) that property and when it enters the nakshatra of Mercury he may part with it (third house/twelfth from
fourth ownership of
Mercury). We can analyse all the nine planets in transit in this manner and we will notice that this method gives much
closer to real experience results.

The analysis of a transit from the natal position of the major-period planet has another advantage. The transits of
major planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu will pose the question of repetition of results if we analyse from the
natal Moon. The position of ascendant determined by the natal position of major-period planet will probably differ
with each return of the major planet. Jupiter returns after twelve years, Saturn after thirty and Rahu/Ketu after
eighteen. Hence with each return of a major-period planet the possibility of the same major-period continuing remains

We must super-impose this analysis over the conclusions drawn by taking the planet in transit from the natal
ascendant, but this we will discuss in another blog. Further, another very interesting avenue opens when we consider
transits from the natal position of the sub-period planet!!

More On Nakshatra System

We have 27 based nakshtra system as well as 28 based nakshatra system ,

based system : In this System we divide them (27 nakshatras) into 3 parts , bhu loka, bhuvar loka , swarga loka, Bhu
loka is full of dark hence 1-9 nakshatras would be covered here , and 10-17 nakshatras would come under bhuvar loka
which will have full of light , 18-27 would come under swarga loka which will have balanced system ,

based system In this system 27 and 1⁄4 th part will come that 1/4th part we say it as another nakshatra in which god
reside which is connected to 21 nakshatra which is called as Abhijith Nakshatra .

Pushkara Nakshatra : 3 padas in one sign , 1pada in another sign Ex: Kritika Gandantha Nakshatra : Nakshatra ends
in a sign Ex: Moola
Both above mentioned nakshatras are very dangerous , if the person is born on those nakshatras

1st Nakshatra : This we call it as Janma nakshatra which will give knowledge . My Janma nakshatra is Mrigasira
which is associated with mars which is logic
My lagna Nakshatra is Jyesta which is associated with Budha which tells about learning .

2nd Nakshatra This tells the type of food we like , and if this nakshatra is associated with sun native interested in Yogic
practices . My Second nakshatra from moon is Arudra, deity is Lord shiva .

3rd Nakshatra 3rd from moon tells relationship related issues My third Nakshatra is Punarvasu from moon which is
occupied by Mercury , is in swakshetra. My third nakshatra from lagna star is Poorvashada , no planet is occupied
that nakshatra hence we take lord of that nakshatra is Venus

4th nakshatra This tells us which group native belongs to , from moon : society look at you at which group you belong
to ? From lagna : which group native wants to belong to ? My 4th nakshatra is pushyami which is occupied by Sun , so
I like Astrology and temples related group

5th Nakshatra : this tells about how creative native is ?. And also tells about students and children . Basically my moon
nakshatra is 5th nakshatra which tells that native will battle for life .

6th nakshatra this is Rudras nakshatra , this tells about natives creativity . 7th Nakshatra This tells about path after
life .
8th Nakshatra This tells about Mother and friends and also unconditional health .
9th nakshatra : This Nakshatra protects native and also shelter comes here by using this nakshatra we can understand
below questions How you got punished ? Why you got punished ?

10th nakshatra It tells that which motivates us to do the work and also this nakshatra we call it as Karma Nakshatra
from lagna : what we like to work from moon : what society gives us to work in my case it is Chitta from moon mars is
lord to this nakshatra

11th nakshatra This Nakshatra brings marriage .It tells about somebody , you want to share felings with ? It also tells
all the people you want to meet with ? From my moon it is swathi , lord is Raahu

12th nakshatra It tells about commitment relationship which is spouse related relationship

13th Nakshatra : this tells about Destiny , this nakshatra is called as Destiny Nakshatra from moon it is Anuradha lord
is Saturn in my case from lagna it is Krittika lord is Sun
Saturn is destiny nakshatra lord which is bad luck , hence Meditate Gayathri is remedy for me 14th Nakshatra It tells
about genetic issues based genetic issues only we see outside world .
13th Nakshatra is Right Eye
14th Nakshatra is Left Eye , emotions
27th is Third Eye if 14th nakshatras lord is afflicted it disturbs our emotional feelings 14th nakshatra tells about
emotional disturbances

15th Nakshatra Any relationship related issues we will see 15th nakshatra to analyze

16th Nakshatra Any marriage related issues we will analyze this nakshatra in my case it is Poorvashada lord is Venus
from moon

17th Nakshatra it is door way to Success or Failure

18th Nakshatra Results of everything Whether the native finishes joib well or not ? We can analyze above mentioned
questions using this chart

19th Nakshatra : relation to Father or Teacher we can find using this star
Which is obstructing us to go further in spirituality can be analyzed using this star

20th Nakshatra : It tells about our weaknesses . In my case it is Sathabisha from mon lord is Raahu

21 Nakshatra Mental Compatibility can analyzed using this chart Abhijith is resided inside this nakshatra

22nd Nakshatra We call this nakshatra as Vainasika nakshatra and also called as Punishement Nakshatra , the
nakshatra which will destroy you in my case it is Uttarabadra from moon

23rd Nakshatra This tells all about rhythm

24th Nakshatra This Nakshatra is about Knowledge , Sanjayji Nakshatra is Sathabisha 25th Nakshatra This is Butcher
Nakshatra , associated with Brahma
26th Nakshatra This is Vishnu Nakshatra , we can decide which form of Vishnu we can praise

27th Nakshatra. This is Special Nakshatra , to get purify we have to praise the lord of this nakshatra This is Third
Eye . In my case it is Anuradha from lagna lord is Saturn
From moon it is Rohini lord is chandra
Nakshatra Gunas

Rajas : Awareness , ability, Action,passion,Right energy,creation power Tamas : Inability, Ignorance, Inaction, Low
Energy, Dissolution power Sattva: Knowledge, continued existence,goodness,sustinence

Special Nakshatras :

Lagna Tara : Intelligence – Jyesta in my case Janma Tara :Logevity – mrigasira

Jati Nakshatra : which is 4th - Caste ,creed ,family - in my case Pushyami from moon , uttarashada from lagna
Naidhana Tara : 7th - Death - in my case pubba from moon , from lagna sathabisha
Karma Tara :10th – Work , powerand position, in my case chitta from moon, revathi from lagna Desha Tara :12th –
Boundaries of Home and foreign places, visakha from moon, from lagna it is bharani
Adhana Tara :19th - Guru ,Father and Dharma, dhanista from moon in my case , from lagna it is ashlesha
Sanghatika Tara:16th – Marriage , 2nd home, in-laws, poorvashada from moon in my case , arudra from lagna
Samudayaka Tara:18th – Total effect and final result – sravanam from moon , pushyami from lagna Vainashika
Tara:22nd - Destruction, Final Karma, finishing things, uttarabhadra from moon , uttara from lagna in my case
Manasa Tara:25th - Mentality , material strength, obsessions , brahma's mind born children- bharani from moon in
my case , from lagna it is swathi from lagna

Abisheka Tara:27th - Oblations to supreme being , definition of God, 28 star scheme rishi coronation
– rohini from moon in my case , from lagna it is Anuradha

Nakshatra Transit rule from KP astrology

I am providing the very important transit rule from KP system with a example for getting a loan:
In Transit any planet passing through the nakshatra of the planet placed in 6th House will bring him approval and
timing of loan. eg. Suppose Jupiter is in 6H, any planet in Transit passes through Punervasu, Vishaka, Purva Bhadra
(stars of jupiter) will get him loan.
Now if this planet is in 4H, get through mother, if 11H than friend, etc. If there is no planet in 6H check the lord of the
house. (The above rule i got directly from a famous KP expert and used by many many KP experts)

This principle is mentioned in Advanced Steller Astrology Volume II by Jyothish Marthand Sri K.S.Krishnamurti.
(1960 edition) Page 6-7 is the following :
Suppose there is the planet in the sign. Then, the planet is the source of light. It indicate the source of result which the
native enjoys by its nature, ownership, etc. If the planet is lord of 1, he gains by its own efforts and influence. If it is the
lord of 3, through brother or publication, he gains or losses, depending on the sub. If it is the lord of 4, through mother
or matters signified by the 4th house, he has that result. If it is lord of 5, through speculation, music or children , he
enjoys the result. Thus the planet who transits or the planet whose period is running, shows how one gets the result, how
a result is brought about., etc. The sign and its lord indicate the extent to which one can enjoy as it shows whether the
planet is strong or weak.

The lord of constellation is that which shows the nature of the result, i.e. to which house the lord of constellation is the
owner. Then the matter signified by those houses will manifest.
Suppose the lord of the constellation owns the house 3 and 10 i.e., Mars to Aquarius-borns or Venus to Leo- borns. Then
the planet in Mars constellation [Mrigshira, Chitra, Dhanista] to Aquarius-borns or in Venus constellation [Bharni,
Purva Phalgun, Purva Shada] to Leo- borns shows that one corresponds, interview [3H] or make a short journey [3H]
for a job [10H].
Then the favorable or unfavorable SUB denotes whether he will be successful or not.
When ? It will be in the co-joined period of planet, star lord and sub lord.
Further, a planet in the Sub of an evil planet indicate loss, difficulty or failure whereas the same planet in the same star
in the Sub of benefic promises success, gain and pleasure.
The lord of constellation may indicate the matter of 7th house.
The planet in the Sub of a malefic causes enmity whereas that in the Sub of benefic brings in harmony and happiness.
Also the planet in the Sub of a evil one threatens loss in litigation whereas that in the Sub of benefic denotes victory
even though the constellation lord denotes litigation.
If the planet indicates business, the start governs by this planet shows business, the planet in the beneficial Sub
promises profit whereas that in the Sub of evil one threaten loss.
The lord of constellation may show any one walk of life to the native. It is the Sub which decides whether the
areas is advantageous or not and thereby indicates whether the planet occupying or transiting
therein will offer desirable results or adverse ones.

Nakshatra Gochara(Transit of planets in Constellations)

Today i decided to disclose a technique which is found by me as very unique i haven't read this till now in any book
may be possible its available in a shastras.
That is the planet whose nakshatra are place more planets becomes most important planet in life when ever that planet
goes in exaltaion or own house or friendly house or trine from lagna or moon sign, the problems of that person
disappear for time being and good period commence till that planet comes into position of debilitation or fall or enemy
house or in trik bhavas from the lagna or rasi(moon sign).its my observation any one can challenge it i am not a rishi or
saint to have divya dristi.
Transit through Nakshatras by Krishna » Sun Oct 30, 2011 6:06 pm Below is a method of prediction using the transit
of planets through nakshatras. Nakshtaras are divided into nine sub-groups. Each sub-group covers three stars and
has a specific name. The nine groups are as follows: 1. Janma (Birth) Tara – The Janma Nakshatra (position of Moon
at birth for the native), the 10th and the 19th from Janma nakshatra constitute this Tara.
Sampat (Wealth) Tara – The 2nd the 11th and the 20th Nakshatras counted from Janma nakshatra constitute this
Vipat (Danger) Tara – The 3rd, the 12th and the 21st stars counted from Janma nakshatra constitute this Tara.
Kshema (Well-Being) Tara – The 4th, the 13th and the 22nd Nakshatras counted from the janama nakshatra constitute
this Tara.
Pratyak (Obstacles) Tara – The 5t, the 14th, and the 23rd nakshatras from Janma nakshatra constitutes this Tara.
Sadhaka (Achievement) Tara – The 6th, the 15th, and the 24th nakshatras from Janma nakshatra constitutes this tara.
Nidhana (Death) Tara – The 7th, the 16th , and the 25th nakshatras from the Janma nakshatra constitutes this tara.
Mitra (Friend) Tara – The 8th, the 17th and the 26th nakshatras from Janma nakshatra constitute this tara.
Parama Mitra (Best friend) Tara – The 9th, the 18th and the 27th nakshatras from Janma nakshatra constitutes this
tara. In addition to the above general classification, we have a few special nakshatras:
The constellation occupied by natal Moon is called Janma nakshatra - indicates general well-being.
The 10th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Karma nakshatra - indicates profession and workplace.
The 18th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Saamudaayika nakshatra - indicates group activities.
The 16th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Sanghaatika nakshatra - indicates group/social activities.
The 4th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Jaati nakshatra i indicates one’s community (people who belong
to the same class, nature and profession).
The 7th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Naidhana nakshatra indicates death and suffering.
The 12th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Desa nakshatra - indicates one’s country.
The 13th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Abhisheka nakshatra - indicates power and authority (also
called Raajya nakshatra).
The 19th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Aadhaana nakshatra - indicates well-being of family.
The 22th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Vainaasika/Vinaasana nakshatra - indicates one’s destruction.
The 25th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Maanasa nakshatra - indicates one’s mental state.
Transit of benefics or malefics through these nakshatras give good or bad results related to the area covered by the
nakshatra. For example, malefics transiting desa nakshatra may exile a person. When malefics transit jaati nakshatra,
one may be alienated from one’s community. Benefics transiting karma nakshatra may give success in profession.

Each of the 27 Nakshatra is divided into four Pada = 4 quarters. 27*4 = 108 Nakshatra Pada
Three cycles of 27 nakshatra = 9 nakshatra per paryaya
Guna of the 27 nakshatra
Body parts divided into 27 Nakshatra
List of presiding Deities of the 27 Nakshatra
Table of Nakshatra Astronomical Locations
Table of Nakshatra Marga
Table of Attributes 27 Nakshatra
Moola Nakshatra
Adho-mukha Nakshatra

Dagdha Nakshatra
Nachatra * Nagchedra * Natchatiram * Bhasanta
Gyukar (Tibetan) Moon station, Lunar Mansion, Lunar domain, constellation, asterism

Andromeda Galaxy_M31 by Rogelio Bernal Andreo

Azvini * Lord Ketu
Bharani Yamuna * Lord Shukra
Krittika Agneya * Lord Surya
Rohini * Lord Chandra
Mrigashirasa * Lord Mangala
Arudra Ardra * Lord Rahu
Punarvasu Yamaka * Lord Guru
Pushkarya Pushyami * Lord Shani
Azlesa Ashlesha * Lord Budha
Magha * Lord Ketu
Purvaphalguni * Lord Shukra
Uttaraphalguni- Lord Surya
Hasta * Lord Chandra
Chitra * Lord Mangala
Swati * Lord Rahu
Bishaja Vishaka Radha * Lord Guru
Anuradha * Lord Shani
Jyestha * Lord Budha
Mula * Lord Ketu
Purvashadha * Lord Shukra
Uttarazadha * Lord Surya
Shravana * Lord Chandra
Dhanishtha * Lord Mangala
Shatabishaja Shatatakara * Lord Rahu
Purvabhadrapada * Lord Guru
Uttarabhadrapada * Lord Shani
Revati Pushan * Lord Budha intercalary Nakshatra = Abhijit
Nakshatra of Chandra = "comfort zones"
Chandra in Azvini
Chandra in Bharani
Chandra in Krittika
Chandra in Rohini
Chandra in Mrigashira
Chandra in Arudra
Chandra in Punarvasu
Chandra in Pushya
Chandra in Azlesa
Chandra in Magha
Chandra in Purvaphalguni
Chandra in Uttaraphalguni
Chandra in Hasta
Chandra in Chitra
Chandra in Swati
Chandra in Bisaja
Chandra in Anuradha
Chandra in Jyestha
Chandra in Mula
Chandra in Purvaashadha
Chandra in Uttarazadha
Chandra in Shravana
Chandra in Dhanishtha
Chandra in Shatabisaja
Chandra in Purvabhadrapada
Chandra in Uttarabhadrapada Chandra in Revati

BPHS Chapter 6: Shloka 24-26.

"... the presiding deities of the 27 Nakshatra:
Dastra (Azvini Kumar)
Pushya. "
Directory of Chandra Pages
Nine Trines of 27 Nakshatra
Books about Nakshatra
smaller Table of Nakshatra Locations
larger Table of Nakshatra Attributes including Tibetan Names
The Four Nakshatra Marga: Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha
Gana of Nakshatra
Ayurvedic Nadi of the Nakshatra
How na-kshetras are calculated
Ancient Lunar Jyotisha
Coordinating the two historic systems
Ordering and Numbering the Nakshatra

Nakshatra Names in Mayalam, Sanskritam, Tamil
A psychic viewof Nakshatra meanings:
Soul Recognition in Relationship: Nakshatra of the Navamsha lagna
Nakshatra values in Jyotisha prediction
the Moon's Nakshatra Nakshatra reasoning for Muhurta

Nine Trines of 27 Nakshatra

Surya in 27 Nakshatra (coming soon)
Chandra in 27 Nakshatra
Mangala in 27 Nakshatra (coming soon)
Budha in 27 Nakshatra (coming soon)
Vrihaspati in 27 Nakshatra (coming soon)
Shukra in 27 Nakshatra (coming soon)
Shani in 27 Nakshatra (coming soon)
Rahu in 27 Nakshatra (coming soon)
Ketu in 27 Nakshatra (coming soon)
27 Sacred trees = one for each nakshatra

Three Paryaya (cycles) = Twenty-Seven Nakshatra

paryaya (cycle) -1 paryaya (cycle) -2 paryaya (cycle) - 3

Azvini Magha Mula

Bharani Purvaphalguni Purvaashadha
Krittika Uttaraphalguni Uttarazadha
Rohini Hasta Shravana
Mrigashira Chitra Dhanishtha
Arudra Swati Shata-visakhya
Punarvasu Vishakhya Purvabhadrapada
Pushya Anuradha Uttarabhadrapada
Azlesa Jyestha Revati

28th (intercalary) Nakshatra = Abhijita

"Panchaka-dosha" nakshatra = Panchaka Five nakshatra said to have a notable dosha = imbalance these are the final
five nakshatra of the 360 degree circle
Dosha definitions from Sanskrit-Tamil digital lexicon
BPL note: zlesman = kapha = English 'glue' doSa - dus
fault , vice , deficiency , want , inconvenience , disadvantage
badness , wickedness , sinfulness
offence , transgression , guilt , crime
to incur guilt
damage , harm , bad consequence , detrimental effect
accusation , reproach
alteration , affection , morbid element , disease (esp. of the 3 humours of the body , viz. pitta, vAyu, zleSman)
Adho-mukha Nakshatra
adho-mukha = "having the face downwards ; headlong ; upside down".
(Adhomukha asana of hatha-yoga = English "Downward Dog")
In Muhurta, the passage of Chandra via adhomukha nakshatra is considered to be auspicious for activities
which involve "mouth-downward" such as excavations, digging wells, scooping, harvesting root vegetables,
fishing and diving, laying foundations of buildings, anything else face-down.
Moola Nakshtatra
Jyestha + Mula = "Gandanta Nakshatra" ('the ligature')
Azlesa (Sarpa)
Mula Revati

Dagdha Nakshatra Dagdha = burned , scorched , consumed by fire, grief, or anguish . In Muhurta, the days
associated with Dagdha nakshatra are considered too much dried-up like cinders lacking the fresh juice
needed for new starts. So, these nakshatra are inauspicious for starting new endeavors.
bhavicharin = graha that is transiting or stationed in a particular amsha, such as a bhava or a nakshatra
Traditionally work is not commenced on weekdays which have these "dagdha" combinations:
On a Sunday (suryavara, bhanuvara) when bhavicharin Chandra = moving through Bharani nakshatra
On a Monday (somavara, somaha) when bhavicharin Chandra = moving through Chitra nakshatra
On a Tuesday (bhaumavara, kulavara) when bhavicharin Chandra = moving through Uttarazadha nakshatra
On a Wednesday (saumyavara, budhavara) when bhavicharin Chandra = moving through Dhanishtha
On a Thursday (brihaspativara, laksmivara) when bhavicharin Chandra = moving through Uttaraphalguni
On a Friday (brighuvara, zukravara) when bhavicharin Chandra = moving through Jyestha nakshatra
On a Saturday (zanivara, zanivasara) when bhavicharin Chandra = moving through Revati nakshatra

1. English study texts: Valerie Roebuck's classic The Circle of Stars is the clearest, most historically and
linguistically advanced introduction of Jyotisha available in English.
Roebuck holds a Cambridge Ph.D. in the cultural history of India. IMO, Roebuck's explanation of the Vedic
Nakshatra tradition is the best in print.
The Nakshatra by Dennis Harness is a brief introductory overview for beginners. May prove useful for those
seeking to apply Nakshatra profiles to modern psychological counseling. Not a scholarly text, but a nice easy
introduction for the true-beginner student of Jyotisha.
P. 168-253 of Bepin Behari's Myths and Symbols of Vedic Astrology contains a theosophical interpretation of
Nakshatra symbolism. Philosophically inclined Jyotishi may find this depth of interpretation more beneficial
for widening their esoteric awareness of the 'Nakshatranath'.

How na-kshetras are figured:

Earth's Moon orbits around Earth every (approx) 27 days + 7.75 hours
zodiac (circle of animals) has 360 degrees
divide 360 into 27 slices
each slice = 13 degrees 20 seconds of arc
Each Nakshatra contains a major star or star-cluster
The leftover 7.75 hours in a sidereal lunar transit is sometimes accommodated in a mini- slice "intercalary"
Nakshatra - the "28th Nakshatra "- called Abhijitya.

Das Goravani says:

"There are 27 main Nakshatra encircling the entire zodiac
The Moon travels through roughly one Nakshatra per day
The Nakshatra are said to be the wives of the Moon.
Each has a ruler planet, a ruler demigod or a specific nature, and various predictions associated with it.
The Nakshatra are extremely important in all aspects of vedic astrology. "

A psychic view of Nakshatra meanings:

Lunar-based astrology "reads" the person primarily from the Astral body, which is a sensual-perceptive-
intuitive level of personal reality.
Nakshatra represent "fields" of psycho-emotional (Chandra) energy composed of past-life images. These fields
(kshetra)manifest on the social-material plane as organized patterns of social, mental, and physical behavior.
The Na-kshatra reveal an ancient psycho-emotional profile used by each graha (but particularly Chandra).
This profile or filter is stored in the subconscious memory banks of the astral body.
It takes a bit of "questioning the dominant paradigm "but even those of us raised in the "leading" ego-mental
culture of the super-mentalized dwapara yuga can use Nakshatra categories to interpret the nativity!

Nakshetra placement of Chandra reveals qualities of one's deep emotional character. This deep emotional
character very much influences the repeating life patterns of the native 's instinctive choices in relationships
and social environment. The repeating patterns are often instinctive and reactive; the native insists on a fixed
emotional response pattern that is characteristic of the traits of the Nakshatra , particularly the Nakshatra 's
planetary lord. From the reincarnational viewpoint, these patterns are the result of unresolved emotional
experiences in past lives. There is often a trauma-pattern embedded in The Moon's Nakshatra . The trauma
pattern reveals ways in which the native has learned to get one's emotional needs met while protecting
[Chandra] against further hurt. The Nakshatra of Chandra intuitively guides the native to behaviors and
environments which best support their emotional needs. Success or failure of this self-nourishing and self-
protecting strategy depends on the condition of the Nakshatra lord within the radix nativity.

Nakshetra of the navamsha Chandra shows the soul's emotional needs.

Although this level of need is generally only satisfied in partnership (human or divine), the pattern which is
seeking validation is indeed a spiritual dimension of one's own self of which one is not fully conscious. In a
successful relationship, the partner should be able to see and validate the Nakshatra qualities of the native 's
navamsha. One attracts a partner (or ishtadevata) for the purpose of seeing this aspect of the emotional
memory-bank reflected in the partner's behavior that is really a response to one's own projections.
Complicated? No, not too much. It's just important to understand that anything going on in the navamsha is a
projection of dormant traits from one's own personality which one is trying to recognize and accept. his is
emotional material coming up from deep-freeze storage in the ancient subconscious. It's hard to see without a
partner who acts like a blank projection screen, showing the past-life movie (again and again and again...)
See the individual descriptions of Chandra in the 27 Nakshatra for details of Chandra in each of the navamsha

Ancient Lunar Jyotisha Ancient Indian Jyotisha was a divinatory system which searched for omens in the sky.
The naked eye can observe numerous constellations in the night sky, and the regular placement of these was
noted early on.
the Moon's nighttime travels against the backdrop of sparkling bright constellations provided an excellent way
to mark time and -- very importantly -- to generate ritual calendars for the priests.
As recorded in the Vedas, each of the constellations is ruled by a deity, and has certain divinatory meanings.
Stars were consulted for auspicious timing of events such as sacrifices and wars, but no "personal" astrology
of the birth chart yet existed.
Later, during the era of strong Greek influence in northern India, the 12-sign astrological zodiac was
introduced into Indian thought. (Thus the surprising amount of Greek vocabulary in Sanskrit Jyotisha texts
after 300 BCE.)
Greek astrology focused on "jataka" = natal-chart astrology of the person's birth.
Modern Solar Astrology
Ego-positivistic experience (awareness at the level of five senses and social positioning) is best read through the
solar houses. Most modern people live their lives rather narrowly constrained by the ego-positivistic
Therefore most modern people really want to know only about material developments such as wealth, social
power/career, physical health and sex, children, and food.
The rare individual who is interested in anything outside this narrow realm may be rewarded by a study of the
Nakshatra .

Nakshatra a: Solar vs. Lunar astrology

Jyotisha tradition contains both the ancient, "aryan"lunar astrology (from the Rik Veda primarily) as well as
a historically later stratum of solar astrology (the 12 houses).
The solar tradition seems to have emerged in the literary world of Jyotisha around the time of Alexander It's
hard to say the source of the solar tradition, but it's definitely a later accrual in the Vedic literature. (see
Valerie Roebuck The Circle of Stars for a readable literary history of Jyotisha).
'Na' = 'moon'; 'kshetra' = 'field' or 'shelter'.
'Nakshatra' = 'domain of the Moon'.
In practice, the solar component Of historic Jyotisha (the 12 solar signs and houses) is easier for the modern
mind to to manipulate, due to its fairly rational structure.
The lunar component- 27 Nakshatra and their Vaidik deity rulerships = much less rational, and much more
complex and subtle.
Understanding and making predictions with Nakshatra astrology requires an intuitive knowledge of deity
personalities and acceptance of their background role in shaping human affairs.

Ordering and Numbering the Nakshatra

There are several different traditional enumerationsof the Nakshatra order. I use the conventional ordering at
the top of this page.
For comparison, here is ordering from the Koeln Digital Sanskrit Dictionary
Sravishtha or Dhanishtha
Rohini or Brahmi
Mriga-siras or Agrahayani
Punarvasu or Yamakau
Pushya or Sidhya
Visakha or Radha
Tanu radha

Lemma = "nakSatra" Koeln Digital Sanskrit Dictionary

A star or any heavenly body ; also applied to the sun ; n. sg. sometimes collectively `"the stars " An asterism
or constellation through which the moon passes , a lunar mansion
27 , later 28 , viz:
Revati, Uttara-phalguni , Uttara-bhadrapada and Uttarazadha are called {dhruvANi}, fixed
in the Vedas the Nakshatra are considered as abodes of the gods or of pious persons after death; later as wives
of the moon and daughters of Daksha
According to Jainas the sun , moon , Graha, Nakshatra and Taras form the Jyotishkas) A pearl, starry ,
sidereal, Astronomer , astrologer, A month computed by the moon's passage through the 27 mansions , or of
30 days of 60 Ghati each "

Coordinating the two historic systems: The 360-degree "Circle of Stars" which surrounds our Earth, was
rationalized into twenty-seven regular sections of 13 degrees 20 seconds each.
The Greek twelve "solar "sign system was already set to begin at zero degrees of Aries, which was the point of
the Sun at spring equinox.
The ring of Nakshatra was then formalized to "start" at Azvini, at zero degrees of Aries. Thus was Jyotisha as
we currently practice it, conceived.
he two systems interwove for many centuries. Finally, Varahamihira "the sun-priest"(550 CE) developed a
great synthesis of both traditions, articulated in his many works of great genius. Varahamihira's synthesis
forms the foundation of Jyotisha as we have it today.
(See historical details in Valerie Roebuck, The Circle of Stars , p. 8)

The astrological convention of dividing the sky into 12 "rashi"signs (Aries to Pisces) is culturally familiar to
most Westerners.
Dividing the chart into 27 "Nakshatra a"or "lunar constellation"slices give more fine-tuning. Nakshatra are
created by dividing the earth's visible sky into 27 pie slices. (In far north Indian areas influenced by Persian
culture, sometimes 28 Nakshatra are used.)
However the majority of Jyotishi uses 27 slices because 27*4 is one of those geometrical relations that
produces 108 - a sacred cosmological number which is fundamentally important in Vedic thought. If the chart
is first divided into 12 slices, the major significations of each planet by sign, house, and aspect will be clear.

The next step is to re-analyze the chart by applying 27 divisions of 13 degrees 20 seconds each. After
evaluating the influence of Nakshatra lords of each of the planets (Moon, Rahu/Ketu, and lagna are most
affected), there will be a much finer understanding of the psycho-emotional subtleties within. Also the
interpreter will gain the ability to predict the effects of each planetary period with more detail.
In classical Jyotisha thought, each of the 27 Nakshatra is a unique residence, which has unique characteristics.
The Moon passes through approximately one Nakshatra per day.
So, the Nakshatra through which the Moon was passing at the time of your birth - called your Janma
Nakshatra - has a big effect on your psycho-emotional mentality. The Nakshatra which was rising on the
eastern horizon ("lagna Nakshatra ") is very influential too.
Nakshatra are described as "wives of the Moon", as in a harem. (Chandra, like all graha, is considered
masculine or "yang" character because it has creative power.)
Wives, or consorts, may be authentic spousal realities for deities in the spirit world. For humans in the earth
world, "wives" are metaphorical mirrored attributes, or distinctive types of perceptive power "radar", that
are present in the total portfolio of the Moon.

Nakshatra values in Jyotisha prediction Judgments from Chandra lagna are essentially readings of the Astral
level of personality. What is often called the "astral plane"in English refers to the subtle but tightly structured
psycho-emotional particulate patterns which are embedded in the multiple-body entity of a human being, and
which determine the human emotional response to life. Although Chandra's rashi, bhava, incoming drishti,
yuti graha etc. are all essential considerations in predicting events based on Chandra's rulerships in the solar
divisions, the Jyotishi who wishes to know the native 's psycho-emotional motivations must contemplate the
Moon's Nakshatra . Both janma-lagna and Chandra-lagna Nakshatra should be considered when evaluating
the native 'spsychic filters. The filters are constructed from Accumulated past life emotional memories
Nakshatra attributes define a rather fixed array of programmatic, typically reactive, responses to life's
This subtle orientation is so ancient, intuitive, reactive, and subconsciously embedded that the native oneself
may not be aware the of the way in which one selects and screens one's own psychic experiences.
However whether the native is aware of their subtle identity or not, the Chandra and janma Nakshatra sets
active limits on core identity and serves to structure the personality in ways that ultimately direct all the major
choices in the incarnation.

Interpreting the Nakshatra influence of Vaidik deities in modern life

In this materialistic age. it is more typical for the native to simply "feel" a general guidance and sense of
direction in a non-specific and typically unconscious way, rather than to be in direct communication with the
disembodied spiritual personalities that are actively collaborating to shape one's life path through the
Nakshatra delineations.
Due to materialistic modern belief systems, most people cannot independently detect the presence of their own
psycho-emotional bodies. Much less can the average contemporary human detect the reach-out-and-touch
proximity of those deities large and small with whom the human in unconsciously interacting every day of
their life. Unfortunately if one is not aware of the activities of guiding spirits one cannot undertake
collaborative program changes. Therefore Nakshatra delineations will indicate a level of fixed "destiny"
limitation for most people.
It is of course possible to be much more aware and articulate of Nakshatra effects which are powerfully
energized by these 27 deities and multiple sub-deities. Once the awareness is in place one can negotiate the
limitations with the supervising deities, and Nakshatra no longer define the limits of psycho-emotional

Practice considerations
As the Jyotisha tradition has been received in this early part of Dwapara Yuga, an individual's Nakshatra
-based "psycho-emotional specialization" = essentially delineated according to the portfolios of the various
deities and divisions of labor in Vaidik culture.
It is not easy to translate this ancient set of cultural categories into modern lingo.
Unless the native is particularly reflective or has been raised in a culture that specifically recognizes the
traditional Nakshatra boundaries, the native may note nothing more specific in their psychic life-response
pattern than a sense of defined being-ness in an ocean of responses to life.
Nevertheless, the Jyotishi knows through study that every native has a strong tendency to interpret one's
experience through the filter of the Nakshatra .
Because Nakshatra influences are so fine and subtle, their power to control the subconscious motivation will
interpenetrate all solar actions and ultimately determine what a native can or
cannot accomplish in the outside world.

Spiritual vs. Psychological

Due to the constraints of modern belief systems, the Jyotishi will often resort to a psychological rather than
spiritual explanation of Nakshatra influences. Those capable of holding a spiritual viewpoint will notice that
the Nakshatra are territories of particularly deities, who control their turf rather vigorously. The deities are
highly organized and productive. Their purpose is to advance human civilization and typically this occurs at a
fast clip.
It is not necessary to accept the limitations of Vaidik literary culture when striving to understand and
communicate with the Nakshatra deities. One may establish a natural and intuitive relationship with the
governing deities without being constrained to the Vaidik (or "hindu-ized") view. Rather, one can discover the
deities' attributes quite independently, through reflective and self-referential meditation. They may look and
act quite differently through different cultural frames of reference. At the higher levels of consciousness, the
practicing Jyotishi will recognize a need to be aware of and willing to participate with their plans for any given
individual, some of which can be read through a close knowledge of Chandra and janma Nakshatra . It can be
a major positive contribution to an individual's welfare to show them the Nakshatra path and their place upon
it, and to help guide their communication with the primary deities who regulate that portion of the path. This
can be a huge step up in spiritual consciousness for the person who is ready.
It is always beneficial to have a devotional relationshipto the spiritual lords of the Moon's Nakshatra , and a
small altar for this purpose should ideally be maintained.

Nakshatra Psychological interpretation

In general practice, few clients actually are ready for the direct spiritual approach. More clients are ready for
the psychological approach e.g. the language of behaviors, motivations, trauma response, etc. Psychological
interpretation is overall more acceptable to most natives than direct psychic communication with spirits. It is
true that the psychological approach is incomplete and not entirely accurate. Human lunar programming is
profound. Yet in practice it will be more pragmatically helpful for most natives to understand their Moon's
Nakshatra and janma Nakshatra in psychological terms and not confuse people with tales of lunar civilizations
and so forth.
Being psychological then:
The Nakshatra defines a small set of core motivations, repeating behaviors, tastes, abilities, and expectations
which are simply carry-forwards from past life identities.Functionally, Soma's Nakshatra creates a psycho-
emotional filter which defines a limited range of self-concept and pre- determines certain tastes, motives, and
For example, the native with Chandra in Azvini Nakshatra will have a past-life history of intense
communication with quadrupeds particularly horses, and a knowledge of physical medicine, particularly
regarding the treatment of injured people and animals.
the native 's medical and sports orientation is based on many lifetimes of continued development of this
particular span of knowledge and experience.
Highly self-aware natives may notice that, due to the ever-present guiding influence of the Azvini Kumaras (a
pair of active adolescent fix-it boy twin deities) in their lives, the native is always missing one's twin (whether
one has a real twin in this life or not) and that they love and crave the
taste of honey.

Nakshatra reasoning for Muhurta

For muhurta -astrological divinations that inform practical decision making = the current Nakshatra of
Chandra and lagna are critically important to gauge the predominant world and local patterns operating on
the individual at any given moment of time.
Each of the 27 lunar mansions is independently ruled by a particular planet and deity, whose personality
controls the goings-on in his house. As each planet passes through that lord's domain, the planet must
temporarily respond to the domestic customs of that Nakshatra .
Chandra is an impressionable graha, emotional and sympathetic in nature. Therefore Chandra's travel
through each Nakshatra sets the quality and tone for that day. Stronger effect will be felt by those with natally
strong Chandra positions, but everyone benefits from being aware of Chandra's daily Nakshatra .
Here are some examples of practical decision-making and attitude-setting based on awareness of Nakshatra
When Chandra passes through the dangerous Nakshatra of Azlesa, ruled by graha Budha and deity of Sarpas
the Snake God, matters signified by the Moon such as emotional well-being and bodily survival through the
link with the mother/nurturer are constrained by complex mental arguments or philosophical sophistry,
intentional misrepresentation (lying), and various forms of trickery.
Chandra has always hated his illegitimate son Mercury, so when Chandra passes through Budha's Nakshatra
watch out for sorcery, charlatanism, and dirty tricks. Ruling deity Sarpas is associated with the dangerous
actions of a snake: hypnotizing, paralyzing, and eventually poisoning or choking the victim.
Azlesa is therefore a bad place for the Moon to be, and not a good time for many things except disciplined
spiritual practices which raise Kundalini energy, or intensive sexual exploration within the trusting and
monogamous bounds of formal marriage. Otherwise, stay home, chant protective mantra, and read holy
Shani and Guru are large Grahawhich travel slowly and remain in a single Nakshatra for a long time. By far
the most noticeable effects of any planetary transit will occur when the bhukti of that planet is in effect.
Therefore Shani's behavior in the mansion of His Nakshatra lord is less generally important in
"newspaper"muhurta and but very definitely important for the client undergoing a Shani bhukti (any
If Shani is bhukti-pat and he is also gochara in Azlesa, one will be advised to take special precautions during
the one day of each month when Chandra also occupies Azlesa (for reasons described above).
However Shani and Budha do not suffer the extremely adversarial relationship of Chandra and Budha,so the
auspice for Shani's journey through Azlesa on the other 27+ days is generally OK.
Ruling deity Sarpas is devious and potentially deadly, but Shani is by nature conservative and cautious, slow
moving and a survivor. the native should be realistic about the dark side of human nature without becoming
paranoid. Wisely conserve resources and act cautiously, without succumbing to the coiling, agitated
subconscious fears of death and destruction - which is exactly
what Sarpas wants.
Remaining alert to strange behaviors in those around him will prevent any untoward consequences. Unless
Shani is yuti Chandra in the radix, even on those 1-per-month days of Chandra gochara Azlesa, there is no
threat of overwhelming terror. Simply remain conservative, cautious, and alert.
A positive signification occurs Surya passes through the Nakshatra of Anu-radha, ruled by graha Shani and
deity of Mitra, matters signified by the Sun such as kingship, making broad social policy, receiving state
honors etc., are constrained by protocol, public respectability, need to assume a form which is understood by
even the lowest people (Shani).
Surya and Shani are planetary enemies. Ruling deity Mitra, being an aspect of Surya and the very exemplar of
compassionate friendliness, is warm and welcoming, appreciative and affectionate in his own house. This is a
good time therefore for a person with a strong natal Ravi to accept public honors, attend diplomatic functions,
other courtly sorts of behavior, provided they wear the appropriate costume and fully respect the customs of
the people.
In India, people sometimes do really neurotic divinations to find the precisely right moment to execute a
performative statement - e.g., to name a baby or to speak marriage vows -- based on the Moon's Nakshatra
Although it would be nice to have this level of certainty about coordinating flawlessly with Divine purpose,
IMO pure intention of heart is much more influential in guaranteeing a good outcome.
In the west, I find the biggest value of knowing the Moon and lagna Nakshatra is to understand the esoteric
significance of the moment of one's birth.
However awareness of the transits of the bhukti-pat and the Moon is always good consciousness. Obviously
different Ayanamshas will produce different transit tables, so the vexed matter of the ayanamsha must be
addressed before predictions can have value.

For janma Nakshatra = Uttara-Phalguni, ruled by Surya: Sun periods stimulate your psycho-emotional
sensitivities, increasing intuitive leadership powers. Natal position of Ravi contributes to overall attunement
with life, compassion and acceptance, joie de vivre, etc. Chanting the planetary mantra of the lord of the janma
Nakshatra is always beneficial for self-knowledge, even if that lord owns malefic houses. The mantra of the
lord of the janma Nakshatra supports well-being and "return to self".
Separate from muhurta inquiries, Nakshatra lords impact all vargas during their time-lordship periods
E.g., for rising Nakshatra = Mrigashira, ruled by Mangala: Mars gets extra psychic-body power in your chart,
similar to the lagnesha's power to structure the physical body. Natal position of Mars is significant for
estimation of emotional vitality, subtle appearance of the aura, ayurvedic constitution with a view toward
"moods", etc.
Mars periods therefore have psycho-emotionally enlivening and energizing qualities which wake up the active
psychic identity that occupies the interstitial spaces in the physical body. This body emanates through the physical
body which is associated with the lagna+Lagnesha.
Dear Barbara, Namaste!
Many thanks for the vast and wonderful selection that you have made available. It is indeed a treat for beginners
and advanced users alike.
I came across a few reference like 'Navamsha Moon in Azlesa' or 'Navamsha moon in X Nakshatra ' and could
not comprehend what it means. Aren't navamsha divisions limited upto rashi? We are not familiar to this concept.
For example, My Rashi Lagna is Taurus and Navamsha Lagna is Gemini. Moon occupies Azlesa Pada 3 and falls
in Aquarius in Navamsha chart.
There isn't really a further division possible, is it? I asked some fellow students of astrology who had the same
question. Could you please help. Warm Regards ... from Mumbai
A: Namaste, There should be no problem to comprehend that the navamsha Moon will occupy a Nakshatra .
The navamsha chart, similar to any varga chart, is a circle of 360 degrees. According to the ancient lunar
astrology of na-kshetra, the 360 degrees of thezo-diaccan be divided into 27 sub-sections measuring 13 degrees
20 seconds each.
Each 13:20 section is further conventionally divided into four quarters (padaa). Naturally, each point on the
circle of 360 degrees of the navamsha will fall into one of the 27 Nakshatra padaa. Therefore the Moon in
navamsha will occupy a particular Nakshatra padaa. The position of Shukra in dashamsha will also occupy
some Nakshatra padaa. The position of Rahu in Trimshamsha will also occupy some Nakshatra pada. Every
Shastiamsha corresponds to some Nakshatra padaa.
This match between the solar varga system of 12 bhava and the lunar Nakshatra system of 27 field of Chandra
should be quite straightforward.
It may be true that before the computer age, most Jyotishi did not wish to take the time to establish the degree
of navamsha graha out to two decimal places. Perhaps that is why some do not identify the Nakshatra of graha
in the varga charts. But with modern computer software, the calculation of a varga position extended to two
decimal places is indeed effortless.
Wishing you best success in Jyotisha studies,
Q: Namaste Barbara- I was able to create a chart with signs i.e. Navamsa Moon in Pisces, Lagna in
Aquarius...but not sure which Nakshatra s they actually fall in.
On your website you indicate how the Nakshatras gives clues to understanding subconscious drives, partner
needs, etc. If, for example, navamsa moon was in uttara bhadrapada Nakshatra , would I attract someone who's
natal moon falls in Uttara bhadrapada?
Do you find it to be that literal or does it just indicate qualities/behavior? Just curious to understand how it works.
A: Namaste, For calculating the Nakshatra within the navamsha, just take the degree of the placement and see
which Nakshatra it fits into. For example, your navamsha lagna using the BT of 0615 in Newport Beach Ca on
29 Sept 1973 = 20 deg 40 sec of Kumbha (Aquarius), which is the first pada of purvabhadrapada. (Same pada
as Hillary Clinton's radix Moon, actually.)
This sort of calculation must be done to the degree-second for accuracy, so it is much easier with software.
Most village astrologers in India wouldn't think of considering the Nakshatra of a navamsha position, because
it's way too much work to calculate by hand. But with computers, it's just something we can consider.
My experience is that the Nakshatra of Chandra's navamsha refers to a subconscious projection which
requires a partner to act it out.
It's not a literal match as you mentioned in the possible example, where an Uttarabhadrapada Chandra in
navamsha would attract a partner with Uttarabhadrapada Chandra in Radix or some other specific
Uttarabhadrapada match. It's a bit more fuzzy, the way Guna = "mood" = a fuzzy, psycho-poetic concept in
The human mind is a house of mirrors. Everything reflects everything else. Some reflections are
sharp and clear analogies. Others are metaphorical nuanced and logically vague however often emotionally
engaged and spiritually resonant.
Often the matching patterns between world-layers are not obvious to us because that match remains hidden in
the subconscious. Yet often a new awareness of psychic matching as a mechanism of structuring the universe is
ready to emerge into consciousness via the vehicle of the partner's behavior. As always, on inspection, it turns
out that the partner's behavior is a mirror of one's own unacknowledged projections. As a qualitative marker,
the Nakshatra of any navamsha point signals the type of projection.
For other Jyotisha reasons there often IS a correspondence between the Nakshatra of the navamsha Chandra
and partner points such as the partner's radix lagna. Basically, we are all looking for the missing jigsaw puzzle
pieces which help us to reassemble our conscious selves from the fragmentation of countless lifetimes lost in
doubt and despair. Intimate partnerships, even negative ones, each have at least one piece of the puzzle. If they
didn't, there wouldn't be enough psychic attraction of "matching energyto make the coupling happen.
The Nakshatra system of lunar astrology is older than the solar astrology of signs and houses.
Nakshatra vidya goes way way back.
Most of the astrological references in the Rig Veda and Atharva Veda, dating to about 1200 BC, are to
Chandra-Soma and Nakshatra . Of course, in those texts, the only noticeable purpose of tracking Chandra's
movement through the 27 houses of the Moon is to determine whether the king, who is feeding and housing the
astrologers, will win the next elephant battle.
But it's reasonable to assume, given the 26,500 year time cycle, that 1200 BC was the end of a glorious period
which was headed toward several millennia of darkness -- so that what scraps we have left in the old Veda are
the merest vestiges of a much grander old Nakshatra system, and not the baby germs of a modern Nakshatra
That being said, one attractive modern use of Nakshatra position is indeed psychological, particularly the
psychology of projected expectations that manifest through a partner (navamsha) or some other exterior
setting, rather than via direct personal insight. Chandra, the Moon, rules the huge and complex astral plane -
the ocean of emotion. So it does help for comprehension to divide Chandra's vast territory into 27 sections, to
look at each of those sections psycho- emotionally in terms of what a person does spiritually and emotionally
versus what 100 foot soldiers with spears and a couple of decorated elephants would do with the same set of
planetary instructions.
It's a leap from the text we have in the Veda. Yet it's reasonable to speculate that originally, in the golden ages
before the veda-shloka were written down, there was a Nakshatra-based psychological profile inventory and it
was used for reading the complex astral lives of ensouled personalities.
Sorry that's a long answer! The short answer is that I interpret Nakshatra of navamsha to be a descriptive,
qualitative marker not a quantitative measure. There are indeed quantitative markers in Jyotisha e.g., it is
very common to find partner-A's radix Chandra matched with partner-B's navamsha lagna and/or navamsha
nodes. But Nakshatra of navamsha is more fuzzy and descriptive, since it indicates an item stored in the

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