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Important colors for use in color therapy

This is the most basic color of all in healing. It is the color
which you always use first and last. No matter what you
are ailing, start off and finish with an application of green.
It is the safest color of all to use. It is a color which can be
applied all over yourself or it can be concentrated on to
any one part of the body. The green should be taken from
the middle of the color spectrum, neither too blue nor too
yellow. You should have some type of a color lamp which
will spread out the light so that it can be played all over
the front and the back for ten minutes. This green is the
great color of balance, which harmonizes the flow of
prana or universal life force, throughout the psychic
centres. It operates, as do all other colors, firstly on the
aura, the reflection of which reacts upon the physical
To apply you must be relaxed while the green light bathes
the whole front of the body for five minutes and the back
for five minutes. Then you can start using other colors.

Yellow is the color which signifies wisdom. Any mental
deficiency, no matter how it shows itself, will be relieved
by the use of yellow if concentrated on to small areas of
the body. A concentrated beam of yellow light about the
size of a tennis ball applied at the base and at the front of
the neck, has been found very valuable for all cases of
nervous conditions and for all cases where some mental
blockage or other shows itself. The mental blockage may
be brought on by bad circulation which caused the brain
cells to be starved of lymph and blood. It may be caused
by incorrect breathing, which brings about mental
deterioration more quickly than anything else or it may be
the result of a nervous breakdown or severe mental strain.
In the latter case it could no longer be considered a mental
blockage, but rather – mental tiredness.
Yellow is the color which will relieve this type of
condition. The normal time of application is twelve
minutes altogether, therefore if it is applied over the front
and back of the head, and the front and back of the neck
in concentrated form, it should last for three minutes on
each place on the bare skin. Ladies should remove their
make-up before color healing as the pigments are liable to
reflect the color rays which are extremely subtle in nature.

This is a stimulating color which can be given to the spleen, liver, kidneys, heart and indeed to
any organ which helps to promote good circulation. The total time for application is 10 minutes.
Apply a bright orange vibration in concentrated form to the spleen if you are suffering with low
circulatory trouble, but not if you suffer with high blood pressure. All the internal organs such as
liver, kidneys, bowels can be stimulated by this color. The more concentrated it is the more
effective it will be. Your color apparatus should be good enough to concentrate a beam of light
down to about the size of a tennis ball. Such a concentrated beam of orange vibration played for
four minutes on the spleen twice per week will help those with low circulatory trouble. This
color will help to stimulate the heart if concentrated over this place or indeed any other organ
which needs stimulation. Orange is the great vitaliser and if given in conjunction with Spiritual
Healing and other forms of natural treatments it can often supplement them and act as a trigger.

Do not give orange on the forehead of anyone who is highly nervous. If you or your patient
suffers from brain fatigue however, orange can be given on the back of the neck, but not longer
than four minutes.


This is a stimulating color which can be given to the spleen, liver, kidneys, heart and indeed to
any organ which helps to promote good circulation. The total time for application is 10 minutes.
Apply a bright orange vibration in concentrated form to the spleen if you are suffering with low
circulatory trouble, but not if you suffer with high blood pressure. All the internal organs such as
liver, kidneys, bowels can be stimulated by this color. The more concentrated it is the more
effective it will be. Your color apparatus should be good enough to concentrate a beam of light
down to about the size of a tennis ball. Such a concentrated beam of orange vibration played for
four minutes on the spleen twice per week will help those with low circulatory trouble. This
color will help to stimulate the heart if concentrated over this place or indeed any other organ
which needs stimulation. Orange is the great vitaliser and if given in conjunction with Spiritual
Healing and other forms of natural treatments it can often supplement them and act as a trigger.

Do not give orange on the forehead of anyone who is highly nervous. If you or your patient
suffers from brain fatigue however, orange can be given on the back of the neck, but not longer
than four minutes.

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